Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotEmpty; import static; import; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.ZkUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.NamespaceName; import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId; import; import org.apache.pulsar.common.stats.Metrics; import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.ObjectMapperFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperCacheListener; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperChildrenCache; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperDataCache; import org.apache.pulsar.zookeeper.ZooKeeperCache.Deserializer; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.Ids; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory; public class SimpleLoadManagerImpl implements LoadManager, ZooKeeperCacheListener<LoadReport> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLoadManagerImpl.class); private SimpleResourceAllocationPolicies policies; private PulsarService pulsar; // average JVM heap usage for private long avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes = 0; // load report got from each broker private Map<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> currentLoadReports; // load ranking for each broker from multiple perspective private Map<ResourceUnit, ResourceUnitRanking> resourceUnitRankings; // sorted load ranking on one single dimension private AtomicReference<Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>>> sortedRankings = new AtomicReference<>(); // rotation cursor between brokers private long brokerRotationCursor = 0; // load balancing metrics private AtomicReference<List<Metrics>> loadBalancingMetrics = new AtomicReference<>(); // Cache of brokers to be used in applying policies and determining final candidates. private final Set<String> brokerCandidateCache; // Other policy selection caches. private final Set<String> availableBrokersCache; // Caches for bundle gains and losses. private final Set<String> bundleGainsCache; private final Set<String> bundleLossesCache; // Map from brokers to namespaces to the bundle ranges in that namespace assigned to that broker. // Used to distribute bundles within a namespace evely across brokers. private final Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange; // CPU usage per msg/sec private double realtimeCpuLoadFactor = 0.025; // memory usage per 500 (topics + producers + consumers) private double realtimeMemoryLoadFactor = 25.0; // realtime average resource quota private ResourceQuota realtimeAvgResourceQuota = null; // realtime resource quota calculated from the latest load reports private AtomicReference<Map<String, ResourceQuota>> realtimeResourceQuotas = new AtomicReference<>(); // timestamp when the resource quotas were re-calculated private long lastResourceQuotaUpdateTimestamp = -1; public static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_GO_UP_TIMEWINDOW = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(30); public static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_GO_DOWN_TIMEWINDOW = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1440); private static final double RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_CPU_FACTOR = 0.01; private static final double RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_CPU_FACTOR = 0.1; private static final double RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MEM_FACTOR = 10; private static final double RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MEM_FACTOR = 50; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MSGRATE_IN = 5; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MSGRATE_OUT = 5; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_BANDWIDTH_IN = 10000; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_BANDWIDTH_OUT = 10000; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MEMORY = 2; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MSGRATE_IN = 0; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MSGRATE_OUT = 0; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_BANDWIDTH_IN = 1000000; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_BANDWIDTH_OUT = 1000000; private static final long RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MEMORY = 200; private final PlacementStrategy placementStrategy; private ZooKeeperDataCache<LoadReport> loadReportCacheZk; private ZooKeeperDataCache<Map<String, String>> dynamicConfigurationCache; private BrokerHostUsage brokerHostUsage; private LoadingCache<String, Long> unloadedHotNamespaceCache; public static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_STRATEGY_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/settings/strategy"; private static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/settings/load_factor_cpu"; private static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/settings/load_factor_mem"; private static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/settings/overload_threshold"; private static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_COMFORT_LOAD_THRESHOLD_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/settings/comfort_load_threshold"; private static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_UNDERLOAD_THRESHOLD_ZPATH = "/loadbalance/settings/underload_threshold"; private static final String LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_AUTO_BUNDLE_SPLIT_ENABLED = "/loadbalance/settings/auto_bundle_split_enabled"; private static final String SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU = "loadFactorCPU"; private static final String SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM = "loadFactorMemory"; public static final String SETTING_NAME_STRATEGY = "loadBalancerStrategy"; private static final String SETTING_NAME_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD = "overloadThreshold"; private static final String SETTING_NAME_UNDERLOAD_THRESHOLD = "underloadThreshold"; private static final String SETTING_NAME_COMFORTLOAD_THRESHOLD = "comfortLoadThreshold"; private static final String SETTING_NAME_AUTO_BUNDLE_SPLIT_ENABLED = "autoBundleSplitEnabled"; public static final String LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS = "leastLoadedServer"; public static final String LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_RAND = "weightedRandomSelection"; public static final String LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG = "leastMsgPerSecond"; private String brokerZnodePath; private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler; private ZooKeeperChildrenCache availableActiveBrokers; private static final long MBytes = 1024 * 1024; // update LoadReport at most every 5 seconds public static final long LOAD_REPORT_UPDATE_MIMIMUM_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5); // last LoadReport stored in ZK private LoadReport lastLoadReport; // last timestamp resource usage was checked private long lastResourceUsageTimestamp = -1; // flag to force update load report private boolean forceLoadReportUpdate = false; private static final Deserializer<LoadReport> loadReportDeserializer = (key, content) -> jsonMapper() .readValue(content, LoadReport.class); // Perform initializations which may be done without a PulsarService. public SimpleLoadManagerImpl() { scheduler = Executors .newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new DefaultThreadFactory("pulsar-simple-load-manager")); this.sortedRankings.set(new TreeMap<>()); this.currentLoadReports = new HashMap<>(); this.resourceUnitRankings = new HashMap<>(); this.loadBalancingMetrics.set(Lists.newArrayList()); this.realtimeResourceQuotas.set(new HashMap<>()); this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota = new ResourceQuota(); placementStrategy = new WRRPlacementStrategy(); bundleGainsCache = new