Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 Metropolitan Transportation Authority * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.onebusaway.collections.Min; import org.onebusaway.container.refresh.Refreshable; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinateBounds; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint; import; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.RefreshableResources; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.shapes.ShapePointsLibrary; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.model.ShapePoints; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.onebusaway.utility.InterpolationLibrary; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.Angle; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.SpatialIndex; import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.strtree.STRtree; import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LinearLocation; import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine; @Component public class BlockStateService { /** * Distance in meters to search around the current lat/long for blocks. */ private static final double _tripSearchRadius = 60d; /** * Time in ms to search after the last stop time on the trip, compared against the search time, to determine * whether the trip is active. */ private static final long _tripSearchTimeAfterLastStop = 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /** * Time in ms to search before the first stop time on the trip, compared against the search time, to determine * whether the trip is active. */ private static final long _tripSearchTimeBeforeFirstStop = 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /** * If the distance moved backwards exceeds this number, the bus is not considered to have moved backwards. * (i.e. no check is made against orientation to verify). */ private static final double _oppositeDirMoveCutoff = 10d; /** * Set this field to true if you want to require snapped states * match the DSC implied Route */ private static boolean _requireDSCImpliedRoutes = true; /** * Set this field to true if you want to only allow snapping to * best fuzzy or operator assigned runs, when no valid DSC * is available. */ private static boolean _requireRunMatchesForNullDSC = true; /** * Maximum distance in meters a bus can be away from a route geometry * and still be eligible for detour status. */ private static double _maximumDetourDistanceInMeters = 600; /** * This will sound weird, but DON'T REMOVE THIS */ private final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockStateService.class); private final GeometryFactory _geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); private ObservationCache _observationCache; private DestinationSignCodeService _destinationSignCodeService; private RunService _runService; private ScheduledBlockLocationService _scheduledBlockLocationService; private ShapePointsLibrary _shapePointsLibrary; private SpatialIndex _index; @Autowired private BlockCalendarService _blockCalendarService; @Autowired private BlockIndexService _blockIndexService; private TransitGraphDao _transitGraphDao; private Map<AgencyAndId, Geometry> _shapeIdToBufferedGeometryMap = new HashMap<AgencyAndId, Geometry>(); private Map<String, Multimap<LocationIndexedLine, TripInfo>> _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId; private ShapePointService _shapePointService; @PostConstruct @Refreshable(dependsOn = { RefreshableResources.TRANSIT_GRAPH, RefreshableResources.NARRATIVE_DATA }) public void setup() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { buildShapeSpatialIndex(); } @Autowired public void setTransitGraphDao(TransitGraphDao transitGraphDao) { _transitGraphDao = transitGraphDao; } @Autowired public void setRunService(RunService runService) { _runService = runService; } @Autowired public void setObservationCache(ObservationCache observationCache) { _observationCache = observationCache; } @Autowired public void setDestinationSignCodeService(DestinationSignCodeService destinationSignCodeService) { _destinationSignCodeService = destinationSignCodeService; } @Autowired public void setScheduledBlockService(ScheduledBlockLocationService scheduledBlockLocationService) { _scheduledBlockLocationService = scheduledBlockLocationService; } @Autowired public void setShapePointService(ShapePointService shapePointService) { _shapePointService = shapePointService; } @Autowired public void setShapePointsLibrary(ShapePointsLibrary shapePointsLibrary) { _shapePointsLibrary = shapePointsLibrary; } public void setLocalMinimumThreshold(double localMinimumThreshold) { _shapePointsLibrary.setLocalMinimumThreshold(localMinimumThreshold); } public static double getOppositeDirMoveCutoff() { return _oppositeDirMoveCutoff; } public static boolean isRequireDSCImpliedRoutes() { return _requireDSCImpliedRoutes; } public static void setRequireDSCImpliedRoutes(boolean requireDSCImpliedRoutes) { _requireDSCImpliedRoutes = requireDSCImpliedRoutes; } public static boolean isRequireRunMatchesForNullDSC() { return _requireRunMatchesForNullDSC; } public static void setRequireRunMatchesForNullDSC(boolean requireRunMatchesForNullDSC) { _requireRunMatchesForNullDSC = requireRunMatchesForNullDSC; } public BestBlockStates getBestBlockLocations(Observation observation, BlockInstance blockInstance, double blockDistanceFrom, double blockDistanceTo) throws MissingShapePointsException { synchronized (observation) { final BlockLocationKey key = new BlockLocationKey(blockInstance, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Map<BlockLocationKey, BestBlockStates> mb = _observationCache.getValueForObservation(observation, EObservationCacheKey.BLOCK_LOCATION); if (mb == null) { mb = computeBlockStatesForObservation(observation); _observationCache.putValueForObservation(observation, EObservationCacheKey.BLOCK_LOCATION, mb); final Set<BlockState> m = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final BestBlockStates bbs : mb.values()) { m.addAll(bbs.getAllStates()); } _observationCache.putValueForObservation(observation, EObservationCacheKey.BEST_BLOCK_STATES, m); } BestBlockStates blockStates = mb.get(key); if (blockStates == null) { blockStates = new BestBlockStates(Collections.<BlockState>emptySet()); } return blockStates; } } public BlockState getScheduledTimeAsState(BlockInstance blockInstance, int scheduledTime) { final BlockConfigurationEntry blockConfig = blockInstance.getBlock(); final ScheduledBlockLocation blockLocation = _scheduledBlockLocationService .getScheduledBlockLocationFromScheduledTime(blockConfig, scheduledTime); if (blockLocation == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "no blockLocation for " + blockInstance + " scheduleTime=" + scheduledTime); final BlockTripEntry activeTrip = blockLocation.getActiveTrip(); final String dsc = _destinationSignCodeService .getDestinationSignCodeForTripId(activeTrip.getTrip().getId()); final RunTripEntry rte = _runService.getRunTripEntryForTripAndTime(activeTrip.getTrip(), scheduledTime); return new BlockState(blockInstance, blockLocation, rte, dsc); } /**** * Private Methods ****/ public static class BestBlockStates { final private Set<BlockState> _bestStates; public BestBlockStates(Set<BlockState> hashSet) { _bestStates = hashSet; } public Set<BlockState> getAllStates() { return _bestStates; } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper("BestBlockStates").add("bestStates", _bestStates).toString(); } } private static class BlockLocationKey { private final BlockInstance blockInstance; private final double distanceFrom; private final double distanceTo; public BlockLocationKey(BlockInstance blockInstance, double distanceFrom, double distanceTo) { this.blockInstance = blockInstance; this.distanceFrom = distanceFrom; this.distanceTo = distanceTo; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((blockInstance == null) ? 0 : blockInstance.hashCode()); long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(distanceFrom); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(distanceTo); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final BlockLocationKey other = (BlockLocationKey) obj; if (blockInstance == null) { if (other.blockInstance != null) return false; } else if (!blockInstance.equals(other.blockInstance)) return false; if (Double.doubleToLongBits(distanceFrom) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.distanceFrom)) return false; if (Double.doubleToLongBits(distanceTo) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.distanceTo)) return false; return true; } } public BlockState getAsState(BlockInstance blockInstance, double distanceAlongBlock) { final BlockConfigurationEntry block = blockInstance.getBlock(); if (distanceAlongBlock < 0.0) return null; if (distanceAlongBlock > block.getTotalBlockDistance()) distanceAlongBlock = block.getTotalBlockDistance(); final ScheduledBlockLocation blockLocation = _scheduledBlockLocationService .getScheduledBlockLocationFromDistanceAlongBlock(block, distanceAlongBlock); if (blockLocation == null) throw new IllegalStateException("no blockLocation for " + blockInstance + " d=" + distanceAlongBlock); final BlockTripEntry activeTrip = blockLocation.getActiveTrip(); final String dsc = _destinationSignCodeService .getDestinationSignCodeForTripId(activeTrip.getTrip().getId()); final RunTripEntry rte = _runService.getRunTripEntryForTripAndTime(activeTrip.getTrip(), blockLocation.getScheduledTime()); return new BlockState(blockInstance, blockLocation, rte, dsc); } public Set<BlockState> getBlockStatesForObservation(Observation observation) { synchronized (observation) { Set<BlockState> m = _observationCache.getValueForObservation(observation, EObservationCacheKey.BEST_BLOCK_STATES); if (m == null) { final Map<BlockLocationKey, BestBlockStates> res = computeBlockStatesForObservation(observation); _observationCache.putValueForObservation(observation, EObservationCacheKey.BLOCK_LOCATION, res); m = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final BestBlockStates bbs : res.values()) { m.addAll(bbs.getAllStates()); } _observationCache.putValueForObservation(observation, EObservationCacheKey.BEST_BLOCK_STATES, m); } return m; } } private Map<BlockLocationKey, BestBlockStates> computeBlockStatesForObservation(Observation observation) { final Map<BlockLocationKey, BestBlockStates> results = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<String> validRunIds = null; if (_requireRunMatchesForNullDSC) { validRunIds = Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.concat(observation.getBestFuzzyRunIds(), Collections.singleton(observation.getOpAssignedRunId()))); } final NycRawLocationRecord record = observation.getRecord(); final String vehicleAgencyId = record.getVehicleId().getAgencyId(); final long time = observation.getTime(); final Date timeFrom = new Date(time - _tripSearchTimeAfterLastStop); final Date timeTo = new Date(time + _tripSearchTimeBeforeFirstStop); final CoordinateBounds bounds = SphericalGeometryLibrary.bounds(record.getLatitude(), record.getLongitude(), _tripSearchRadius); final Coordinate obsPoint = new Coordinate(record.getLongitude(), record.getLatitude()); final Envelope searchEnv = new Envelope(bounds.getMinLon(), bounds.getMaxLon(), bounds.getMinLat(), bounds.getMaxLat()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Collection<LocationIndexedLine>> lineMatches = _index.query(searchEnv); final Multimap<BlockInstance, Double> instancesToDists = TreeMultimap .create(BlockInstanceComparator.INSTANCE, Ordering.natural()); // lines under the current observed location for (final LocationIndexedLine line : Iterables.concat(lineMatches)) { final LinearLocation here = line.project(obsPoint); final Coordinate pointOnLine = line.extractPoint(here); final double dist = pointOnLine.distance(obsPoint); // filter out if too far away if (dist > _tripSearchRadius) continue; final Multimap<LocationIndexedLine, TripInfo> linesToTripInfoForVehicleAgencyId = _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId .get(vehicleAgencyId); if (linesToTripInfoForVehicleAgencyId == null || linesToTripInfoForVehicleAgencyId.isEmpty()) { continue; } // trips that follow the path under the current observed location for (final TripInfo tripInfo : linesToTripInfoForVehicleAgencyId.get(line)) { final Collection<BlockTripIndex> indices = tripInfo.getIndices(); final Collection<BlockLayoverIndex> layoverIndices = tripInfo.getLayoverIndices(); final Collection<FrequencyBlockTripIndex> frequencyIndices = tripInfo.getFrequencyIndices(); final Coordinate startOfLine = line.extractPoint(line.getStartIndex()); final double distTraveledOnLine = TurboButton.distance(pointOnLine.y, pointOnLine.x, startOfLine.y, startOfLine.x); final double distanceAlongShape = tripInfo.getDistanceFrom() + distTraveledOnLine; List<BlockInstance> instances = _blockCalendarService.getActiveBlocksInTimeRange(indices, layoverIndices, frequencyIndices, timeFrom.getTime(), timeTo.getTime()); for (BlockInstance instance : instances) { for (BlockTripEntry blockTrip : instance.getBlock().getTrips()) { /* * XXX: This is still questionable, however, * appears to do something * similar, where it assumes the block's distance-along