Photoshop Object Cell Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Cell
35mm Film Cell Photoshop,37 Images, 600 words
Today you're going to learn how to take different photos and composite them into one film cell. When we are finished it should look like a scene from a movie, but one you have created. Something like this: To get started we will need to open up a new..
![Photoshop Object Cell Tutorial Photoshop Object Cell Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/d/devwebpro_com_35mm_film_cell_.jpg)
Cell Division Photoshop,10 Images, 252 words
Open a new document and fill the background color with white (FFFFFF). Now, still on the same layer, grab your gradient tool with the following settings: Duplicate this layer, but hide the duplicated layer (by clicking the 'eye? icon next to the dupl..
![Photoshop Object Cell Tutorial Photoshop Object Cell Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/p/pimpmycom_com_tutorials_php_subaction_showfull_id_1176782831_archive_start_from_ucat_1_tcat_adobe_photoshop.jpg)
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