HashSet<>(); bundleLossesCache = new HashSet<>(); brokerCandidateCache = new HashSet<>(); availableBrokersCache = new HashSet<>(); brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange = new HashMap<>(); } @Override public void initialize(final PulsarService pulsar) { if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) { brokerHostUsage = new LinuxBrokerHostUsageImpl(pulsar); } else { brokerHostUsage = new GenericBrokerHostUsageImpl(pulsar); } this.policies = new SimpleResourceAllocationPolicies(pulsar); lastLoadReport = new LoadReport(pulsar.getWebServiceAddress(), pulsar.getWebServiceAddressTls(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrl(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrlTls()); loadReportCacheZk = new ZooKeeperDataCache<LoadReport>(pulsar.getLocalZkCache()) { @Override public LoadReport deserialize(String key, byte[] content) throws Exception { return ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().readValue(content, LoadReport.class); } }; loadReportCacheZk.registerListener(this); this.dynamicConfigurationCache = new ZooKeeperDataCache<Map<String, String>>(pulsar.getLocalZkCache()) { @Override public Map<String, String> deserialize(String key, byte[] content) throws Exception { return ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().readValue(content, HashMap.class); } }; int entryExpiryTime = (int) pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerSheddingGracePeriodMinutes(); unloadedHotNamespaceCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(entryExpiryTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(new CacheLoader<String, Long>() { @Override public Long load(String key) throws Exception { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } }); availableActiveBrokers = new ZooKeeperChildrenCache(pulsar.getLocalZkCache(), LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT); availableActiveBrokers.registerListener(new ZooKeeperCacheListener<Set<String>>() { @Override public void onUpdate(String path, Set<String> data, Stat stat) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Update Received for path {}", path); } scheduler.submit(SimpleLoadManagerImpl.this::updateRanking); } }); this.pulsar = pulsar; } public SimpleLoadManagerImpl(PulsarService pulsar) { this(); initialize(pulsar); } @Override public void start() throws PulsarServerException { try { // Register the brokers in zk list ServiceConfiguration conf = pulsar.getConfiguration(); if (pulsar.getZkClient().exists(LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, false) == null) { try { ZkUtils.createFullPathOptimistic(pulsar.getZkClient(), LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) { // ignore the exception, node might be present already } } String lookupServiceAddress = pulsar.getAdvertisedAddress() + ":" + conf.getWebServicePort(); brokerZnodePath = LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT + "/" + lookupServiceAddress; LoadReport loadReport = null; try { loadReport = generateLoadReport(); this.lastResourceUsageTimestamp = loadReport.getTimestamp(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to get load report to write it on zookeeper [{}]", e); } String loadReportJson = ""; if (loadReport != null) { loadReportJson = ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().writeValueAsString(loadReport); } try { ZkUtils.createFullPathOptimistic(pulsar.getZkClient(), brokerZnodePath, loadReportJson.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL); } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) { // Node may already be created by another load manager: in this case update the data. if (loadReport != null) { pulsar.getZkClient().setData(brokerZnodePath, loadReportJson.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), -1); } } catch (Exception e) { // Catching excption here to print the right error message log.error("Unable to create znode - [{}] for load balance on zookeeper ", brokerZnodePath, e); throw e; } // first time, populate the broker ranking updateRanking();"Created broker ephemeral node on {}", brokerZnodePath); // load default resource quota this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache() .getDefaultQuota(); this.lastResourceQuotaUpdateTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor = getDynamicConfigurationDouble( LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU, this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor); this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor = getDynamicConfigurationDouble( LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM, this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to create znode - [{}] for load balance on zookeeper ", brokerZnodePath, e); throw new PulsarServerException(e); } } @Override public void disableBroker() throws Exception { if (isNotEmpty(brokerZnodePath)) { pulsar.getZkClient().delete(brokerZnodePath, -1); } } @Override public Deserializer<LoadReport> getLoadReportDeserializer() { return loadReportDeserializer; } public ZooKeeperChildrenCache getActiveBrokersCache() { return this.availableActiveBrokers; } public ZooKeeperDataCache<LoadReport> getLoadReportCache() { return this.loadReportCacheZk; } private void setDynamicConfigurationToZK(String zkPath, Map<String, String> settings) throws IOException { byte[] settingBytes = ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().writeValueAsBytes(settings); try { if (pulsar.getLocalZkCache().exists(zkPath)) { pulsar.getZkClient().setData(zkPath, settingBytes, -1); } else { ZkUtils.createFullPathOptimistic(pulsar.getZkClient(), zkPath, settingBytes, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Got exception when writing to ZooKeeper path [{}]:", zkPath, e); } } private String getDynamicConfigurationFromZK(String zkPath, String settingName, String defaultValue) { try { return dynamicConfigurationCache.get(zkPath).map(c -> c.get(settingName)).orElse(defaultValue); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Got exception when reading ZooKeeper path [{}]:", zkPath, e); return defaultValue; } } private double getDynamicConfigurationDouble(String zkPath, String settingName, double defaultValue) { double result = defaultValue; try { String setting = this.getDynamicConfigurationFromZK(zkPath, settingName, null); if (setting != null) { result = Double.parseDouble(setting); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Got exception when parsing configuration from ZooKeeper path [{}]:", zkPath, e); } return result; } private boolean getDynamicConfigurationBoolean(String zkPath, String settingName, boolean defaultValue) { boolean result = defaultValue; try { String setting = this.getDynamicConfigurationFromZK(zkPath, settingName, null); if (setting != null) { result = Boolean.parseBoolean(setting); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Got exception when parsing configuration from ZooKeeper path [{}]:", zkPath, e); } return result; } private String getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy() { String strategy = this.getDynamicConfigurationFromZK(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_STRATEGY_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_STRATEGY, pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy()); if (!LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS.equals(strategy) && !LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_RAND.equals(strategy) && !LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG.equals(strategy)) { strategy = LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_RAND; } return strategy; } private double getCpuLoadFactorFromZK(double defaultValue) { return getDynamicConfigurationDouble(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU, defaultValue); } private double getMemoryLoadFactorFromZK(double defaultValue) { return