List of usage examples for Multimap putAll
boolean putAll(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values);
From source
private static void addTransitive(@NotNull PsDependency dependency, @NotNull Multimap<PsDependency, PsDependency> allTransitive) { if (allTransitive.containsKey(dependency)) { return;// w ww.j av a2 s . c o m } if (dependency instanceof PsLibraryAndroidDependency) { PsLibraryAndroidDependency libraryDependency = (PsLibraryAndroidDependency) dependency; ImmutableCollection<PsDependency> transitives = libraryDependency.getTransitiveDependencies(); allTransitive.putAll(dependency, transitives); for (PsDependency transitive : transitives) { addTransitive(transitive, allTransitive); } } }
From source
/** * Returns the id of the parent which is common to the children provided. If none is found, it returns null. * * @param children A CvTerms with a common parent * @return the common parent for the children *///from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m public static CvDagObject findLowestCommonAncestor(CvDagObject... children) { if (children.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least two children have to be provided to find a common parent"); } Multimap<String, String> cvMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); // get all the parents for each child for (CvDagObject child : children) { cvMap.put(child.getIdentifier(), child.getIdentifier()); cvMap.putAll(child.getIdentifier(), findAllParentsForTerm(child)); } // calculate the common parents by interesecting all the collections of parents for each child List<String> commonParents = null; for (Collection<String> parents : cvMap.asMap().values()) { List<String> parentsList = new LinkedList<String>(parents); if (commonParents == null) { commonParents = parentsList; } else { commonParents = ListUtils.intersection(commonParents, parentsList); } } // the first child of the commonParents collection is the lowest common ancestor if (!commonParents.isEmpty()) { String parentId = commonParents.iterator().next(); return findParentById(children[0], parentId); } return null; }
From source
/** * Gets a result set of node|roles which is each * node URL to a comma separated list of roles * @return// w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m */ public static MocaResults getNodesToRoles() { SimpleResults res = new SimpleResults(); res.addColumn("node", MocaType.STRING); res.addColumn("roles", MocaType.STRING); ClusterRoleManager manager = ServerUtils.globalAttribute(ClusterRoleManager.class); MocaClusterAdministration admin = (MocaClusterAdministration) ServerUtils.globalContext() .getAttribute(MocaClusterAdministration.class.getName()); if (manager != null && admin != null) { Multimap<Node, RoleDefinition> multiMap = manager.getClusterRoles(); Map<Node, InstanceUrl> urls = admin.getKnownNodes();"Cluster URLs: " + urls.entrySet());"Node to Roles: " + multiMap.asMap().entrySet()); Multimap<InstanceUrl, RoleDefinition> urlRoleMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<Node, Collection<RoleDefinition>> entry : multiMap.asMap().entrySet()) { InstanceUrl url = urls.get(entry.getKey()); // TODO: trying to handle that cluster URLs is wrong and doesn't contain the entry if (url == null) { url = new InstanceUrl(false, entry.getKey().toString(), 0); } urlRoleMap.putAll(url, entry.getValue()); } for (Entry<Node, InstanceUrl> url : urls.entrySet()) { if (!urlRoleMap.containsKey(url.getValue())) { urlRoleMap.put(url.getValue(), EMPTY_ROLE); } } // Sort by the node url Map<InstanceUrl, Collection<RoleDefinition>> sortedMap = new TreeMap<InstanceUrl, Collection<RoleDefinition>>( new Comparator<InstanceUrl>() { @Override public int compare(InstanceUrl o1, InstanceUrl o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } }); sortedMap.putAll(urlRoleMap.asMap()); for (Map.Entry<InstanceUrl, Collection<RoleDefinition>> entry : sortedMap.entrySet()) { res.addRow(); res.setStringValue("node", entry.getKey().toString()); res.setStringValue("roles", Joiner.on(',').join(entry.getValue())); } } else {"Cluster manager and/or admin not set"); } return res; }
From source
/** * Generates adjacency map from a subgraph. * @param <V> graph node type/*from ww w . j av a 2s .co m*/ * @param graph the graph * @param nodes subset of nodes * @return adjacency map restricted to the given subset */ public static <V> Multimap<V, V> adjacencies(Graph<V> graph, Set<V> nodes) { Multimap<V, V> res = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (V v : nodes) { res.putAll(v, Sets.intersection(graph.neighbors(v), nodes)); } return res; }
From source
private static Multimap<String, Class<?>> readClasses(List<IPath> workingDirs) { Multimap<String, Class<?>> ret = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (IPath path : workingDirs) { Map<String, Set<Class<?>>> classes = ReflectionUtils.readClassFiles(path); if (ret.isEmpty()) { for (String key : classes.keySet()) { ret.putAll(key, classes.get(key)); }/*from w w w .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } } return ret; }
From source
