Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap putAll

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap putAll


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap putAll.


boolean putAll(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values);

Source Link


Stores a key-value pair in this multimap for each of values , all using the same key, key .


From source file:org.crypto.sse.EMM2Lev.java

public static RH2Lev constructEMMParGMM(final byte[] key, final Multimap<String, String> lookup,
        final int bigBlock, final int smallBlock, final int dataSize)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {

    final Multimap<String, byte[]> dictionary = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
        // initialize all buckets with random values
        free.add(i);//  ww w  . j  a  v a  2 s .c om

    List<String> listOfKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.keySet());
    int threads = 0;
    if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > listOfKeyword.size()) {
        threads = listOfKeyword.size();
    } else {
        threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

    ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
    ArrayList<String[]> inputs = new ArrayList<String[]>(threads);

    for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        String[] tmp;
        if (i == threads - 1) {
            tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads];
            for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads; j++) {
                tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j);
        } else {
            tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads];
            for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads; j++) {

                tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j);
        inputs.add(i, tmp);

    Printer.debugln("End of Partitionning  \n");

    List<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>>();
    for (final String[] input : inputs) {
        Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>> callable = new Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>>() {
            public Multimap<String, byte[]> call() throws Exception {

                Multimap<String, byte[]> output = setup(key, input, lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize);
                return output;


    for (Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>> future : futures) {
        Set<String> keys = future.get().keySet();

        for (String k : keys) {
            dictionary.putAll(k, future.get().get(k));


    return new RH2Lev(dictionary, array);

From source file:org.killbill.billing.subscription.engine.dao.DefaultSubscriptionDao.java

public Map<UUID, List<SubscriptionBase>> getSubscriptionsForAccount(final InternalTenantContext context)
        throws CatalogApiException {
    final Map<UUID, List<SubscriptionBase>> subscriptionsFromAccountId = getSubscriptionsFromAccountId(context);

    final List<SubscriptionBaseEvent> eventsForAccount = getEventsForAccountId(context);

    final Map<UUID, List<SubscriptionBase>> result = new HashMap<UUID, List<SubscriptionBase>>();
    for (final UUID bundleId : subscriptionsFromAccountId.keySet()) {

        final List<SubscriptionBase> subscriptionsForBundle = subscriptionsFromAccountId.get(bundleId);
        final Multimap<UUID, SubscriptionBaseEvent> eventsForSubscriptions = ArrayListMultimap.create();

        for (final SubscriptionBase cur : subscriptionsForBundle) {
            final Collection<SubscriptionBaseEvent> events = Collections2.filter(eventsForAccount,
                    new Predicate<SubscriptionBaseEvent>() {
                        public boolean apply(final SubscriptionBaseEvent input) {
                            return input.getSubscriptionId().equals(cur.getId());

                        }//from  w w  w. j av a  2  s. c  o  m
            eventsForSubscriptions.putAll(cur.getId(), ImmutableList.copyOf(events));

                buildBundleSubscriptions(subscriptionsForBundle, eventsForSubscriptions, null, context));
    return result;

From source file:com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.SBOLDesign.java

private void computePrecedesTransitive(SequenceAnnotation ann,
        Multimap<SequenceAnnotation, SequenceAnnotation> precedes, Set<SequenceAnnotation> visited) {
    if (!visited.add(ann)) {
        LOGGER.warn("Circular precedes relation: " + Iterators
                .toString(Iterators.transform(visited.iterator(), new Function<SequenceAnnotation, String>() {
                    public String apply(SequenceAnnotation ann) {
                        return ann.getURI().toString();
                    }/*from w ww  .  ja va2  s . co m*/

    if (!precedes.containsKey(ann)) {
        for (SequenceAnnotation nextAnn : ann.getPrecedes()) {
            computePrecedesTransitive(nextAnn, precedes, visited);
            precedes.put(ann, nextAnn);
            precedes.putAll(ann, precedes.get(nextAnn));