getDynamicConfigurationDouble(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM, defaultValue); } @Override public boolean isCentralized() { String strategy = this.getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy(); if (strategy.equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS) || strategy.equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG)) { return true; } return false; } private long getLoadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage() { return (long) this.getDynamicConfigurationDouble(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_UNDERLOAD_THRESHOLD_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_UNDERLOAD_THRESHOLD, pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage()); } private long getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage() { return (long) this.getDynamicConfigurationDouble(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD, pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage()); } private long getLoadBalancerBrokerComfortLoadThresholdPercentage() { return (long) this.getDynamicConfigurationDouble(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_COMFORT_LOAD_THRESHOLD_ZPATH, SETTING_NAME_COMFORTLOAD_THRESHOLD, pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerBrokerComfortLoadLevelPercentage()); } private boolean getLoadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled() { return this.getDynamicConfigurationBoolean(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_AUTO_BUNDLE_SPLIT_ENABLED, SETTING_NAME_AUTO_BUNDLE_SPLIT_ENABLED, pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled()); } /* * temp method, remove it in future, in-place to make this glue code to make load balancing work */ private PulsarResourceDescription fromLoadReport(LoadReport report) { SystemResourceUsage sru = report.getSystemResourceUsage(); PulsarResourceDescription resourceDescription = new PulsarResourceDescription(); if (sru == null) { return resourceDescription; } if (sru.bandwidthIn != null) resourceDescription.put("bandwidthIn", sru.bandwidthIn); if (sru.bandwidthOut != null) resourceDescription.put("bandwidthOut", sru.bandwidthOut); if (sru.memory != null) resourceDescription.put("memory", sru.memory); if (sru.cpu != null) resourceDescription.put("cpu", sru.cpu); return resourceDescription; } private ResourceQuota getResourceQuota(String bundle) { Map<String, ResourceQuota> quotas = this.realtimeResourceQuotas.get(); if (!quotas.containsKey(bundle)) { ResourceQuota quota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getQuota(bundle); quotas.put(bundle, quota); return quota; } else { return quotas.get(bundle); } } /** * Get the sum of allocated resource for the list of namespace bundles */ private ResourceQuota getTotalAllocatedQuota(Set<String> bundles) { ResourceQuota totalQuota = new ResourceQuota(); for (String bundle : bundles) { ResourceQuota quota = this.getResourceQuota(bundle); totalQuota.add(quota); } return totalQuota; } private double timeSmoothValue(double oldValue, double newSample, double minValue, double maxValue, long timePast) { newSample = Math.max(minValue, newSample); if (maxValue > 0) { newSample = Math.min(maxValue, newSample); } double weight = 0.0; if (newSample >= oldValue) { weight = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (double) timePast / RESOURCE_QUOTA_GO_UP_TIMEWINDOW)); } else if (newSample < oldValue) { weight = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (double) timePast / RESOURCE_QUOTA_GO_DOWN_TIMEWINDOW)); } double result = (1 - weight) * oldValue + weight * newSample; return result; } private ResourceQuota timeSmoothQuota(ResourceQuota oldQuota, double msgRateIn, double msgRateOut, double bandwidthIn, double bandwidthOut, double memory, long timePast) { if (oldQuota.getDynamic()) { ResourceQuota newQuota = new ResourceQuota(); newQuota.setMsgRateIn(timeSmoothValue(oldQuota.getMsgRateIn(), msgRateIn, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MSGRATE_IN, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MSGRATE_IN, timePast)); newQuota.setMsgRateOut(timeSmoothValue(oldQuota.getMsgRateOut(), msgRateOut, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MSGRATE_OUT, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MSGRATE_OUT, timePast)); newQuota.setBandwidthIn(timeSmoothValue(oldQuota.getBandwidthIn(), bandwidthIn, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_BANDWIDTH_IN, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_BANDWIDTH_IN, timePast)); newQuota.setBandwidthOut(timeSmoothValue(oldQuota.getBandwidthOut(), bandwidthOut, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_BANDWIDTH_OUT, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_BANDWIDTH_OUT, timePast)); newQuota.setMemory(timeSmoothValue(oldQuota.getMemory(), memory, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MEMORY, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MEMORY, timePast)); return newQuota; } else { return oldQuota; } } private synchronized void updateRealtimeResourceQuota() { long memObjectGroupSize = 500; if (!currentLoadReports.isEmpty()) { long totalBundles = 0; long totalMemGroups = 0; double totalMsgRateIn = 0.0; double totalMsgRateOut = 0.0; double totalMsgRate = 0.0; double totalCpuUsage = 0.0; double totalMemoryUsage = 0.0; double totalBandwidthIn = 0.0; double totalBandwidthOut = 0.0; long loadReportTimestamp = -1; // update resource factors for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) { LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue(); if (loadReport.getTimestamp() > loadReportTimestamp) { loadReportTimestamp = loadReport.getTimestamp(); } Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = loadReport.getBundleStats(); if (bundleStats == null) { continue; } for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> statsEntry : bundleStats.entrySet()) { totalBundles++; NamespaceBundleStats stats = statsEntry.getValue(); totalMemGroups += (1 + (stats.topics + stats.producerCount + stats.consumerCount) / memObjectGroupSize); totalBandwidthIn += stats.msgThroughputIn; totalBandwidthOut += stats.msgThroughputOut; } SystemResourceUsage resUsage = loadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(); totalMsgRateIn += loadReport.getMsgRateIn(); totalMsgRateOut += loadReport.getMsgRateOut(); totalCpuUsage = totalCpuUsage + resUsage.getCpu().usage; totalMemoryUsage = totalMemoryUsage + resUsage.getMemory().usage; } totalMsgRate = totalMsgRateIn + totalMsgRateOut; long timePast = loadReportTimestamp - this.lastResourceQuotaUpdateTimestamp; this.lastResourceQuotaUpdateTimestamp = loadReportTimestamp; if (totalMsgRate > 1000 && totalMemGroups > 30) { this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor = timeSmoothValue(this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor, totalCpuUsage / totalMsgRate, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_CPU_FACTOR, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_CPU_FACTOR, timePast); this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor = timeSmoothValue(this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor, totalMemoryUsage / totalMemGroups, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MEM_FACTOR, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MEM_FACTOR, timePast); } // calculate average bundle if (totalBundles > 30 && this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota.getDynamic()) { ResourceQuota oldQuota = this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota; ResourceQuota newQuota = timeSmoothQuota(oldQuota, totalMsgRateIn / totalBundles, totalMsgRateOut / totalBundles, totalBandwidthIn / totalBundles, totalBandwidthOut / totalBundles, totalMemoryUsage / totalBundles, timePast); this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota = newQuota; } // update realtime quota for each bundle Map<String, ResourceQuota> newQuotas = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) { ResourceUnit resourceUnit = entry.getKey(); LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue(); Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = loadReport.getBundleStats(); if (bundleStats == null) { continue; } for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> statsEntry : bundleStats.entrySet()) { String bundle = statsEntry.getKey(); NamespaceBundleStats stats = statsEntry.getValue(); long memGroupCount = (1 + (stats.topics + stats.producerCount + stats.consumerCount) / memObjectGroupSize); double newMemoryQuota = memGroupCount * this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor; ResourceQuota oldQuota = getResourceQuota(bundle); ResourceQuota newQuota = timeSmoothQuota(oldQuota, stats.msgRateIn, stats.msgRateOut, stats.msgThroughputIn, stats.msgThroughputOut, newMemoryQuota, timePast); newQuotas.put(bundle, newQuota); } } this.realtimeResourceQuotas.set(newQuotas); } } private void compareAndWriteQuota(String bundle, ResourceQuota oldQuota, ResourceQuota newQuota) throws Exception { boolean needUpdate = true; if (!oldQuota.getDynamic() || (Math .abs(newQuota.getMsgRateIn() - oldQuota.getMsgRateIn()) < RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MSGRATE_IN && Math.abs(newQuota.getMsgRateOut() - oldQuota.getMsgRateOut()) < RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MSGRATE_OUT && Math.abs( newQuota.getBandwidthIn() - oldQuota.getBandwidthOut()) < RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_BANDWIDTH_IN && Math.abs( newQuota.getBandwidthOut() - oldQuota.getBandwidthOut()) < RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_BANDWIDTH_OUT && Math.abs(newQuota.getMemory() - oldQuota.getMemory()) < RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MEMORY)) { needUpdate = false; } if (needUpdate) { "Update quota %s - msgRateIn: %.1f, msgRateOut: %.1f, bandwidthIn: %.1f, bandwidthOut: %.1f, memory: %.1f", (bundle == null) ? "default" : bundle, newQuota.getMsgRateIn(), newQuota.getMsgRateOut(), newQuota.getBandwidthIn(), newQuota.getBandwidthOut(), newQuota.getMemory())); if (bundle == null) { pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().setDefaultQuota(newQuota); } else { pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().setQuota(bundle, newQuota); } } } @Override public void writeResourceQuotasToZooKeeper() throws Exception {"Writing namespace bundle resource quotas to ZooKeeper as leader broker"); // write the load factors setDynamicConfigurationToZK(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU_ZPATH, new HashMap<String, String>() { { put(SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_CPU, Double.toString(realtimeCpuLoadFactor)); } }); setDynamicConfigurationToZK(LOADBALANCER_DYNAMIC_SETTING_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM_ZPATH, new HashMap<String, String>() { { put(SETTING_NAME_LOAD_FACTOR_MEM, Double.toString(realtimeMemoryLoadFactor)); } }); // write default quota ResourceQuota defaultQuota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota(); this.compareAndWriteQuota(null, defaultQuota, this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota); // write each bundle's quota Map<String, ResourceQuota> quotas = this.realtimeResourceQuotas.get(); for (Map.Entry<String, ResourceQuota> entry : quotas.entrySet()) { String bundle = entry.getKey(); ResourceQuota oldQuota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getQuota(bundle); this.compareAndWriteQuota(bundle, oldQuota, entry.getValue()); } } /** * Rank brokers by available capacity, or load percentage, based on placement strategy: * * - Available capacity for weighted random selection (weightedRandomSelection): ranks ResourceUnits units based on * estimation of their capacity which is basically how many bundles each ResourceUnit is able can handle with its * available resources (CPU, memory, network, etc); * * - Load percentage for least loaded server (leastLoadedServer): ranks ResourceUnits units based on estimation of * their load percentage which is basically how many percent of resource is allocated which is * max(resource_actually_used, resource_quota) * * If we fail to collect the Load Reports OR fail to process them for the first time, it means the leader does not * have enough information to make a decision so we set it to ready when we collect and process the load reports * successfully the first time. */ private synchronized void doLoadRanking() { ResourceUnitRanking.setCpuUsageByMsgRate(this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor); String hostname = pulsar.getAdvertisedAddress(); String strategy = this.getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy();"doLoadRanking - load balancing strategy: {}", strategy); if (!currentLoadReports.isEmpty()) { Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> newSortedRankings = Maps.newTreeMap(); Map<ResourceUnit, ResourceUnitRanking> newResourceUnitRankings = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) { ResourceUnit resourceUnit = entry.getKey(); LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue(); // calculate rankings Set<String> loadedBundles = loadReport.getBundles(); Set<String> preAllocatedBundles = null; if (resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(resourceUnit)) { preAllocatedBundles = resourceUnitRankings.get(resourceUnit).getPreAllocatedBundles(); preAllocatedBundles.removeAll(loadedBundles); } else { preAllocatedBundles = new HashSet<>(); } ResourceQuota allocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(loadedBundles); ResourceQuota preAllocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(preAllocatedBundles); ResourceUnitRanking ranking = new ResourceUnitRanking(loadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), loadedBundles, allocatedQuota, preAllocatedBundles, preAllocatedQuota); newResourceUnitRankings.put(resourceUnit, ranking); // generated sorted ranking double loadPercentage = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentage(); long maxCapacity = ranking.estimateMaxCapacity( pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota()); long finalRank = 0; if (strategy.equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS)) { finalRank = (long) loadPercentage; } else if (strategy.equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG)) { finalRank = (long) ranking.getEstimatedMessageRate(); } else { double idleRatio = (100 - loadPercentage) / 100; finalRank = (long) (maxCapacity * idleRatio * idleRatio); } if (!newSortedRankings.containsKey(finalRank)) { newSortedRankings.put(finalRank, new HashSet<ResourceUnit>()); } newSortedRankings.get(finalRank).add(entry.getKey()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added Resource Unit [{}] with Rank [{}]", entry.getKey().getResourceId(), finalRank); } // update metrics if (resourceUnit.getResourceId().contains(hostname)) { updateLoadBalancingMetrics(hostname, finalRank, ranking); } } updateBrokerToNamespaceToBundle(); this.sortedRankings.set(newSortedRankings); this.resourceUnitRankings = newResourceUnitRankings; } else {"Leader broker[{}] No ResourceUnits to rank this run, Using Old Ranking", pulsar.getWebServiceAddress()); } } public List<Metrics> getLoadBalancingMetrics() { List<Metrics> metrics = this.loadBalancingMetrics.get(); return metrics; } private void updateLoadBalancingMetrics(String hostname, long finalRank, ResourceUnitRanking ranking) { List<Metrics> metrics = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<String, String> dimensions = new HashMap<>(); dimensions.put("broker", hostname); Metrics m = Metrics.create(dimensions); m.put("brk_lb_load_rank", finalRank); m.put("brk_lb_quota_pct_cpu", ranking.getAllocatedLoadPercentageCPU()); m.put("brk_lb_quota_pct_memory", ranking.getAllocatedLoadPercentageMemory()); m.put("brk_lb_quota_pct_bandwidth_in", ranking.getAllocatedLoadPercentageBandwidthIn()); m.put("brk_lb_quota_pct_bandwidth_out", ranking.getAllocatedLoadPercentageBandwidthOut()); metrics.add(m); this.loadBalancingMetrics.set(metrics); } /** * Assign