List of usage examples for Multimap putAll
boolean putAll(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values);
From source
private Multimap<String, InvalidRelationship> processTaxonomy() throws IOException { final Rf2BasedSnomedTaxonomyBuilder builder = Rf2BasedSnomedTaxonomyBuilder .newInstance(new SnomedTaxonomyBuilder(conceptIds, statements), characteristicType); final Multimap<String, InvalidRelationship> invalidRelationships = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (snapshot) {"Validating SNOMED CT ontology based on the given RF2 release files..."); if (hasConceptImport()) { final String conceptFilePath = removeConceptHeader(); builder.applyNodeChanges(conceptFilePath); }/*from w w w.j av a2s . c o m*/ if (hasRelationshipImport()) { final String relationshipFilePath = removeRelationshipHeader(); builder.applyEdgeChanges(relationshipFilePath); } final SnomedTaxonomyStatus result =; if (!result.getStatus().isOK()) { invalidRelationships.putAll("", result.getInvalidRelationships()); } } else {"Validating SNOMED CT ontology based on the given RF2 release files..."); final Map<String, File> conceptFiles = hasConceptImport() ? Rf2FileModifier.split(conceptsFile) : ImmutableMap.<String, File>of(); final Map<String, File> relationshipFiles = hasRelationshipImport() ? Rf2FileModifier.split(relationshipsFile) : ImmutableMap.<String, File>of(); final List<String> effectiveTimes = ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(EFFECTIVE_TIME_COMPARATOR) .addAll(conceptFiles.keySet()).addAll(relationshipFiles.keySet()).build().asList(); for (final String effectiveTime : effectiveTimes) {"Validating taxonomy in '{}'...", effectiveTime); final File conceptFile = conceptFiles.get(effectiveTime); final File relationshipFile = relationshipFiles.get(effectiveTime); builder.applyNodeChanges(getFilePath(conceptFile)); builder.applyEdgeChanges(getFilePath(relationshipFile)); final SnomedTaxonomyStatus result =; if (!result.getStatus().isOK()) { invalidRelationships.putAll(effectiveTime, result.getInvalidRelationships()); } } } return invalidRelationships; }
From source
private Collection<PiActionGroup> doDumpGroups(PiActionProfileId piActionProfileId, PiPipeconf pipeconf) { log.debug("Dumping groups from action profile {} from {} (pipeconf {})...",, deviceId,;/* ww w . jav a2 s. c o m*/ final P4InfoBrowser browser = PipeconfHelper.getP4InfoBrowser(pipeconf); if (browser == null) { log.warn("Unable to get a P4Info browser for pipeconf {}, aborting dump action profile", pipeconf); return Collections.emptySet(); } final int actionProfileId; try { actionProfileId = browser.actionProfiles().getByName(; } catch (P4InfoBrowser.NotFoundException e) { log.warn("Unable to dump groups: {}", e.getMessage()); return Collections.emptySet(); } // Prepare read request to read all groups from the given action profile. final ReadRequest groupRequestMsg = ReadRequest.newBuilder().setDeviceId(p4DeviceId) .addEntities(Entity.newBuilder() .setActionProfileGroup( ActionProfileGroup.newBuilder().setActionProfileId(actionProfileId).build()) .build()) .build(); // Read groups. final Iterator<ReadResponse> groupResponses; try { groupResponses =; } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) { log.warn("Unable to dump action profile {} from {}: {}", piActionProfileId, deviceId, e.getMessage()); return Collections.emptySet(); } final List<ActionProfileGroup> groupMsgs = -> groupResponses) .map(ReadResponse::getEntitiesList).flatMap(List::stream) .filter(entity -> entity.getEntityCase() == ACTION_PROFILE_GROUP).map(Entity::getActionProfileGroup) .collect(Collectors.toList()); log.debug("Retrieved {} groups from action profile {} on {}...", groupMsgs.size(),, deviceId); // Returned groups contain only a minimal description of their members. // We need to issue a new request to get the full description of each member. // Keep a map of all