public static Multimap<Integer, String> partitioning(Multimap<String, String> lookup) { // Partitions Creation Set<String> keys = lookup.keySet(); int partitionId = 0; Multimap<Integer, String> partitions = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int counter2 = 0; for (String key : keys) { Set<Integer> keys2 = partitions.keySet(); List<String> inter = (List<String>) lookup.get(key); List<String> interTMP = new ArrayList<String>(inter); Printer.debugln("Step number: " + counter2++ + "Number of keywords " + keys.size()); Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(interTMP); Multimap<Integer, String> partitionsTMP = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Integer key2 : keys2) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { Set<String> tmp = new HashSet<String>(partitions.get(key2)); Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(tmp, set); Set<String> difference; if (intersection.isEmpty()) { difference = tmp;//w w w. j a v a 2s.c om } else { difference = Sets.difference(tmp, intersection); set = Sets.difference(set, intersection); } if (!difference.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, difference); } if (!intersection.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, intersection); } } else { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, new HashSet<String>(partitions.get(key2))); } } interTMP = new ArrayList<String>(set); if (!interTMP.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, interTMP); } partitions = ArrayListMultimap.create(partitionsTMP); partitionsTMP.clear(); interTMP.clear(); } Printer.debugln("Partitions size " + partitions.keySet().size()); Printer.debugln("\n"); return partitions; }
From source
protected static <K, V> Multimap<K, V> convertMapToMultimap(Map<K, ? extends Iterable<V>> map) { Multimap<K, V> multimap = HashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<K, ? extends Iterable<V>> entry : map.entrySet()) { multimap.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }/* w w w. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ return multimap; }
From source
public static Bean read(BeanId beanId, byte[] data) { if (ids == null) { ids = UniqueIds.lookup();/*from www .ja v a 2 m*/ } Preconditions.checkNotNull(beanId); Preconditions.checkNotNull(data); Schema schema = beanId.getSchema(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(schema); Bean bean = Bean.create(beanId); ValueReader reader = new ValueReader(data); Multimap<String, String> properties = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, BeanId> references = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int[] propertyIds = reader.getIds(); for (int id : propertyIds) { String propertyName = ids.getSchemaName(id); Object value = reader.getValue(id); if (schema.isProperty(propertyName)) { if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { properties.putAll(propertyName, conversion.convert((Collection) value, String.class)); } else { properties.put(propertyName, conversion.convert(value, String.class)); } } else if (schema.isReference(propertyName)) { String schemaName = schema.getReferenceSchemaName(propertyName); if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { for (String instanceId : (Collection<String>) value) { references.put(propertyName, BeanId.create(instanceId, schemaName)); } } else { String instanceId = (String) value; references.put(propertyName, BeanId.create(instanceId, schemaName)); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized property " + propertyName); } } for (String propertyName : properties.keySet()) { bean.addProperty(propertyName, properties.get(propertyName)); } for (String propertyName : references.keySet()) { bean.addReference(propertyName, references.get(propertyName)); } bean.set(schema); return bean; }
From source
static Function<Collection<Property>, Collection<Property>> filterByCardinality( final boolean grouped, final Range<Long> groupCardinality, final Range<Long> cardinality, final Function<Property, Object> idProvider) { return matchingProperties -> { final Multimap<Object, Property> propertiesByMatchingIds = Multimaps.index(matchingProperties, idProvider);/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . co m*/ final Collection<Property> properties = newHashSet(); final Range<Long> allowedRelationshipCardinality; if (grouped) { final long minRelationships = groupCardinality.lowerEndpoint() == 0 ? cardinality.lowerEndpoint() : groupCardinality.lowerEndpoint() * cardinality.lowerEndpoint(); final long maxRelationships; if (groupCardinality.hasUpperBound() && cardinality.hasUpperBound()) { if (groupCardinality.upperEndpoint() == Long.MAX_VALUE || cardinality.upperEndpoint() == Long.MAX_VALUE) { maxRelationships = Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { maxRelationships = groupCardinality.upperEndpoint() * cardinality.upperEndpoint(); } } else { // group and relationship cardinalities are unbounded maxRelationships = Long.MAX_VALUE; } allowedRelationshipCardinality = Range.closed(minRelationships, maxRelationships); } else { allowedRelationshipCardinality = cardinality; } for (Object matchingConceptId : propertiesByMatchingIds.keySet()) { final Collection<Property> propertiesOfConcept = propertiesByMatchingIds.get(matchingConceptId); if (allowedRelationshipCardinality.contains((long) propertiesOfConcept.size())) { if (grouped) { final Multimap<Integer, Property> indexedByGroup = FluentIterable.from(propertiesOfConcept) .index(Property::getGroup); // if groups should be considered as well, then check group numbers in the matching sets // check that the concept has at least the right amount of groups final Multimap<Integer, Property> validGroups = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Integer group : indexedByGroup.keySet()) { final Collection<Property> groupedRelationships = indexedByGroup.get(group); if (cardinality.contains((long) groupedRelationships.size())) { validGroups.putAll(group, groupedRelationships); } } if (groupCardinality.contains((long) validGroups.keySet().size())) { properties.addAll(validGroups.values()); } } else { properties.addAll(propertiesOfConcept); } } } return properties; }; }
From source
public Multimap<String, Person> get() { Iterable<Person> persons = Lists.transform(Arrays.asList(userService.getUsers()), USER_TO_PERSON_FUNCTION); final Multimap<String, Person> personMap = HashMultimap.create(); personMap.putAll(institution, persons); return personMap; }