owner for specified ServiceUnit from the given candidates, following the the principles: 1) Optimum * distribution: fill up one broker till its load reaches optimum level (defined by underload threshold) before pull * another idle broker in; 2) Even distribution: once all brokers' load are above optimum level, maintain all * brokers to have even load; 3) Set the underload threshold to small value (like 1) for pure even distribution, and * high value (like 80) for pure optimum distribution; * * Strategy to select broker: 1) The first choice is the least loaded broker which is underload but not idle; 2) The * second choice is idle broker (if there is any); 3) Othewise simply select the least loaded broker if it is NOT * overloaded; 4) If all brokers are overloaded, select the broker with maximum available capacity (considering * brokers could have different hardware configuration, this usually means to select the broker with more hardware * resource); * * Broker's load level: 1) Load ranking (triggered by LoadReport update) estimate the load level according to the * resourse usage and namespace bundles already loaded by each broker; 2) When leader broker decide the owner for a * new namespace bundle, it may take time for the real owner to actually load the bundle and refresh LoadReport, * leader broker will store the bundle in a list called preAllocatedBundles, and the quota of all * preAllocatedBundles in preAllocatedQuotas, and re-estimate the broker's load level by putting the * preAllocatedQuota into calculation; 3) Everything (preAllocatedBundles and preAllocatedQuotas) will get reset in * load ranking. */ private synchronized ResourceUnit findBrokerForPlacement(Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> candidates, ServiceUnitId serviceUnit) { long underloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage(); long overloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage(); ResourceQuota defaultQuota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota(); double minLoadPercentage = 101.0; long maxAvailability = -1; ResourceUnit idleRU = null; ResourceUnit maxAvailableRU = null; ResourceUnit randomRU = null; ResourceUnit selectedRU = null; ResourceUnitRanking selectedRanking = null; String serviceUnitId = serviceUnit.toString(); // If the ranking is expected to be in the range [0,100] (which is the case for LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS), // the ranks are bounded. Otherwise (as is the case in LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG, the ranks are simply // the total message rate which is in the range [0,Infinity) so they are unbounded. The // "boundedness" affects how two ranks are compared to see which one is better boolean unboundedRanks = getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy().equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG); long randomBrokerIndex = (candidates.size() > 0) ? (this.brokerRotationCursor % candidates.size()) : 0; // find the least loaded & not-idle broker for (Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit> candidateOwner : candidates.entries()) { ResourceUnit candidate = candidateOwner.getValue(); randomBrokerIndex--; // skip broker which is not ranked. this should never happen except in unit test if (!resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(candidate)) { continue; } String resourceUnitId = candidate.getResourceId(); ResourceUnitRanking ranking = resourceUnitRankings.get(candidate); // check if this ServiceUnit is already loaded if (ranking.isServiceUnitLoaded(serviceUnitId)) { ranking.removeLoadedServiceUnit(serviceUnitId, this.getResourceQuota(serviceUnitId)); } // record a random broker if (randomBrokerIndex < 0 && randomRU == null) { randomRU = candidate; } // check the available capacity double loadPercentage = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentage(); double availablePercentage = Math.max(0, (100 - loadPercentage) / 100); long availability = (long) (ranking.estimateMaxCapacity(defaultQuota) * availablePercentage); if (availability > maxAvailability) { maxAvailability = availability; maxAvailableRU = candidate; } // check the load percentage if (ranking.isIdle()) { if (idleRU == null) { idleRU = candidate; } } else { if (selectedRU == null) { selectedRU = candidate; selectedRanking = ranking; minLoadPercentage = loadPercentage; } else { if ((unboundedRanks ? ranking.compareMessageRateTo(selectedRanking) : ranking.compareTo(selectedRanking)) < 0) { minLoadPercentage = loadPercentage; selectedRU = candidate; selectedRanking = ranking; } } } } if ((minLoadPercentage > underloadThreshold && idleRU != null) || selectedRU == null) { // assigned to idle broker is the least loaded broker already have optimum load (which means NOT // underloaded), or all brokers are idle selectedRU = idleRU; } else if (minLoadPercentage >= 100.0 && randomRU != null && !unboundedRanks) { // all brokers are full, assign to a random one selectedRU = randomRU; } else if (minLoadPercentage > overloadThreshold && !unboundedRanks) { // assign to the broker with maximum available capacity if all brokers are overloaded selectedRU = maxAvailableRU; } // re-calculate load level for selected broker if (selectedRU != null) { this.brokerRotationCursor = (this.brokerRotationCursor + 1) % 1000000; ResourceUnitRanking ranking = resourceUnitRankings.get(selectedRU); String loadPercentageDesc = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentageString();"Assign {} to {} with ({}).", serviceUnitId, selectedRU.getResourceId(), loadPercentageDesc); if (!ranking.isServiceUnitPreAllocated(serviceUnitId)) { final String namespaceName = LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(serviceUnitId); final String bundleRange = LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(serviceUnitId); ResourceQuota quota = this.getResourceQuota(serviceUnitId); // Add preallocated bundle range so incoming bundles from the same namespace are not assigned to the // same broker. brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange .computeIfAbsent(selectedRU.getResourceId().replace("http://", ""), k -> new HashMap<>()) .computeIfAbsent(namespaceName, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(bundleRange); ranking.addPreAllocatedServiceUnit(serviceUnitId, quota); resourceUnitRankings.put(selectedRU, ranking); } } return selectedRU; } private Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> getFinalCandidates(ServiceUnitId serviceUnit, Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers) { synchronized (brokerCandidateCache) { final Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> result = TreeMultimap.create(); availableBrokersCache.clear(); for (final Set<ResourceUnit> resourceUnits : availableBrokers.values()) { for (final ResourceUnit resourceUnit : resourceUnits) { availableBrokersCache.add(resourceUnit.getResourceId().replace("http://", "")); } } brokerCandidateCache.clear(); try { LoadManagerShared.applyPolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, availableBrokersCache); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error when trying to apply policies: {}", e); for (final Map.Entry<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> entry : availableBrokers.entrySet()) { result.