List of usage examples for Multimap putAll
boolean putAll(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values);
From source
/** * merges this and other together into a new result object * @param other/*from w w w.j a va2 s. com*/ * @return the resulting merge */ public ScanResult merge(ScanResult other) { final Multimap<String, ChildClassDescriptor> newImpls = HashMultimap.create(); for (Collection<ParentClassDescriptor> impls : asList(implementations, other.implementations)) { for (ParentClassDescriptor c : impls) { newImpls.putAll(c.getName(), c.getChildren()); } } List<ParentClassDescriptor> newImplementations = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<String, Collection<ChildClassDescriptor>> entry : newImpls.asMap().entrySet()) { newImplementations.add(new ParentClassDescriptor(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue()))); } return new ScanResult(merge(scannedPackages, other.scannedPackages), merge(scannedClasses, other.scannedClasses), merge(scannedAnnotations, other.scannedAnnotations), merge(annotatedClasses, other.annotatedClasses), newImplementations); }
From source
@GET @Path("show") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_HTML)/*from w ww . j av a 2 s .c om*/ public Viewable show() {"Requested module list as HTML"); Set<Name> names = model.getModuleIds(); // the key needs to be string, so that FreeMarker can use it for lookups Multimap<String, Module> map = TreeMultimap.create(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER, versionComparator); for (Name name : names) { map.putAll(name.toString(), model.getModuleVersions(name)); } ImmutableMap<Object, Object> dataModel = ImmutableMap.builder().put("items", map.asMap()) .put("version", VersionInfo.getVersion()).build(); return new Viewable("/module-list.ftl", dataModel); }
From source
private Multimap<Beacon, Beacon> setUpChildrenMultimap(Collection<Beacon> beacons) { Multimap<Beacon, Beacon> children = HashMultimap.create(); for (Beacon b : beacons) { if (b.isAggregator()) { children.putAll(b, beaconDao.findDescendants(b, false, true, false, false)); } else {/*w w w. ja v a2s. c o m*/ children.put(b, b); } } return children; }
From source
/** * Gets the data from the XML files./* w w w. j a va2s. c om*/ * * @param start The start date of the data to get. * @param end The end date of the data to get. * @return The data between the dates, inclusive. */ private Multimap<WorkspaceStorage, S> getXmlData(LocalDate start, LocalDate end) { XMLGregorianCalendar startDate = toXmlDate(start); XMLGregorianCalendar endDate = toXmlDate(end); XmlPlugin plugin = XmlPlugin.getDefault(); IPath[] storagePaths = plugin.getStoragePaths(); Multimap<WorkspaceStorage, S> data = LinkedListMultimap.create(storagePaths.length); Multimap<WorkspaceStorage, File> files = LinkedListMultimap.create(storagePaths.length); for (IPath storagePath : storagePaths) { List<File> fileList = getDataStore().getDataFiles(start, end, storagePath); IPath workspacePath = plugin.getWorkspacePath(storagePath); files.putAll(new WorkspaceStorage(storagePath, workspacePath), fileList); } for (Map.Entry<WorkspaceStorage, File> entry : files.entries()) { for (S list : getCategories(getDataStore().read(entry.getValue()))) { XMLGregorianCalendar date = list.getDate(); if (date == null) { continue; // Ignore invalid data. } if ( <= 0 && <= 0) { data.put(entry.getKey(), list); } } } return data; }
From source
protected void createClusteredReferenceUpdates(ElementRenameArguments elementRenameArguments, Multimap<URI, IReferenceDescription> resource2references, ResourceSet resourceSet, IRefactoringUpdateAcceptor updateAcceptor, StatusWrapper status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, resource2references.keySet().size() + 1); if (loadTargetResources(resourceSet, elementRenameArguments, status, progress.newChild(1))) { if (getClusterSize() > 0) { Set<Resource> targetResources = newHashSet(resourceSet.getResources()); Multimap<URI, IReferenceDescription> cluster = HashMultimap.create(); SubMonitor clusterMonitor = progress.newChild(1); for (URI referringResourceURI : resource2references.keySet()) { cluster.putAll(referringResourceURI, resource2references.get(referringResourceURI)); if (cluster.keySet().size() == getClusterSize()) { unloadNonTargetResources(resourceSet, targetResources); createReferenceUpdatesForCluster(elementRenameArguments, cluster, resourceSet, updateAcceptor, status, clusterMonitor); cluster.clear();/*from w w w. j ava2 s.c o m*/ } } if (!cluster.isEmpty()) { unloadNonTargetResources(resourceSet, targetResources); createReferenceUpdatesForCluster(elementRenameArguments, cluster, resourceSet, updateAcceptor, status, clusterMonitor); } } else { createReferenceUpdatesForCluster(elementRenameArguments, resource2references, resourceSet, updateAcceptor, status, progress.newChild(resource2references.keySet().size())); } } }
From source