From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.impl.SnapshotTransaction.java

private Multimap<String, Cell> getCellsToScrubByTable(State expectedState) {
    Multimap<String, Cell> tableNameToCells = HashMultimap.create();
    State actualState = state.get();
    if (expectedState == actualState) {
        for (Entry<String, ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]>> entry : writesByTable.entrySet()) {
            String table = entry.getKey();
            Set<Cell> cells = entry.getValue().keySet();
            tableNameToCells.putAll(table, cells);
        }/*from   w  w  w  . j  a v  a2 s. c  o m*/
    } else {
        AssertUtils.assertAndLog(false, "Expected state: " + expectedState + "; actual state: " + actualState);
    return tableNameToCells;

From source file:org.onebusaway.nyc.vehicle_tracking.impl.inference.BlockStateService.java

 * /*from  w ww  . j av a 2s  . c om*/
 * Build the maps and STR tree for look-up.
private void buildShapeSpatialIndex() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    try {
        _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId = new HashMap<String, Multimap<LocationIndexedLine, TripInfo>>();

        final Multimap<AgencyAndId, AgencyAndId> allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId = HashMultimap.create();
        final Multimap<AgencyAndId, BlockTripIndex> blockTripIndicesByShapeId = HashMultimap.create();
        final Multimap<AgencyAndId, BlockLayoverIndex> blockLayoverIndicesByShapeId = HashMultimap.create();
        final Multimap<AgencyAndId, FrequencyBlockTripIndex> frequencyBlockTripIndicesByShapeId = HashMultimap

        final Multimap<Envelope, LocationIndexedLine> envToLines = HashMultimap.create();

        _log.info("generating shapeId & blockConfig to block trips map...");
        for (final BlockEntry blockEntry : _transitGraphDao.getAllBlocks()) {
            for (final BlockConfigurationEntry blockConfig : blockEntry.getConfigurations()) {
                for (final BlockTripEntry blockTrip : blockConfig.getTrips()) {
                    final TripEntry trip = blockTrip.getTrip();
                    final AgencyAndId shapeId = trip.getShapeId();
                    final AgencyAndId blockId = blockEntry.getId();

                    if (shapeId != null) {
                        allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId.put(shapeId, blockId);

        _log.info("\tshapePoints=" + allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId.keySet().size());
        for (final Entry<AgencyAndId, Collection<AgencyAndId>> shapePointsEntry : allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId
                .asMap().entrySet()) {
            final AgencyAndId shapeId = shapePointsEntry.getKey();
            final ShapePoints shapePoints = _shapePointService.getShapePointsForShapeId(shapeId);
            if (shapePoints == null || shapePoints.isEmpty()) {
                _log.warn("blocks with no shapes: " + shapePointsEntry.getValue());

            final Collection<BlockTripIndex> indices = blockTripIndicesByShapeId.get(shapeId);
            final Collection<BlockLayoverIndex> layoverIndices = blockLayoverIndicesByShapeId.get(shapeId);
            final Collection<FrequencyBlockTripIndex> frequencyIndices = frequencyBlockTripIndicesByShapeId

            final Collection<AgencyAndId> blockIds = shapePointsEntry.getValue();
            if (blockIds.isEmpty())

            // shape agency ID cannot be used when the bundle builder is configured for agency ID remapping,
            // so we use the agency ID from the block ID, since shapes are not shared across agencies, they should all be the same. 
            final String agencyId = blockIds.iterator().next().getAgencyId();

            Multimap<LocationIndexedLine, TripInfo> linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId = _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId
            if (linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId == null) {
                linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId = HashMultimap.create();

            for (int i = 0; i < shapePoints.getSize() - 1; ++i) {
                final CoordinatePoint from = shapePoints.getPointForIndex(i);
                final CoordinatePoint to = shapePoints.getPointForIndex(i + 1);

                final Coordinate fromJts = new Coordinate(from.getLon(), from.getLat());
                final Coordinate toJts = new Coordinate(to.getLon(), to.getLat());

                final Geometry lineGeo = _geometryFactory.createLineString(new Coordinate[] { fromJts, toJts });
                final LocationIndexedLine line = new LocationIndexedLine(lineGeo);
                final Envelope env = lineGeo.getEnvelopeInternal();

                final double distanceFrom = shapePoints.getDistTraveledForIndex(i);
                final double distanceTo = shapePoints.getDistTraveledForIndex(i + 1);

