List of usage examples for Multimap putAll
boolean putAll(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values);
From source
private Multimap<String, RobotToken> extractArgumentVariables(final UserKeyword keyword, final VariableExtractor extractor, final String fileName) { final Multimap<String, RobotToken> arguments = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // first add arguments embedded in name, then from [Arguments] setting final Multimap<String, RobotToken> embeddedArguments = VariableNamesSupport .extractUnifiedVariables(newArrayList(keyword.getKeywordName()), extractor, fileName); for (final String argName : embeddedArguments.keySet()) { arguments.putAll(EmbeddedKeywordNamesSupport.removeRegex(argName), embeddedArguments.get(argName)); }/*from w w w . j a va2s . c o m*/ for (final KeywordArguments argument : keyword.getArguments()) { for (final RobotToken token : argument.getArguments()) { final boolean hasDefault = token.getText().contains("="); if (hasDefault) { final List<String> splitted = Splitter.on('=').limit(2).splitToList(token.getText()); final String def = splitted.get(0); final String unifiedDefinitionName = VariableNamesSupport.extractUnifiedVariableName(def); final Multimap<String, RobotToken> usedVariables = VariableNamesSupport .extractUnifiedVariables(newArrayList(token), new VariableExtractor(), null); arguments.put(unifiedDefinitionName, Iterables.getFirst(usedVariables.get(unifiedDefinitionName), null)); } else { arguments.putAll( VariableNamesSupport.extractUnifiedVariables(newArrayList(token), extractor, fileName)); } } } return arguments; }
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public Map<String, Collection<String>> getLdapGroupMappings() { Multimap<String, String> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Collection<String> keys = userConf.getKeys(); for (String key : keys) { if (key.startsWith(UserConfigurationKeys.LDAP_GROUPS_ROLE_START_KEY)) { String val = userConf.getString(key); String[] roles = StringUtils.split(val, ','); for (String role : roles) { map.put(StringUtils.substringAfter(key, UserConfigurationKeys.LDAP_GROUPS_ROLE_START_KEY), role);/*from w w w.j ava2s . c o m*/ } } } for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : this.ldapMappings.entrySet()) { map.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } Map<String, Collection<String>> mappings = map.asMap(); return mappings; }
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/** get potential sources for each range, ordered by proximity (as determined by EndpointSnitch) */ Multimap<Range, InetAddress> getRangesWithSources(String table) { assert tokenMetadata.sortedTokens().size() > 0; final AbstractReplicationStrategy strat =; Collection<Range> myRanges = strat.getPendingAddressRanges(tokenMetadata, token, address); Multimap<Range, InetAddress> myRangeAddresses = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<Range, InetAddress> rangeAddresses = strat.getRangeAddresses(tokenMetadata); for (Range myRange : myRanges) { for (Range range : rangeAddresses.keySet()) { if (range.contains(myRange)) { List<InetAddress> preferred = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch() .getSortedListByProximity(address, rangeAddresses.get(range)); myRangeAddresses.putAll(myRange, preferred); break; }//from www . j a v a 2 s. co m } assert myRangeAddresses.keySet().contains(myRange); } return myRangeAddresses; }
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/** * Checks the current state of our {@link #resourceListener} and updates the dependency graph for all * resources that have been changed since we last checked. * //from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m * @param resourceSet * The resource set in which to load our temporary resources. * @param diagnostic * The diagnostic. * @param tspm * Monitor on which to report progress to the user. */ protected void updateChangedResources(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, DiagnosticSupport diagnostic, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor tspm) { // this.diagnostic = createDiagnostic(); final Set<URI> removedURIs = Sets.difference(resourceListener.popRemovedURIs(), scheduler.getComputedElements()); final Set<URI> changedURIs = Sets.difference(resourceListener.popChangedURIs(), scheduler.getComputedElements()); ResourceRemovedEvent<URI>(removedURIs)); // We need to re-resolve the changed resources, along with their direct parents final Set<URI> recompute = new LinkedHashSet<URI>(changedURIs); final Multimap<URI, URI> parentToGrandParents = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (URI changed : changedURIs) { if (dependencyGraph.contains(changed)) { Set<URI> directParents = dependencyGraph.getDirectParents(changed); recompute.addAll(directParents); for (URI uri : directParents) { Set<URI> grandParents = dependencyGraph.getDirectParents(uri); parentToGrandParents.putAll(uri, grandParents); } } } ResourceRemovedEvent<URI>(recompute)); demandResolveAll(recompute, diagnostic, resourceSet, tspm); // Re-connect changed resources parents' with their parents Set<URI> toResolve = new LinkedHashSet<URI>(); for (URI parentURI : parentToGrandParents.keySet()) { if (dependencyGraph.contains(parentURI)) { toResolve.addAll(parentToGrandParents.get(parentURI)); } } demandResolveAll(toResolve, diagnostic, resourceSet, tspm); }