can be * related to the shape's (for the particular BlockTripEntry). * (see ScheduledBlockLocationServiceImpl.getLocationAlongShape) * * Anyway, what we're doing is using the blockTrip's * getDistanceAlongBlock to find out what the distance-along the * block is for the start of the shape, then we're using our * computed distance along shape for the snapped point to find the * total distanceAlongBlock. */ final double distanceAlongBlock = blockTrip.getDistanceAlongBlock() + distanceAlongShape; /* * Here we make sure that the DSC and/or run-info matches */ if (_requireDSCImpliedRoutes) { if (!observation.getImpliedRouteCollections() .contains(blockTrip.getTrip().getRouteCollection().getId())) continue; } if (_requireRunMatchesForNullDSC) { /* * When there is no valid DSC only allow snapping * to assigned or best fuzzy run. */ if (!observation.hasValidDsc()) { if (Sets.intersection(validRunIds, _runService.getRunIdsForTrip(blockTrip.getTrip())).isEmpty()) { continue; } } } instancesToDists.put(instance, distanceAlongBlock); } } } } for (final Entry<BlockInstance, Collection<Double>> biEntry : instancesToDists.asMap().entrySet()) { final BlockInstance instance = biEntry.getKey(); final int searchTimeFrom = (int) (timeFrom.getTime() - instance.getServiceDate()) / 1000; final int searchTimeTo = (int) (timeTo.getTime() - instance.getServiceDate()) / 1000; final Map<Map.Entry<BlockTripEntry, String>, Min<ScheduledBlockLocation>> tripToDists = Maps .newHashMap(); /* * TODO could do some really easy improved traversing of these * distances... */ for (final Double distanceAlongBlock : biEntry.getValue()) { final ScheduledBlockLocation location = _scheduledBlockLocationService .getScheduledBlockLocationFromDistanceAlongBlock(instance.getBlock(), distanceAlongBlock); if (location == null) continue; /* * Don't consider opposite direction trips. */ if (movedInOppositeDirection(observation, location)) continue; /* * Should be increasing time for increasing distanceAlongBlock... */ final int schedTime = location.getScheduledTime(); if (schedTime > searchTimeTo) break; if (schedTime < searchTimeFrom) continue; final BlockTripEntry activeTrip = location.getActiveTrip(); final Map.Entry<BlockTripEntry, String> tripDistEntry = Maps.immutableEntry(activeTrip, activeTrip.getTrip().getDirectionId()); Min<ScheduledBlockLocation> thisMin = tripToDists.get(tripDistEntry); if (thisMin == null) { thisMin = new Min<ScheduledBlockLocation>(); tripToDists.put(tripDistEntry, thisMin); } final double dist = TurboButton.distance(observation.getLocation(), location.getLocation()); thisMin.add(dist, location); } for (final Min<ScheduledBlockLocation> thisMin : tripToDists.values()) { final ScheduledBlockLocation location = thisMin.getMinElement(); final BlockTripEntry activeTrip = location.getActiveTrip(); final String dsc = _destinationSignCodeService .getDestinationSignCodeForTripId(activeTrip.getTrip().getId()); final RunTripEntry rte = _runService.getRunTripEntryForTripAndTime(activeTrip.getTrip(), location.getScheduledTime()); final BlockState state = new BlockState(instance, location, rte, dsc); final BlockLocationKey key = new BlockLocationKey(instance, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); BestBlockStates currentStates = results.get(key); if (currentStates == null) { currentStates = new BestBlockStates(Sets.newHashSet(state)); results.put(key, currentStates); } else { currentStates.getAllStates().add(state); } } } return results; } private boolean movedInOppositeDirection(Observation observation, ScheduledBlockLocation location) { if (observation.getPreviousRecord() != null && observation.getDistanceMoved() >= _oppositeDirMoveCutoff) { /* * We get NaN when the locations are the same; * in which case, we don't have a comparison to make, * so use an orientation difference of 0. */ final double locOrientation = Angle.normalize(Angle.toRadians(location.getOrientation())); final double obsOrientation; if (Double.isNaN(observation.getOrientation())) { obsOrientation = locOrientation; } else { obsOrientation = Angle.normalize(Angle.toRadians(observation.getOrientation())); } double orientDiff = Angle.diff(obsOrientation, locOrientation); if (orientDiff >= Math.PI * 3d / 4d) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Can a vehicle on the given trip, at the given location, be considered for detour status? * * @param trip * @param location * @return */ public boolean locationIsEligibleForDetour(BlockTripEntry trip, CoordinatePoint location) { AgencyAndId shapeId = trip.getTrip().getShapeId(); Geometry bufferedShape = _shapeIdToBufferedGeometryMap.get(shapeId); if (bufferedShape != null) { Coordinate vehicleLocation = new Coordinate(location.getLon(), location.getLat()); Geometry vehicleLocationGeometry = _geometryFactory.createPoint(vehicleLocation); return bufferedShape.contains(vehicleLocationGeometry); } return false; } /** * Computes distance along a blockConfigEntry for a given starting stop-time * index.