member IDs for each group ID, will need it later. final Multimap<Integer, Integer> groupIdToMemberIdsMap = HashMultimap.create(); groupMsgs.forEach(g -> groupIdToMemberIdsMap.putAll(g.getGroupId(), g.getMembersList().stream() .map(ActionProfileGroup.Member::getMemberId).collect(Collectors.toList()))); // Prepare one big read request to read all members in one shot. final Set<Entity> entityMsgs = -> g.getMembersList().stream()) .map(ActionProfileGroup.Member::getMemberId) // Prevent issuing many read requests for the same member. .distinct() .map(id -> ActionProfileMember.newBuilder().setActionProfileId(actionProfileId).setMemberId(id) .build()) .map(m -> Entity.newBuilder().setActionProfileMember(m).build()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); final ReadRequest memberRequestMsg = ReadRequest.newBuilder().setDeviceId(p4DeviceId) .addAllEntities(entityMsgs).build(); // Read members. final Iterator<ReadResponse> memberResponses; try { memberResponses =; } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) { log.warn("Unable to read members of action profile {} from {}: {}", piActionProfileId, deviceId, e.getMessage()); return Collections.emptyList(); } final Multimap<Integer, ActionProfileMember> groupIdToMembersMap = HashMultimap.create(); -> memberResponses).map(ReadResponse::getEntitiesList).flatMap(List::stream) .filter(e -> e.getEntityCase() == ACTION_PROFILE_MEMBER).map(Entity::getActionProfileMember) .forEach(member -> groupIdToMemberIdsMap.asMap() // Get all group IDs that contain this member. .entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue().contains(member.getMemberId())) .map(Map.Entry::getKey).forEach(gid -> groupIdToMembersMap.put(gid, member))); log.debug("Retrieved {} group members from action profile {} on {}...", groupIdToMembersMap.size(),, deviceId); return -> { try { return ActionProfileGroupEncoder.decode(groupMsg, groupIdToMembersMap.get(groupMsg.getGroupId()), pipeconf); } catch (P4InfoBrowser.NotFoundException | EncodeException e) { log.warn("Unable to decode group: {}\n {}", e.getMessage(), groupMsg); return null; } }).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
From source
private void verifyRows(Transaction ro) { for (String table : rowsRead.keySet()) { final ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> readsForTable = getReadsForTable(table); Multimap<ColumnSelection, byte[]> map = Multimaps.newSortedSetMultimap( Maps.<ColumnSelection, Collection<byte[]>>newHashMap(), new Supplier<SortedSet<byte[]>>() { @Override//from w w w .j a va2 s .c om public TreeSet<byte[]> get() { return Sets.newTreeSet(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator()); } }); for (RowRead r : rowsRead.get(table)) { map.putAll(r.cols, r.rows); } for (final ColumnSelection cols : map.keySet()) { for (List<byte[]> batch : Iterables.partition(map.get(cols), 1000)) { SortedMap<byte[], RowResult<byte[]>> currentRows = ro.getRows(table, batch, cols); for (byte[] row : batch) { RowResult<byte[]> currentRow = currentRows.get(row); Map<Cell, byte[]> orignalReads = readsForTable .tailMap(Cells.createSmallestCellForRow(row), true) .headMap(Cells.createLargestCellForRow(row), true); // We want to filter out all our reads to just the set that matches our column selection. orignalReads = Maps.filterKeys(orignalReads, new Predicate<Cell>() { @Override public boolean apply(Cell input) { return cols.contains(input.getColumnName()); } }); if (writesByTable.get(table) != null) { // We don't want to verify any reads that we wrote to cause we will just read our own values. // NB: We filter our write set out here because our normal SI checking handles this case to ensure the value hasn't changed. orignalReads = Maps.filterKeys(orignalReads, Predicates.not(; } if (currentRow == null && orignalReads.