List of usage examples for Multimap putAll
boolean putAll(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values);
From source
public Schema link() { // Register the types. for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { for (Type type : protoFile.types()) { register(type);/*from w w w . j ava 2s . c om*/ } } // Link extensions. This depends on type registration. for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { Linker linker = withContext(protoFile); for (Extend extend : protoFile.extendList()) {; } } // Link proto files and services. for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { Linker linker = withContext(protoFile); for (Type type : protoFile.types()) {; } for (Service service : {; } } // Link options. We can't link any options until we've linked all fields! for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { Linker linker = withContext(protoFile); protoFile.linkOptions(linker); for (Type type : protoFile.types()) { type.linkOptions(linker); } for (Service service : { service.linkOptions(linker); } } // Compute public imports so we know that importing a.proto also imports b.proto and c.proto. Multimap<String, String> publicImports = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { publicImports.putAll(protoFile.location().path(), protoFile.publicImports()); } // For each proto, gather its imports and its transitive imports. for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { Collection<String> sink = imports.get(protoFile.location().path()); addImports(sink, protoFile.imports(), publicImports); addImports(sink, protoFile.publicImports(), publicImports); } // Validate the linked schema. for (ProtoFile protoFile : protoFiles) { Linker linker = withContext(protoFile); for (Type type : protoFile.types()) { type.validate(linker); } for (Service service : { service.validate(linker); } for (Extend extend : protoFile.extendList()) { extend.validate(linker); } } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw new SchemaException(errors); } return new Schema(protoFiles); }
From source
private Map<String, Collection<GrantedAuthority>> calculateAuthoritiesByTenantId( final Multimap<String, SbacRole> inUserRoles) { Multimap<String, GrantedAuthority> ret = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (inUserRoles != null) { for (SbacRole role : inUserRoles.values()) { if (role.isApplicableToComponent() && role.getEffectiveTenant() != null && role.getPermissions() != null && role.getPermissions().size() > 0) { ret.putAll(role.getEffectiveTenant().getId(), role.getPermissions()); }//from w w w . j av a2s. co m } } return ret.asMap(); }
From source
private Multimap<Cell, Long> getTimestampsFromRowResults(List<RowResult<Set<Long>>> cellsToSweep, SweepStrategy sweepStrategy) {/*w w w .ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ Multimap<Cell, Long> cellTsMappings = HashMultimap.create(); for (RowResult<Set<Long>> rowResult : cellsToSweep) { for (Map.Entry<Cell, Set<Long>> entry : rowResult.getCells()) { if (sweepStrategy == SweepStrategy.CONSERVATIVE) { cellTsMappings.putAll(entry.getKey(), Sets.difference(entry.getValue(), invalidTimestamps)); } else { cellTsMappings.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } return cellTsMappings; }
From source
private void handleRebuildTask(final IProgressMonitor monitor, final RebuildTask rebuildTask) { final Multimap<IProject, LibrarySpecification> groupedSpecifications = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); groupedSpecifications.putAll(rebuildTask.getProject(), rebuildTask.getSpecsToRebuild()); invokeLibrariesBuilder(monitor, groupedSpecifications); robotProject.clearConfiguration();//from w ww . j av a 2 s .c o m robotProject.clearKwSources(); rebuildTasksQueue.poll(); final RebuildTask nextRebuildTask = rebuildTasksQueue.peek(); if (nextRebuildTask != null) { removePossibleDuplicatedRebuildTasks(nextRebuildTask); handleRebuildTask(monitor, nextRebuildTask); } }
From source
@Override public void insertEdges(final Multimap<String, String> edges, final String type) throws IOException { if (edges.isEmpty()) { return;/*w w w .j av a 2 s. co m*/ } final ArrayList<String> sourceVertices = new ArrayList<>(edges.keySet()); final List<List<String>> sourceVerticesPartitions = Lists.partition(sourceVertices, PARTITION_SIZE); for (final List<String> sourceVerticesPartition : sourceVerticesPartitions) { final Multimap<String, String> edgePartition = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (final String sourceVertexURI : sourceVerticesPartition) { final Collection<String> targetVertexURIs = edges.get(sourceVertexURI); edgePartition.putAll(sourceVertexURI, targetVertexURIs); } insertEdgesPartition(edgePartition, type); } }
