Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; /** * This is the main builder class. It is given all the data to process the build (such as * {@link DefaultProductFlavor}s, {@link DefaultBuildType} and dependencies) and use them when doing specific * build steps. * * To use: * create a builder with {@link #AndroidBuilder(String, String, ProcessExecutor, JavaProcessExecutor, ErrorReporter, ILogger, boolean)} * * then build steps can be done with * {@link #mergeManifests(File, List, List, String, int, String, String, String, Integer, String, String, ManifestMerger2.MergeType, Map, File)} * {@link #processTestManifest(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, File, List, Map, File, File)} * {@link #processResources(AaptPackageProcessBuilder, boolean, ProcessOutputHandler)} * {@link #compileAllAidlFiles(List, File, File, List, DependencyFileProcessor, ProcessOutputHandler)} * {@link #convertByteCode(Collection, Collection, File, boolean, File, DexOptions, List, File, boolean, boolean, ProcessOutputHandler)} * {@link #packageApk(String, File, Collection, Collection, String, Collection, File, Set, boolean, SigningConfig, PackagingOptions, SignedJarBuilder.IZipEntryFilter, String)} * * Java compilation is not handled but the builder provides the bootclasspath with * {@link #getBootClasspath()}. */ public class AndroidBuilder { private static final FullRevision MIN_BUILD_TOOLS_REV = new FullRevision(19, 1, 0); private static final DependencyFileProcessor sNoOpDependencyFileProcessor = new DependencyFileProcessor() { @Override public DependencyData processFile(@NonNull File dependencyFile) { return null; } }; @NonNull private final String mProjectId; @NonNull private final ILogger mLogger; @NonNull private final ProcessExecutor mProcessExecutor; @NonNull private final JavaProcessExecutor mJavaProcessExecutor; @NonNull private final ErrorReporter mErrorReporter; private final boolean mVerboseExec; @Nullable private String mCreatedBy; private SdkInfo mSdkInfo; private TargetInfo mTargetInfo; private List<File> mBootClasspath; @NonNull private List<LibraryRequest> mLibraryRequests = ImmutableList.of(); /** * Creates an AndroidBuilder. * <p/> * <var>verboseExec</var> is needed on top of the ILogger due to remote exec tools not being * able to output info and verbose messages separately. * * @param createdBy the createdBy String for the apk manifest. * @param logger the Logger * @param verboseExec whether external tools are launched in verbose mode */ public AndroidBuilder(@NonNull String projectId, @Nullable String createdBy, @NonNull ProcessExecutor processExecutor, @NonNull JavaProcessExecutor javaProcessExecutor, @NonNull ErrorReporter errorReporter, @NonNull ILogger logger, boolean verboseExec) { mProjectId = checkNotNull(projectId); mCreatedBy = createdBy; mProcessExecutor = checkNotNull(processExecutor); mJavaProcessExecutor = checkNotNull(javaProcessExecutor); mErrorReporter = checkNotNull(errorReporter); mLogger = checkNotNull(logger); mVerboseExec = verboseExec; } /** * Sets the SdkInfo and the targetInfo on the builder. This is required to actually * build (some of the steps). * * @param sdkInfo the SdkInfo * @param targetInfo the TargetInfo * * @see */ public void setTargetInfo(@NonNull SdkInfo sdkInfo, @NonNull TargetInfo targetInfo, @NonNull Collection<LibraryRequest> libraryRequests) { mSdkInfo = sdkInfo; mTargetInfo = targetInfo; if (mTargetInfo.getBuildTools().getRevision().compareTo(MIN_BUILD_TOOLS_REV) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "The SDK Build Tools revision (%1$s) is too low for project '%2$s'. Minimum required is %3$s", mTargetInfo.getBuildTools().getRevision(), mProjectId, MIN_BUILD_TOOLS_REV)); } mLibraryRequests = ImmutableList.copyOf(libraryRequests); } /** * Returns the SdkInfo, if set. */ @Nullable public SdkInfo getSdkInfo() { return mSdkInfo; } /** * Returns the TargetInfo, if set. */ @Nullable public TargetInfo getTargetInfo() { return mTargetInfo; } @NonNull public ILogger getLogger() { return mLogger; } @NonNull public ErrorReporter getErrorReporter() { return mErrorReporter; } /** * Returns the compilation target, if set. */ @Nullable public IAndroidTarget getTarget() { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call getTarget() before setTargetInfo() is called."); return mTargetInfo.getTarget(); } /** * Returns whether the compilation target is a preview. */ public boolean isPreviewTarget() { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call isTargetAPreview() before setTargetInfo() is called."); return mTargetInfo.getTarget().getVersion().isPreview(); } public String getTargetCodename() { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call getTargetCodename() before setTargetInfo() is called."); return mTargetInfo.getTarget().getVersion().getCodename(); } @NonNull public File getDxJar() { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call getDxJar() before setTargetInfo() is called."); return new File(mTargetInfo.getBuildTools().getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.DX_JAR)); } /** * Helper method to get the boot classpath to be used during compilation. */ @NonNull public List<File> getBootClasspath() { if (mBootClasspath == null) { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call getBootClasspath() before setTargetInfo() is called."); List<File> classpath = Lists.newArrayList(); IAndroidTarget target = mTargetInfo.getTarget(); for (String p : target.getBootClasspath()) { classpath.add(new File(p)); } List<LibraryRequest> requestedLibs = Lists.newArrayList(mLibraryRequests); // add additional libraries if any List<OptionalLibrary> libs = target.getAdditionalLibraries(); for (OptionalLibrary lib : libs) { // add it always for now classpath.add(lib.getJar()); // remove from list of requested if match LibraryRequest requestedLib = findMatchingLib(lib.getName(), requestedLibs); if (requestedLib != null) { requestedLibs.remove(requestedLib); } } // add optional libraries if needed. List<OptionalLibrary> optionalLibraries = target.getOptionalLibraries(); for (OptionalLibrary lib : optionalLibraries) { // search if requested LibraryRequest requestedLib = findMatchingLib(lib.getName(), requestedLibs); if (requestedLib != null) { // add to classpath classpath.add(lib.getJar()); // remove from requested list. requestedLibs.remove(requestedLib); } } // look for not found requested libraries. for (LibraryRequest library : requestedLibs) { mErrorReporter.handleSyncError(library.getName(), SyncIssue.TYPE_OPTIONAL_LIB_NOT_FOUND, "Unable to find optional library: " + library.getName()); } // add annotations.jar if needed. if (target.getVersion().getApiLevel() <= 15) { classpath.add(mSdkInfo.getAnnotationsJar()); } mBootClasspath = ImmutableList.copyOf(classpath); } return mBootClasspath; } @Nullable private static LibraryRequest findMatchingLib(@NonNull String name, @NonNull List<LibraryRequest> libraries) { for (LibraryRequest library : libraries) { if (name.equals(library.getName())) { return library; } } return null; } /** * Helper method to get the boot classpath to be used during compilation. */ @NonNull public List<String> getBootClasspathAsStrings() { List<File> classpath = getBootClasspath(); // convert to Strings. List<String> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(classpath.size()); for (File f : classpath) { results.