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (currentRow == null) { throw TransactionSerializableConflictException.create(table, getTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated); } Map<Cell, byte[]> currentCells = Maps2.fromEntries(currentRow.getCells()); if (writesByTable.get(table) != null) { // We don't want to verify any reads that we wrote to cause we will just read our own values. // NB: We filter our write set out here because our normal SI checking handles this case to ensure the value hasn't changed. currentCells = Maps.filterKeys(currentCells, Predicates.not(; } if (!areMapsEqual(orignalReads, currentCells)) { throw TransactionSerializableConflictException.create(table, getTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated); } } } } } }
From source
/** * Get the status intervals for the threads from a virtual machine. Those * intervals are correlated with the data from the virtual CPU's preemption * status.// ww w .j ava 2 s . c o m * * This method uses the Linux Kernel Analysis data for the thread's status * intervals. * * @param vmQuark * The quark of the virtual machine * @param start * The start time of the period to get the intervals from * @param end * The end time of the period to get the intervals from * @param resolution * The resolution * @param monitor * A progress monitor for this task * @return A map of status intervals for the machine's threads, including * preempted intervals. Intervals from the thread status and the CPU * preemption status overlap and are ordered such that CPU * preemption intervals are after any interval they overlap with */ public Multimap<Integer, ITmfStateInterval> getUpdatedThreadIntervals(int vmQuark, long start, long end, long resolution, IProgressMonitor monitor) { final Multimap<Integer, ITmfStateInterval> map = createThreadMultimap(); ITmfStateSystem ss = getStateSystem(); if (ss == null) { return map; } ITmfTrace trace = getTrace(); if (!(trace instanceof TmfExperiment)) { return map; } String vmHostId = ss.getAttributeName(vmQuark); KernelAnalysisModule kernelModule = TmfExperimentUtils .getAnalysisModuleOfClassForHost((TmfExperiment) trace, vmHostId, KernelAnalysisModule.class); if (kernelModule == null) { return map; } /* * Initialize the map with the original status intervals from the kernel * module */ for (Integer tid : KernelThreadInformationProvider.getThreadIds(kernelModule)) { map.putAll(tid, KernelThreadInformationProvider.getStatusIntervalsForThread(kernelModule, tid, start, end, resolution, monitor)); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return map; } } try { /* Correlate thread information with virtual CPU information */ for (Integer vcpuQuark : ss.getSubAttributes(vmQuark, false)) { Long virtualCPU = Long.parseLong(ss.getAttributeName(vcpuQuark)); Integer statusQuark = ss.getQuarkRelative(vcpuQuark, VmAttributes.STATUS); for (ITmfStateInterval cpuInterval : StateSystemUtils.queryHistoryRange(ss, statusQuark, start, end - 1, resolution, monitor)) { ITmfStateValue stateValue = cpuInterval.getStateValue(); if (stateValue.getType() == Type.INTEGER) { int value = stateValue.unboxInt(); /* * If the current CPU is either preempted or in * hypervisor mode, add preempted intervals to running * processes */ if ((value & (VcpuStateValues.VCPU_PREEMPT | VcpuStateValues.VCPU_VMM)) == 0) { continue; } Integer threadOnCpu = KernelThreadInformationProvider.getThreadOnCpu(kernelModule, virtualCPU, cpuInterval.getStartTime()); if (threadOnCpu != null) { map.put(threadOnCpu, new TmfStateInterval(cpuInterval.getStartTime(), cpuInterval.getEndTime(), threadOnCpu, VCPU_PREEMPT_VALUE)); } } } } } catch (AttributeNotFoundException | StateSystemDisposedException e) { } return map; }
From source