                        new TripInfo(distanceFrom, distanceTo, indices, layoverIndices, frequencyIndices));

                envToLines.put(env, line);

            _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId.put(agencyId, linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId);

        if (envToLines.size() > 0) {
            _log.info("\ttree size=" + envToLines.keySet().size());
            _index = new STRtree(envToLines.keySet().size());
            for (final Entry<Envelope, Collection<LocationIndexedLine>> envLines : envToLines.asMap()
                    .entrySet()) {
                _index.insert(envLines.getKey(), envLines.getValue());
    } catch (final Exception ex) {


From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.constraints.TopLevelConstraintSemantics.java

 * Checks that if this is an environment-restricted build, all top-level targets support expected
 * top-level environments. Expected top-level environments can be declared explicitly through
 * {@code --target_environment} or implicitly through {@code --auto_cpu_environment_group}. For
 * the latter, top-level targets must be compatible with the build's target configuration CPU.
 * <p>If any target doesn't support an explicitly expected environment declared through {@link
 * BuildConfiguration.Options#targetEnvironments}, the entire build fails with an error.
 * <p>If any target doesn't support an implicitly expected environment declared through {@link
 * BuildConfiguration.Options#autoCpuEnvironmentGroup}, the target is skipped during execution
 * while remaining targets execute as normal.
 * @param topLevelTargets the build's top-level targets
 * @param packageManager object for retrieving loaded targets
 * @param eventHandler the build's event handler
 * @return the set of bad top-level targets.
 * @throws ViewCreationFailedException if any target doesn't support an explicitly expected
 *     environment declared through {@link BuildConfiguration.Options#targetEnvironments}
 *///from   w w  w.j ava2  s. c  o  m
public static Set<ConfiguredTarget> checkTargetEnvironmentRestrictions(
        Iterable<ConfiguredTarget> topLevelTargets, PackageManager packageManager,
        ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler) throws ViewCreationFailedException, InterruptedException {
    ImmutableSet.Builder<ConfiguredTarget> badTargets = ImmutableSet.builder();
    // Maps targets that are missing *explicitly* required environments to the set of environments
    // they're missing. These targets trigger a ViewCreationFailedException, which halts the build.
    // Targets with missing *implicitly* required environments don't belong here, since the build
    // continues while skipping them.
    Multimap<ConfiguredTarget, Label> exceptionInducingTargets = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (ConfiguredTarget topLevelTarget : topLevelTargets) {
        BuildConfiguration config = topLevelTarget.getConfiguration();
        boolean failBuildIfTargetIsBad = true;
        if (config == null) {
            // TODO(bazel-team): support file targets (they should apply package-default constraints).
        } else if (!config.enforceConstraints()) {

        List<Label> targetEnvironments = config.getTargetEnvironments();
        if (targetEnvironments.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                targetEnvironments = autoConfigureTargetEnvironments(config,
                        config.getAutoCpuEnvironmentGroup(), packageManager, eventHandler);
                failBuildIfTargetIsBad = false;
            } catch (NoSuchPackageException | NoSuchTargetException
                    | ConstraintSemantics.EnvironmentLookupException e) {
                throw new ViewCreationFailedException("invalid target environment", e);

        if (targetEnvironments.isEmpty()) {

        // Parse and collect this configuration's environments.
        EnvironmentCollection.Builder builder = new EnvironmentCollection.Builder();
        for (Label envLabel : targetEnvironments) {
            try {
                Target env = packageManager.getTarget(eventHandler, envLabel);
                builder.put(ConstraintSemantics.getEnvironmentGroup(env), envLabel);
            } catch (NoSuchPackageException | NoSuchTargetException
                    | ConstraintSemantics.EnvironmentLookupException e) {
                throw new ViewCreationFailedException("invalid target environment", e);
        EnvironmentCollection expectedEnvironments = builder.build();