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); } return results; } /** * Returns the jar file for the renderscript mode. * * This may return null if the SDK has not been loaded yet. * * @return the jar file, or null. * * @see #setTargetInfo(SdkInfo, TargetInfo, Collection) */ @Nullable public File getRenderScriptSupportJar() { if (mTargetInfo != null) { return RenderScriptProcessor.getSupportJar(mTargetInfo.getBuildTools().getLocation().getAbsolutePath()); } return null; } /** * Returns the compile classpath for this config. If the config tests a library, this * will include the classpath of the tested config. * * If the SDK was loaded, this may include the renderscript support jar. * * @return a non null, but possibly empty set. */ @NonNull public Set<File> getCompileClasspath(@NonNull VariantConfiguration<?, ?, ?> variantConfiguration) { Set<File> compileClasspath = variantConfiguration.getCompileClasspath(); if (variantConfiguration.getRenderscriptSupportModeEnabled()) { File renderScriptSupportJar = getRenderScriptSupportJar(); Set<File> fullJars = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(compileClasspath.size() + 1); fullJars.addAll(compileClasspath); if (renderScriptSupportJar != null) { fullJars.add(renderScriptSupportJar); } compileClasspath = fullJars; } return compileClasspath; } /** * Returns the list of packaged jars for this config. If the config tests a library, this * will include the jars of the tested config * * If the SDK was loaded, this may include the renderscript support jar. * * @return a non null, but possibly empty list. */ @NonNull public Set<File> getPackagedJars(@NonNull VariantConfiguration<?, ?, ?> variantConfiguration) { Set<File> packagedJars = Sets.newHashSet(variantConfiguration.getPackagedJars()); if (variantConfiguration.getRenderscriptSupportModeEnabled()) { File renderScriptSupportJar = getRenderScriptSupportJar(); if (renderScriptSupportJar != null) { packagedJars.add(renderScriptSupportJar); } } return packagedJars; } /** * Returns the native lib folder for the renderscript mode. * * This may return null if the SDK has not been loaded yet. * * @return the folder, or null. * * @see #setTargetInfo(SdkInfo, TargetInfo, Collection) */ @Nullable public File getSupportNativeLibFolder() { if (mTargetInfo != null) { return RenderScriptProcessor .getSupportNativeLibFolder(mTargetInfo.getBuildTools().getLocation().getAbsolutePath()); } return null; } /** * Returns an {@link PngCruncher} using aapt underneath * @return an PngCruncher object */ @NonNull public PngCruncher getAaptCruncher(ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call getAaptCruncher() before setTargetInfo() is called."); return new AaptCruncher(mTargetInfo.getBuildTools().getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.AAPT), mProcessExecutor, processOutputHandler); } @NonNull public ProcessExecutor getProcessExecutor() { return mProcessExecutor; } @NonNull public ProcessResult executeProcess(@NonNull ProcessInfo processInfo, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler handler) { return mProcessExecutor.execute(processInfo, handler); } @NonNull public static ClassField createClassField(@NonNull String type, @NonNull String name, @NonNull String value) { return new ClassFieldImpl(type, name, value); } /** * Invoke the Manifest Merger version 2. */ public void mergeManifests(@NonNull File mainManifest, @NonNull List<File> manifestOverlays, @NonNull List<? extends ManifestDependency> libraries, String packageOverride, int versionCode, String versionName, @Nullable String minSdkVersion, @Nullable String targetSdkVersion, @Nullable Integer maxSdkVersion, @NonNull String outManifestLocation, @Nullable String outAaptSafeManifestLocation, ManifestMerger2.MergeType mergeType, Map<String, String> placeHolders, @Nullable File reportFile) { try { Invoker manifestMergerInvoker = ManifestMerger2.newMerger(mainManifest, mLogger, mergeType) .setPlaceHolderValues(placeHolders) .addFlavorAndBuildTypeManifests(manifestOverlays.toArray(new File[manifestOverlays.size()])) .addLibraryManifests(collectLibraries(libraries)).setMergeReportFile(reportFile); if (mergeType == ManifestMerger2.MergeType.APPLICATION) { manifestMergerInvoker.withFeatures(Invoker.Feature.REMOVE_TOOLS_DECLARATIONS); } setInjectableValues(manifestMergerInvoker, packageOverride, versionCode, versionName, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); MergingReport mergingReport = manifestMergerInvoker.merge();"Merging result:" + mergingReport.getResult()); switch (mergingReport.getResult()) { case WARNING: mergingReport.log(mLogger); // fall through since these are just warnings. case SUCCESS: XmlDocument xmlDocument = mergingReport.getMergedDocument().get(); try { String annotatedDocument = mergingReport.getActions().blame(xmlDocument); mLogger.verbose(annotatedDocument); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error(e, "cannot print resulting xml"); } save(xmlDocument, new File(outManifestLocation)); if (outAaptSafeManifestLocation != null) { new PlaceholderEncoder().visit(xmlDocument); save(xmlDocument, new File(outAaptSafeManifestLocation)); }"Merged manifest saved to " + outManifestLocation); break; case ERROR: mergingReport.log(mLogger); throw new RuntimeException(mergingReport.getReportString()); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled result type : " + mergingReport.getResult()); } } catch (ManifestMerger2.MergeFailureException e) { // TODO: unacceptable. throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Sets the {@link} that can be injected * in the manifest file. */ private static void setInjectableValues(ManifestMerger2.Invoker<?