List of usage examples for Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize
public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize)
From source
@Override public Set<ValueRequirement> getRequirements(final FunctionCompilationContext context, final ComputationTarget target, final ValueRequirement desiredValue) { final ValueProperties constraints = desiredValue.getConstraints(); final Set<String> curveNames = constraints.getValues(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE); if (curveNames == null || curveNames.size() != 1) { s_logger.error("Did not specify a curve name for requirement {}", desiredValue); return null; }//from w w w .j ava2s. c o m final Set<String> forwardCurveNames = constraints.getValues(YieldCurveFunction.PROPERTY_FORWARD_CURVE); if (forwardCurveNames == null || forwardCurveNames.size() != 1) { return null; } final Set<String> fundingCurveNames = constraints.getValues(YieldCurveFunction.PROPERTY_FUNDING_CURVE); if (fundingCurveNames == null || fundingCurveNames.size() != 1) { return null; } final Set<String> surfaceNames = constraints.getValues(ValuePropertyNames.SURFACE); if (surfaceNames == null || surfaceNames.size() != 1) { return null; } final Set<String> curveCalculationMethods = constraints .getValues(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE_CALCULATION_METHOD); if (curveCalculationMethods == null || curveCalculationMethods.size() != 1) { return null; } final String forwardCurveName = forwardCurveNames.iterator().next(); final String fundingCurveName = fundingCurveNames.iterator().next(); final String curveName = curveNames.iterator().next(); if (!(curveName.equals(forwardCurveName) || curveName.equals(fundingCurveName))) { s_logger.error( "Did not specify a curve to which this instrument is sensitive; asked for {}, {} and {} are allowed", new String[] { curveName, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName }); return null; } final String surfaceName = surfaceNames.iterator().next() + "_" + getFutureOptionPrefix(target); final String curveCalculationMethod = curveCalculationMethods.iterator().next(); final Set<ValueRequirement> requirements = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(4); final Currency currency = FinancialSecurityUtils.getCurrency(target.getTrade().getSecurity()); requirements.add(YieldCurveFunction.getCurveRequirement(currency, forwardCurveName, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName, curveCalculationMethod)); requirements.add(YieldCurveFunction.getCurveRequirement(currency, fundingCurveName, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName, curveCalculationMethod)); requirements.add(getCurveSpecRequirement(target, curveName)); if (!curveCalculationMethod.equals(InterpolatedDataProperties.CALCULATION_METHOD_NAME)) { requirements.add( getJacobianRequirement(target, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName, curveCalculationMethod)); if (curveCalculationMethod.equals(MarketInstrumentImpliedYieldCurveFunction.PRESENT_VALUE_STRING)) { requirements.add(getCouponSensitivityRequirement(target, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName)); } } requirements.add(getVolatilityRequirement(surfaceName, currency)); final Set<ValueRequirement> tsRequirements = _dataConverter.getConversionTimeSeriesRequirements( target.getTrade().getSecurity(), _converter.convert(target.getTrade()), new String[] { fundingCurveName, forwardCurveName }); if (tsRequirements == null) { return null; } requirements.addAll(tsRequirements); return requirements; }
From source
@Override public Set<ValueRequirement> getAdditionalRequirements(final FunctionCompilationContext context, final ComputationTarget target, final Set<ValueSpecification> inputs, final Set<ValueSpecification> outputs) { final Set<ValueSpecification> underlyingOutputs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(outputs.size()); for (final ValueSpecification output : outputs) { final ValueProperties properties = output.getProperties().withoutAny(ValuePropertyNames.AGGREGATION); underlyingOutputs.add(// w ww. j a va2 m new ValueSpecification(output.getValueName(), output.getTargetSpecification(), properties)); } return getUnderlyingCompiled().getAdditionalRequirements(context, target, inputs, underlyingOutputs); }
From source
/** * Compute the nodes of the given CFA that should be abstraction-nodes. */// www . j av a 2s . c o m @Override public ImmutableSet<CFANode> computeAbstractionNodes(final CFA pCfa) { assert (pCfa != null); assert (this.inliningStack.size() == 0); assert (this.functionCallSeq == 0); this.functionCallSeq = 0; ReducedFunction reducedProgram = inlineAndSummarize(pCfa.getMainFunction(), pCfa); if (reducedCfaFile != null) { Map<ReducedNode, Map<ReducedNode, Set<ReducedEdge>>> inlinedCfa = reducedProgram.getInlinedCfa(); try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(reducedCfaFile)) { printInlinedCfa(inlinedCfa, w); } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Could not write the reduced CFA to file"); } } Set<ReducedNode> abstractionNodes = reducedProgram.getAllActiveNodes(); Set<CFANode> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(abstractionNodes.size()); for (ReducedNode n : abstractionNodes) { result.add(n.getWrapped()); } return ImmutableSet.copyOf(result); }
