Photoshop Object Tube Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Tube
Round Tubes Photoshop,9 Images, 201 words
Learn a simple way to create round 3D looking tubes, great for posters and wallpapers... Start with a square document, by square, i mean a document with the same size width as its height, for example, mine is 600px by 600px. Now use the rectangular m..

3D Tubes Photoshop,8 Images, 176 words
This tutorial shows you 1 way you can use photoshop to create 3D looking tubes and use it to create other artworks.. Now apply the unsharp filter: Filter Sharpen Unsharp Mask. Amount: 500% Radius: 26px. Threshold: 0 Now apply the WAVE distort fil..

Styled Tubes Photoshop,11 Images, 103 words
Now select the Ellipse Shape tool on the toolbar and draw in the shape as i have captured. Exact positioning/placement requires either 'Path Selection or Direct Selection Tool' on the toolbar to be selected, and then right click on the path, then cho..

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