Photoshop Object Shoe Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Shoe
Design a Juicy High Heel Shoe Print Newsletter Photoshop,20 Images, 534 words
She's got legs, she knows how to insert them into a well designed print newsletter template, and after reading today's tutorial, so will you. Today's Photoshop tutorial will teach you all of the effects needed to recreate the sexy, dark, and inviti..

Create a Feathery Shoe from Scratch Photoshop,16 Images, 1684 words
I created a new document, 1951x1182 pixels with a 300 dpi resolution. The size need not be really large but I find it easier to work on the details this way. NOTE: You can refer to the figure in Step 12 for the structure of the layers/groups of the s..

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