Photoshop Object Gear Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Gear
Make A Steampunk Gear Using Photoshop Patterns and Effects Photoshop,65 Images, 2079 words
This really is a simple graphic to make though you might not at first agree - especially if you've already peeked at the lengthy list of steps below. Let me reassure you that it's easy and if you're new to Photoshop you'll learn shoot, you'll learn ..
Gears Of War Composition Photoshop,41 Images, 979 words
Good evening everybody, in todays tutorial I'll be showing you how to create a gears of war composition. In this tutorial you'll learn all about masks, using color balance and combining filters to achieve a neat fire effect. Lets get going. Create a ..
Techno Gear Photoshop,9 Images, 672 words
How much is car insurance'? A question many aren't so excited to find the answer to.? If you want to optimize your chances of finding the best car insurance rates in your area then use an independent website like Simply en..
Realistic Gears Photoshop,8 Images, 802 words
Lets face it - without gears and cogs we would all still be in the stone age. For hundreds of years these mechanical marvels have enriched our lives and, over time, have allowed us to make clocks, VCRs, and other modern personal items a reality. A..
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