Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015, Clark & Parsia, LLC. <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants; import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent; import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureListener; import java.awt.dnd.DragSource; import java.awt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter; import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.sbolstandard.core.DnaComponent; import org.sbolstandard.core.DnaSequence; import org.sbolstandard.core.SBOLDocument; import org.sbolstandard.core.SBOLFactory; import org.sbolstandard.core.SequenceAnnotation; import org.sbolstandard.core.StrandType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.adamtaft.eb.EventBus; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.CharSequences; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.SBOLTextWriter; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.SBOLUtils; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.SublimeSBOLFactory; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.dialog.PartEditDialog; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.dialog.SelectPartDialog; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.event.DesignChangedEvent; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.event.DesignLoadedEvent; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.event.FocusInEvent; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.event.FocusOutEvent; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.event.PartVisibilityChangedEvent; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.event.SelectionChangedEvent; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.order.PartialOrder; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.order.PartialOrderComparator; import com.clarkparsia.sbol.order.PartialOrderRelation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Evren Sirin */ public class SBOLDesign { private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SBOLDesign.class.getName()); private static final Font LABEL_FONT = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 12); private static final int IMG_GAP = 10; private static final int IMG_HEIGHT = Part.IMG_HEIGHT; private static final int IMG_WIDTH = Part.IMG_WIDTH + IMG_GAP; private static final int IMG_PAD = 20; private static final boolean HEADLESS = GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless(); private enum ReadOnly { REGISTRY_COMPONENT, UNCOVERED_SEQUENCE, MISSING_START_END } public final SBOLEditorAction EDIT_ROOT = new SBOLEditorAction("Edit root component", "Edit root component information", "edit_root.gif") { @Override protected void perform() { editRootComponent(); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction FIND = new SBOLEditorAction("Find components", "Find components in the part registry", "find.gif") { @Override protected void perform() { findPartForSelectedComponent(); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction EDIT = new SBOLEditorAction("Edit component", "Edit selected component information", "edit.gif") { @Override protected void perform() { editSelectedComponent(); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction DELETE = new SBOLEditorAction("Delete component", "Delete the selected component", "delete.gif") { @Override protected void perform() { DnaComponent comp = getSelectedComponent(); deleteComponent(comp); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction FLIP = new SBOLEditorAction("Flip strand", "Flip the strand for the selected component", "flipStrand.png") { @Override protected void perform() { DnaComponent comp = getSelectedComponent(); flipStrand(comp); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction HIDE_SCARS = new SBOLEditorAction("Hide scars", "Hide scars in the design", "hideScars.png") { @Override protected void perform() { boolean isVisible = isPartVisible(Parts.SCAR); setPartVisible(Parts.SCAR, !isVisible); } }.toggle(); public final SBOLEditorAction ADD_SCARS = new SBOLEditorAction("Add scars", "Add a scar between every two non-scar component in the design", "addScars.png") { @Override protected void perform() { addScars(); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction FOCUS_IN = new SBOLEditorAction("Focus in", "Focus in the component to view and edit its subcomponents", "go_down.png") { @Override protected void perform() { focusIn(); } }; public final SBOLEditorAction FOCUS_OUT = new SBOLEditorAction("Focus out", "Focus out to the parent component", "go_up.png") { @Override protected void perform() { focusOut(); } }; private