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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.impala.analysis;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.impala.catalog.Db;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function.CompareMode;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarFunction;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCaseExpr;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNodeType;

 * CASE and DECODE are represented using this class. The backend implementation is
 * always the "case" function. CASE always returns the THEN corresponding to the leftmost
 * WHEN that is TRUE, or the ELSE (or NULL if no ELSE is provided) if no WHEN is TRUE.
 * The internal representation of
 *   CASE [expr] WHEN expr THEN expr [WHEN expr THEN expr ...] [ELSE expr] END
 * Each When/Then is stored as two consecutive children (whenExpr, thenExpr). If a case
 * expr is given then it is the first child. If an else expr is given then it is the
 * last child.
 * The internal representation of
 *   DECODE(expr, key_expr, val_expr [, key_expr, val_expr ...] [, default_val_expr])
 * has a pair of children for each pair of key/val_expr and an additional child if the
 * default_val_expr was given. The first child represents the comparison of expr to
 * key_expr. Decode has three forms:
 *   1) DECODE(expr, null_literal, val_expr) -
 *       child[0] = IsNull(expr)
 *   2) DECODE(expr, non_null_literal, val_expr) -
 *       child[0] = Eq(expr, literal)
 *   3) DECODE(expr1, expr2, val_expr) -
 *       child[0] = Or(And(IsNull(expr1), IsNull(expr2)),  Eq(expr1, expr2))
 * The children representing val_expr (child[1]) and default_val_expr (child[2]) are
 * simply the exprs themselves.
 * Example of equivalent CASE for DECODE(foo, 'bar', 1, col, 2, NULL, 3, 4):
 *   CASE
 *     WHEN foo = 'bar' THEN 1   -- no need for IS NULL check
 *     WHEN foo IS NULL AND col IS NULL OR foo = col THEN 2
 *     WHEN foo IS NULL THEN 3  -- no need for equality check
 *     ELSE 4
 *   END
public class CaseExpr extends Expr {

    // Set if constructed from a DECODE, null otherwise.
    private FunctionCallExpr decodeExpr_;

    private boolean hasCaseExpr_;
    private boolean hasElseExpr_;

    public CaseExpr(Expr caseExpr, List<CaseWhenClause> whenClauses, Expr elseExpr) {
        if (caseExpr != null) {
            hasCaseExpr_ = true;
        for (CaseWhenClause whenClause : whenClauses) {
        if (elseExpr != null) {
            hasElseExpr_ = true;

     * Constructs an equivalent CaseExpr representation.
     * The DECODE behavior is basically the same as the hasCaseExpr_ version of CASE.
     * Though there is one difference. NULLs are considered equal when comparing the
     * argument to be decoded with the candidates. This differences is for compatibility
     * with Oracle.
     * To account for the difference, the CASE representation will use the non-hasCaseExpr_
     * version.
     * The return type of DECODE differs from that of Oracle when the third argument is
     * the NULL literal. In Oracle the return type is STRING. In Impala the return type is
     * determined by the implicit casting rules (i.e. it's not necessarily a STRING). This
     * is done so seemingly normal usages such as DECODE(int_col, tinyint_col, NULL,
     * bigint_col) will avoid type check errors (STRING incompatible with BIGINT).
    public CaseExpr(FunctionCallExpr decodeExpr) {
        decodeExpr_ = decodeExpr;
        hasCaseExpr_ = false;

        int childIdx = 0;
        Expr encoded = null;
        Expr encodedIsNull = null;
        if (!decodeExpr.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
            encoded = decodeExpr.getChild(childIdx++);
            encodedIsNull = new IsNullPredicate(encoded, false);

        // Add the key_expr/val_expr pairs
        while (childIdx + 2 <= decodeExpr.getChildren().size()) {
            Expr candidate = decodeExpr.getChild(childIdx++);
            if (candidate.isLiteral()) {
                if (candidate.isNullLiteral()) {
                    // An example case is DECODE(foo, NULL, bar), since NULLs are considered
                    // equal, this becomes CASE WHEN foo IS NULL THEN bar END.
                } else {
                    children_.add(new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, encoded.clone(), candidate));
            } else {
                children_.add(new CompoundPredicate(CompoundPredicate.Operator.OR,
                        new CompoundPredicate(CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND, encodedIsNull.clone(),
                                new IsNullPredicate(candidate, false)),
                        new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, encoded.clone(), candidate)));

            // Add the value

        // Add the default value
        if (childIdx < decodeExpr.getChildren().size()) {
            hasElseExpr_ = true;

        // Check that these exprs were cloned above, as reusing the same Expr object in
        // different places can lead to bugs, eg. if the Expr has multiple parents, they may
        // try to cast it to different types.
        Preconditions.checkState(!contains(encoded) && !contains(encodedIsNull));