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return result; } // As long as there is at least one broker left, this will always leave brokerCandidateCache non-empty. LoadManagerShared.removeMostServicingBrokersForNamespace(serviceUnit.toString(), brokerCandidateCache, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange); // After LoadManagerShared is finished applying the filter, put the results back into a multimap. for (final Map.Entry<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> entry : availableBrokers.entrySet()) { final Long rank = entry.getKey(); final Set<ResourceUnit> resourceUnits = entry.getValue(); for (final ResourceUnit resourceUnit : resourceUnits) { if (brokerCandidateCache.contains(resourceUnit.getResourceId().replace("http://", ""))) { result.put(rank, resourceUnit); } } } return result; } } public ResourceUnit getLeastLoaded(ServiceUnitId serviceUnit) throws Exception { return getLeastLoadedBroker(serviceUnit, getAvailableBrokers(serviceUnit)); } public Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> getResourceAvailabilityFor(ServiceUnitId serviceUnitId) throws Exception { return getFinalCandidates(serviceUnitId, getAvailableBrokers(serviceUnitId)); } private Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> getAvailableBrokers(ServiceUnitId serviceUnitId) throws Exception { Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers = sortedRankings.get(); // Normal case: we are the leader and we do have load reports information available if (availableBrokers.isEmpty()) { // Create a map with all available brokers with no load information Set<String> activeBrokers = availableActiveBrokers.get(LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT); List<String> brokersToShuffle = new ArrayList<>(activeBrokers); Collections.shuffle(brokersToShuffle); activeBrokers = new HashSet<>(brokersToShuffle); availableBrokers = Maps.newTreeMap(); for (String broker : activeBrokers) { ResourceUnit resourceUnit = new SimpleResourceUnit(String.format("http://%s", broker), new PulsarResourceDescription()); availableBrokers.computeIfAbsent(0L, key -> Sets.newTreeSet()).add(resourceUnit); }"Choosing at random from broker list: [{}]", availableBrokers.values()); } return availableBrokers; } private synchronized ResourceUnit getLeastLoadedBroker(ServiceUnitId serviceUnit, Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers) { ResourceUnit selectedBroker = null; // If the broker is already assigned, return that candidate. for (final Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, ResourceUnitRanking> entry : resourceUnitRankings.entrySet()) { final ResourceUnit resourceUnit = entry.getKey(); final ResourceUnitRanking ranking = entry.getValue(); if (ranking.isServiceUnitPreAllocated(serviceUnit.toString())) { return resourceUnit; } } Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> finalCandidates = getFinalCandidates(serviceUnit, availableBrokers); // Remove candidates that point to inactive brokers Set<String> activeBrokers = Collections.emptySet(); try { activeBrokers = availableActiveBrokers.get(); // Need to use an explicit Iterator object to prevent concurrent modification exceptions Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit>> candidateIterator = finalCandidates.entries().iterator(); while (candidateIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit> candidate =; String candidateBrokerName = candidate.getValue().getResourceId().replace("http://", ""); if (!activeBrokers.contains(candidateBrokerName)) { candidateIterator.remove(); // Current candidate points to an inactive broker, so remove it } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error during attempt to remove inactive brokers while searching for least active broker", e); } if (finalCandidates.size() > 0) { if (this.getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy().equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS) || this.getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy().equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG)) { selectedBroker = findBrokerForPlacement(finalCandidates, serviceUnit); } else { selectedBroker = placementStrategy.findBrokerForPlacement(finalCandidates); }"Selected : [{}] for ServiceUnit : [{}]", selectedBroker.getResourceId(), serviceUnit.toString()); return selectedBroker; } else { // No available broker found log.warn("No broker available to acquire service unit: [{}]", serviceUnit); return null; } } /* * only update the report if a minute has elapsed since last update, since brokers update their report every minute. * * we should calculate the rank only for updated path but for now we read all the reports and re-calculate * everything */ @Override public void onUpdate(String path, LoadReport data, Stat stat) { log.debug("Received updated load report from broker node - [{}], scheduling re-ranking of brokers.", path); scheduler.submit(this::updateRanking); } private void updateRanking() { try { synchronized (currentLoadReports) { currentLoadReports.clear(); Set<String> activeBrokers = availableActiveBrokers.get(); for (String broker : activeBrokers) { try { String key = String.format("%s/%s", LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, broker); LoadReport lr = loadReportCacheZk.get(key) .orElseThrow(() -> new KeeperException.NoNodeException()); ResourceUnit ru = new SimpleResourceUnit(String.format("http://%s", lr.getName()), fromLoadReport(lr)); this.currentLoadReports.put(ru, lr); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error reading load report from Cache for broker - [{}], [{}]", broker, e); } } updateRealtimeResourceQuota(); doLoadRanking(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error reading active brokers list from zookeeper while re-ranking load reports [{}]", e); } } public static boolean isAboveLoadLevel(SystemResourceUsage usage, float thresholdPercentage) { return (usage.bandwidthOut.percentUsage() > thresholdPercentage || usage.bandwidthIn.percentUsage() > thresholdPercentage || usage.cpu.percentUsage() > thresholdPercentage || usage.memory.percentUsage() > thresholdPercentage); } public static boolean isBelowLoadLevel(SystemResourceUsage usage, float thresholdPercentage) { return (usage.bandwidthOut.percentUsage() < thresholdPercentage && usage.bandwidthIn.percentUsage() < thresholdPercentage && usage.cpu.percentUsage() < thresholdPercentage && usage.memory.percentUsage() < thresholdPercentage); } private static long getRealtimeJvmHeapUsageMBytes() { long totalHeapMemoryInBytes = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); long freeHeapMemoryInBytes = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long memoryUsageInBytes = totalHeapMemoryInBytes - freeHeapMemoryInBytes; long memoryUsageInMBytes = 0L; if (memoryUsageInBytes > 0L) { memoryUsageInMBytes = memoryUsageInBytes / MBytes; } return memoryUsageInMBytes; } private long getAverageJvmHeapUsageMBytes() { if (this.avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes > 0) { return this.avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes; } else { return getRealtimeJvmHeapUsageMBytes(); } } public SystemResourceUsage getSystemResourceUsage() throws IOException { SystemResourceUsage systemResourceUsage = LoadManagerShared.getSystemResourceUsage(brokerHostUsage); long memoryUsageInMBytes = getAverageJvmHeapUsageMBytes(); systemResourceUsage.memory.usage = (double) memoryUsageInMBytes; return systemResourceUsage; } @Override public LoadReport generateLoadReport() throws Exception { synchronized (bundleGainsCache) { long timeSinceLastGenMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLoadReport.getTimestamp(); if (timeSinceLastGenMillis <= LOAD_REPORT_UPDATE_MIMIMUM_INTERVAL) { return lastLoadReport; } try { LoadReport loadReport = new LoadReport(pulsar.getWebServiceAddress(), pulsar.getWebServiceAddressTls(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrl(), pulsar.getBrokerServiceUrlTls()); loadReport.setName(String.format("%s:%s", pulsar.getAdvertisedAddress(), pulsar.getConfiguration().getWebServicePort())); loadReport.setBrokerVersionString(pulsar.getBrokerVersion()); SystemResourceUsage systemResourceUsage = this.getSystemResourceUsage(); loadReport.setOverLoaded(isAboveLoadLevel(systemResourceUsage, this.