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/** * Returns a list of all hosts registered in the Helios cluster that match both the given hostname * pattern and set of host selectors./*from w w w. j a va 2 m*/ * * @see #listHosts(Set) */ public ListenableFuture<List<String>> listHosts(final String namePattern, final Set<String> unparsedHostSelectors) { final Multimap<String, String> query = HashMultimap.create(); query.put("namePattern", namePattern); query.putAll("selector", unparsedHostSelectors); return listHosts(query); }
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/** * Expected layout:/*w w w . ja va 2 s .com*/ * * int - status code * Map<String, List<String>> - headers * int - length of body * byte array - body, of previously specified length */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { httpStatusCode = in.readInt(); // We store the multimap as a Map<String,List<String>> to insulate us from google-collections API churn // And to remain backwards compatible Map<String, List<String>> headerCopyMap = (Map<String, List<String>>) in.readObject(); Multimap headerCopy = newHeaderMultimap(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : headerCopyMap.entrySet()) { headerCopy.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } int bodyLength = in.readInt(); responseBytes = new byte[bodyLength]; int cnt, offset = 0; while ((cnt =, offset, bodyLength)) > 0) { offset += cnt; bodyLength -= cnt; } if (offset != responseBytes.length) { throw new IOException( "Invalid body! Expected length = " + responseBytes.length + ", bytes readed = " + offset + '.'); } date = getAndUpdateDate(headerCopy); encoding = getAndUpdateEncoding(headerCopy, responseBytes); headers = Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(headerCopy); metadata = Collections.emptyMap(); }
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private Multimap<P2Artifact, ResolvedArtifact> resolveArtifacts(List<P2Artifact> artifacts) { Multimap<P2Artifact, ResolvedArtifact> resolvedArtifacts = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (null != artifacts) { for (P2Artifact p2Artifact : artifacts) { logResolving(p2Artifact);//w w w . j a va2 s. com ArtifactResolutionResult resolutionResult = resolveArtifact(p2Artifact); resolvedArtifacts.putAll(p2Artifact, resolutionResult.getResolvedArtifacts()); } } return resolvedArtifacts; }
From source
@Override public void onRootVertexInitialized(String inputName, InputDescriptor inputDescriptor, List<Event> events) { numInputsSeenSoFar++;//from w w w . j a va 2s . co m"On root vertex initialized " + inputName); try { // This is using the payload from the RootVertexInitializer corresponding // to InputName. Ideally it should be using it's own configuration class - // but that // means serializing another instance. MRInputUserPayloadProto protoPayload = MRInputHelpers .parseMRInputPayload(inputDescriptor.getUserPayload()); this.conf = TezUtils.createConfFromByteString(protoPayload.getConfigurationBytes()); /* * Currently in tez, the flow of events is thus: * "Generate Splits -> Initialize Vertex" (with parallelism info obtained * from the generate splits phase). The generate splits phase groups * splits using the TezGroupedSplitsInputFormat. However, for bucket map * joins the grouping done by this input format results in incorrect * results as the grouper has no knowledge of buckets. So, we initially * set the input format to be HiveInputFormat (in DagUtils) for the case * of bucket map joins so as to obtain un-grouped splits. We then group * the splits corresponding to buckets using the tez grouper which returns * TezGroupedSplits. */ // This assumes that Grouping will always be used. // Enabling grouping on the payload. MRInputUserPayloadProto updatedPayload = MRInputUserPayloadProto.newBuilder(protoPayload) .setGroupingEnabled(true).build(); inputDescriptor .setUserPayload(UserPayload.create(updatedPayload.toByteString().asReadOnlyByteBuffer())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } boolean