private Multimap<Operator<?>, Operator<?>> getSuccessorRelations(final Set<Operator<?>> stepOutputs) { final Multimap<Operator<?>, Operator<?>> successors = Multimaps.newMultimap( new IdentityHashMap<Operator<?>, Collection<Operator<?>>>(), IdentitySetSupplier.<Operator<?>>getInstance()); OneTimeTraverser.INSTANCE.traverse(stepOutputs, OperatorNavigator.INSTANCE, new GraphTraverseListener<Operator<?>>() { @Override//from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m public void nodeTraversed(final Operator<?> node) { for (final JsonStream input : node.getInputs()) { successors.put(input.getSource().getOperator(), node); successors.putAll(input.getSource().getOperator(), successors.get(node)); } } }); return successors; }
From source
public JURI addQueryParameters(String name, Collection<String> unencodedValues) { startChange();//from w w w . j a va2 s. c o m Multimap<String, String> params = getQueryParametersMultimap(); params.putAll(name, unencodedValues); changed(); return this; }
From source
private void aggregate(MailboxSession mailboxSession, Multimap<MailboxPath, MessageResult> aggregation, Map.Entry<MailboxId, Collection<Long>> mailboxResults) throws MailboxNotFoundException, MailboxException { MailboxPath mailboxPath = mailboxManager.getMailbox(mailboxResults.getKey(), mailboxSession) .getMailboxPath();//from w ww . j a v a 2s . c om MessageManager messageManager = getMessageManager(mailboxPath, mailboxSession) .orElseThrow(() -> new MailboxNotFoundException(mailboxPath)); List<MessageResult> mailboxMessages = MessageRange.toRanges(mailboxResults.getValue()).stream() .map(Throwing.function( range -> messageManager.getMessages(range, FetchGroupImpl.MINIMAL, mailboxSession))) .map(messageIterator -> ImmutableList.copyOf(messageIterator)).flatMap(List::stream) .collect(Guavate.toImmutableList()); aggregation.putAll(mailboxPath, mailboxMessages); }
From source
/** * @param writer//from w w w. j a v a 2s .co m * @throws IOException * */ private void generateClusterRolesEntry(ZipOutputStream zip, CsvWriter csvWriter, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException { ClusterRoleManager manager = (ClusterRoleManager) _system.getAttribute(ClusterRoleManager.class.getName()); if (manager != null) { zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("cluster-roles.csv")); Multimap<Node, RoleDefinition> multiMap = manager.getClusterRoles(); MocaClusterAdministration clusterAdmin = (MocaClusterAdministration) _system .getAttribute(MocaClusterAdministration.class.getName()); Map<Node, InstanceUrl> urls = clusterAdmin.getKnownNodes(); Multimap<InstanceUrl, RoleDefinition> urlRoleMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<Node, Collection<RoleDefinition>> entry : multiMap.asMap().entrySet()) { urlRoleMap.putAll(urls.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } Map<InstanceUrl, List<RoleDefinition>> copy = new HashMap<InstanceUrl, List<RoleDefinition>>(); for (Entry<InstanceUrl, Collection<RoleDefinition>> entry : urlRoleMap.asMap().entrySet()) { copy.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<RoleDefinition>(entry.getValue())); } csvWriter.writeValue("url"); csvWriter.writeValue("roles"); csvWriter.writeEndLine(); for (Entry<InstanceUrl, List<RoleDefinition>> entry : copy.entrySet()) { csvWriter.writeValue(entry.getKey()); csvWriter.writeValue(entry.getValue()); csvWriter.writeEndLine(); } // Have to flush before closing the entry writer.flush(); zip.closeEntry(); } }
From source
public JURI replaceQueryParameters(String name, Collection<String> unencodedValues) { startChange();// ww w . j a va2 s. c o m Multimap<String, String> params = getQueryParametersMultimap(); params.removeAll(name); params.putAll(name, unencodedValues); changed(); return this; }
From source
public JURI addQueryParametersMulti(Map<String, Collection<String>> params) { startChange();//w ww. j av a 2s . c o m Multimap<String, String> queryParameters = getQueryParametersMultimap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : params.entrySet()) { queryParameters.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } changed(); return this; }