Photoshop Object Pen Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Pen
Become a Master of the Pen Tool in Under 30 Minutes Photoshop,27 Images, 3418 words
Don't think you've already made it as we will be tracing over the image! Open the image in Photoshop and re-size it to what you want. I re-sized mine to 1800 px by 2546 px. I lowered the opacity of the penguin image to 50% as it's much easier to see ..

Pen Tool Basics - Everything you need to get started using the Pen Tool in Photoshop! Photoshop,11 Images, 3110 words
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to use the Pen tool in Photoshop to create your own custom shapes. I'll take you through a series of exercises that will guide you through the basic, essential functions of the Pen tool. The pen tool is one..

Drawing Paths And Making Selections With The Pen Tool In Photoshop Photoshop,57 Images, 10533 words
Written by Steve Patterson. When it comes to making selections in Photoshop, there's really two types of people - those who know how to use the Pen Tool, and those who struggle. Most people put off learning how to use the Pen Tool for as long as poss..

Draw A Realistic Classic Pen Using Photoshop Photoshop,47 Images, 484 words
In this tutorial you will learn how to draw realistic classic pen using only Photoshop technique, without any stock image. Mainly following steps in this tutorial you will learn how to simple colored shapes add 3d look using Burn tool and adding high..

Photoshop For Beginners: The pen tool Photoshop,27 Images, 1993 words
This is the first of a series of tutorials thought for Photoshop beginners. I'll explain in depth those features that can result difficult to understand for a newbi. At the end of the course you'll be able to follow any kind of tutorial without probl..

Learn how to draw a Pen and irregular piece of paper using photoshop software Photoshop,28 Images, 471 words
Title: Learn how to draw a Pen and irregular piece of paper using photoshop software In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make or design a pen and paperUse photoshop techniques to make pen and paper - photo shop paper effe..

Drawing a Vector Vista Pen in Photoshop Photoshop,24 Images, 588 words
This tutorial is going to teach you how to draw a Vista styled vector pen in Photoshop using the Pen Tool and Layer Blending Options. We will go through drawing the pen's basic shapes and then give each of them different Blending Options such as Grad..

How to Create a Realistic Fountain Pen Photoshop,16 Images, 709 words
In this tutorial, you'll learn to design a realistic calligraphy pen from scratch. The tutorial involves a simple use of the Pen Tool and a few flexible Layer Styles. Lighting and reflection techniques are explained throughout the tutorial. This migh..

Pen Tool with Paths Photoshop,16 Images, 281 words
This basically creates an Outlined Work Path, with no color fill and no layer attributes.. Remember this Outlined Work Path is edit able at anytime, meaning as long as the Anchor Points remain, I can use the 'Add Anchor Point Tool, Delete Anchor Poin..

How to Use Pen Tool in Adobe Photoshop Photoshop,18 Images, 823 words
In this tutorial I will teach you the basics of the Photoshop Pen tool, which allows you to create your own, custom shapes. We'll pass through the basics of the tool, and we will pass through a series of short and easy exercises so that you can get t..

Learning how to use Pen Tool in Photoshop Photoshop,12 Images, 545 words
Today I start a series of some basic tutorials about tips,techniques and tools to help people who want to learn Photoshop.The first lesson is How to use the Pen Tool. I`ll try to provide you a lesson daily,so stick close to OurTuts for more Pen Tool..

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