From source
public UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, Integer, ?, SP, TP> toMergedAutomaton() { if (!this.merged) { throw new IllegalStateException("#merge has not been called yet"); }/* w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ return new UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, Integer, Pair<S, Integer>, SP, TP>() { private Set<S> states; @Override public S getSuccessor(Pair<S, Integer> transition) { final S source = transition.getFirst(); final Integer input = transition.getSecond(); if (source.isRed() && succMod[] != null) { return succMod[].get(input); } return pta.getSuccessor(source, input); } @Override public SP getStateProperty(S state) { if (state.isRed() && propMod.get( != null) { return propMod.get(; } return state.getStateProperty(); } @Override public TP getTransitionProperty(Pair<S, Integer> transition) { final S source = transition.getFirst(); final Integer input = transition.getSecond(); if (source.isRed() && transPropMod[] != null) { return transPropMod[].get(input); } return source.transProperties.get(input); } @Override public Pair<S, Integer> getTransition(S state, Integer input) { return new Pair<>(state, input); } @Override public Collection<S> getStates() { if (states != null) { return states; } states = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(pta.size()); final Queue<S> discoverQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); discoverQueue.add(getInitialState()); S iter; while ((iter = discoverQueue.poll()) != null) { states.add(iter); for (int i = 0; i < alphabetSize; i++) { final S succ = getSuccessor(iter, i); if (succ != null && !states.contains(succ)) { discoverQueue.add(succ); } } } return states; } @Override public S getInitialState() { return pta.getInitialState(); } }; }
From source
protected AbstractTypeReferencePairWalker(ITypeReferenceOwner owner) { this.owner = owner; this.recursionGuard = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(3); parameterizedTypeReferenceTraverser = createParameterizedTypeReferenceTraverser(); wildcardTypeReferenceTraverser = createWildcardTypeReferenceTraverser(); arrayTypeReferenceTraverser = createArrayTypeReferenceTraverser(); compoundTypeReferenceTraverser = createCompoundTypeReferenceTraverser(); unboundTypeReferenceTraverser = createUnboundTypeReferenceTraverser(); }
From source
private static void checkUniqueClusterIds(Revision[] revisions) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (revisions.length < 2) { return;/*from ww w . ja va 2 s. c o m*/ } Set<Integer> known = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(revisions.length); for (Revision revision : revisions) { if (!known.add(revision.getClusterId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple revisions with clusterId " + revision.getClusterId()); } } }
From source
@Override public Set<ValueRequirement> getRequirements(final FunctionCompilationContext context, final ComputationTarget target, final ValueRequirement desiredValue) { final ValueProperties constraints = desiredValue.getConstraints(); Set<String> requestedCurveNames = constraints.getValues(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE); final boolean permissive = OpenGammaCompilationContext.isPermissive(context); if (!permissive && ((requestedCurveNames == null) || requestedCurveNames.isEmpty())) { s_logger.debug("Must specify a curve name"); return null; }//www.ja v a 2 s . c o m final Set<String> curveCalculationConfigNames = constraints .getValues(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE_CALCULATION_CONFIG); if (curveCalculationConfigNames == null || curveCalculationConfigNames.size() != 1) { s_logger.debug("Must specify a curve calculation config"); return null; } final String curveCalculationConfigName = curveCalculationConfigNames.iterator().next(); final ConfigSource configSource = OpenGammaCompilationContext.getConfigSource(context); final ConfigDBCurveCalculationConfigSource curveCalculationConfigSource = new ConfigDBCurveCalculationConfigSource( configSource); final MultiCurveCalculationConfig curveCalculationConfig = curveCalculationConfigSource .getConfig(curveCalculationConfigName); if (curveCalculationConfig == null) { s_logger.debug("Could not find curve calculation configuration named " + curveCalculationConfigName); return null; } final FinancialSecurity security = (FinancialSecurity) target.getSecurity(); final Currency currency = FinancialSecurityUtils.getCurrency(security); if (!ComputationTargetSpecification.of(currency).equals(curveCalculationConfig.getTarget())) { s_logger.error("Security currency and curve calculation config id were not equal; have {} and {}", currency, curveCalculationConfig.getTarget()); return null; } final String[] availableCurveNames = curveCalculationConfig.getYieldCurveNames(); if ((requestedCurveNames == null) || requestedCurveNames.isEmpty()) { requestedCurveNames = Sets.newHashSet(availableCurveNames); } else { final Set<String> intersection = YieldCurveFunctionUtils.intersection(requestedCurveNames, availableCurveNames); if (intersection.isEmpty()) { s_logger.debug( "None of the requested curves {} are available in curve calculation configuration called {}", requestedCurveNames, curveCalculationConfigName); return null; } requestedCurveNames = intersection; } final String[] applicableCurveNames = FixedIncomeInstrumentCurveExposureHelper .getCurveNamesForSecurity(security, availableCurveNames); final Set<String> curveNames = YieldCurveFunctionUtils.intersection(requestedCurveNames, applicableCurveNames); if (curveNames.isEmpty()) { s_logger.debug("{} {} security is not sensitive to the curves {}", new Object[] { currency, security.getClass(), curveNames }); return null; } if (!permissive && (curveNames.size() != 1)) { s_logger.debug("Must specify single curve name constraint, got {}", curveNames); return null; } final String curve = curveNames.iterator().next(); final Set<ValueRequirement> curveRequirements = YieldCurveFunctionUtils .getCurveRequirements(curveCalculationConfig, curveCalculationConfigSource); final Set<ValueRequirement> requirements = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(curveRequirements.size()); for (final ValueRequirement curveRequirement : curveRequirements) { final ValueProperties.Builder properties = curveRequirement.getConstraints().copy(); properties.with(PROPERTY_REQUESTED_CURVE, curve).withOptional(PROPERTY_REQUESTED_CURVE); requirements.add(new ValueRequirement(curveRequirement.getValueName(), curveRequirement.getTargetReference(), properties.get())); } try { final Set<ValueRequirement> timeSeriesRequirements = InterestRateInstrumentFunction .getDerivativeTimeSeriesRequirements(security, security.accept(_visitor), _definitionConverter); if (timeSeriesRequirements == null) { return null; } requirements.addAll(timeSeriesRequirements); return requirements; } catch (final Exception e) { s_logger.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } }
From source
/** * Searches for cycles in the {@code <include>} tag graph of the layout files we've * been asked to provide parsers for//from w ww . j av a 2 s .c om */ private boolean findCycles() { Map<File, String> fileToLayout = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, File> layoutToFile = Maps.newHashMap(); Multimap<String, String> includeMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (File file : myParserFiles) { String layoutName = LintUtils.getLayoutName(file); layoutToFile.put(layoutName, file); fileToLayout.put(file, layoutName); try { String xml = Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8); Document document = XmlUtils.parseDocumentSilently(xml, true); if (document != null) { NodeList includeNodeList = document.getElementsByTagName(VIEW_INCLUDE); for (int i = 0, n = includeNodeList.getLength(); i < n; i++) { Element include = (Element) includeNodeList.item(i); String included = include.getAttribute(ATTR_LAYOUT); if (included.startsWith(LAYOUT_RESOURCE_PREFIX)) { String resource = included.substring(LAYOUT_RESOURCE_PREFIX.length()); includeMap.put(layoutName, resource); } } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Could not check file " + file + " for cyclic dependencies", e); } } // We now have a DAG over the include dependencies in the layouts // Do a DFS to detect cycles // Perform DFS on the include graph and look for a cycle; if we find one, produce // a chain of includes on the way back to show to the user if (includeMap.size() > 0) { for (String from : includeMap.keySet()) { Set<String> visiting = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(includeMap.size()); List<String> chain = dfs(from, visiting, includeMap); if (chain != null) { if (myLogger != null) { RenderProblem.Html problem = RenderProblem.create(WARNING); HtmlBuilder builder = problem.getHtmlBuilder(); builder.add("Found cyclical <include> chain: "); boolean first = true; Collections.reverse(chain); for (String layout : chain) { if (first) { first = false; } else { builder.add(" includes "); } File file = layoutToFile.get(layout); if (file != null) { try { String url = SdkUtils.fileToUrlString(file); builder.addLink(layout, url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { builder.add(layout); } } else { builder.add(layout); } } myLogger.addMessage(problem); } return true; } } } return false; }
From source
