Photoshop Object Bubble Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Bubble
How to Create Soft Romantic Background of the Air Bubbles and Hearts Photoshop,21 Images, 482 words
In this tutorial, you'll discover some great techniques in Adobe Photoshop CS6 to create a soft romantic background of the air bubbles and hearts from scratch using custom brushes, shapes and Layer Styles. Layered PSD file included. Let's get started..

How to create bubbles with photoshop brushes Photoshop,24 Images, 432 words
[tweetmeme]This is the first post of a new series where we will study specific cases of some clients Works. For this first Read the full article [tweetmeme]This is the first post of a new series where we will study specific cases of some clients Wor..

Metallic Bubbles Photoshop,12 Images, 121 words
3. Now, get the Gradient Tool and from the bottom-up make the fill. Make sure the Gradient Tool has these settings. Mode: Difference Opacity: 100 make sure the Dither box is checked make sure the Transparency box is checked 4. Make a new layer and ma..

Simulate Water Bubbles Photoshop,10 Images, 114 words
Using the 'Creating Surface Water' tutorial image, I'll show you how to add bubbles effect, as captured below. Then go 'Filter/Render/3D Transform'. Click the 'Options' command button (in red), then deselect 'Display Background'. (in Green) Then sele..

Bubble Gum Photoshop,8 Images, 317 words
Bubble Gum Text Transform your text into that classic bubble gum goodness. Start a new image and write your text on a white background. I used Berlin Sans FB font. To get a good bubblegum color use the CMYK color % inputs in the color picker. Make ..

Creating Bubbles Photoshop,10 Images, 149 words
Title: Learn to create water bubbles Description: Using photoshop tools like custom brush,Gradient Tool and Marquee selection learn to create the bubble in water effect. Using Custom Brush is one of the most useful special effects Adobe Photoshop has..

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