final EventBus eventBus; private final List<DesignElement> elements = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Map<DesignElement, JLabel> buttons = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Set<Part> hiddenParts = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Set<ReadOnly> readOnly = EnumSet.noneOf(ReadOnly.class); private boolean loading = false; private boolean isCircular = false; private DesignElement selectedElement = null; private final Box elementBox; private final Box backboneBox; private final JPanel panel; private final JPopupMenu selectionPopupMenu = createPopupMenu(FIND, EDIT, FLIP, DELETE, FOCUS_IN); private final JPopupMenu noSelectionPopupMenu = createPopupMenu(EDIT_ROOT, FOCUS_OUT); private DnaComponent currentComponent; private boolean hasSequence; private final Deque<DnaComponent> parentComponents = new ArrayDeque<DnaComponent>(); public SBOLDesign(EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; elementBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); elementBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); elementBox.setOpaque(false); backboneBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); backboneBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); backboneBox.setOpaque(false); JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel(); contentPanel.setAlignmentX(0.5f); contentPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(contentPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); contentPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); contentPanel.setOpaque(false); contentPanel.setAlignmentY(0); contentPanel.add(elementBox); contentPanel.add(backboneBox); panel = new DesignPanel(); panel.setOpaque(false); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); panel.setAlignmentX(0.5f); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); panel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); Component leftStrut = Box.createHorizontalStrut(IMG_PAD + IMG_GAP); if (leftStrut instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) leftStrut).setOpaque(false); } panel.add(leftStrut); panel.add(contentPanel); Component rightStrut = Box.createHorizontalStrut(IMG_PAD + IMG_GAP); if (rightStrut instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) rightStrut).setOpaque(false); } panel.add(rightStrut); panel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); panel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { setSelectedElement(null); if (event.isPopupTrigger()) {, event.getX(), event.getY()); } } }); ActionListener deleteAction = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent paramActionEvent) { if (selectedElement != null) { deleteComponent(getSelectedComponent()); } } }; KeyStroke deleteKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0); KeyStroke backspaceKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, 0); panel.registerKeyboardAction(deleteAction, deleteKey, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); panel.registerKeyboardAction(deleteAction, backspaceKey, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); } private static JPopupMenu createPopupMenu(SBOLEditorAction... actions) { final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); for (SBOLEditorAction action : actions) { popup.add(action.createMenuItem()); } return popup; } public boolean canFocusIn() { DnaComponent comp = getSelectedComponent(); return comp != null; } public void focusIn() { Preconditions.checkState(canFocusIn(), "No selection to focus in"); DnaComponent comp = getSelectedComponent(); BufferedImage snapshot = getSnapshot(); updateRootComponent(); parentComponents.push(currentComponent); load(comp); eventBus.publish(new FocusInEvent(this, comp, snapshot)); } public boolean canFocusOut() { return !parentComponents.isEmpty(); } public void focusOut() { Preconditions.checkState(canFocusOut(), "No parent design to focus out"); focusOut(getParentComponent()); } public void focusOut(DnaComponent comp) { if (currentComponent == comp) { return; } updateRootComponent(); DnaComponent parentComponent = parentComponents.pop(); while (parentComponent != comp) { parentComponent = parentComponents.pop(); } load(parentComponent); eventBus.publish(new FocusOutEvent(this, parentComponent)); } public void load(SBOLDocument doc) { if (doc == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panel, "No document to load.", "Load error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } Iterator<DnaComponent> components = SBOLUtils.getRootComponents(doc); DnaComponent newComponent = null; if (components.hasNext()) { newComponent =; if (components.hasNext()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panel, "Cannot load documents with multiple root DnaComponents.", "Load error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } } else { newComponent = SublimeSBOLFactory.createDnaComponent(); newComponent.setURI(SBOLUtils.createURI()); newComponent.setDisplayId("Unnamed"); } parentComponents.clear(); load(newComponent); eventBus.publish(new DesignLoadedEvent(this)); } private void load(DnaComponent newRoot) { loading = true; elementBox.removeAll(); backboneBox.removeAll(); elements.clear(); buttons.clear(); isCircular = false; readOnly.clear(); currentComponent = newRoot; populateComponents(currentComponent); hasSequence = (currentComponent.getDnaSequence() != null) && elements.isEmpty(); detectReadOnly(); selectedElement = null; loading = false; refreshUI(); fireSelectionChangedEvent(); } private void detectReadOnly() { if (SBOLUtils.isRegistryComponent(currentComponent)) { readOnly.add(ReadOnly.REGISTRY_COMPONENT); } Map<Integer, DnaSequence> uncoveredSequences = findUncoveredSequences(); if (uncoveredSequences == null) { readOnly.add(ReadOnly.MISSING_START_END); } else if (!uncoveredSequences.isEmpty()) { readOnly.add(ReadOnly.UNCOVERED_SEQUENCE); } } private boolean confirmEditable() { if (readOnly.contains(ReadOnly.REGISTRY_COMPONENT)) { if (!PartEditDialog.confirmEditing(panel, currentComponent)) { return false; } readOnly.remove(ReadOnly.REGISTRY_COMPONENT); } if (readOnly.contains(ReadOnly.MISSING_START_END)) { int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(panel, "The component '" + currentComponent.getDisplayId() + "' has a DNA sequence but the\n" + "subcomponents don't have start or end\n" + "coordinates. If you edit the design you will\n" + "lose the DNA sequence.\n\n" + "Do you want to continue with editing?", "Uncovered sequence", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return false; } readOnly.remove(ReadOnly.REGISTRY_COMPONENT); } else if (readOnly.contains(ReadOnly.UNCOVERED_SEQUENCE)) { String msg = "The sub components do not cover the DNA sequence\n" + "of the component '" + currentComponent.getDisplayId() + "' completely.\n" + "You need to add SCAR components to cover the missing\n" + "parts or you will lose the uncovered DNA sequence.\n\n" + "How do you want to continue?"; JRadioButton[] buttons = { new JRadioButton("Add SCAR Parts to handle uncovered sequences"), new JRadioButton("Continue with editing and lose the root DNA sequence"), new JRadioButton("Cancel the operation and do not edit the component") }; JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(msg); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setOpaque(false); textArea.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); textArea.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); Box box = Box.createVerticalBox(); box.add(textArea); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); for (JRadioButton button : buttons) { button.setSelected(true); button.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); group.add(button); box.add(button); } int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(panel, box, "Uncovered sequence", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (result == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION || buttons[2].isSelected()) { return false; } readOnly.remove(ReadOnly.UNCOVERED_SEQUENCE); if (buttons[0].isSelected()) { addScarsForUncoveredSequences(); } } return true; } private void addScarsForUncoveredSequences() { Map<Integer, DnaSequence> uncoveredSequences = findUncoveredSequences(); int insertCount = 0; int lastIndex = elements.size(); for (Entry<Integer, DnaSequence> entry : uncoveredSequences.entrySet()) { int index = entry.getKey(); DnaSequence seq = entry.getValue(); if (index >= 0) { int updateIndex = index + insertCount; DesignElement e = elements.get(updateIndex); e.getComponent().setDnaSequence(seq); } else { int insertIndex = -index - 1 + insertCount++; addComponent(Parts.SCAR, false); DesignElement e = elements.get(lastIndex); e.getComponent().setDnaSequence(seq); moveComponent(lastIndex++, insertIndex); } } createDocument(); } private Map<Integer, DnaSequence> findUncoveredSequences() { return SBOLUtils.findUncoveredSequences(currentComponent, Lists.transform(elements, new Function<DesignElement, SequenceAnnotation>() { @Override public SequenceAnnotation apply(DesignElement e) { return e.getAnnotation(); } })); } private void populateComponents(DnaComponent comp) { if (comp.