Example usage for java.lang Double doubleValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double doubleValue.


public double doubleValue() 

Source Link


Returns the double value of this Double object.


From source file:org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.ui.SpreadsheetUploadBean.java

 * Returns a list of AssignmentGradeRecords that are different than in current
 * Gradebook. Returns empty List if no differences found.
 * @param assignment/*from   ww w.  ja  v  a2 s . com*/
 *          The Assignment object whose grades need to be checked
 * @param fromSpreadsheet
 *          The rows of grades from the imported spreadsheet
 * @param index
 *          The column of spreadsheet to check
 * @return
 *          List containing AssignmentGradeRecords for those student's grades that
 *          have changed
private List gradeChanges(Assignment assignment, List fromSpreadsheet, int index,
        LetterGradePercentMapping lgpm) {
    List updatedGradeRecords = new ArrayList();
    List studentUids = new ArrayList();
    List studentRowsWithUids = new ArrayList();

    Iterator it = fromSpreadsheet.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final SpreadsheetRow row = (SpreadsheetRow) it.next();
        List line = row.getRowcontent();

        String userid = "";
        final String user = ((String) line.get(0)).toLowerCase();
        try {
            userid = ((User) rosterMap.get(user)).getUserUid();

            // create list of uids to get current grades from gradebook

            // add uid to each row so can check spreadsheet value against currently stored
            List linePlus = new ArrayList();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Weirdness. Should be caught when importing, not here

    List gbGrades = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentGradeRecordsConverted(assignment, studentUids);

    // now do the actual comparison
    it = studentRowsWithUids.iterator();

    boolean updatingExternalGrade = false;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final List aRow = (List) it.next();

        final String userid = (String) aRow.get(0);
        final String user = (String) aRow.get(1);

        AssignmentGradeRecord gr = findGradeRecord(gbGrades, userid);

        String score = null;
        if (index < aRow.size()) {
            score = ((String) aRow.get(index)).trim();

        if (getGradeEntryByPercent() || getGradeEntryByPoints()) {
            Double scoreEarned = null;
            boolean updateScore = true;
            if (score != null && !"".equals(score)) {
                try {
                    scoreEarned = convertStringToDouble(score);
                } catch (ParseException pe) {
                    // this should have already been validated at this point, so there is
                    // something wrong if we made it here
                            "ParseException encountered while checking for grade updates with score: " + score);
                    updateScore = false;

                // truncate to 2 decimal places
                if (scoreEarned != null)
                    scoreEarned = new Double(FacesUtil.getRoundDown(scoreEarned.doubleValue(), 2));

            if (updateScore) {
                if (gr == null) {
                    if (scoreEarned != null) {
                        if (!assignment.isExternallyMaintained()) {
                            gr = new AssignmentGradeRecord(assignment, userid, scoreEarned);
                            gr.setPercentEarned(scoreEarned); // manager will handle if % vs point grading
                        } else {
                            updatingExternalGrade = true;
                } else {
                    // we need to truncate points earned to 2 decimal places to more accurately
                    // see if it was changed - scores that are entered as % can be stored with
                    // unlimited decimal places in db
                    Double gbScoreEarned = null;
                    if (getGradeEntryByPercent())
                        gbScoreEarned = gr.getPercentEarned();
                        gbScoreEarned = gr.getPointsEarned();

                    if (gbScoreEarned != null)
                        gbScoreEarned = new Double(FacesUtil.getRoundDown(gbScoreEarned.doubleValue(), 2));

                    // 3 ways points earned different: 1 null other not (both ways) or actual
                    // values different
                    if ((gbScoreEarned == null && scoreEarned != null)
                            || (gbScoreEarned != null && scoreEarned == null)
                            || (gbScoreEarned != null && scoreEarned != null
                                    && gbScoreEarned.doubleValue() != scoreEarned.doubleValue())) {

                        gr.setPointsEarned(scoreEarned); //manager will use correct field depending on grade entry method
                        if (!assignment.isExternallyMaintained())
                            updatingExternalGrade = true;
        } else if (getGradeEntryByLetter()) {
            if (lgpm == null || lgpm.getGradeMap() == null)
                return null;
            if (score != null && score.length() > 0) {
                score = lgpm.standardizeInputGrade(score);

            if (gr == null) {
                if (score != null && score.length() > 0) {
                    if (!assignment.isExternallyMaintained()) {
                        gr = new AssignmentGradeRecord(assignment, userid, null);
                    } else {
                        updatingExternalGrade = true;
            } else {
                String gbLetterEarned = gr.getLetterEarned();

                if ((gbLetterEarned != null && !gbLetterEarned.equals(score))
                        || (gbLetterEarned == null && score != null)) {

                    if (!assignment.isExternallyMaintained())
                        updatingExternalGrade = true;

    if (updatingExternalGrade)
                        new String[] { Validator.escapeHtml(assignment.getName()),
                                Validator.escapeHtml(assignment.getExternalAppName()) })
                        + "<br/>");

    return updatedGradeRecords;

From source file:com.aerohive.nms.web.config.lbs.services.HmFolderServiceImpl.java

private void setDeviceElevation(HmFolder folder) {
    Double apElevation = folder.getDeviceElevation();
    if (apElevation == null) {
    } else {//from  w w w.j ava2 s.c  o m
        double maxApElevation = MAX_AP_ELEVATION;
        if (folder.getLengthUnit() == LengthUnit.FEET) {
            maxApElevation /= FEET_TO_METERS;
        double elevation = Math.min(apElevation.doubleValue(), maxApElevation);