@Override public void run() { validateConfiguration();/*from www. j av a 2 s.c o m*/ if (!keyValueStorage.isAvailable()) { keyValueStorage.initialize(); } String sessionId = sessionIdProvider.getSessionId(); String sessionComment = sessionIdProvider.getSessionComment(); Multimap<NodeType, NodeId> allNodes = HashMultimap.create(); allNodes.putAll(NodeType.MASTER, coordinator.getAvailableNodes(NodeType.MASTER)); Map<NodeType, CountDownLatch> countDownLatchMap = Maps.newHashMap(); CountDownLatch agentCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch( conditions.isMonitoringEnable() ? conditions.getMinAgentsCount() : 0); CountDownLatch kernelCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(conditions.getMinKernelsCount()); countDownLatchMap.put(NodeType.AGENT, agentCountDownLatch); countDownLatchMap.put(NodeType.KERNEL, kernelCountDownLatch); new StartWorkConditions(allNodes, countDownLatchMap); try { agentCountDownLatch.await(timeoutConfiguration.getNodeAwaitTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); kernelCountDownLatch.await(timeoutConfiguration.getNodeAwaitTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("CountDownLatch await interrupted", e); } if (configuration.getMonitoringConfiguration() != null) { dynamicPlotGroups.setJmxMetricGroups(configuration.getMonitoringConfiguration() .getMonitoringSutConfiguration().getJmxMetricGroups()); Map<ManageAgent.ActionProp, Serializable> agentStartManagementProps = Maps.newHashMap(); agentStartManagementProps.put(ManageAgent.ActionProp.SET_JMX_METRICS, dynamicPlotGroups.getJmxMetrics()); processAgentManagement(sessionId, agentStartManagementProps); } for (SessionExecutionListener listener : configuration.getSessionExecutionListeners()) { listener.onSessionStarted(sessionId, allNodes); } Thread shutdownHook = new Thread(String.format("Shutdown hook for %s", getClass().toString())) { @Override public void run() { terminateConfiguration(); } }; terminateConfigurationLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook); try {"Configuration launched!!"); SessionExecutionStatus status = runConfiguration(allNodes);"Configuration work finished!!"); for (SessionExecutionListener listener : configuration.getSessionExecutionListeners()) { if (listener instanceof SessionListener) { ((SessionListener) listener).onSessionExecuted(sessionId, sessionComment, status); } else { listener.onSessionExecuted(sessionId, sessionComment); } }"Going to generate report"); if (configuration.getReport() != null) { configuration.getReport().renderReport(true); } else { reportingService.renderReport(true); }"Report generated");"Going to stop all agents"); processAgentManagement(sessionId, agentStopManagementProps);"Agents stopped"); } finally { try { Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook); } catch (Exception e) { } terminateConfigurationLatch.countDown(); } }
From source
@Override public void prepare(JCas jcas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { uri2conf2score = HashBasedTable.create(); uri2conf2rank = HashBasedTable.create(); // index//from w w w .j av a 2s . com List<Passage> passages = TypeUtil.getRankedPassages(jcas); RAMDirectory index = new RAMDirectory(); try (IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(index, new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer))) { for (Passage passage : passages) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new StringField("uri", TypeUtil.getUriOffsets(passage, ":"), Field.Store.YES)); doc.add(new TextField("text", passage.getText(), Field.Store.NO)); writer.addDocument(doc); } writer.close(); reader =; searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } // queries List<String> tokens = TypeUtil.getOrderedTokens(jcas).stream().map(Token::getCoveredText) .map(QueryParser::escape).filter(name -> !name.isEmpty() && !stoplist.contains(name.toLowerCase())) .collect(toList()); Multimap<String, String> ctype2names = HashMultimap.create(); for (Concept concept : TypeUtil.getConcepts(jcas)) { Set<String> ctypes = TypeUtil.getConceptTypes(concept).stream().map(ConceptType::getAbbreviation) .collect(toSet()); String cnames = TypeUtil.getConceptNames(concept).stream() .map(LuceneInMemoryPassageScorer::normalizeQuoteName).distinct().collect(joining(" ")); -> !FORBIDDEN_CTYPES.contains(t)) .forEach(ctype -> ctype2names.put(ctype, cnames)); } Multimap<String, String> ctypepre2names = HashMultimap.create(); ctype2names.asMap().entrySet().forEach(e -> ctypepre2names.putAll(e.getKey().split(":")[0], e.getValue())); Multimap<String, String> ctype2mentions = HashMultimap.create(); for (Concept concept : TypeUtil.getConcepts(jcas)) { Set<String> ctypes = TypeUtil.getConceptTypes(concept).stream().map(ConceptType::getAbbreviation) .collect(toSet()); String cmentions = TypeUtil.getConceptMentions(concept).stream().map(ConceptMention::getMatchedName) .map(LuceneInMemoryPassageScorer::normalizeQuoteName).distinct().collect(joining(" ")); -> !FORBIDDEN_CTYPES.contains(t)) .forEach(ctype -> ctype2mentions.put(ctype, cmentions)); } Multimap<String, String> ctypepre2mentions = HashMultimap.create(); ctypepre2mentions.asMap().entrySet() .forEach(e -> ctypepre2mentions.putAll(e.getKey().split(":")[0], e.getValue())); LOG.debug("Query strings"); ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // execute against all tokens service.submit(() -> { String concatTokens = String.join(" ", tokens); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated tokens: {}", concatTokens); search(concatTokens, "tokens_concatenated@all"); }); // execute against concatenated concept names service.submit(() -> { String concatCnames = String.join(" ", ctype2names.values()); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names: {}", concatCnames); search(concatCnames, "cnames_concatenated@all"); }); // execute against concatenated concept mentions service.submit(() -> { String concatCmentions = String.join(" ", ctype2mentions.values()); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions: {}", concatCmentions); search(concatCmentions, "cmentions_concatenated@all"); }); // execute against concept names for each concept service.submit(() -> { for (String cnames : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ctype2names.values())) { LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names: {}", cnames); search(cnames, "cnames_individual@all"); } }); // execute against concept names for each concept type service.submit(() -> { for (String ctype : ctype2names.keySet()) { String concatCnames = String.join(" ", ctype2names.get(ctype)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names for {}: {}", ctype, concatCnames); search(concatCnames, "cnames@" + ctype + "@all"); } }); // execute against concept names for each concept type prefix service.submit(() -> { for (String ctypepre : ctypepre2names.keySet()) { String concatCnames = String.join(" ", ctypepre2names.get(ctypepre)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names for {}: {}", ctypepre, concatCnames); search(concatCnames, "cnames@" + ctypepre + "@all"); } }); // execute against concept mentions for each concept service.submit(() -> { for (String cmentions : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ctype2mentions.values())) { LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions: {}", cmentions); search(cmentions, "cmentions_individual@all"); } }); // execute against concept mentions for each concept type service.submit(() -> { for (String ctype : ctype2mentions.keySet()) { String concatCmentions = String.join(" ", ctype2mentions.get(ctype)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions for {}: {}", ctype, concatCmentions); search(concatCmentions, "cmentions@" + ctype + "@all"); } }); // execute against concept mentions for each concept type prefix service.submit(() -> { for (String ctypepre : ctypepre2mentions.keySet()) { String concatCmentions = String.join(" ", ctypepre2mentions.get(ctypepre)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions for {}: {}", ctypepre, concatCmentions); search(concatCmentions, "cmentions@" + ctypepre + "@all"); } }); service.shutdown(); try { service.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } confs = uri2conf2score.columnKeySet(); }
From source
public Map<ArtifactKey, Collection<IFile>> getWorkspaceArtifacts(String groupId, String artifactId) { Multimap<ArtifactKey, IFile> artifacts = HashMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry<ArtifactKey, Set<IFile>> entry : workspaceArtifacts.entrySet()) { ArtifactKey workspaceKey = entry.getKey(); if (groupId.equals(workspaceKey.getGroupId()) && artifactId.equals(workspaceKey.getArtifactId())) { artifacts.putAll(workspaceKey, entry.getValue()); }/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . com*/ } return artifacts.asMap(); }
From source
private Multimap<String, SoftwareElement> collectSoftwareElementsToMove(Set<VariationPoint> vpsToMerge, VariationPoint survivingVP) {/*ww w .j a va 2*/ Multimap<String, SoftwareElement> variantSoftwareElements = LinkedListMultimap.create(); for (VariationPoint vp : vpsToMerge) { // skip the surviving vp to not modify the emf elements if (survivingVP == vp) { continue; } for (Variant variant : vp.getVariants()) { variantSoftwareElements.putAll(variant.getId(), variant.getImplementingElements()); } } return variantSoftwareElements; }
From source
public Multimap<String, String> openRevisions(int start, int end) { Preconditions.checkArgument(start >= 0, "Start position must be greater or equal to zero."); Preconditions.checkArgument(end > start, "End position must be greater than start."); Preconditions.checkArgument(end <= this.size(), "End position must be smaller than changes feed size."); Multimap<String, String> openRevisions = HashMultimap.create(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { ChangesResult.Row row = this.getResults().get(i); List<ChangesResult.Row.Rev> revisions = row.getChanges(); Set<String> openRevs = new HashSet<String>(revisions.size()); for (ChangesResult.Row.Rev rev : revisions) { openRevs.add(rev.getRev());//from w w w. j ava 2s . c om } openRevisions.putAll(row.getId(), openRevs); } return openRevisions; }