dataInformationEventSeen = false; Map<String, Set<FileSplit>> pathFileSplitsMap = new TreeMap<String, Set<FileSplit>>(); for (Event event : events) { if (event instanceof InputConfigureVertexTasksEvent) { // No tasks should have been started yet. Checked by initial state // check."Got a input configure vertex event for input: " + inputName); Preconditions.checkState(dataInformationEventSeen == false); InputConfigureVertexTasksEvent cEvent = (InputConfigureVertexTasksEvent) event; // The vertex cannot be configured until all DataEvents are seen - to // build the routing table. configureVertexTaskEvent = cEvent;"Configure task for input name: " + inputName + " num tasks: " + configureVertexTaskEvent.getNumTasks()); } if (event instanceof InputUpdatePayloadEvent) { // this event can never occur. If it does, fail. Preconditions.checkState(false); } else if (event instanceof InputDataInformationEvent) { dataInformationEventSeen = true; InputDataInformationEvent diEvent = (InputDataInformationEvent) event; FileSplit fileSplit; try { fileSplit = getFileSplitFromEvent(diEvent); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get file split for event: " + diEvent, e); } Set<FileSplit> fsList = pathFileSplitsMap .get(Utilities.getBucketFileNameFromPathSubString(fileSplit.getPath().getName())); if (fsList == null) { fsList = new TreeSet<FileSplit>(new PathComparatorForSplit()); pathFileSplitsMap.put( Utilities.getBucketFileNameFromPathSubString(fileSplit.getPath().getName()), fsList); } fsList.add(fileSplit); } }"Path file splits map for input name: " + inputName + " is " + pathFileSplitsMap); Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> bucketToInitialSplitMap = getBucketSplitMapForPath(pathFileSplitsMap); try { int totalResource = context.getTotalAvailableResource().getMemory(); int taskResource = context.getVertexTaskResource().getMemory(); float waves = conf.getFloat(TezMapReduceSplitsGrouper.TEZ_GROUPING_SPLIT_WAVES, TezMapReduceSplitsGrouper.TEZ_GROUPING_SPLIT_WAVES_DEFAULT); int availableSlots = totalResource / taskResource;"Grouping splits. " + availableSlots + " available slots, " + waves + " waves. Bucket initial splits map: " + bucketToInitialSplitMap); JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(conf); ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().getMergedCredentials(jobConf); Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> bucketToGroupedSplitMap = HashMultimap.<Integer, InputSplit>create(); boolean secondLevelGroupingDone = false; if ((mainWorkName.isEmpty()) || (inputName.compareTo(mainWorkName) == 0)) { SplitLocationProvider splitLocationProvider = Utils.getSplitLocationProvider(conf, LOG); for (Integer key : bucketToInitialSplitMap.keySet()) { InputSplit[] inputSplitArray = (bucketToInitialSplitMap.get(key).toArray(new InputSplit[0])); Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> groupedSplit = grouper.generateGroupedSplits(jobConf, conf, inputSplitArray, waves, availableSlots, inputName, mainWorkName.isEmpty(), splitLocationProvider); if (mainWorkName.isEmpty() == false) { Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> singleBucketToGroupedSplit = HashMultimap .<Integer, InputSplit>create(); singleBucketToGroupedSplit.putAll(key, groupedSplit.values()); groupedSplit =, singleBucketToGroupedSplit, availableSlots, HiveConf.getFloatVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.TEZ_SMB_NUMBER_WAVES), null); secondLevelGroupingDone = true; } bucketToGroupedSplitMap.putAll(key, groupedSplit.values()); } processAllEvents(inputName, bucketToGroupedSplitMap, secondLevelGroupingDone); } else { SplitLocationProvider splitLocationProvider = Utils.getSplitLocationProvider(conf, LOG); // do not group across files in case of side work because there is only 1 KV reader per // grouped split. This would affect SMB joins where we want to find the smallest key in // all the bucket files. for (Integer key : bucketToInitialSplitMap.keySet()) { InputSplit[] inputSplitArray = (bucketToInitialSplitMap.get(key).toArray(new InputSplit[0])); Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> groupedSplit = grouper.generateGroupedSplits(jobConf, conf, inputSplitArray, waves, availableSlots, inputName, false, splitLocationProvider); bucketToGroupedSplitMap.putAll(key, groupedSplit.values()); } /* * this is the small table side. In case of SMB join, we need to send each split to the * corresponding bucket-based task on the other side. In case a split needs to go to * multiple downstream tasks, we need to clone the event and send it to the right * destination. */"This is the side work - multi-mr work."); processAllSideEventsSetParallelism(inputName, bucketToGroupedSplitMap); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