From source
protected void populateTypePredicateMap(final Map<String, Predicate<String>> typePredicateMap, final Element rootElement) { final Map<String, Element> nodes = new HashMap<String, Element>(); for (final Element node : SchemaParserImpl.getNonAnnotationChildElements(rootElement)) { if (!this.isSimpleTypeNode(node)) { continue; }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m final NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); final Node nameNode = attributes.getNamedItem("name"); if (nameNode == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Top-level simpleType element without name encountered"); } final String name = nameNode.getNodeValue(); nodes.put(name, node); } // Create DAG of type dependencies final Multimap<String, String> dependencyGraph = HashMultimap.create(); for (final String typeName : nodes.keySet()) { dependencyGraph.putAll(typeName, this.getSimpleTypeDependencies(nodes.get(typeName))); } final Collection<String> sortedTypeNames = this.topologicalSort(dependencyGraph); for (final String typeName : sortedTypeNames) { final Element node = nodes.get(typeName); final Predicate<String> predicate = this.buildPredicate(node, typePredicateMap); typePredicateMap.put(typeName, predicate); } }
From source
@Override public void insertEdgesWithVertex(final Multimap<String, String> edges, final String edgeType, final String targetVertexType) throws IOException { if (edges.isEmpty()) { return;/*w ww.ja v a2 s. co m*/ } final ArrayList<String> sourceVertices = new ArrayList<>(edges.keySet()); final List<List<String>> sourceVerticesPartitions = Lists.partition(sourceVertices, PARTITION_SIZE); for (final List<String> sourceVerticesPartition : sourceVerticesPartitions) { final Multimap<String, String> edgePartition = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (final String sourceVertexURI : sourceVerticesPartition) { final Collection<String> targetVertexURIs = edges.get(sourceVertexURI); edgePartition.putAll(sourceVertexURI, targetVertexURIs); } insertEdgesWithVertexPartition(edgePartition, edgeType, targetVertexType); } }
From source
@Override public void prepare(JCas jcas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { uri2conf2score = HashBasedTable.create(); uri2conf2rank = HashBasedTable.create(); List<String> tokens = TypeUtil.getOrderedTokens(jcas).stream().map(Token::getCoveredText) .map(QueryParser::escape).filter(name -> !name.isEmpty() && !stoplist.contains(name.toLowerCase())) .collect(toList());/*w ww .j a va 2 s . com*/ Multimap<String, String> ctype2names = HashMultimap.create(); for (Concept concept : TypeUtil.getConcepts(jcas)) { Set<String> ctypes = TypeUtil.getConceptTypes(concept).stream().map(ConceptType::getAbbreviation) .collect(toSet()); String cnames = TypeUtil.getConceptNames(concept).stream().map(LuceneConceptScorer::normalizeQuoteName) .distinct().collect(joining(" ")); -> !FORBIDDEN_CTYPES.contains(t)) .forEach(ctype -> ctype2names.put(ctype, cnames)); } Multimap<String, String> ctypepre2names = HashMultimap.create(); ctype2names.asMap().entrySet().forEach(e -> ctypepre2names.putAll(e.getKey().split(":")[0], e.getValue())); Multimap<String, String> ctype2mentions = HashMultimap.create(); for (Concept concept : TypeUtil.getConcepts(jcas)) { Set<String> ctypes = TypeUtil.getConceptTypes(concept).stream().map(ConceptType::getAbbreviation) .collect(toSet()); String cmentions = TypeUtil.getConceptMentions(concept).stream().map(ConceptMention::getMatchedName) .map(LuceneConceptScorer::normalizeQuoteName).distinct().collect(joining(" ")); -> !FORBIDDEN_CTYPES.contains(t)) .forEach(ctype -> ctype2mentions.put(ctype, cmentions)); } Multimap<String, String> ctypepre2mentions = HashMultimap.create(); ctypepre2mentions.asMap().entrySet() .forEach(e -> ctypepre2mentions.putAll(e.getKey().split(":")[0], e.getValue())); LOG.debug("Query strings"); ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // execute against all tokens service.submit(() -> { String concatTokens = String.join(" ", tokens); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated tokens: {}", concatTokens); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatTokens, field, "tokens_concatenated@" + field); } searchAllField(concatTokens, "tokens_concatenated@all"); }); // execute against concatenated concept names service.submit(() -> { String concatCnames = String.join(" ", ctype2names.values()); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names: {}", concatCnames); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatCnames, field, "cnames_concatenated@" + field); } searchAllField(concatCnames, "cnames_concatenated@all"); }); // execute