        // Now check the target against those environments.
        TransitiveInfoCollection asProvider;
        if (topLevelTarget instanceof OutputFileConfiguredTarget) {
            asProvider = ((OutputFileConfiguredTarget) topLevelTarget).getGeneratingRule();
        } else {
            asProvider = topLevelTarget;
        SupportedEnvironmentsProvider provider = Verify
        Collection<Label> missingEnvironments = ConstraintSemantics
                .getUnsupportedEnvironments(provider.getRefinedEnvironments(), expectedEnvironments);
        if (!missingEnvironments.isEmpty()) {
            if (failBuildIfTargetIsBad) {
                exceptionInducingTargets.putAll(topLevelTarget, missingEnvironments);

    if (!exceptionInducingTargets.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ViewCreationFailedException(getBadTargetsUserMessage(exceptionInducingTargets));
    return ImmutableSet.copyOf(badTargets.build());

From source file:com.bigdata.dastor.service.StorageService.java

public static void calculatePendingRanges(AbstractReplicationStrategy strategy, String table) {
    TokenMetadata tm = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata();
    Multimap<Range, InetAddress> pendingRanges = HashMultimap.create();
    Map<Token, InetAddress> bootstrapTokens = tm.getBootstrapTokens();
    Set<InetAddress> leavingEndPoints = tm.getLeavingEndPoints();

    if (bootstrapTokens.isEmpty() && leavingEndPoints.isEmpty()) {
        if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
            logger_.debug("No bootstrapping or leaving nodes -> empty pending ranges for " + table);
        tm.setPendingRanges(table, pendingRanges);
        return;//from   www.j ava  2 s .com

    Multimap<InetAddress, Range> addressRanges = strategy.getAddressRanges(table);

    // Copy of metadata reflecting the situation after all leave operations are finished.
    TokenMetadata allLeftMetadata = tm.cloneAfterAllLeft();

    // get all ranges that will be affected by leaving nodes
    Set<Range> affectedRanges = new HashSet<Range>();
    for (InetAddress endPoint : leavingEndPoints)

    // for each of those ranges, find what new nodes will be responsible for the range when
    // all leaving nodes are gone.
    for (Range range : affectedRanges) {
        List<InetAddress> currentEndPoints = strategy.getNaturalEndpoints(range.right, tm, table);
        List<InetAddress> newEndPoints = strategy.getNaturalEndpoints(range.right, allLeftMetadata, table);
        pendingRanges.putAll(range, newEndPoints);

    // At this stage pendingRanges has been updated according to leave operations. We can
    // now finish the calculation by checking bootstrapping nodes.

    // For each of the bootstrapping nodes, simply add and remove them one by one to
    // allLeftMetadata and check in between what their ranges would be.
    for (Map.Entry<Token, InetAddress> entry : bootstrapTokens.entrySet()) {
        InetAddress endPoint = entry.getValue();

        allLeftMetadata.updateNormalToken(entry.getKey(), endPoint);
        for (Range range : strategy.getAddressRanges(allLeftMetadata, table).get(endPoint))
            pendingRanges.put(range, endPoint);

    tm.setPendingRanges(table, pendingRanges);

    if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
        logger_.debug("Pending ranges:\n" + (pendingRanges.isEmpty() ? "<empty>" : tm.printPendingRanges()));