<br> * Here's an example of how to get the index:<br> * * <pre> * {@code * List<BlockStopTimeEntry> stopTimes = blockConfig.getStopTimes(); * int n = stopTimes.size(); * int index =, n, scheduleTime, * IndexAdapters.BLOCK_STOP_TIME_DEPARTURE_INSTANCE); * } * </pre> * * <br> * Code taken from ScheduledBlockLocationServiceImpl. * * @param blockEntry * @param fromStopTimeIndex * @param scheduleTime * @return */ public double getDistanceAlongBlock(BlockConfigurationEntry blockEntry, int fromStopTimeIndex, int scheduleTime) { final List<BlockStopTimeEntry> stopTimes = blockEntry.getStopTimes(); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(fromStopTimeIndex, stopTimes.size() + 1); double distanceAlongBlock = Double.NaN; if (fromStopTimeIndex == 0) { final BlockStopTimeEntry blockStopTime = stopTimes.get(0); final StopTimeEntry stopTime = blockStopTime.getStopTime(); /** * If we have more than one stop time in the block (we'd hope!), then we * attempt to interpolate the distance along the block */ if (stopTimes.size() > 1) { final BlockStopTimeEntry secondBlockStopTime = stopTimes.get(1); final StopTimeEntry secondStopTime = secondBlockStopTime.getStopTime(); distanceAlongBlock = InterpolationLibrary.interpolatePair(stopTime.getDepartureTime(), blockStopTime.getDistanceAlongBlock(), secondStopTime.getArrivalTime(), secondBlockStopTime.getDistanceAlongBlock(), scheduleTime); if (distanceAlongBlock < 0) distanceAlongBlock = 0.0; } } else { while (fromStopTimeIndex < stopTimes.size()) { final int t = blockEntry.getDepartureTimeForIndex(fromStopTimeIndex); if (scheduleTime <= t) break; fromStopTimeIndex++; } if (fromStopTimeIndex < stopTimes.size()) { final BlockStopTimeEntry blockBefore = stopTimes.get(fromStopTimeIndex - 1); final BlockStopTimeEntry blockAfter = stopTimes.get(fromStopTimeIndex); final StopTimeEntry before = blockBefore.getStopTime(); final StopTimeEntry after = blockAfter.getStopTime(); final int fromTime = before.getDepartureTime(); final int toTime = after.getArrivalTime(); final double ratio = (scheduleTime - fromTime) / ((double) (toTime - fromTime)); final double fromDistance = blockBefore.getDistanceAlongBlock(); final double toDistance = blockAfter.getDistanceAlongBlock(); distanceAlongBlock = ratio * (toDistance - fromDistance) + fromDistance; } else { distanceAlongBlock = blockEntry.getTotalBlockDistance(); } } return distanceAlongBlock; } private static class TripInfo { final double _distanceFrom; final private Collection<BlockTripIndex> _indices; final private Collection<BlockLayoverIndex> _layoverIndices; final private Collection<FrequencyBlockTripIndex> _frequencyIndices; public TripInfo(double distanceFrom, double distanceTo, Collection<BlockTripIndex> indices, Collection<BlockLayoverIndex> layoverIndices, Collection<FrequencyBlockTripIndex> frequencyIndices) { _distanceFrom = distanceFrom; _indices = indices; _layoverIndices = layoverIndices; _frequencyIndices = frequencyIndices; } public double getDistanceFrom() { return _distanceFrom; } public Collection<BlockTripIndex> getIndices() { return _indices; } public Collection<BlockLayoverIndex> getLayoverIndices() { return _layoverIndices; } public Collection<FrequencyBlockTripIndex> getFrequencyIndices() { return _frequencyIndices; } }; // make detour checking shapes public void addShapeToDetourGeometryMap(ShapePoints shapePoints) { Coordinate[] allPoints = new Coordinate[shapePoints.getSize() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < shapePoints.getSize() - 1; i++) { allPoints[i] = new Coordinate(shapePoints.getLonForIndex(i), shapePoints.getLatForIndex(i)); } final Geometry lineGeo = _geometryFactory.createLineString(allPoints); // conversion from _shapeIdToBufferedGeometryMap.put(shapePoints.getShapeId(), lineGeo.buffer(_maximumDetourDistanceInMeters / (Math.PI / 180) / 