Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.cs.milter; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.mina.core.buffer.IoBuffer; import; import; import; import; import com.zimbra.common.account.Key; import com.zimbra.common.mime.InternetAddress; import com.zimbra.common.mime.MimeAddressHeader; import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.util.StringUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.ZimbraLog; import com.zimbra.cs.account.AccessManager; import com.zimbra.cs.account.Group; import com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning; import com.zimbra.cs.account.accesscontrol.Rights.User; import com.zimbra.cs.server.NioConnection; import com.zimbra.cs.server.NioHandler; /** * Milter protocol handler. * * <ul> * <li>Check ACL to see if the sender is allowed to send a message to the DL. * <li>Add {@code X-Zimbra-DL: DL1, DL2...} header if one or more recipients are a DL. {@code List-Id} header * (RFC 2919) is not supported because it requires to fork the message. Let's say, "To: listA, listB", user1 * belongs to listA, user2 belongs to listB. The user1 should receive "List-Id: listA", and the user2 should * receive "List-Id: listB", which requires Milter to fork the message into each DLs. However, this is not * supported by Milter. * <li>Add {@code Reply-To: DL1, DL2...} header if one or more recipients are a DL. * </ul> * * @see * @author jmhe * @author ysasaki */ public final class MilterHandler implements NioHandler { private enum Context { HOSTNAME, ADDRESS, PORT, PROTOFAMILY, SENDER, RECIPIENT } /* macro keys */ private static final String MACRO_MAIL_ADDR = "{mail_addr}"; private static final String MACRO_RCPT_ADDR = "{rcpt_addr}"; private static final String TO_HEADER = "to"; private static final String CC_HEADER = "cc"; /* option masks */ //private static final int SMFIP_NOCONNECT = 0x01; // Skip SMFIC_CONNECT private static final int SMFIP_NOHELO = 0x02; // Skip SMFIC_HELO private static final int SMFIP_NOMAIL = 0x04; // Skip SMFIC_MAIL //private static final int SMFIP_NORCPT = 0x08; // Skip SMFIC_RCPT private static final int SMFIP_NOBODY = 0x10; // Skip SMFIC_BODY // private static final int SMFIP_NOHDRS = 0x20; // Skip SMFIC_HEADER private static final int SMFIP_NOEOH = 0x40; // Skip SMFIC_EOH // action masks private static final int SMFIF_ADDHDRS = 0x01; // Add headers (SMFIR_ADDHEADER) //private static final int SMFIF_CHGBODY = 0x02; // Change body chunks (SMFIR_REPLBODY) //private static final int SMFIF_ADDRCPT = 0x04; // Add recipients (SMFIR_ADDRCPT) //private static final int SMFIF_DELRCPT = 0x08; // Remove recipients (SMFIR_DELRCPT) private static final int SMFIF_CHGHDRS = 0x10; // Change or delete headers (SMFIR_CHGHEADER) //private static final int SMFIF_QUARANTINE = 0x20; // Quarantine message (SMFIR_QUARANTINE) // response codes //private static final byte SMFIR_ADDRCPT = '+'; // Add recipient (modification action) //private static final byte SMFIR_DELRCPT = '-'; // Remove recipient (modification action) private static final byte SMFIR_ACCEPT = 'a'; // Accept message completely (accept/reject action) //private static final byte SMFIR_REPLBODY = 'b'; // Replace body (modification action) private static final byte SMFIR_CONTINUE = 'c'; // Accept and keep processing (accept/reject action) //private static final byte SMFIR_DISCARD = 'd'; // Set discard flag for entire message (accept/reject action) //private static final byte SMFIR_ADDHEADER = 'h'; // Add header (modification action) private static final byte SMFIR_CHGHEADER = 'm'; // Change header (modification action) //private static final byte SMFIR_PROGRESS = 'p'; // Progress (asynchronous action) //private static final byte SMFIR_QUARANTINE = 'q'; // Quarantine message (modification action) //private static final byte SMFIR_REJECT = 'r'; // Reject command/recipient with a 5xx (accept/reject action) private static final byte SMFIR_TEMPFAIL = 't'; // Reject command/recipient with a 4xx (accept/reject action) private static final byte SMFIR_REPLYCODE = 'y'; // Send specific Nxx reply message (accept/reject action) private static final byte SMFIC_OPTNEG = 'O'; // Option negotiation (in response to SMFIC_OPTNEG) private static final Charset CHARSET = Charsets.US_ASCII; private final Map<Context, String> context = new EnumMap<Context, String>(Context.class); private final Set<Group> lists = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(0); private final Set<String> visibleAddresses = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(0); private final Provisioning prov; private final AccessManager accessMgr; private final NioConnection connection; public MilterHandler(NioConnection conn) { prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); accessMgr = AccessManager.getInstance(); connection = conn; } private void clear() { context.clear(); lists.clear(); } @Override public void connectionClosed() throws IOException {"Connection closed"); dropConnection(); } @Override public void connectionIdle() throws IOException { "Dropping connection because inactive for more than %s seconds (milter_max_idle_time)", connection.getServer().getConfig().getMaxIdleTime()); dropConnection(); } @Override public void connectionOpened() throws IOException {"Connection opened"); clear(); } @Override public void messageReceived(Object msg) throws IOException { MilterPacket command = (MilterPacket) msg; try { processCommand(command); } catch (ServiceException e) { ZimbraLog.milter.error("Dropping connection due to Server error: %s", e.getMessage(), e); dropConnection(); // aborting the session } } @Override public void dropConnection() { if (connection.isOpen()) { connection.close(); } } @Override public void setLoggingContext() { ZimbraLog.addConnectionIdToContext(String.valueOf(connection.getId())); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(Throwable e) {"exception caught - dropping connection", e); dropConnection(); } private void processCommand(MilterPacket command) throws IOException, ServiceException { switch ((char) command.getCommand()) { case 'O': SMFIC_OptNeg(); break; case 'D': SMFIC_Macro(command); break; case 'C': SMFIC_Connect(command); break; case 'M': SMFIC_Mail(); break; case 'R': SMFIC_Rcpt(); break; case 'L': SMFIC_Header(command); break; case 'E': SMFIC_BodyEOB(); break; case 'A': SMFIC_Abort(); break; case 'Q': SMFIC_Quit(); break; default: // for unimplemented commands that require responses, always return "Continue" for now ZimbraLog.milter.debug("Unimplemended command, sending SMFIR_CONTINUE: %s", command.toString()); connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_CONTINUE)); break; } } private IoBuffer getDataBuffer(MilterPacket command) { byte[] data = command.getData(); if (data != null && data.length > 0) { IoBuffer buf = IoBuffer.allocate(data.length, false); buf.put(data); buf.flip(); return buf; } else { return null; } } private String normalizeAddr(String a) { String addr = a.toLowerCase(); int lb = addr.indexOf('<'); int rb = addr.indexOf('>'); return lb >= 0 && rb > lb ? addr.substring(lb + 1, rb) : addr; } private void getAddrFromMacro(IoBuffer macroData, String macro, Context attr) throws IOException { Map<String, String> macros = parseMacros(macroData); String addr = macros.get(macro); if (addr != null) { String value = normalizeAddr(addr); context.put(attr, value); ZimbraLog.milter.debug("For macro '%s' %s=%s", macro, attr, value); } } static MimeAddressHeader getToCcAddressHeader(byte[] bytes) { MimeAddressHeader mHeader = null; try { int i = 0; String key = null; if (bytes.length > 0) { while (i < bytes.length && bytes[i] != 0x00) { i++; } } key = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, 0, i)); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(key) && (key.toLowerCase().equals(TO_HEADER) || key.toLowerCase().equals(CC_HEADER))) { if (bytes.length > i + 1) { byte[] values = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, i + 1, bytes.length); mHeader = new MimeAddressHeader(key, values); } } } catch (Exception e) { ZimbraLog.milter.warn("Error parsing header.", e); } return mHeader; } private void getAddrListsFromHeaders(MilterPacket command) { MimeAddressHeader mHeader = getToCcAddressHeader(command.getData()); if (mHeader != null) { for (InternetAddress address : mHeader.getAddresses()) { if (address.getAddress() != null) { visibleAddresses.add(address.getAddress().toLowerCase()); ZimbraLog.milter.debug("Visible value %s", address.getAddress()); } } } } /** * This method should only be used for ASCII data. * @param buf * @return * @throws IOException */ static Map<String, String> parseMacros(IoBuffer buf) throws IOException { Map<String, String> macros = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { while (buf.hasRemaining()) { String key = buf.getString(CHARSET.newDecoder()); if (buf.hasRemaining()) { String value = buf.getString(CHARSET.newDecoder()); if (key != null && value != null) { macros.put(key, value); } } } } catch (MalformedInputException e) { ZimbraLog.milter.warn("Found non-ascii characters while parsing macros.", e); } return macros; } private void SMFIR_ReplyCode(String code, String reason) { int len = 1 + 3 + 1 + reason.length() + 1; // cmd + 3-digit code + space + null-terminated text String dataStr = code + " " + reason; byte[] data = new byte[len - 1]; int dataStrLen = dataStr.length(); for (int i = 0; i < dataStrLen; i++) { data[i] = (byte) (dataStr.charAt(i)); } data[dataStrLen] = 0; connection.send(new MilterPacket(len, SMFIR_REPLYCODE, data)); } private void SMFIR_ChgHeader(int index, String name, String