     * Copy c'tor used in clone().
    protected CaseExpr(CaseExpr other) {
        decodeExpr_ = other.decodeExpr_;
        hasCaseExpr_ = other.hasCaseExpr_;
        hasElseExpr_ = other.hasElseExpr_;

    public static void initBuiltins(Db db) {
        for (Type t : Type.getSupportedTypes()) {
            if (t.isNull())
            if (t.isScalarType(PrimitiveType.CHAR))
            // TODO: case is special and the signature cannot be represented.
            // It is alternating varargs
            // e.g. case(bool, type, bool type, bool type, etc).
            // Instead we just add a version for each of the return types
            // e.g. case(BOOLEAN), case(INT), etc
            db.addBuiltin(ScalarFunction.createBuiltinOperator("case", "", Lists.newArrayList(t), t));
            // Same for DECODE
            db.addBuiltin(ScalarFunction.createBuiltinOperator("decode", "", Lists.newArrayList(t), t));

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (!super.equals(obj))
            return false;
        CaseExpr expr = (CaseExpr) obj;
        return hasCaseExpr_ == expr.hasCaseExpr_ && hasElseExpr_ == expr.hasElseExpr_
                && isDecode() == expr.isDecode();

    public String toSqlImpl() {
        return (decodeExpr_ == null) ? toCaseSql() : decodeExpr_.toSqlImpl();

    String toCaseSql() {
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("CASE");
        int childIdx = 0;
        if (hasCaseExpr_) {
            output.append(" " + children_.get(childIdx++).toSql());
        while (childIdx + 2 <= children_.size()) {
            output.append(" WHEN " + children_.get(childIdx++).toSql());
            output.append(" THEN " + children_.get(childIdx++).toSql());
        if (hasElseExpr_) {
            output.append(" ELSE " + children_.get(children_.size() - 1).toSql());
        output.append(" END");
        return output.toString();

    protected void toThrift(TExprNode msg) {
        msg.node_type = TExprNodeType.CASE_EXPR;
        msg.case_expr = new TCaseExpr(hasCaseExpr_, hasElseExpr_);

    private void castCharToString(int childIndex) throws AnalysisException {
        if (children_.get(childIndex).getType().isScalarType(PrimitiveType.CHAR)) {
            children_.set(childIndex, children_.get(childIndex).castTo(ScalarType.STRING));

    protected void analyzeImpl(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
        if (isDecode()) {
            // decodeExpr_.analyze() would fail validating function existence. The complex
            // vararg signature is currently unsupported.
            if (decodeExpr_.getChildren().size() < 3) {
                throw new AnalysisException("DECODE in '" + toSql() + "' requires at least 3 " + "arguments.");

        // Since we have no BE implementation of a CaseExpr with CHAR types,
        // we cast the CHAR-typed whenExprs and caseExprs to STRING,
        // TODO: This casting is not always correct and needs to be fixed, see IMPALA-1652.

        // Keep track of maximum compatible type of case expr and all when exprs.
        Type whenType = null;
        // Keep track of maximum compatible type of else expr and all then exprs.
        Type returnType = null;
        // Remember last of these exprs for error reporting.
        Expr lastCompatibleThenExpr = null;
        Expr lastCompatibleWhenExpr = null;
        int loopEnd = children_.size();
        if (hasElseExpr_) {
        int loopStart;
        Expr caseExpr = null;
        // Set loop start, and initialize returnType as type of castExpr.
        if (hasCaseExpr_) {
            loopStart = 1;
            caseExpr = children_.get(0);
            whenType = caseExpr.getType();
            lastCompatibleWhenExpr = children_.get(0);
        } else {
            whenType = Type.BOOLEAN;
            loopStart = 0;

        // Go through when/then exprs and determine compatible types.
        for (int i = loopStart; i < loopEnd; i += 2) {
            Expr whenExpr = children_.get(i);
            if (hasCaseExpr_) {
                // Determine maximum compatible type of the case expr,
                // and all when exprs seen so far. We will add casts to them at the very end.
                whenType = analyzer.getCompatibleType(whenType, lastCompatibleWhenExpr, whenExpr);
                lastCompatibleWhenExpr = whenExpr;
            } else {
                // If no case expr was given, then the when exprs should always return
                // boolean or be castable to boolean.
                if (!Type.isImplicitlyCastable(whenExpr.getType(), Type.BOOLEAN, false)) {
                    throw new AnalysisException("When expr '" + whenExpr.toSql() + "'"
                            + " is not of type boolean and not castable to type boolean.");
                // Add a cast if necessary.
                if (!whenExpr.getType().isBoolean())
                    castChild(Type.BOOLEAN, i);
            // Determine maximum compatible type of the then exprs seen so far.
            // We will add casts to them at the very end.
            Expr thenExpr = children_.get(i + 1);
            returnType = analyzer.getCompatibleType(returnType, lastCompatibleThenExpr, thenExpr);
            lastCompatibleThenExpr = thenExpr;
        if (hasElseExpr_) {
            Expr elseExpr = children_.get(children_.size() - 1);
            returnType = analyzer.getCompatibleType(returnType, lastCompatibleThenExpr, elseExpr);