> invoker, String packageOverride, int versionCode, String versionName, @Nullable String minSdkVersion, @Nullable String targetSdkVersion, @Nullable Integer maxSdkVersion) { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(packageOverride)) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.PACKAGE, packageOverride); } if (versionCode > 0) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.VERSION_CODE, String.valueOf(versionCode)); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(versionName)) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.VERSION_NAME, versionName); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(minSdkVersion)) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.MIN_SDK_VERSION, minSdkVersion); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(targetSdkVersion)) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.TARGET_SDK_VERSION, targetSdkVersion); } if (maxSdkVersion != null) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.MAX_SDK_VERSION, maxSdkVersion.toString()); } } /** * Saves the {@link} to a file in UTF-8 encoding. * @param xmlDocument xml document to save. * @param out file to save to. */ private void save(XmlDocument xmlDocument, File out) { try { Files.write(xmlDocument.prettyPrint(), out, Charsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Collect the list of libraries' manifest files. * @param libraries declared dependencies * @return a list of files and names for the libraries' manifest files. */ private static ImmutableList<Pair<String, File>> collectLibraries( List<? extends ManifestDependency> libraries) { ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<String, File>> manifestFiles = ImmutableList.builder(); if (libraries != null) { collectLibraries(libraries, manifestFiles); } return; } /** * recursively calculate the list of libraries to merge the manifests files from. * @param libraries the dependencies * @param manifestFiles list of files and names identifiers for the libraries' manifest files. */ private static void collectLibraries(List<? extends ManifestDependency> libraries, ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<String, File>> manifestFiles) { for (ManifestDependency library : libraries) { manifestFiles.add(Pair.of(library.getName(), library.getManifest())); List<? extends ManifestDependency> manifestDependencies = library.getManifestDependencies(); if (!manifestDependencies.isEmpty()) { collectLibraries(manifestDependencies, manifestFiles); } } } /** * Creates the manifest for a test variant * * @param testApplicationId the application id of the test application * @param minSdkVersion the minSdkVersion of the test application * @param targetSdkVersion the targetSdkVersion of the test application * @param testedApplicationId the application id of the tested application * @param instrumentationRunner the name of the instrumentation runner * @param handleProfiling whether or not the Instrumentation object will turn profiling on and off * @param functionalTest whether or not the Instrumentation class should run as a functional test * @param testManifestFile optionally user provided AndroidManifest.xml for testing application * @param libraries the library dependency graph * @param outManifest the output location for the merged manifest * * @see VariantConfiguration#getApplicationId() * @see VariantConfiguration#getTestedConfig() * @see VariantConfiguration#getMinSdkVersion() * @see VariantConfiguration#getTestedApplicationId() * @see VariantConfiguration#getInstrumentationRunner() * @see VariantConfiguration#getHandleProfiling() * @see VariantConfiguration#getFunctionalTest() * @see VariantConfiguration#getDirectLibraries() */ public void processTestManifest(@NonNull String testApplicationId, @Nullable String minSdkVersion, @Nullable String targetSdkVersion, @NonNull String testedApplicationId, @NonNull String instrumentationRunner, @NonNull Boolean handleProfiling, @NonNull Boolean functionalTest, @Nullable File testManifestFile, @NonNull List<? extends ManifestDependency> libraries, @NonNull Map<String, Object> manifestPlaceholders, @NonNull File outManifest, @NonNull File tmpDir) { checkNotNull(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId cannot be null."); checkNotNull(testedApplicationId, "testedApplicationId cannot be null."); checkNotNull(instrumentationRunner, "instrumentationRunner cannot be null."); checkNotNull(handleProfiling, "handleProfiling cannot be null."); checkNotNull(functionalTest, "functionalTest cannot be null."); checkNotNull(libraries, "libraries cannot be null."); checkNotNull(outManifest, "outManifestLocation cannot be null."); try { tmpDir.mkdirs(); File generatedTestManifest = libraries.isEmpty() && testManifestFile == null ? outManifest : File.createTempFile("manifestMerger", ".xml", tmpDir); mLogger.verbose("Generating in %1$s", generatedTestManifest.getAbsolutePath()); generateTestManifest(testApplicationId, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion.equals("-1") ? null : targetSdkVersion, testedApplicationId, instrumentationRunner, handleProfiling, functionalTest, generatedTestManifest); if (testManifestFile != null) { File mergedTestManifest = File.createTempFile("manifestMerger", ".xml", tmpDir); mLogger.verbose("Merging user supplied manifest in %1$s", generatedTestManifest.getAbsolutePath()); Invoker invoker = ManifestMerger2 .newMerger(testManifestFile, mLogger, ManifestMerger2.MergeType.APPLICATION) .setOverride(SystemProperty.PACKAGE, testApplicationId) .setPlaceHolderValues(manifestPlaceholders) .setPlaceHolderValue(PlaceholderHandler.INSTRUMENTATION_RUNNER, instrumentationRunner) .addLibraryManifests(generatedTestManifest); if (minSdkVersion != null) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.MIN_SDK_VERSION, minSdkVersion); } if (!targetSdkVersion.equals("-1")) { invoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.TARGET_SDK_VERSION, targetSdkVersion); } MergingReport mergingReport = invoker.merge(); if (libraries.isEmpty()) { handleMergingResult(mergingReport, outManifest); } else { handleMergingResult(mergingReport, mergedTestManifest); generatedTestManifest = mergedTestManifest; } } if (!libraries.isEmpty()) { MergingReport mergingReport = ManifestMerger2 .newMerger(generatedTestManifest, mLogger, ManifestMerger2.MergeType.APPLICATION) .withFeatures(Invoker.Feature.REMOVE_TOOLS_DECLARATIONS) .setOverride(SystemProperty.PACKAGE, testApplicationId) .addLibraryManifests(collectLibraries(libraries)).setPlaceHolderValues(manifestPlaceholders) .merge(); handleMergingResult(mergingReport, outManifest); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void handleMergingResult(@NonNull MergingReport mergingReport, @NonNull File outFile) { switch (mergingReport.getResult()) { case WARNING: mergingReport.log(mLogger); // fall through since these are just warnings. case SUCCESS: XmlDocument xmlDocument = mergingReport.getMergedDocument().get(); try { String annotatedDocument = mergingReport.getActions().blame(xmlDocument); mLogger.verbose(annotatedDocument); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error(e, "cannot print resulting xml"); } save(xmlDocument, outFile);"Merged manifest saved to " + outFile); break; case