/** See the {@link #readData(LintClient,File,File)} for documentation on the data format. */ private static void writeDatabase(File file, Api info) throws IOException { /*// w w w. ja v a 2 s . co m * 1. A file header, which is the exact contents of {@link FILE_HEADER} encoded * as ASCII characters. The purpose of the header is to identify what the file * is for, for anyone attempting to open the file. * 2. A file version number. If the binary file does not match the reader's expected * version, it can ignore it (and regenerate the cache from XML). */ Map<String, ApiClass> classMap = info.getClasses(); // Write the class table List<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(classMap.size()); Map<ApiClass, List<String>> memberMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(classMap.size()); int memberCount = 0; Set<String> javaPackageSet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(70); for (Map.Entry<String, ApiClass> entry : classMap.entrySet()) { String className = entry.getKey(); ApiClass apiClass = entry.getValue(); if (className.startsWith("java/") //$NON-NLS-1$ || className.startsWith("javax/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ String pkg = apiClass.getPackage(); javaPackageSet.add(pkg); } if (!isRelevantOwner(className)) { System.out.println("Warning: The isRelevantOwner method does not pass " + className); } Set<String> allMethods = apiClass.getAllMethods(info); Set<String> allFields = apiClass.getAllFields(info); // Strip out all members that have been supported since version 1. // This makes the database *much* leaner (down from about 4M to about // 1.7M), and this just fills the table with entries that ultimately // don't help the API checker since it just needs to know if something // requires a version *higher* than the minimum. If in the future the // database needs to answer queries about whether a method is public // or not, then we'd need to put this data back in. List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>(allMethods.size() + allFields.size()); for (String member : allMethods) { Integer since = apiClass.getMethod(member, info); if (since == null) { assert false : className + ':' + member; since = 1; } if (since != 1) { members.add(member); } } // Strip out all members that have been supported since version 1. // This makes the database *much* leaner (down from about 4M to about // 1.7M), and this just fills the table with entries that ultimately // don't help the API checker since it just needs to know if something // requires a version *higher* than the minimum. If in the future the // database needs to answer queries about whether a method is public // or not, then we'd need to put this data back in. for (String member : allFields) { Integer since = apiClass.getField(member, info); if (since == null) { assert false : className + ':' + member; since = 1; } if (since != 1) { members.add(member); } } // Only include classes that have one or more members requiring version 2 or higher: if (!members.isEmpty()) { classes.add(className); memberMap.put(apiClass, members); memberCount += members.size(); } } Collections.sort(classes); List<String> javaPackages = Lists.newArrayList(javaPackageSet); Collections.sort(javaPackages); int javaPackageCount = javaPackages.size(); int entryCount = classMap.size() + memberCount; int capacity = entryCount * BYTES_PER_ENTRY; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); buffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); // 1. A file header, which is the exact contents of {@link FILE_HEADER} encoded // as ASCII characters. The purpose of the header is to identify what the file // is for, for anyone attempting to open the file. buffer.put(FILE_HEADER.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)); // 2. A file version number. If the binary file does not match the reader's expected // version, it can ignore it (and regenerate the cache from XML). buffer.put((byte) BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION); // 3. The number of classes [1 int] buffer.putInt(classes.size()); // 4. The number of members (across all classes) [1 int]. buffer.putInt(memberCount); // 5. The number of Java packages [1 int]. buffer.putInt(javaPackageCount); // 6. The Java package table. There are javaPackage.size() entries, where each entry // consists of a string length, as a byte, followed by the bytes in the package. // There is no terminating 0. for (String pkg : javaPackages) { byte[] bytes = pkg.