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) { if (currentComponent != comp) { addComponent(comp); } return; } Iterable<SequenceAnnotation> sortedAnnotations = sortedAnnotations(comp.getAnnotations()); // System.out.println(Iterators.toString(Iterators.transform(sortedAnnotations.iterator(), new Function<SequenceAnnotation,String>() { // public String apply(SequenceAnnotation ann) { // return "\n" + ann.getURI().toString() + " " + ann.getSubComponent().getURI() + " " + ann.getBioStart() + " " + ann.getBioEnd(); // } // }))); int lastStart = -1; int lastEnd = -1; for (SequenceAnnotation ann : sortedAnnotations) { if (ann.getBioStart() != null && ann.getBioEnd() != null) { if (ann.getBioStart() >= lastStart && ann.getBioEnd() <= lastEnd) { continue; } lastStart = ann.getBioStart(); lastEnd = ann.getBioEnd(); } DnaComponent subComp = ann.getSubComponent(); if (subComp != null) { addComponent(ann, subComp, Parts.forComponent(subComp)); } } } private Multimap<SequenceAnnotation, SequenceAnnotation> computePrecedesTransitive( Iterable<SequenceAnnotation> annotations) { Multimap<SequenceAnnotation, SequenceAnnotation> precedes = HashMultimap.create(); Set<SequenceAnnotation> visited = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (SequenceAnnotation ann : annotations) { computePrecedesTransitive(ann, precedes, visited); } return precedes; } private void computePrecedesTransitive(SequenceAnnotation ann, Multimap<SequenceAnnotation, SequenceAnnotation> precedes, Set<SequenceAnnotation> visited) { if (!visited.add(ann)) { LOGGER.warn("Circular precedes relation: " + Iterators .toString(Iterators.transform(visited.iterator(), new Function<SequenceAnnotation, String>() { public String apply(SequenceAnnotation ann) { return ann.getURI().toString(); } }))); return; } if (!precedes.containsKey(ann)) { for (SequenceAnnotation nextAnn : ann.getPrecedes()) { computePrecedesTransitive(nextAnn, precedes, visited); precedes.put(ann, nextAnn); precedes.putAll(ann, precedes.get(nextAnn)); } } visited.remove(ann); } private Iterable<SequenceAnnotation> sortedAnnotations(List<SequenceAnnotation> annotations) { final Multimap<SequenceAnnotation, SequenceAnnotation> precedesTransitive = computePrecedesTransitive( annotations); return new PartialOrder<SequenceAnnotation>(annotations, new PartialOrderComparator<SequenceAnnotation>() { @Override public PartialOrderRelation compare(SequenceAnnotation a, SequenceAnnotation b) { if (precedesTransitive.containsEntry(a, b)) { return PartialOrderRelation.LESS; } if (precedesTransitive.containsEntry(b, a)) { return PartialOrderRelation.GREATER; } if (a.getBioStart() != null && a.getBioEnd() != null && b.getBioStart() != null && b.getBioEnd() != null) { int cmpStart =, b.getBioStart()); int cmpEnd =, b.getBioEnd()); if (cmpStart < 0) { return PartialOrderRelation.LESS; } else if (cmpStart > 0) { return PartialOrderRelation.GREATER; } else if (cmpEnd < 0) { return PartialOrderRelation.GREATER; } else if (cmpEnd > 0) { return PartialOrderRelation.LESS; } else { return PartialOrderRelation.EQUAL; } } return PartialOrderRelation.INCOMPARABLE; } }); } public boolean isCircular() { return isCircular; } public JPanel getPanel() { return panel; } public Part getPart(DnaComponent comp) { DesignElement e = getElement(comp); return e == null ? null : e.part; } private DesignElement getElement(DnaComponent comp) { int index = getElementIndex(comp); return index < 0 ? null : elements.get(index); } private int getElementIndex(DnaComponent comp) { for (int i = 0, n = elements.size(); i < n; i++) { DesignElement e = elements.get(i); if (e.getComponent() == comp) { return i; } } return -1; } public DnaComponent getRootComponent() { return parentComponents.isEmpty() ? currentComponent : parentComponents.getFirst(); } public DnaComponent getCurrentComponent() { return currentComponent; } public DnaComponent getParentComponent() { return parentComponents.peek(); } public DnaComponent getSelectedComponent() { return selectedElement == null ? null : selectedElement.getComponent(); } public boolean setSelectedComponent(DnaComponent comp) { DesignElement e = (comp == null) ? null : getElement(comp); setSelectedElement(e); return (e != null); } private void setSelectedElement(DesignElement element) { if (selectedElement != null) { buttons.get(selectedElement).setEnabled(true); } selectedElement = element; if (selectedElement != null) { buttons.get(selectedElement).setEnabled(false); } fireSelectionChangedEvent(); } public void addComponent(DnaComponent comp) { addComponent(null, comp, Parts.forComponent(comp)); } public DnaComponent addComponent(Part part, boolean