ERROR: mergingReport.log(mLogger); throw new RuntimeException(mergingReport.getReportString()); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled result type : " + mergingReport.getResult()); } } private static void generateTestManifest(@NonNull String testApplicationId, @Nullable String minSdkVersion, @Nullable String targetSdkVersion, @NonNull String testedApplicationId, @NonNull String instrumentationRunner, @NonNull Boolean handleProfiling, @NonNull Boolean functionalTest, @NonNull File outManifestLocation) { TestManifestGenerator generator = new TestManifestGenerator(outManifestLocation, testApplicationId, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, testedApplicationId, instrumentationRunner, handleProfiling, functionalTest); try { generator.generate(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Process the resources and generate and/or the packaged resources. * * @param aaptCommand aapt command invocation parameters. * @param enforceUniquePackageName if true method will fail if some libraries share the same * package name * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ProcessException */ public void processResources(@NonNull AaptPackageProcessBuilder aaptCommand, boolean enforceUniquePackageName, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ProcessException { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call processResources() before setTargetInfo() is called."); // launch aapt: create the command line ProcessInfo processInfo =, mTargetInfo.getTarget(), mLogger); ProcessResult result = mProcessExecutor.execute(processInfo, processOutputHandler); result.rethrowFailure().assertNormalExitValue(); // now if the project has libraries, R needs to be created for each libraries, // but only if the current project is not a library. if (aaptCommand.getSourceOutputDir() != null && aaptCommand.getType() != VariantType.LIBRARY && !aaptCommand.getLibraries().isEmpty()) { SymbolLoader fullSymbolValues = null; // First pass processing the libraries, collecting them by packageName, // and ignoring the ones that have the same package name as the application // (since that R class was already created). String appPackageName = aaptCommand.getPackageForR(); if (appPackageName == null) { appPackageName = VariantConfiguration.getManifestPackage(aaptCommand.getManifestFile()); } // list of all the symbol loaders per package names. Multimap<String, SymbolLoader> libMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (SymbolFileProvider lib : aaptCommand.getLibraries()) { if (lib.isOptional()) { continue; } String packageName = VariantConfiguration.getManifestPackage(lib.getManifest()); if (appPackageName == null) { continue; } if (appPackageName.equals(packageName)) { if (enforceUniquePackageName) { String msg = String.format("Error: A library uses the same package as this project: %s", packageName); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } // ignore libraries that have the same package name as the app continue; } File rFile = lib.getSymbolFile(); // if the library has no resource, this file won't exist. if (rFile.isFile()) { // load the full values if that's not already been done. // Doing it lazily allow us to support the case where there's no // resources anywhere. if (fullSymbolValues == null) { fullSymbolValues = new SymbolLoader(new File(aaptCommand.getSymbolOutputDir(), "R.txt"), mLogger); fullSymbolValues.load(); } SymbolLoader libSymbols = new SymbolLoader(rFile, mLogger); libSymbols.load(); // store these symbols by associating them with the package name. libMap.put(packageName, libSymbols); } } // now loop on all the package name, merge all the symbols to write, and write them for (String packageName : libMap.keySet()) { Collection<SymbolLoader> symbols = libMap.get(packageName); if (enforceUniquePackageName && symbols.size() > 1) { String msg = String.format("Error: more than one library with package name '%s'\n" + "You can temporarily disable this error with android.enforceUniquePackageName=false\n" + "However, this is temporary and will be enforced in 1.0", packageName); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } SymbolWriter writer = new SymbolWriter(aaptCommand.getSourceOutputDir(), packageName, fullSymbolValues); for (SymbolLoader symbolLoader : symbols) { writer.addSymbolsToWrite(symbolLoader); } writer.write(); } } } public void generateApkData(@NonNull File apkFile, @NonNull File outResFolder, @NonNull String mainPkgName, @NonNull String resName) throws ProcessException, IOException { // need to run aapt to get apk information BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); String aapt = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.AAPT); if (aapt == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to get aapt location from Build Tools " + buildToolInfo.getRevision()); } ApkInfoParser parser = new ApkInfoParser(new File(aapt), mProcessExecutor); ApkInfoParser.ApkInfo apkInfo = parser.parseApk(apkFile); if (!apkInfo.getPackageName().equals(mainPkgName)) { throw new RuntimeException("The main and the micro apps do not have the same package name."); } String content = String.format( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<wearableApp package=\"%1$s\">\n" + " <versionCode>%2$s</versionCode>\n" + " <versionName>%3$s</versionName>\n" + " <rawPathResId>%4$s</rawPathResId>\n" + "</wearableApp>", apkInfo.getPackageName(), apkInfo.getVersionCode(), apkInfo.getVersionName(), resName); // xml folder File resXmlFile = new File(outResFolder, FD_RES_XML); resXmlFile.mkdirs(); Files.write(content, new File(resXmlFile, ANDROID_WEAR_MICRO_APK + DOT_XML), Charsets.UTF_8); } public static void generateApkDataEntryInManifest(int minSdkVersion, int targetSdkVersion, @NonNull File manifestFile) throws InterruptedException, LoggedErrorException, IOException { StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n") .append("<manifest package=\"\" xmlns:android=\"\">\n") .append(" <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=\"").append(minSdkVersion).append("\""); if (targetSdkVersion != -1) { content.append(" android:targetSdkVersion=\"").append(targetSdkVersion).append("\""); } content.append("/>\n"); content.append(" <application>\n").append(" <meta-data android:name=\"" + ANDROID_WEAR + "\"\n") .append(" android:resource=\"@xml/" + ANDROID_WEAR_MICRO_APK).append("\" />\n") .append(" </application>\n").append("</manifest>\n"); Files.write(content, manifestFile, Charsets.UTF_8); } /** * Compiles all the aidl files found in the given source folders. * * @param sourceFolders all the source folders to find files to compile * @param sourceOutputDir the output dir in which to generate the source code * @param importFolders import folders * @param dependencyFileProcessor the dependencyFileProcessor to record the dependencies * of the compilation. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws LoggedErrorException */ public void compileAllAidlFiles(@NonNull List<File> sourceFolders, @NonNull File sourceOutputDir, @Nullable File parcelableOutputDir, @NonNull List<File> importFolders, @Nullable DependencyFileProcessor dependencyFileProcessor, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, LoggedErrorException, ProcessException { checkNotNull(sourceFolders, "sourceFolders cannot be null."); checkNotNull(sourceOutputDir, "sourceOutputDir cannot be null."); checkNotNull(importFolders, "importFolders cannot be null."); checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call compileAllAidlFiles() before setTargetInfo() is called."); IAndroidTarget target = mTargetInfo.getTarget(); BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); String aidl = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.AIDL); if (aidl == null || !new File(aidl).isFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("aidl is missing"); } List<File> fullImportList = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(sourceFolders.size() + importFolders.size()); fullImportList.addAll(sourceFolders); fullImportList.addAll(importFolders); AidlProcessor processor = new AidlProcessor(aidl, target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.ANDROID_AIDL), fullImportList, sourceOutputDir, parcelableOutputDir, dependencyFileProcessor != null ? dependencyFileProcessor : sNoOpDependencyFileProcessor, mProcessExecutor, processOutputHandler); SourceSearcher searcher = new SourceSearcher(sourceFolders, "aidl"); searcher.setUseExecutor(true);; } /** * Compiles the given aidl file. * * @param aidlFile the AIDL file to compile * @param sourceOutputDir the output dir in which to generate the source code * @param importFolders all the import folders, including the source folders. * @param dependencyFileProcessor the dependencyFileProcessor to record the dependencies * of the compilation. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws LoggedErrorException */ public void compileAidlFile(@NonNull File sourceFolder, @NonNull File aidlFile, @NonNull File sourceOutputDir, @Nullable File parcelableOutputDir, @NonNull List<File> importFolders, @Nullable DependencyFileProcessor dependencyFileProcessor, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, LoggedErrorException, ProcessException { checkNotNull(aidlFile, "aidlFile cannot be null."); checkNotNull(sourceOutputDir, "sourceOutputDir cannot be null."); checkNotNull(importFolders, "importFolders cannot be null."); checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call compileAidlFile() before setTargetInfo() is called."); IAndroidTarget target = mTargetInfo.getTarget(); BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); String aidl = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.AIDL); if (aidl == null || !new File(aidl).isFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("aidl is missing"); } AidlProcessor processor = new AidlProcessor(aidl, target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.ANDROID_AIDL), importFolders, sourceOutputDir, parcelableOutputDir, dependencyFileProcessor != null ? dependencyFileProcessor : sNoOpDependencyFileProcessor, mProcessExecutor, processOutputHandler); processor.processFile(sourceFolder, aidlFile); } /** * Compiles all the renderscript files found in the given source folders. * * Right now this is the only way to compile them as the renderscript compiler requires all * renderscript files to be passed for all compilation. * * Therefore whenever a renderscript file or header changes, all must be recompiled. * * @param sourceFolders all the source folders to find files to compile * @param importFolders all the import folders. * @param sourceOutputDir the output dir in which to generate the source code * @param resOutputDir the output dir in which to generate the bitcode file * @param targetApi the target api * @param debugBuild whether the build is debug * @param optimLevel the optimization level * @param ndkMode * @param supportMode support mode flag to generate .so files. * @param abiFilters ABI filters in case of support mode * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws LoggedErrorException */ public void compileAllRenderscriptFiles(@NonNull List<File> sourceFolders, @NonNull List<File> importFolders, @NonNull File sourceOutputDir, @NonNull File resOutputDir, @NonNull File objOutputDir, @NonNull File libOutputDir, int targetApi, boolean debugBuild, int optimLevel, boolean ndkMode, boolean supportMode, @Nullable Set<String> abiFilters, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws InterruptedException, ProcessException, LoggedErrorException, IOException { checkNotNull(sourceFolders, "sourceFolders cannot be null."); checkNotNull(importFolders, "importFolders cannot be null."); checkNotNull(sourceOutputDir, "sourceOutputDir cannot be null."); checkNotNull(resOutputDir, "resOutputDir cannot be null."); checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call compileAllRenderscriptFiles() before setTargetInfo() is called."); BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); String renderscript = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.LLVM_RS_CC); if (renderscript == null || !new File(renderscript).isFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("llvm-rs-cc is missing"); } RenderScriptProcessor processor = new RenderScriptProcessor(sourceFolders, importFolders, sourceOutputDir, resOutputDir, objOutputDir, libOutputDir, buildToolInfo, targetApi, debugBuild, optimLevel, ndkMode, supportMode, abiFilters);, processOutputHandler); } /** * Computes and returns the leaf folders based on a given file extension. * * This looks through all the given root import folders, and recursively search for leaf * folders containing files matching the given extensions. All the leaf folders are gathered * and returned in the list. * * @param extension the extension to search for. * @param importFolders an array of list of root folders. * @return a list of leaf folder, never null. */ @NonNull public List<File> getLeafFolders(@NonNull String extension, List<File>... importFolders) { List<File> results = Lists.newArrayList(); if (importFolders != null) { for (List<File> folders : importFolders) { SourceSearcher searcher = new SourceSearcher(folders, extension); searcher.setUseExecutor(false); LeafFolderGatherer processor = new LeafFolderGatherer(); try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // wont happen as we're not using the executor, and our processor // doesn't throw those. } catch (IOException e) { // wont happen as we're not