        // Make sure BE doesn't see TYPE_NULL by picking an arbitrary type
        if (whenType.isNull())
            whenType = ScalarType.BOOLEAN;
        if (returnType.isNull())
            returnType = ScalarType.BOOLEAN;

        // Add casts to case expr to compatible type.
        if (hasCaseExpr_) {
            // Cast case expr.
            if (!children_.get(0).type_.equals(whenType)) {
                castChild(whenType, 0);
            // Add casts to when exprs to compatible type.
            for (int i = loopStart; i < loopEnd; i += 2) {
                if (!children_.get(i).type_.equals(whenType)) {
                    castChild(whenType, i);
        // Cast then exprs to compatible type.
        for (int i = loopStart + 1; i < children_.size(); i += 2) {
            if (!children_.get(i).type_.equals(returnType)) {
                castChild(returnType, i);
        // Cast else expr to compatible type.
        if (hasElseExpr_) {
            if (!children_.get(children_.size() - 1).type_.equals(returnType)) {
                castChild(returnType, children_.size() - 1);

        // Do the function lookup just based on the whenType.
        Type[] args = new Type[1];
        args[0] = whenType;
        fn_ = getBuiltinFunction(analyzer, "case", args, CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
        type_ = returnType;

        // Compute cost as the sum of evaluating all of the WHEN exprs, plus
        // the max of the THEN/ELSE exprs.
        float maxThenCost = 0;
        float whenCosts = 0;
        boolean hasChildCosts = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
            if (!getChild(i).hasCost()) {
                hasChildCosts = false;

            if (hasCaseExpr_ && i % 2 == 1) {
                // This child is a WHEN expr. BINARY_PREDICATE_COST accounts for the cost of
                // comparing the CASE expr to the WHEN expr.
                whenCosts += getChild(0).getCost() + getChild(i).getCost() + BINARY_PREDICATE_COST;
            } else if (!hasCaseExpr_ && i % 2 == 0) {
                // This child is a WHEN expr.
                whenCosts += getChild(i).getCost();
            } else if (i != 0) {
                // This child is a THEN or ELSE expr.
                float thenCost = getChild(i).getCost();
                if (thenCost > maxThenCost)
                    maxThenCost = thenCost;
        if (hasChildCosts) {
            evalCost_ = whenCosts + maxThenCost;

    protected void computeNumDistinctValues() {
        // Skip the first child if case expression
        int loopStart = (hasCaseExpr_ ? 1 : 0);

        // If all the outputs have a known number of distinct values (i.e. not -1), then
        // sum the number of distinct constants with the maximum NDV for the non-constants.
        // Otherwise, the number of distinct values is undetermined. The input cardinality
        // (i.e. the when's) are not used.
        boolean allOutputsKnown = true;
        int numOutputConstants = 0;
        long maxOutputNonConstNdv = -1;
        HashSet<LiteralExpr> constLiteralSet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(children_.size());

        for (int i = loopStart; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
            // The children follow this ordering:
            // [optional first child] when1 then1 when2 then2 ... else
            // After skipping optional first child, even indices are when expressions, except
            // for the last child, which can be an else expression
            if ((i - loopStart) % 2 == 0 && !(i == children_.size() - 1 && hasElseExpr_)) {
                // This is a when expression

            // This is an output expression (either then or else)
            Expr outputExpr = children_.get(i);

            if (outputExpr.isConstant()) {
                if (outputExpr.isLiteral()) {
                    LiteralExpr outputLiteral = (LiteralExpr) outputExpr;
                    if (constLiteralSet.add(outputLiteral))
                } else {
            } else {
                long outputNdv = outputExpr.getNumDistinctValues();
                if (outputNdv == -1)
                    allOutputsKnown = false;
                maxOutputNonConstNdv = Math.max(maxOutputNonConstNdv, outputNdv);

        // Else unspecified => NULL constant, which is not caught above
        if (!hasElseExpr_)

        if (allOutputsKnown) {
            if (maxOutputNonConstNdv == -1) {
                // All must be constant, because if we hit any SlotRef, this would be set
                numDistinctValues_ = numOutputConstants;
            } else {
                numDistinctValues_ = numOutputConstants + maxOutputNonConstNdv;
        } else {
            // There is no correct answer when statistics are missing. Neither the
            // known outputs nor the inputs provide information
            numDistinctValues_ = -1;

    private boolean isCase() {
        return !isDecode();

    private boolean isDecode() {
        return decodeExpr_ != null;

    public boolean hasCaseExpr() {
        return hasCaseExpr_;

    public boolean hasElseExpr() {
        return hasElseExpr_;

    public Expr clone() {
        return new CaseExpr(this);