From source
/** * Loads graph of web files from proto manifests. * * @param manifests set of web rule target proto files in reverse topological order * @return set of web files and relationships between them, which could be mutated, although * adding a single key will most likely result in a full rehash *//*from w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ public static Webset load(Map<Path, WebfileManifestInfo> manifests, WebpathInterner interner) { int webfileCapacity = 0; int unlinkCapacity = 16; // LinkedHashMultimap#DEFAULT_KEY_CAPACITY for (WebfileManifestInfo manifest : manifests.values()) { webfileCapacity += manifest.getWebfileCount(); unlinkCapacity = Math.max(unlinkCapacity, manifest.getUnlinkCount()); } Map<Webpath, Webfile> webfiles = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(webfileCapacity); Multimap<Webpath, Webpath> links = LinkedHashMultimap.create(webfileCapacity, 4); Multimap<Webpath, Webpath> unlinks = LinkedHashMultimap.create(unlinkCapacity, 4); for (Map.Entry<Path, WebfileManifestInfo> entry : manifests.entrySet()) { Path manifestPath = entry.getKey(); Path zipPath = WebfilesUtils.getIncrementalZipPath(manifestPath); WebfileManifestInfo manifest = entry.getValue(); String label = manifest.getLabel(); for (WebfileInfo info : manifest.getWebfileList()) { Webpath webpath = interner.get(info.getWebpath()); webfiles.put(webpath, Webfile.create(webpath, zipPath, label, info)); } for (MultimapInfo mapping : manifest.getLinkList()) { Webpath from = interner.get(mapping.getKey()); for (Webpath to : Iterables.transform(mapping.getValueList(), interner)) { // When compiling web_library rules, if the strict dependency checking invariant holds // true, we can choose to only load adjacent manifests, rather than transitive ones. The // adjacent manifests may contain links to transitive web files which will not be in the // webfiles map. if (webfiles.containsKey(to)) { links.put(from, to); checkArgument(!unlinks.containsEntry(from, to), "Has a use case for resurrected links been discovered? %s -> %s", from, to); } } } for (MultimapInfo mapping : manifest.getUnlinkList()) { unlinks.putAll(interner.get(mapping.getKey()), Collections2.transform(mapping.getValueList(), interner)); } } for (Map.Entry<Webpath, Webpath> entry : unlinks.entries()) { links.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } unlinks.clear(); return new AutoValue_Webset(webfiles, links, interner); }
From source
@Override public AbstractSearchStrategy.Result topology(String ksName, Collection<InetAddress> staredShard) {;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m Set<InetAddress> liveNodes = Gossiper.instance.getLiveTokenOwners(); InetAddress localAddress = FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress(); Map<Range<Token>, List<InetAddress>> allRanges = StorageService.instance .getRangeToAddressMapInLocalDC(ksName); Multimap<InetAddress, Range<Token>> topo = ArrayListMultimap.create(); boolean consistent = true; Collection<Range<Token>> localRanges = new ArrayList<Range<Token>>(); for (Entry<Range<Token>, List<InetAddress>> entry : allRanges.entrySet()) { List<InetAddress> addrList = entry.getValue(); if (addrList.contains(localAddress)) { localRanges.add(entry.getKey()); entry.getValue().remove(localAddress); } } logger.debug("{} localRanges for keyspace {} on address {} = {}", localRanges.size(), ksName, FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress(), localRanges); topo.putAll(localAddress, localRanges); // remove localRanges from allRanges. for (Range<Token> range : localRanges) { allRanges.remove(range); } // remove dead nodes form allRanges values. for (Entry<Range<Token>, List<InetAddress>> entry : allRanges.entrySet()) { List<InetAddress> addrList = entry.getValue(); for (Iterator<InetAddress> i = addrList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InetAddress addr =; if (!liveNodes.contains(addr)) { i.remove(); } } if (addrList.size() == 0) { consistent = false; logger.warn("Inconsistent search for keyspace {}, no alive node for range {}", ksName, entry.getKey()); } } // pickup a random address for non-local ranges Random rnd = new Random(); for (Entry<Range<Token>, List<InetAddress>> entry : allRanges.entrySet()) { List<InetAddress> addrList = entry.getValue(); InetAddress addr = addrList.get(rnd.nextInt(addrList.size())); topo.put(addr, entry.getKey()); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("topology for keyspace {} = {}", ksName, topo.asMap()); } return null; // return new AbstractSearchStrategy.Result(topo.asMap(), consistent, // Gossiper.instance.getUnreachableTokenOwners().size()); }