using the executor, and our processor // doesn't throw those. } catch (LoggedErrorException e) { // wont happen as we're not using the executor, and our processor // doesn't throw those. } catch (ProcessException e) { // wont happen as we're not using the executor, and our processor // doesn't throw those. } results.addAll(processor.getFolders()); } } return results; } /** * Converts the bytecode to Dalvik format * @param inputs the input files * @param preDexedLibraries the list of pre-dexed libraries * @param outDexFolder the location of the output folder * @param dexOptions dex options * @param additionalParameters list of additional parameters to give to dx * @param incremental true if it should attempt incremental dex if applicable * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ProcessException */ public void convertByteCode(@NonNull Collection<File> inputs, @NonNull Collection<File> preDexedLibraries, @NonNull File outDexFolder, boolean multidex, @Nullable File mainDexList, @NonNull DexOptions dexOptions, @Nullable List<String> additionalParameters, @NonNull File tmpFolder, boolean incremental, boolean optimize, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ProcessException { checkNotNull(inputs, "inputs cannot be null."); checkNotNull(preDexedLibraries, "preDexedLibraries cannot be null."); checkNotNull(outDexFolder, "outDexFolder cannot be null."); checkNotNull(dexOptions, "dexOptions cannot be null."); checkNotNull(tmpFolder, "tmpFolder cannot be null"); checkArgument(outDexFolder.isDirectory(), "outDexFolder must be a folder"); checkArgument(tmpFolder.isDirectory(), "tmpFolder must be a folder"); checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call convertByteCode() before setTargetInfo() is called."); ImmutableList.Builder<File> verifiedInputs = ImmutableList.builder(); for (File input : inputs) { if (checkLibraryClassesJar(input)) { verifiedInputs.add(input); } } BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); DexProcessBuilder builder = new DexProcessBuilder(outDexFolder); builder.setVerbose(mVerboseExec).setIncremental(incremental).setNoOptimize(!optimize).setMultiDex(multidex) .setMainDexList(mainDexList).addInputs(preDexedLibraries).addInputs(; if (additionalParameters != null) { builder.additionalParameters(additionalParameters); } JavaProcessInfo javaProcessInfo =, dexOptions); ProcessResult result = mJavaProcessExecutor.execute(javaProcessInfo, processOutputHandler); result.rethrowFailure().assertNormalExitValue(); } public Set<String> createMainDexList(@NonNull File allClassesJarFile, @NonNull File jarOfRoots) throws ProcessException { BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); ProcessInfoBuilder builder = new ProcessInfoBuilder(); String dx = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.DX_JAR); if (dx == null || !new File(dx).isFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("dx.jar is missing"); } builder.setClasspath(dx); builder.setMain(""); builder.addArgs(jarOfRoots.getAbsolutePath()); builder.addArgs(allClassesJarFile.getAbsolutePath()); CachedProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler = new CachedProcessOutputHandler(); mJavaProcessExecutor.execute(builder.createJavaProcess(), processOutputHandler).rethrowFailure() .assertNormalExitValue(); String content = processOutputHandler.getProcessOutput().getStandardOutputAsString(); return Sets.newHashSet(Splitter.on('\n').split(content)); } /** * Converts the bytecode to Dalvik format * @param inputFile the input file * @param outFile the output file or folder if multi-dex is enabled. * @param multiDex whether multidex is enabled. * @param dexOptions dex options * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ProcessException */ public void preDexLibrary(@NonNull File inputFile, @NonNull File outFile, boolean multiDex, @NonNull DexOptions dexOptions, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ProcessException { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call preDexLibrary() before setTargetInfo() is called."); BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); PreDexCache.getCache().preDexLibrary(inputFile, outFile, multiDex, dexOptions, buildToolInfo, mVerboseExec, mJavaProcessExecutor, processOutputHandler); } /** * Converts the bytecode to Dalvik format * * @param inputFile the input file * @param outFile the output file or folder if multi-dex is enabled. * @param multiDex whether multidex is enabled. * @param dexOptions the dex options * @param buildToolInfo the build tools info * @param verbose verbose flag * @param processExecutor the java process executor * @return the list of generated files. * @throws ProcessException */ @NonNull public static ImmutableList<File> preDexLibrary(@NonNull File inputFile, @NonNull File outFile, boolean multiDex, @NonNull DexOptions dexOptions, @NonNull BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo, boolean verbose, @NonNull JavaProcessExecutor processExecutor, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws ProcessException { checkNotNull(inputFile, "inputFile cannot be null."); checkNotNull(outFile, "outFile cannot be null."); checkNotNull(dexOptions, "dexOptions cannot be null."); try { if (!checkLibraryClassesJar(inputFile)) { return ImmutableList.of(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception while checking library jar", e); } DexProcessBuilder builder = new DexProcessBuilder(outFile); builder.setVerbose(verbose).setMultiDex(multiDex).addInput(inputFile); JavaProcessInfo javaProcessInfo =, dexOptions); ProcessResult result = processExecutor.execute(javaProcessInfo, processOutputHandler); result.rethrowFailure().assertNormalExitValue(); if (multiDex) { File[] files = outFile.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file, String name) { return name.endsWith(DOT_DEX); } }); if (files == null || files.length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No dex files created at " + outFile.getAbsolutePath()); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(files); } else { return ImmutableList.of(outFile); } } /** * Returns true if the library (jar or folder) contains class files, false otherwise. */ private static boolean checkLibraryClassesJar(@NonNull File input) throws IOException { if (!input.exists()) { return false; } if (input.isDirectory()) { return checkFolder(input); } ZipFile zipFile = null; try { zipFile = new ZipFile(input); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { if (entries.nextElement().getName().endsWith(".class")) { return true; } } return false; } finally { if (zipFile != null) { zipFile.close(); } } } /** * Returns true if this folder or one of its subfolder contains a class file, false otherwise. */ private static boolean checkFolder(@NonNull