Photoshop Object Iron Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Iron
Paint an Iron Man?s Helmet Digitally in Photoshop Photoshop,17 Images, 819 words
This tutorial will show how we can paint an Iron Man's helmet in Photoshop with the help of a Wacom Bamboo. As it is my first time trying out digital painting, may all the experts give me some pointers in making the processes better! Start off by dra..

Hot Branding Iron Photoshop,23 Images, 862 words
In this easy Photoshop tutorial you'll learn how to design a very cool-looking branding iron effect, using the type tool, a few shapes, and a fair few layer style effects. Note: This is one very old PhotoshopStar tutorial created by Eli that was upda..

Draw and Paint an Angry Looking Iron Man Photoshop,11 Images, 1469 words
Materials? Description Inspiration: Iron Man movie and comic books. Concept: Whatever you feel like drawing; or for this example, whatever I feel like doing. :D Pencils: I'd say at least keep it to HB, 2B and 4B. We are going to draw it lightly, most..

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