value) throws IOException {"Add %s: %s", name, value); // sizeof(unit32) + name.length + NUL + value.length + NUL IoBuffer buf = IoBuffer.allocate(6 + name.length() + value.length()); buf.putUnsignedInt(index); buf.putString(name, name.length() + 1, CHARSET.newEncoder()); buf.putString(value, value.length() + 1, CHARSET.newEncoder()); connection.send(new MilterPacket(buf.position() + 1, SMFIR_CHGHEADER, buf.array())); } private void SMFIC_Connect(MilterPacket command) throws IOException { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_Connect"); IoBuffer data = getDataBuffer(command); if (data != null) { context.put(Context.HOSTNAME, data.getString(CHARSET.newDecoder())); context.put(Context.PROTOFAMILY, new String(new byte[] { data.get() }, CHARSET)); context.put(Context.PORT, String.valueOf(data.getUnsignedShort())); context.put(Context.ADDRESS, data.getString(CHARSET.newDecoder()));"Connection Info %s", context); } connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_CONTINUE)); } private void SMFIC_Mail() { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_Mail"); connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_CONTINUE)); } private void SMFIC_Rcpt() throws ServiceException { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_Rcpt"); String sender = context.get(Context.SENDER); if (sender == null) { ZimbraLog.milter.warn("Empty sender"); } String rcpt = context.get(Context.RECIPIENT); if (rcpt == null) { ZimbraLog.milter.warn("Empty recipient"); } if (sender == null || rcpt == null) { connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_TEMPFAIL)); return; } if (prov.isDistributionList(rcpt)) { Group group = prov.getGroupBasic(, rcpt); if (group != null) { if (!accessMgr.canDo(sender, group, User.R_sendToDistList, false)) { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("Sender is not allowed to email this distribution list: %s", rcpt); SMFIR_ReplyCode("571", "571 Sender is not allowed to email this distribution list: " + rcpt); return; } lists.add(group); ZimbraLog.milter.debug("group %s has been added into the list.", group); } else { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("rcpt %s is a list but not a group?", rcpt); } } else { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("%s is not a distribution list.", rcpt); } connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_CONTINUE)); } private void SMFIC_Abort() {"SMFIC_Abort session reset"); clear(); } private void SMFIC_Macro(MilterPacket command) throws IOException { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_Macro"); IoBuffer data = getDataBuffer(command); if (data != null) { byte cmd = data.get(); if ((char) cmd == 'M') { getAddrFromMacro(data, MACRO_MAIL_ADDR, Context.SENDER); } else if ((char) cmd == 'R') { getAddrFromMacro(data, MACRO_RCPT_ADDR, Context.RECIPIENT); } } } private void SMFIC_OptNeg() { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_OptNeg"); IoBuffer data = IoBuffer.allocate(12, false); data.putInt(2); // version data.putInt(SMFIF_ADDHDRS | SMFIF_CHGHDRS); // actions data.putInt(SMFIP_NOHELO | SMFIP_NOMAIL | SMFIP_NOEOH | SMFIP_NOBODY); // protocol byte[] dataArray = new byte[12]; System.arraycopy(data.array(), 0, dataArray, 0, 12); connection.send(new MilterPacket(13, SMFIC_OPTNEG, dataArray)); } private void SMFIC_Header(MilterPacket command) throws IOException { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_Header"); getAddrListsFromHeaders(command); connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_CONTINUE)); } private void SMFIC_BodyEOB() throws IOException { ZimbraLog.milter.debug("SMFIC_BodyEOB"); Set<String> listAddrs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(lists.size()); Set<String> replyToAddrs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(lists.size()); for (Group group : lists) { if (group == null) { ZimbraLog.milter.warn("null group in group list!?!"); continue; } if (visibleAddresses.contains(group.getMail().toLowerCase())) { listAddrs.add(group.getMail()); if (group.isPrefReplyToEnabled()) { String addr = group.getPrefReplyToAddress(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(addr)) { addr = group.getMail(); // fallback to the default email address } String disp = group.getPrefReplyToDisplay(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(disp)) { disp = group.getDisplayName(); // fallback to the default display name } replyToAddrs.add(new InternetAddress(disp, addr).toString()); } } } if (!listAddrs.isEmpty()) { SMFIR_ChgHeader(1, "X-Zimbra-DL", Joiner.on(", ").join(listAddrs)); } if (!replyToAddrs.isEmpty()) { SMFIR_ChgHeader(1, "Reply-To", Joiner.on(", ").join(replyToAddrs)); } connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_ACCEPT)); } private void SMFIC_Quit() {"SMFIC_Quit"); dropConnection(); } }