edit) { if (!confirmEditable()) { return null; } DnaComponent comp = part.createComponent(); if (edit && !PartEditDialog.editPart(panel.getParent(), comp, edit)) { return null; } addComponent(null, comp, part); return comp; } private void addComponent(SequenceAnnotation seqAnn, DnaComponent comp, Part part) { boolean backbone = (part == Parts.ORI); DesignElement e = new DesignElement(seqAnn, comp, part); JLabel button = createComponentButton(e); if (backbone) { if (isCircular) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add multiple origin of replication parts"); } elements.add(0, e); backboneBox.add(button); isCircular = true; } else { elements.add(e); elementBox.add(button); } buttons.put(e, button); if (!isPartVisible(part)) { setPartVisible(part, true); } if (!loading) { fireDesignChangedEvent(); } } public void moveComponent(int source, int target) { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } DesignElement element = elements.remove(source); elements.add(element); JLabel button = buttons.get(element); elementBox.remove(button); elementBox.add(button, target); fireDesignChangedEvent(); } private void setupIcons(final JLabel button, final DesignElement e) { Image image = e.getPart().getImage(e.getStrand()); Image selectedImage = Images.createBorderedImage(image, Color.LIGHT_GRAY); button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); button.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon(selectedImage)); } private JLabel createComponentButton(final DesignElement e) { final JLabel button = new JLabel(); setupIcons(button, e); button.setVerticalAlignment(JLabel.TOP); button.setVerticalTextPosition(JLabel.TOP); button.setIconTextGap(2); button.setText(e.getComponent().getDisplayId()); button.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); button.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); button.setToolTipText(getTooltipText(e)); button.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT + 20)); button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT + 20)); button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); button.setFont(LABEL_FONT); button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { setSelectedElement(e); if (event.isPopupTrigger()) {, event.getX(), event.getY()); } } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { if (event.getClickCount() == 2) { focusIn(); } } }); // button.setComponentPopupMenu(popupMenu); boolean isDraggable = (e.getPart() != Parts.ORI); if (isDraggable) { setupDragActions(button, e); } return button; } private void setupDragActions(final JLabel button, final DesignElement e) { if (HEADLESS) { return; } final DragSource dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource(); dragSource.createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(button, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE, new DragGestureListener() { @Override public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent event) { Transferable transferable = new JLabelTransferable(button); dragSource.startDrag(event, DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop, transferable, new DragSourceAdapter() { }); } }); new DropTarget(button, new DropTargetAdapter() { @Override public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent event) { int index = elements.indexOf(e); if (index >= 0) { Point loc = event.getLocation(); if (loc.getX() > button.getWidth() * 0.75 && index < elements.size() - 1) { index++; } moveSelectedElement(index); } event.dropComplete(true); } }); } private String getTooltipText(DesignElement e) { final DnaComponent comp = e.getComponent(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<html>"); sb.append("<b>Display ID:</b> ").append(comp.getDisplayId()).append("<br>"); sb.append("<b>Name:</b> ").append(Strings.nullToEmpty(comp.getName())).append("<br>"); sb.append("<b>Description:</b> ").append(Strings.nullToEmpty(comp.getDescription())).append("<br>"); if (e.getStrand() != null) { sb.append("<b>Strand:</b> ").append(e.getStrand()).append("<br>"); } if (comp.getDnaSequence() != null && comp.getDnaSequence().getNucleotides() != null) { String sequence = comp.getDnaSequence().getNucleotides(); sb.append("<b>Sequence Length:</b> ").append(sequence.length()).append("<br>"); sb.append("<b>Sequence:</b> ").append(CharSequences.shorten(sequence, 25)); sb.append("<br>"); } sb.append("</html>"); return sb.toString(); } private void moveSelectedElement(int index) { if (selectedElement != null) { int selectedIndex = elements.indexOf(selectedElement); if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex != index) { elements.remove(selectedIndex); elements.add(index, selectedElement); int indexAdjustment = isCircular ? -1 : 0; JLabel button = buttons.get(selectedElement); elementBox.remove(selectedIndex + indexAdjustment); elementBox.add(button, index + indexAdjustment); fireDesignChangedEvent(); } } } public void flipStrand(DnaComponent comp) { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } DesignElement e = getElement(comp); e.flipStrand(); JLabel button = buttons.get(e); setupIcons(button, e); button.setToolTipText(getTooltipText(e)); fireDesignChangedEvent(); } public void deleteComponent(DnaComponent component) { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } int index = getElementIndex(component); if (index >= 0) { DesignElement e = elements.get(index); if (e == selectedElement) { setSelectedElement(null); } JLabel button = buttons.remove(e); elements.remove(index); if (isCircular && index == 0) { backboneBox.remove(button); isCircular = false; } else { elementBox.remove(button); } fireDesignChangedEvent(); } } private void replaceComponent(DnaComponent component, DnaComponent newComponent) { int index = getElementIndex(component); if (index >= 0) { DesignElement e = elements.get(index); JLabel button = buttons.get(e); e.setComponent(newComponent); if (!newComponent.getTypes().contains(e.getPart().getType())) { Part newPart = Parts.forComponent(newComponent); if (newPart == null) { newComponent.addType(e.getPart().getType()); } else { e.setPart(newPart); setupIcons(button, e); } } button.setText(newComponent.getDisplayId()); button.setToolTipText(getTooltipText(e)); fireDesignChangedEvent(); } } private void refreshUI() { panel.revalidate(); panel.repaint(); } private void fireDesignChangedEvent() { refreshUI(); eventBus.publish(new DesignChangedEvent(this)); } private void fireSelectionChangedEvent() { updateEnabledActions(); eventBus.publish(new SelectionChangedEvent(getSelectedComponent())); } private void updateEnabledActions() { boolean isEnabled = (selectedElement != null); FIND.setEnabled(isEnabled); EDIT.setEnabled(isEnabled); DELETE.setEnabled(isEnabled); FLIP.setEnabled(isEnabled); FOCUS_IN.setEnabled(canFocusIn()); FOCUS_OUT.setEnabled(canFocusOut()); } public boolean isPartVisible(Part part) { return !hiddenParts.contains(part); } public void setPartVisible(Part part, boolean isVisible) { boolean visibilityChanged = isVisible ? hiddenParts.remove(part) : hiddenParts.add(part); if (visibilityChanged) { for (DesignElement e : elements) { if (e.getPart().equals(part)) { JLabel button = buttons.get(e); button.setVisible(isVisible); } } if (part.equals(Parts.SCAR)) { HIDE_SCARS.putValue(Action.SELECTED_KEY, !isVisible); } refreshUI(); eventBus.publish(new PartVisibilityChangedEvent(part, isVisible)); if (selectedElement != null && part.equals(selectedElement.getPart())) { setSelectedElement(null); } } } public void addScars() { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } int size = elements.size(); int start = isCircular ? 1 : 0; int end = size - 1; DesignElement curr = (size == 0) ? null : elements.get(start); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { DesignElement next = elements.get(i + 1); if (curr.getPart() != Parts.SCAR && next.getPart() != Parts.SCAR) { DesignElement scar = new DesignElement(null, Parts.SCAR.createComponent(), Parts.SCAR); JLabel button = createComponentButton(scar); elements.add(i + 1, scar); elementBox.add(button, i + 1 - start); buttons.put(scar, button); end++; i++; } curr = next; } if (size != elements.size()) { fireDesignChangedEvent(); } setPartVisible(Parts.SCAR, true); } public void editRootComponent() { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } DnaComponent comp = getCurrentComponent(); boolean edited = PartEditDialog.editPart(panel.getParent(), comp, false); if (edited) { fireDesignChangedEvent(); } } public void editSelectedComponent() { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } DnaComponent comp = getSelectedComponent(); boolean edited = PartEditDialog.editPart(panel.getParent(), comp, false); if (edited) { try { // if the component type or the displyId has been edited we need to update the // component view so we'll replace it with itself replaceComponent(comp, comp); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panel, "There was an error applying the edits"); } } } public void findPartForSelectedComponent() { Part part = selectedElement.getPart(); DnaComponent newComponent = new SelectPartDialog(panel.getParent(), part).getInput(); if (newComponent != null) { if (!confirmEditable()) { return; } try { replaceComponent(selectedElement.getComponent(), newComponent); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panel, "There was an error adding the selected part to the design"); } } } public BufferedImage getSnapshot() { BufferedImage image = Images.createImage(panel); int totalWidth = panel.getWidth(); int designWidth = elementBox.getWidth(); int designHeight = elementBox.getHeight(); int x = (totalWidth - designWidth) / 2; if (isCircular) { x -= IMG_PAD; designWidth += (2 * IMG_PAD); designHeight += backboneBox.getHeight(); } return image.getSubimage(Math.max(0, x - IMG_PAD), 0, Math.min(designWidth + 2 * IMG_PAD, totalWidth), designHeight); } public SBOLDocument createDocument() { updateRootComponent(); DnaComponent comp = parentComponents.isEmpty() ? currentComponent : parentComponents.getFirst(); SBOLDocument doc = SBOLFactory.createDocument(); doc.addContent(comp); return doc; } private void updateRootComponent() { currentComponent.getAnnotations().clear(); StringBuilder rootSequence = new StringBuilder(); int location = 1; SequenceAnnotation prev = null; for (DesignElement e : elements) { DnaComponent comp = e.getComponent(); SequenceAnnotation ann = e.getAnnotation(); if (location >= 0 && comp.getDnaSequence() != null && comp.getDnaSequence().getNucleotides() != null) { String nucleotides = comp.getDnaSequence().getNucleotides(); rootSequence.append(nucleotides); ann.setBioStart(location); location += nucleotides.length(); ann.setBioEnd(location - 1); } else { location = -1; ann.setBioStart(null); ann.setBioEnd(null); } if (prev != null) { prev.getPrecedes().clear(); prev.addPrecede(ann); } currentComponent.addAnnotation(ann); prev = ann; } if (location > 0 && !elements.isEmpty()) { DnaSequence seq = SBOLFactory.createDnaSequence(); seq.setURI(SBOLUtils.createURI()); seq.setNucleotides(rootSequence.toString()); currentComponent.setDnaSequence(seq); } else if (!hasSequence) { currentComponent.setDnaSequence(null); } LOGGER.debug("Updated root:\n{}", new SBOLTextWriter().write(currentComponent)); } private static class DesignElement { private final SequenceAnnotation seqAnn; private Part part; public DesignElement(SequenceAnnotation sa, DnaComponent comp, Part part) { this.seqAnn = sa != null ? sa : createAnnotation(comp); this.part = part; } private static SequenceAnnotation createAnnotation(DnaComponent component) { SequenceAnnotation seqAnn = SublimeSBOLFactory.createSequenceAnnotation(); seqAnn.setURI(SBOLUtils.createURI()); seqAnn.setSubComponent(component); seqAnn.setStrand(StrandType.POSITIVE); return seqAnn; } SequenceAnnotation getAnnotation() { return seqAnn; } void setComponent(DnaComponent component) { seqAnn.setSubComponent(component); } DnaComponent getComponent() { return seqAnn.getSubComponent(); } void setPart(Part part) { this.part = part; } Part getPart() { return part; } public StrandType getStrand() { return seqAnn.getStrand(); } void flipStrand() { StrandType strand = seqAnn.getStrand(); seqAnn.setStrand(strand == StrandType.NEGATIVE ? StrandType.POSITIVE : StrandType.NEGATIVE); } public String toString() { return getComponent().getDisplayId() + (seqAnn.getStrand() == StrandType.NEGATIVE ? "-" : ""); } } private class DesignPanel extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; // clear the background g2d.setColor(Color.white); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); // draw the line g2d.setColor(; g2d.setPaint(; g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(4.0f)); if (!elements.isEmpty()) { int totalWidth = getWidth(); int designWidth = Math.max(elementBox.getWidth(), backboneBox.getWidth()); int x = (totalWidth - designWidth) / 2; int y = IMG_HEIGHT / 2; if (!isCircular) { g.drawLine(x, y, totalWidth - x, y); } else { g.drawRoundRect(x - IMG_PAD, y, designWidth + 2 * IMG_PAD, backboneBox.getHeight(), IMG_PAD, IMG_PAD); } } // draw the rest super.paintComponent(g); } } private static class JLabelTransferable implements Transferable { // A flavor that transfers a copy of the JLabel public static final DataFlavor FLAVOR = new DataFlavor(JButton.class, "JLabel"); private static final DataFlavor[] FLAVORS = new DataFlavor[] { FLAVOR }; private JLabel label; // The label being transferred public JLabelTransferable(JLabel label) { this.label = label; } public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() { return FLAVORS; } public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor fl) { return fl.equals(FLAVOR); } public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor fl) { if (!isDataFlavorSupported(fl)) { return null; } return label; } } }