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); assert bytes.length < 255 : pkg; buffer.put((byte) bytes.length); buffer.put(bytes); } // 7. Class offset table (one integer per class, pointing to the byte offset in the // file (relative to the beginning of the file) where each class begins. // The classes are always sorted alphabetically by fully qualified name. int classOffsetTable = buffer.position(); // Reserve enough room for the offset table here: we will backfill it with pointers // as we're writing out the data structures below for (int i = 0, n = classes.size(); i < n; i++) { buffer.putInt(0); } // 8. Member offset table (one integer per member, pointing to the byte offset in the // file (relative to the beginning of the file) where each member entry begins. // The members are always sorted alphabetically. int methodOffsetTable = buffer.position(); for (int i = 0, n = memberCount; i < n; i++) { buffer.putInt(0); } int nextEntry = buffer.position(); int nextOffset = classOffsetTable; // 9. Class entry table. Each class entry consists of the fully qualified class name, // in JVM format (using / instead of . in package names and $ for inner classes), // followed by the byte 0 as a terminator, followed by the API version as a byte. for (String clz : classes) { buffer.position(nextOffset); buffer.putInt(nextEntry); nextOffset = buffer.position(); buffer.position(nextEntry); buffer.put(clz.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); buffer.put((byte) 0); ApiClass apiClass = classMap.get(clz); assert apiClass != null : clz; int since = apiClass.getSince(); assert since == UnsignedBytes.toInt((byte) since) : since; // make sure it fits buffer.put((byte) since); nextEntry = buffer.position(); } // 10. Member entry table. Each member entry consists of the class number (as a short), // followed by the JVM method/field signature, encoded as UTF-8, followed by a 0 byte // signature terminator, followed by the API level as a byte. assert nextOffset == methodOffsetTable; for (int classNumber = 0, n = classes.size(); classNumber < n; classNumber++) { String clz = classes.get(classNumber); ApiClass apiClass = classMap.get(clz); assert apiClass != null : clz; List<String> members = memberMap.get(apiClass); Collections.sort(members); for (String member : members) { buffer.position(nextOffset); buffer.putInt(nextEntry); nextOffset = buffer.position(); buffer.position(nextEntry); Integer since; if (member.indexOf('(') != -1) { since = apiClass.getMethod(member, info); } else { since = apiClass.getField(member, info); } if (since == null) { assert false : clz + ':' + member; since = 1; } assert classNumber == (short) classNumber; buffer.putShort((short) classNumber); byte[] signature = member.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); for (int i = 0; i < signature.length; i++) { // Make sure all signatures are really just simple ASCII byte b = signature[i]; assert b == (b & 0x7f) : member; buffer.put(b); // Skip types on methods if (b == (byte) ')') { break; } } buffer.put((byte) 0); int api = since; assert api == UnsignedBytes.toInt((byte) api); //assert api >= 1 && api < 0xFF; // max that fits in a byte buffer.put((byte) api); nextEntry = buffer.position(); } } int size = buffer.position(); assert size <= buffer.limit(); buffer.mark(); if (WRITE_STATS) { System.out.println("Wrote " + classes.size() + " classes and " + memberCount + " member entries"); System.out.print("Actual binary size: " + size + " bytes"); System.out.println(String.format(" (%.1fM)", size / (1024 * 1024.f))); System.out.println("Allocated size: " + (entryCount * BYTES_PER_ENTRY) + " bytes"); System.out.println("Required bytes per entry: " + (size / entryCount) + " bytes"); } // Now dump this out as a file // There's probably an API to do this more efficiently; TODO: Look into this. byte[] b = new byte[size]; buffer.rewind(); buffer.get(b); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } FileOutputStream output = Files.newOutputStreamSupplier(file).getOutput(); output.write(b); output.close(); }
From source
private Set<ComputedValue> createExecuteResults(final FunctionInputs inputs, final Set<ComputedValue> underlyingResults) { if (underlyingResults == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); }//w w w.ja v a2 s . c om final Set<ComputedValue> results = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(underlyingResults.size()); for (final ComputedValue underlyingResult : underlyingResults) { final ValueSpecification resultSpec = underlyingResult.getSpecification(); final ValueProperties.Builder properties = resultSpec.getProperties().copy(); properties.withoutAny(ValuePropertyNames.AGGREGATION).with(ValuePropertyNames.AGGREGATION, getAggregationStyleMissing()); results.add(new ComputedValue(new ValueSpecification(resultSpec.getValueName(), resultSpec.getTargetSpecification(), properties.get()), underlyingResult.getValue())); if (inputs.getMissingValues().isEmpty()) { properties.withoutAny(ValuePropertyNames.AGGREGATION).with(ValuePropertyNames.AGGREGATION, getAggregationStyleFull()); results.add(new ComputedValue(new ValueSpecification(resultSpec.getValueName(), resultSpec.getTargetSpecification(), properties.get()), underlyingResult.getValue())); } } return results; }