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage())); loadReport.setUnderLoaded(isBelowLoadLevel(systemResourceUsage, this.getLoadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage())); loadReport.setSystemResourceUsage(systemResourceUsage); loadReport.setBundleStats(pulsar.getBrokerService().getBundleStats()); loadReport.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); final Set<String> oldBundles = lastLoadReport.getBundles(); final Set<String> newBundles = loadReport.getBundles(); bundleGainsCache.clear(); bundleLossesCache.clear(); for (String oldBundle : oldBundles) { if (!newBundles.contains(oldBundle)) { bundleLossesCache.add(oldBundle); } } for (String newBundle : newBundles) { if (!oldBundles.contains(newBundle)) { bundleGainsCache.add(newBundle); } } loadReport.setBundleGains(bundleGainsCache); loadReport.setBundleLosses(bundleLossesCache); final ResourceQuota allocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(newBundles); loadReport.setAllocatedCPU( (allocatedQuota.getMsgRateIn() + allocatedQuota.getMsgRateOut()) * realtimeCpuLoadFactor); loadReport.setAllocatedMemory(allocatedQuota.getMemory()); loadReport.setAllocatedBandwidthIn(allocatedQuota.getBandwidthIn()); loadReport.setAllocatedBandwidthOut(allocatedQuota.getBandwidthOut()); loadReport.setAllocatedMsgRateIn(allocatedQuota.getMsgRateIn()); loadReport.setAllocatedMsgRateOut(allocatedQuota.getMsgRateOut()); final ResourceUnit resourceUnit = new SimpleResourceUnit( String.format("http://%s", loadReport.getName()), fromLoadReport(loadReport)); Set<String> preAllocatedBundles; if (resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(resourceUnit)) { preAllocatedBundles = resourceUnitRankings.get(resourceUnit).getPreAllocatedBundles(); preAllocatedBundles.removeAll(newBundles); } else { preAllocatedBundles = new HashSet<>(); } final ResourceQuota preAllocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(preAllocatedBundles); loadReport.setPreAllocatedCPU((preAllocatedQuota.getMsgRateIn() + preAllocatedQuota.getMsgRateOut()) * realtimeCpuLoadFactor); loadReport.setPreAllocatedMemory(preAllocatedQuota.getMemory()); loadReport.setPreAllocatedBandwidthIn(preAllocatedQuota.getBandwidthIn()); loadReport.setPreAllocatedBandwidthOut(preAllocatedQuota.getBandwidthOut()); loadReport.setPreAllocatedMsgRateIn(preAllocatedQuota.getMsgRateIn()); loadReport.setPreAllocatedMsgRateOut(preAllocatedQuota.getMsgRateOut()); return loadReport; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[{}] Failed to generate LoadReport for broker, reason [{}]", e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } } } @Override public void setLoadReportForceUpdateFlag() { this.forceLoadReportUpdate = true; } @Override public void writeLoadReportOnZookeeper() throws Exception { // update average JVM heap usage to average value of the last 120 seconds long realtimeJvmHeapUsage = getRealtimeJvmHeapUsageMBytes(); if (this.avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes <= 0) { this.avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes = realtimeJvmHeapUsage; } else { long weight = Math.max(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(120) / LOAD_REPORT_UPDATE_MIMIMUM_INTERVAL); this.avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes = ((weight - 1) * this.avgJvmHeapUsageMBytes + realtimeJvmHeapUsage) / weight; } // Update LoadReport in below situations: // 1) This is the first time to update LoadReport // 2) The last LoadReport is 5 minutes ago // 3) There is more than 10% change on number of bundles assigned comparing with broker's maximum capacity // 4) There is more than 10% change on resource usage comparing with broker's resource limit boolean needUpdate = false; if (lastLoadReport == null || this.forceLoadReportUpdate == true) { needUpdate = true; this.forceLoadReportUpdate = false; } else { long timestampNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeElapsedSinceLastReport = timestampNow - lastLoadReport.getTimestamp(); int maxUpdateIntervalInMinutes = pulsar.getConfiguration() .getLoadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes(); if (timeElapsedSinceLastReport > TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(maxUpdateIntervalInMinutes)) { needUpdate = true; } else if (timeElapsedSinceLastReport > LOAD_REPORT_UPDATE_MIMIMUM_INTERVAL) { // check number of bundles assigned, comparing with last LoadReport long oldBundleCount = lastLoadReport.getNumBundles(); long newBundleCount = pulsar.getBrokerService().getNumberOfNamespaceBundles(); long bundleCountChange = Math.abs(oldBundleCount - newBundleCount); long maxCapacity = ResourceUnitRanking.calculateBrokerMaxCapacity( lastLoadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota()); double bundlePercentageChange = (maxCapacity > 0) ? (bundleCountChange * 100 / maxCapacity) : 0; if (newBundleCount != oldBundleCount) { needUpdate = true; } // check resource usage comparing with last LoadReport if (!needUpdate && timestampNow - this.lastResourceUsageTimestamp > TimeUnit.MINUTES .toMillis(pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerHostUsageCheckIntervalMinutes())) { SystemResourceUsage oldUsage = lastLoadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(); SystemResourceUsage newUsage = this.getSystemResourceUsage(); this.lastResourceUsageTimestamp = timestampNow; // calculate percentage of change double cpuChange = (newUsage.cpu.limit > 0) ? ((newUsage.cpu.usage - oldUsage.cpu.usage) * 100 / newUsage.cpu.limit) : 0; double memChange = (newUsage.memory.limit > 0) ? ((newUsage.memory.usage - oldUsage.memory.usage) * 100 / newUsage.memory.limit) : 0; double directMemChange = (newUsage.directMemory.limit > 0) ? ((newUsage.directMemory.usage - oldUsage.directMemory.usage) * 100 / newUsage.directMemory.limit) : 0; double bandwidthOutChange = (newUsage.bandwidthOut.limit > 0) ? ((newUsage.bandwidthOut.usage - oldUsage.bandwidthOut.usage) * 100 / newUsage.bandwidthOut.limit) : 0; double bandwidthInChange = (newUsage.bandwidthIn.limit > 0) ? ((newUsage.bandwidthIn.usage - oldUsage.bandwidthIn.usage) * 100 / newUsage.bandwidthIn.limit) : 0; long resourceChange = (long) Math.min(100.0, Math.max(Math.abs(cpuChange), Math.max(Math.abs(directMemChange), Math.max(Math.abs(memChange), Math.max(Math.abs(bandwidthOutChange), Math.abs(bandwidthInChange)))))); if (resourceChange > pulsar.getConfiguration() .getLoadBalancerReportUpdateThresholdPercentage()) { needUpdate = true;"LoadReport update triggered by change on resource usage, detal ({}).", String.format( "cpu: %.1f%%, mem: %.1f%%, directMemory: %.1f%%, bandwidthIn: %.1f%%, bandwidthOut: %.1f%%)", cpuChange, memChange, directMemChange, bandwidthInChange, bandwidthOutChange)); } } } } if (needUpdate) { LoadReport lr = generateLoadReport(); pulsar.getZkClient().setData(brokerZnodePath, ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().writeValueAsBytes(lr), -1); this.lastLoadReport = lr; this.lastResourceUsageTimestamp = lr.getTimestamp(); // split-bundle if requires doNamespaceBundleSplit(); } } // todo: changeme: this can be optimized, we don't have to iterate through everytime private boolean isBrokerAvailableForRebalancing(String bundleName, long maxLoadLevel) { NamespaceName namespaceName = new NamespaceName( LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName)); Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers = sortedRankings.get(); // this does not have "http://" in front, hacky but no time to pretty up Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> brokers = getFinalCandidates(namespaceName, availableBrokers); for (Object broker : brokers.values()) { ResourceUnit underloadedRU = (ResourceUnit) broker; LoadReport currentLoadReport = currentLoadReports.get(underloadedRU); if (isBelowLoadLevel(currentLoadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), maxLoadLevel)) { return