6378137)); } /** * * Build the maps and STR tree for look-up. * */ private void buildShapeSpatialIndex() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId = new HashMap<String, Multimap<LocationIndexedLine, TripInfo>>(); final Multimap<AgencyAndId, AgencyAndId> allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId = HashMultimap.create(); final Multimap<AgencyAndId, BlockTripIndex> blockTripIndicesByShapeId = HashMultimap.create(); final Multimap<AgencyAndId, BlockLayoverIndex> blockLayoverIndicesByShapeId = HashMultimap.create(); final Multimap<AgencyAndId, FrequencyBlockTripIndex> frequencyBlockTripIndicesByShapeId = HashMultimap .create(); final Multimap<Envelope, LocationIndexedLine> envToLines = HashMultimap.create();"generating shapeId & blockConfig to block trips map..."); for (final BlockEntry blockEntry : _transitGraphDao.getAllBlocks()) { for (final BlockConfigurationEntry blockConfig : blockEntry.getConfigurations()) { for (final BlockTripEntry blockTrip : blockConfig.getTrips()) { final TripEntry trip = blockTrip.getTrip(); final AgencyAndId shapeId = trip.getShapeId(); final AgencyAndId blockId = blockEntry.getId(); if (shapeId != null) { allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId.put(shapeId, blockId); blockTripIndicesByShapeId.putAll(shapeId, _blockIndexService.getBlockTripIndicesForBlock(blockId)); blockLayoverIndicesByShapeId.putAll(shapeId, _blockIndexService.getBlockLayoverIndicesForBlock(blockId)); frequencyBlockTripIndicesByShapeId.putAll(shapeId, _blockIndexService.getFrequencyBlockTripIndicesForBlock(blockId)); } } } }"\tshapePoints=" + allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId.keySet().size()); for (final Entry<AgencyAndId, Collection<AgencyAndId>> shapePointsEntry : allUniqueShapePointsToBlockId .asMap().entrySet()) { final AgencyAndId shapeId = shapePointsEntry.getKey(); final ShapePoints shapePoints = _shapePointService.getShapePointsForShapeId(shapeId); if (shapePoints == null || shapePoints.isEmpty()) { _log.warn("blocks with no shapes: " + shapePointsEntry.getValue()); continue; } final Collection<BlockTripIndex> indices = blockTripIndicesByShapeId.get(shapeId); final Collection<BlockLayoverIndex> layoverIndices = blockLayoverIndicesByShapeId.get(shapeId); final Collection<FrequencyBlockTripIndex> frequencyIndices = frequencyBlockTripIndicesByShapeId .get(shapeId); final Collection<AgencyAndId> blockIds = shapePointsEntry.getValue(); if (blockIds.isEmpty()) continue; // shape agency ID cannot be used when the bundle builder is configured for agency ID remapping, // so we use the agency ID from the block ID, since shapes are not shared across agencies, they should all be the same. final String agencyId = blockIds.iterator().next().getAgencyId(); Multimap<LocationIndexedLine, TripInfo> linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId = _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId .get(agencyId); if (linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId == null) { linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId = HashMultimap.create(); } for (int i = 0; i < shapePoints.getSize() - 1; ++i) { final CoordinatePoint from = shapePoints.getPointForIndex(i); final CoordinatePoint to = shapePoints.getPointForIndex(i + 1); final Coordinate fromJts = new Coordinate(from.getLon(), from.getLat()); final Coordinate toJts = new Coordinate(to.getLon(), to.getLat()); final Geometry lineGeo = _geometryFactory.createLineString(new Coordinate[] { fromJts, toJts }); final LocationIndexedLine line = new LocationIndexedLine(lineGeo); final Envelope env = lineGeo.getEnvelopeInternal(); final double distanceFrom = shapePoints.getDistTraveledForIndex(i); final double distanceTo = shapePoints.getDistTraveledForIndex(i + 1); linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId.put(line, new TripInfo(distanceFrom, distanceTo, indices, layoverIndices, frequencyIndices)); envToLines.put(env, line); } _linesToTripInfoByAgencyId.put(agencyId, linesToTripInfoForThisAgencyId); addShapeToDetourGeometryMap(shapePoints); } if (envToLines.size() > 0) {"\ttree size=" + envToLines.keySet().size()); _index = new STRtree(envToLines.keySet().size()); for (final Entry<Envelope, Collection<LocationIndexedLine>> envLines : envToLines.asMap() .entrySet()) { _index.insert(envLines.getKey(), envLines.getValue()); } } } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }"done."); } }