File folder) { File[] subFolders = folder.listFiles(); if (subFolders != null) { for (File childFolder : subFolders) { if (childFolder.isFile() && childFolder.getName().endsWith(".class")) { return true; } if (childFolder.isDirectory()) { // if childFolder returns false, continue search otherwise return success. if (checkFolder(childFolder)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Converts java source code into android byte codes using the jack integration APIs. * Jack will run in memory. */ public boolean convertByteCodeUsingJackApis(@NonNull File dexOutputFolder, @NonNull File jackOutputFile, @NonNull Collection<File> classpath, @NonNull Collection<File> packagedLibraries, @NonNull Collection<File> sourceFiles, @Nullable Collection<File> proguardFiles, @Nullable File mappingFile, @NonNull Collection<File> jarJarRulesFiles, @Nullable File incrementalDir, @Nullable File javaResourcesFolder, boolean multiDex, int minSdkVersion) { BuildToolServiceLoader buildToolServiceLoader = BuildToolsServiceLoader.INSTANCE .forVersion(mTargetInfo.getBuildTools()); Api01CompilationTask compilationTask = null; ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { Optional<JackProvider> jackProvider = buildToolServiceLoader.getSingleService(getLogger(), BuildToolsServiceLoader.JACK); if (jackProvider.isPresent()) { Api01Config config; // Get configuration object try { config = jackProvider.get().createConfig(Api01Config.class); config.setClasspath(new ArrayList<File>(classpath)); config.setOutputDexDir(dexOutputFolder); config.setOutputJackFile(jackOutputFile); config.setImportedJackLibraryFiles(new ArrayList<File>(packagedLibraries)); if (proguardFiles != null) { config.setProguardConfigFiles(new ArrayList<File>(proguardFiles)); } if (!jarJarRulesFiles.isEmpty()) { config.setJarJarConfigFiles(ImmutableList.copyOf(jarJarRulesFiles)); } if (multiDex) { if (minSdkVersion < BuildToolInfo.SDK_LEVEL_FOR_MULTIDEX_NATIVE_SUPPORT) { config.setMultiDexKind(MultiDexKind.LEGACY); } else { config.setMultiDexKind(MultiDexKind.NATIVE); } } config.setSourceEntries(new ArrayList<File>(sourceFiles)); if (mappingFile != null) { config.setProperty("jack.obfuscation.mapping.dump", "true"); config.setObfuscationMappingOutputFile(mappingFile); } config.setProperty("jack.import.resource.policy", "keep-first"); config.setReporter(ReporterKind.DEFAULT, outputStream); // set the incremental dir if set and either already exists or can be created. if (incrementalDir != null) { if (!incrementalDir.exists() && !incrementalDir.mkdirs()) { mLogger.warning("Cannot create %1$s directory, " + "jack incremental support disabled", incrementalDir); } if (incrementalDir.exists()) { config.setIncrementalDir(incrementalDir); } } if (javaResourcesFolder != null) { ArrayList<File> folders = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(3); folders.add(javaResourcesFolder); config.setResourceDirs(folders); } compilationTask = config.getTask(); } catch (ConfigNotSupportedException e1) { mLogger.warning("Jack APIs v01 not supported"); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { mLogger.error(e, "Jack APIs v01 configuration failed, reverting to native process"); } } if (compilationTask == null) { return false; } // Run the compilation try {;; return true; } catch (CompilationException e) { mLogger.error(e, outputStream.toString()); } catch (UnrecoverableException e) { mLogger.error(e, "Something out of Jack control has happened: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { mLogger.error(e, outputStream.toString()); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { getLogger().warning("Cannot load Jack APIs v01 " + e.getMessage()); getLogger().warning("Reverting to native process invocation"); } return false; } public void convertByteCodeWithJack(@NonNull File dexOutputFolder, @NonNull File jackOutputFile, @NonNull String classpath, @NonNull Collection<File> packagedLibraries, @NonNull File ecjOptionFile, @Nullable Collection<File> proguardFiles, @Nullable File mappingFile, @NonNull Collection<File> jarJarRuleFiles, boolean multiDex, int minSdkVersion, boolean debugLog, String javaMaxHeapSize, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws ProcessException { JackProcessBuilder builder = new JackProcessBuilder(); builder.setDebugLog(debugLog).setVerbose(mVerboseExec).setJavaMaxHeapSize(javaMaxHeapSize) .setClasspath(classpath).setDexOutputFolder(dexOutputFolder).setJackOutputFile(jackOutputFile) .addImportFiles(packagedLibraries).setEcjOptionFile(ecjOptionFile); if (proguardFiles != null) { builder.addProguardFiles(proguardFiles).setMappingFile(mappingFile); } if (multiDex) { builder.setMultiDex(true).setMinSdkVersion(minSdkVersion); } if (jarJarRuleFiles != null) { builder.setJarJarRuleFiles(jarJarRuleFiles); } mJavaProcessExecutor.execute(, processOutputHandler) .rethrowFailure().assertNormalExitValue(); } /** * Converts the bytecode of a library to the jack format * @param inputFile the input file * @param outFile the location of the output classes.dex file * @param dexOptions dex options * * @throws ProcessException * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void convertLibraryToJack(@NonNull File inputFile, @NonNull File outFile, @NonNull DexOptions dexOptions, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler) throws ProcessException, IOException, InterruptedException { checkState(mTargetInfo != null, "Cannot call preJackLibrary() before setTargetInfo() is called."); BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = mTargetInfo.getBuildTools(); JackConversionCache.getCache().convertLibrary(inputFile, outFile, dexOptions, buildToolInfo, mVerboseExec, mJavaProcessExecutor, processOutputHandler, mLogger); } public static List<File> convertLibaryToJackUsingApis(@NonNull File inputFile, @NonNull File outFile, @NonNull DexOptions dexOptions, @NonNull BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo, boolean verbose, @NonNull JavaProcessExecutor processExecutor, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler, @NonNull ILogger logger) throws ProcessException { BuildToolServiceLoader buildToolServiceLoader = BuildToolsServiceLoader.INSTANCE.forVersion(buildToolInfo); if (System.getenv("USE_JACK_API") != null) { try { Optional<JillProvider> jillProviderOptional = buildToolServiceLoader.getSingleService(logger, BuildToolsServiceLoader.JILL); if (jillProviderOptional.isPresent()) { config = jillProviderOptional.get() .createConfig(; config.setInputJavaBinaryFile(inputFile); config.setOutputJackFile(outFile); config.setVerbose(verbose); Api01TranslationTask translationTask = config.getTask();; return ImmutableList.of(outFile); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.warning("Cannot find the jill tool in the