against concatenated concept mentions service.submit(() -> { String concatCmentions = String.join(" ", ctype2mentions.values()); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions: {}", concatCmentions); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatCmentions, field, "cmentions_concatenated@" + field); } searchAllField(concatCmentions, "cmentions_concatenated@"); }); // execute against concept names for each concept service.submit(() -> { for (String cnames : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ctype2names.values())) { LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names: {}", cnames); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(cnames, field, "cnames_individual@" + field); } searchAllField(cnames, "cnames_individual@all"); } }); // execute against concept names for each concept type service.submit(() -> { for (String ctype : ctype2names.keySet()) { String concatCnames = String.join(" ", ctype2names.get(ctype)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names for {}: {}", ctype, concatCnames); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatCnames, field, "cnames@" + ctype + "@" + field); } searchAllField(concatCnames, "cnames@" + ctype + "@all"); } }); // execute against concept names for each concept type prefix service.submit(() -> { for (String ctypepre : ctypepre2names.keySet()) { String concatCnames = String.join(" ", ctypepre2names.get(ctypepre)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept names for {}: {}", ctypepre, concatCnames); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatCnames, field, "cnames@" + ctypepre + "@" + field); } searchAllField(concatCnames, "cnames@" + ctypepre + "@all"); } }); // execute against concept mentions for each concept service.submit(() -> { for (String cmentions : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ctype2mentions.values())) { LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions: {}", cmentions); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(cmentions, field, "cmentions_individual@" + field); } searchAllField(cmentions, "cmentions_individual@all"); } }); // execute against concept mentions for each concept type service.submit(() -> { for (String ctype : ctype2mentions.keySet()) { String concatCmentions = String.join(" ", ctype2mentions.get(ctype)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions for {}: {}", ctype, concatCmentions); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatCmentions, field, "cmentions@" + ctype + "@" + field); } searchAllField(concatCmentions, "cmentions@" + ctype + "@all"); } }); // execute against concept mentions for each concept type prefix service.submit(() -> { for (String ctypepre : ctypepre2mentions.keySet()) { String concatCmentions = String.join(" ", ctypepre2mentions.get(ctypepre)); LOG.debug(" - Concatenated concept mentions for {}: {}", ctypepre, concatCmentions); for (String field : fields) { searchInField(concatCmentions, field, "cmentions@" + ctypepre + "@" + field); } searchAllField(concatCmentions, "cmentions@" + ctypepre + "@all"); } }); service.shutdown(); try { service.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } confs = uri2conf2score.columnKeySet(); }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from www.j a va 2 s. c o m*/ */ @Override public boolean process(MorphDictionary dict, Lemma.Builder lemmaBuilder, Multimap<String, Wordform> wfMap) { Multimap<String, Wordform> additionalWfs = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (String wfStr : wfMap.keySet()) { // alternative wordform string String altStr = StringUtils.replaceChars(wfStr, YO_CHARS, YO_REPLACEMENTS); if (Objects.equal(wfStr, altStr)) { continue; } // else wfStr contains 'yo' if (wfMap.containsKey(altStr)) { // the wordform multimap already contains string without 'yo' continue; } additionalWfs.putAll(altStr, wfMap.get(wfStr)); } wfMap.putAll(additionalWfs); return true; }
From source
/** Returns a multimap of keys for which there is no default resource. */ public Multimap<ResourceEntry, TypeChunk.Entry> getBaselessKeys() { if (baselessKeys != null) { return baselessKeys; }//from w ww .ja v a 2 s. c o m Multimap<ResourceEntry, TypeChunk.Entry> result = HashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<ResourceEntry, Collection<TypeChunk.Entry>> entry : getResourceEntries().asMap().entrySet()) { Collection<TypeChunk.Entry> chunkEntries = entry.getValue(); if (!hasBaseConfiguration(chunkEntries)) { result.putAll(entry.getKey(), chunkEntries); } } baselessKeys = result; return result; }