From source file:org.apache.sentry.provider.file.SimpleFileProviderBackend.java

private void parsePrivileges(@Nullable String database, Ini.Section rolesSection, Ini.Section groupsSection,
        List<? extends PrivilegeValidator> validators, Path policyPath,
        Table<String, String, Set<String>> groupRolePrivilegeTable) {
    Multimap<String, String> roleNameToPrivilegeMap = HashMultimap.create();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : rolesSection.entrySet()) {
        String roleName = stringInterner.intern(Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getKey()).trim());
        String roleValue = Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getValue()).trim();
        boolean invalidConfiguration = false;
        if (roleName.isEmpty()) {
            String errMsg = String.format("Empty role name encountered in %s", policyPath);
            LOGGER.warn(errMsg);//from  w  w  w.  j  a  v  a2s . c  o m
            invalidConfiguration = true;
        if (roleValue.isEmpty()) {
            String errMsg = String.format("Empty role value encountered in %s", policyPath);
            invalidConfiguration = true;
        if (roleNameToPrivilegeMap.containsKey(roleName)) {
            String warnMsg = String.format("Role %s defined twice in %s", roleName, policyPath);
        Set<String> privileges = PrivilegeUtils.toPrivilegeStrings(roleValue);
        if (!invalidConfiguration && privileges != null) {
            Set<String> internedPrivileges = Sets.newHashSet();
            for (String privilege : privileges) {
                for (PrivilegeValidator validator : validators) {
                    validator.validate(new PrivilegeValidatorContext(database, privilege.trim()));
            roleNameToPrivilegeMap.putAll(roleName, internedPrivileges);
    Splitter roleSplitter = ROLE_SPLITTER.omitEmptyStrings().trimResults();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : groupsSection.entrySet()) {
        String groupName = stringInterner.intern(Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getKey()).trim());
        String groupPrivileges = Strings.nullToEmpty(entry.getValue()).trim();
        for (String roleName : roleSplitter.split(groupPrivileges)) {
            roleName = stringInterner.intern(roleName);
            if (roleNameToPrivilegeMap.containsKey(roleName)) {
                Set<String> privileges = groupRolePrivilegeTable.get(groupName, roleName);
                if (privileges == null) {
                    privileges = new HashSet<String>();
                    groupRolePrivilegeTable.put(groupName, roleName, privileges);
            } else {
                String warnMsg = String.format(
                        "Role %s for group %s does not exist in privileges section in %s", roleName, groupName,

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.broker.loadbalance.impl.SimpleLoadManagerImpl.java

private Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> getFinalCandidates(ServiceUnitId serviceUnit,
        Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers) {
    synchronized (brokerCandidateCache) {
        final Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> result = TreeMultimap.create();
        availableBrokersCache.clear();/*  ww  w  . j  av  a2s  .c o  m*/
        for (final Set<ResourceUnit> resourceUnits : availableBrokers.values()) {
            for (final ResourceUnit resourceUnit : resourceUnits) {
                availableBrokersCache.add(resourceUnit.getResourceId().replace("http://", ""));
        try {
            LoadManagerShared.applyPolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, availableBrokersCache);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("Error when trying to apply policies: {}", e);
            for (final Map.Entry<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> entry : availableBrokers.entrySet()) {
                result.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            return result;

        // As long as there is at least one broker left, this will always leave brokerCandidateCache non-empty.
        LoadManagerShared.removeMostServicingBrokersForNamespace(serviceUnit.toString(), brokerCandidateCache,
        // After LoadManagerShared is finished applying the filter, put the results back into a multimap.
        for (final Map.Entry<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> entry : availableBrokers.entrySet()) {
            final Long rank = entry.getKey();
            final Set<ResourceUnit> resourceUnits = entry.getValue();
            for (final ResourceUnit resourceUnit : resourceUnits) {
                if (brokerCandidateCache.contains(resourceUnit.getResourceId().replace("http://", ""))) {
                    result.put(rank, resourceUnit);
        return result;

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.partition.map.DynamicPartitionMapImpl.java

public Multimap<ConsistentRingRangeRequest, KeyValueEndpoint> getServicesForRangeRead(String tableName,
        RangeRequest range) {/* w ww .java2 s.co m*/
    if (range.isReverse()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    Multimap<ConsistentRingRangeRequest, KeyValueEndpoint> result = LinkedHashMultimap.create();

    byte[] rangeStart = range.getStartInclusive();
    if (range.getStartInclusive().length == 0) {
        rangeStart = RangeRequests.getFirstRowName();

    // Note that there is no wrapping around when traversing the circle with the key.
    // Ie. the range does not go over through "zero" of the ring.
    while (range.inRange(rangeStart)) {

        // Setup the consistent subrange
        byte[] rangeEnd = ring.higherKey(rangeStart);
        if (rangeEnd == null || !range.inRange(rangeEnd)) {
            rangeEnd = range.getEndExclusive();

        ConsistentRingRangeRequest crrr = ConsistentRingRangeRequest


        // We have now the "consistent" subrange which means that
        // every service having the (inclusive) start row will also
        // have all the other rows belonging to this range.
        // No other services will have any of these rows.
        result.putAll(crrr, getServicesHavingRow(rangeStart, false));

        // Proceed with next range
        rangeStart = ring.higherKey(rangeStart);
        // We are out of ranges to consider.
        if (rangeStart == null) {
    return result;