classpath, reverting to native"); } catch ( e) { logger.warning(e.getMessage() + ", reverting to native"); } catch ( e) { logger.warning(e.getMessage() + ", reverting to native"); } catch (TranslationException e) { logger.error(e, "In process translation failed, reverting to native, file a bug"); } } return convertLibraryToJack(inputFile, outFile, dexOptions, buildToolInfo, verbose, processExecutor, processOutputHandler, logger); } public static List<File> convertLibraryToJack(@NonNull File inputFile, @NonNull File outFile, @NonNull DexOptions dexOptions, @NonNull BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo, boolean verbose, @NonNull JavaProcessExecutor processExecutor, @NonNull ProcessOutputHandler processOutputHandler, @NonNull ILogger logger) throws ProcessException { checkNotNull(inputFile, "inputFile cannot be null."); checkNotNull(outFile, "outFile cannot be null."); checkNotNull(dexOptions, "dexOptions cannot be null."); // launch dx: create the command line ProcessInfoBuilder builder = new ProcessInfoBuilder(); String jill = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.JILL); if (jill == null || !new File(jill).isFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("jill.jar is missing"); } builder.setClasspath(jill); builder.setMain(""); if (dexOptions.getJavaMaxHeapSize() != null) { builder.addJvmArg("-Xmx" + dexOptions.getJavaMaxHeapSize()); } builder.addArgs(inputFile.getAbsolutePath()); builder.addArgs("--output"); builder.addArgs(outFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (verbose) { builder.addArgs("--verbose"); } logger.verbose(builder.toString()); JavaProcessInfo javaProcessInfo = builder.createJavaProcess(); ProcessResult result = processExecutor.execute(javaProcessInfo, processOutputHandler); result.rethrowFailure().assertNormalExitValue(); return Collections.singletonList(outFile); } /** * Packages the apk. * * @param androidResPkgLocation the location of the packaged resource file * @param dexFolder the folder with the dex file. * @param dexedLibraries optional collection of additional dex files to put in the apk. * @param packagedJars the jars that are packaged (libraries + jar dependencies) * @param javaResourcesLocation the processed Java resource folder * @param jniLibsFolders the folders containing jni shared libraries * @param mergingFolder folder to contain files that are being merged * @param abiFilters optional ABI filter * @param jniDebugBuild whether the app should include jni debug data * @param signingConfig the signing configuration * @param packagingOptions the packaging options * @param outApkLocation location of the APK. * @throws DuplicateFileException * @throws FileNotFoundException if the store location was not found * @throws KeytoolException * @throws PackagerException * @throws SigningException when the key cannot be read from the keystore * * @see VariantConfiguration#getPackagedJars() */ public void packageApk(@NonNull String androidResPkgLocation, @Nullable File dexFolder, @NonNull Collection<File> dexedLibraries, @NonNull Collection<File> packagedJars, @Nullable String javaResourcesLocation, @Nullable Collection<File> jniLibsFolders, @NonNull File mergingFolder, @Nullable Set<String> abiFilters, boolean jniDebugBuild, @Nullable SigningConfig signingConfig, @Nullable PackagingOptions packagingOptions, @Nullable SignedJarBuilder.IZipEntryFilter packagingOptionsFilter, @NonNull String outApkLocation) throws DuplicateFileException, FileNotFoundException, KeytoolException, PackagerException, SigningException { checkNotNull(androidResPkgLocation, "androidResPkgLocation cannot be null."); checkNotNull(outApkLocation, "outApkLocation cannot be null."); CertificateInfo certificateInfo = null; if (signingConfig != null && signingConfig.isSigningReady()) { //noinspection ConstantConditions - isSigningReady() called above. certificateInfo = KeystoreHelper.getCertificateInfo(signingConfig.getStoreType(), signingConfig.getStoreFile(), signingConfig.getStorePassword(), signingConfig.getKeyPassword(), signingConfig.getKeyAlias()); if (certificateInfo == null) { throw new SigningException("Failed to read key from keystore"); } } try { Packager packager = new Packager(outApkLocation, androidResPkgLocation, mergingFolder, certificateInfo, mCreatedBy, packagingOptions, packagingOptionsFilter, mLogger); // add dex folder to the apk root. if (dexFolder != null) { if (!dexFolder.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("dexFolder must be a directory"); } packager.addDexFiles(dexFolder, dexedLibraries); } packager.setJniDebugMode(jniDebugBuild); if (javaResourcesLocation != null && !packagedJars.isEmpty()) { throw new PackagerException("javaResourcesLocation and packagedJars both provided"); } if (javaResourcesLocation != null || !packagedJars.isEmpty()) { packager.addResources(javaResourcesLocation != null ? new File(javaResourcesLocation) : Iterables.getOnlyElement(packagedJars)); } // also add resources from library projects and jars if (jniLibsFolders != null) { for (File jniFolder : jniLibsFolders) { if (jniFolder.isDirectory()) { packager.addNativeLibraries(jniFolder, abiFilters); } } } packager.sealApk(); } catch (SealedPackageException e) { // shouldn't happen since we control the package from start to end. throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Signs a single jar file using the passed {@link SigningConfig}. * @param in the jar file to sign. * @param signingConfig the signing configuration * @param out the file path for the signed jar. * @throws IOException * @throws KeytoolException * @throws SigningException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws SignedJarBuilder.IZipEntryFilter.ZipAbortException * @throws */ public void signApk(File in, SigningConfig signingConfig, File out) throws IOException, KeytoolException, SigningException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignedJarBuilder.IZipEntryFilter.ZipAbortException, { CertificateInfo certificateInfo = null; if (signingConfig != null && signingConfig.isSigningReady()) { //noinspection ConstantConditions - isSigningReady() called above. certificateInfo = KeystoreHelper.getCertificateInfo(signingConfig.getStoreType(), signingConfig.getStoreFile(), signingConfig.getStorePassword(), signingConfig.getKeyPassword(), signingConfig.getKeyAlias()); if (certificateInfo == null) { throw new SigningException("Failed to read key from keystore"); } } SignedJarBuilder signedJarBuilder = new SignedJarBuilder(new FileOutputStream(out), certificateInfo != null ? certificateInfo.getKey() : null, certificateInfo != null ? certificateInfo.getCertificate() : null, Packager.getLocalVersion(), mCreatedBy); signedJarBuilder.writeZip(new FileInputStream(in)); signedJarBuilder.close(); } }