true; } } return false; } // Update the brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange map with the current preallocated and assigned bundle data. private synchronized void updateBrokerToNamespaceToBundle() { resourceUnitRankings.forEach((resourceUnit, ranking) -> { final String broker = resourceUnit.getResourceId(); final Set<String> loadedBundles = ranking.getLoadedBundles(); final Set<String> preallocatedBundles = resourceUnitRankings.get(resourceUnit).getPreAllocatedBundles(); final Map<String, Set<String>> namespaceToBundleRange = brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange .computeIfAbsent(broker.replace("http://", ""), k -> new HashMap<>()); namespaceToBundleRange.clear(); LoadManagerShared.fillNamespaceToBundlesMap(loadedBundles, namespaceToBundleRange); LoadManagerShared.fillNamespaceToBundlesMap(preallocatedBundles, namespaceToBundleRange); }); } private void unloadNamespacesFromOverLoadedBrokers(Map<ResourceUnit, String> namespaceBundlesToUnload) { for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, String> bundle : namespaceBundlesToUnload.entrySet()) { String brokerName = bundle.getKey().getResourceId(); String bundleName = bundle.getValue(); try { if (unloadedHotNamespaceCache.getIfPresent(bundleName) == null) { if (!LoadManagerShared.isUnloadDisabledInLoadShedding(pulsar)) {"Unloading namespace {} from overloaded broker {}", bundleName, brokerName); pulsar.getAdminClient().namespaces().unloadNamespaceBundle( LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName), LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(bundleName));"Successfully unloaded namespace {} from broker {}", bundleName, brokerName); } else {"DRY RUN: Unload in Load Shedding is disabled. Namespace {} would have been " + "unloaded from overloaded broker {} otherwise.", bundleName, brokerName); } unloadedHotNamespaceCache.put(bundleName, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { // we can't unload this namespace so move to next one"Can't unload Namespace {} because it was unloaded last at {} and unload interval has " + "not exceeded.", bundleName,; } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("ERROR failed to unload the bundle {} from overloaded broker {}", bundleName, brokerName, e); } } } @Override public void doLoadShedding() { long overloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage(); long comfortLoadLevel = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerComfortLoadThresholdPercentage();"Running load shedding task as leader broker, overload threshold {}, comfort loadlevel {}", overloadThreshold, comfortLoadLevel); // overloadedRU --> bundleName Map<ResourceUnit, String> namespaceBundlesToBeUnloaded = new HashMap<>(); synchronized (currentLoadReports) { for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) { ResourceUnit overloadedRU = entry.getKey(); LoadReport lr = entry.getValue(); if (isAboveLoadLevel(lr.getSystemResourceUsage(), overloadThreshold)) { ResourceType bottleneckResourceType = lr.getBottleneckResourceType(); Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = lr.getSortedBundleStats(bottleneckResourceType); if (bundleStats == null) { log.warn("Null bundle stats for bundle {}", lr.getName()); continue; } // 1. owns only one namespace if (bundleStats.size() == 1) { // can't unload one namespace, just issue a warning message String bundleName = lr.getBundleStats().keySet().iterator().next(); log.warn( "HIGH USAGE WARNING : Sole namespace bundle {} is overloading broker {}. " + "No Load Shedding will be done on this broker", bundleName, overloadedRU.getResourceId()); continue; } for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStat : bundleStats.entrySet()) { String bundleName = bundleStat.getKey(); NamespaceBundleStats stats = bundleStat.getValue(); // We need at least one underloaded RU from list of candidates that can host this bundle if (isBrokerAvailableForRebalancing(bundleStat.getKey(), comfortLoadLevel)) { "Namespace bundle {} will be unloaded from overloaded broker {}, bundle stats (topics: {}, producers {}, " + "consumers {}, bandwidthIn {}, bandwidthOut {})", bundleName, overloadedRU.getResourceId(), stats.topics, stats.producerCount, stats.consumerCount, stats.msgThroughputIn, stats.msgThroughputOut); namespaceBundlesToBeUnloaded.put(overloadedRU, bundleName); } else { "Unable to shed load from broker {}, no brokers with enough capacity available " + "for re-balancing {}", overloadedRU.getResourceId(), bundleName); } break; } } } } unloadNamespacesFromOverLoadedBrokers(namespaceBundlesToBeUnloaded); } /** * Detect and split hot namespace bundles */ @Override public void doNamespaceBundleSplit() throws Exception { int maxBundleCount = pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerNamespaceMaximumBundles(); long maxBundleTopics = pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxTopics(); long maxBundleSessions = pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxSessions(); long maxBundleMsgRate = pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxMsgRate(); long maxBundleBandwidth = pulsar.getConfiguration().getLoadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxBandwidthMbytes() * MBytes; "Running namespace bundle split with thresholds: topics {}, sessions {}, msgRate {}, bandwidth {}, maxBundles {}", maxBundleTopics, maxBundleSessions, maxBundleMsgRate, maxBundleBandwidth, maxBundleCount); if (this.lastLoadReport == null || this.lastLoadReport.getBundleStats() == null) { return; } Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = this.lastLoadReport.getBundleStats(); Set<String> bundlesToBeSplit = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> statsEntry : bundleStats.entrySet()) { String bundleName = statsEntry.getKey(); NamespaceBundleStats stats = statsEntry.getValue(); long totalSessions = stats.consumerCount + stats.producerCount; double totalMsgRate = stats.msgRateIn + stats.msgRateOut; double totalBandwidth = stats.msgThroughputIn + stats.msgThroughputOut; boolean needSplit = false; if (stats.topics > maxBundleTopics || totalSessions > maxBundleSessions || totalMsgRate > maxBundleMsgRate || totalBandwidth > maxBundleBandwidth) { if (stats.topics <= 1) {"Unable to split hot namespace bundle {} since there is only one topic.", bundleName); } else { NamespaceName namespaceName = new NamespaceName( LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName)); int numBundles = pulsar.getNamespaceService().getBundleCount(namespaceName); if (numBundles >= maxBundleCount) { "Unable to split hot namespace bundle {} since the namespace has too many bundles.", bundleName); } else { needSplit = true; } } } if (needSplit) { if (this.getLoadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled()) { "Will split hot namespace bundle {}, topics {}, producers+consumers {}, msgRate in+out {}, bandwidth in+out {}", bundleName, stats.topics, totalSessions, totalMsgRate, totalBandwidth); bundlesToBeSplit.add(bundleName); } else { "DRY RUN - split hot namespace bundle {}, topics {}, producers+consumers {}, msgRate in+out {}, bandwidth in+out {}", bundleName, stats.topics, totalSessions, totalMsgRate, totalBandwidth); } } } if (bundlesToBeSplit.size() > 0) { for (String bundleName : bundlesToBeSplit) { try { pulsar.getAdminClient().namespaces().splitNamespaceBundle( LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName), LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(bundleName));"Successfully split namespace bundle {}", bundleName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to split namespace bundle {}", bundleName, e); } } this.setLoadReportForceUpdateFlag(); } } @Override public void stop() throws PulsarServerException { loadReportCacheZk.close(); loadReportCacheZk.clear(); availableActiveBrokers.close(); scheduler.shutdown(); } }