From source file:es.sm2.openppm.front.servlets.ProjectPlanServlet.java

  * Approve Project//from ww  w  . j  ava2  s  .c o  m
  * @param req
  * @param resp
  * @throws ServletException
  * @throws IOException
private void approveProject(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    Integer idProject = ParamUtil.getInteger(req, "id");
    String scopeStatement = ParamUtil.getString(req, "scope_statement", StringPool.BLANK);

    boolean error = false;
    Project project = null;
    List<ParamResourceBundle> errors = new ArrayList<ParamResourceBundle>();
    ProjectLogic projectLogic = new ProjectLogic(getSettings(req), getResourceBundle(req));
    try {
        MilestoneLogic milestoneLogic = new MilestoneLogic();
        ProjectKpiLogic kpiLogic = new ProjectKpiLogic();
        WBSNodeLogic wbsNodeLogic = new WBSNodeLogic();

        project = projectLogic.consProject(idProject);

        List<Projectkpi> kpis = kpiLogic.findByRelation(Projectkpi.PROJECT, project);

        if (kpis != null && !kpis.isEmpty()) {

            int weight = 0;
            for (Projectkpi kpi : kpis) {

                weight += (kpi.getWeight() == null ? 0 : kpi.getWeight());
            if (weight != 100) {
                throw new LogicException("msg.error.kpi_total_weight");


        errors = wbsNodeLogic.checkErrorsWBS(project);

        Double budget = wbsNodeLogic.consTotalBudget(project);
        if (project.getBac() == null || budget == null
                || budget.doubleValue() != project.getBac().doubleValue()) {
            info(StringPool.INFORMATION, req, "msg.info.bac_equals_budget");

        if (milestoneLogic.checkMilestones(project)) {
            errors.add(new ParamResourceBundle("msg.error.milestones_without_activity"));
        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            error = true;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        error = true;
        ExceptionUtil.evalueException(req, getResourceBundle(req), LOGGER, e);

    if (!error) {
        try {
            projectLogic.approveProject(project, getUser(req));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            error = true;
            ExceptionUtil.evalueException(req, getResourceBundle(req), LOGGER, e);

    if (error) {
        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuilder infoMsg = new StringBuilder();
            for (ParamResourceBundle er : errors) {
                infoMsg.append(er.toString(getResourceBundle(req)) + "<br>");
            req.setAttribute(StringPool.ERROR, infoMsg.toString());

        viewProjectPlanning(req, resp, idProject);
    } else {
        forwardServlet(ProjectControlServlet.REFERENCE + "?accion=", req, resp);

From source file:org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenathomeAppliance.java

public Hashtable getApplianceConfiguration(IAppliance peerAppliance, int endPointId)
        throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException {
    int availability = 0;
    int state = 0;
    int status = 0;
    boolean isStateChangable = false;

    String locationPid = null;/*  ww w .j  av  a 2 s  . co  m*/
    String categoryPid = null;

    Hashtable props = new Hashtable();

    AttributeValueExtended attributeValue = null;

    String appliancePid = getApplianceId(peerAppliance.getPid(), endPointId);

    String appType = peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType();
    String endPointType = peerAppliance.getEndPoint(endPointId).getType();
    // !!! Energy@home webui compatibility
    if (endPointType == IEndPointTypes.ZIGBEE_ON_OFF_SWITCH_DEVICE)
        return null;

    appType = encodeGenericApplianceType(appType, endPointType);

    props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, appType);
    props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_PID, appliancePid);

    OnOffServer onOffServer = null;
    onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(),
            OnOffServer.class.getName(), endPointId);
    if (onOffServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = true;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) onOffServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        boolean onOff = false;

        if (availability == 2) {
            Boolean onOffValue = (Boolean) this.onOffValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid());
            if (doReadOnOff() || (onOffValue == null)) {
                try {
                    onOff = onOffServer.getOnOff(onOffCommandContext);
                    this.onOffValues.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Boolean(onOff));

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // availability = 0;
                    state = Unknown;
            } else {
                onOff = onOffValue.booleanValue();

            if (onOff)
                state = On;
                state = Off;
        } else {
            state = Unknown;

    ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName(), endPointId);

     * if (applianceControlServer != null) { availability =
     * ((IServiceCluster)
     * applianceControlServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; if
     * (readApplianceStatus) { isStateChangable = true;
     * int applianceStatus = 0;
     * try { applianceStatus =
     * applianceControlServer.getApplianceStatus(null);
     * if (logEnabled) log.debug("applianceStatus is " + applianceStatus);
     * if (applianceStatus < 0x03) { state = Off; } else { state = On; } }
     * catch (Exception e) { state = Unknown; } } else { state = Unknown; }
     * }

    IASZoneServer iasZoneServer = (IASZoneServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), IASZoneServer.class.getName(), endPointId);

    if (iasZoneServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = false;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) iasZoneServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        state = Unknown;

        Integer zoneStatus = (Integer) this.zoneStatusTable.get(peerAppliance.getPid());
        int iasZoneType = 0;

        if (zoneStatus != null) {

            Integer iasZoneTypeValue = (Integer) this.iasZoneTypeValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid());
            if (iasZoneTypeValue == null) {
                iasZoneType = iasZoneServer.getZoneType(onOffCommandContext);
                this.iasZoneTypeValues.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Integer(iasZoneType));
            } else {
                iasZoneType = iasZoneTypeValue.intValue();

            String value = "";
            try {

                switch (iasZoneType) {
                case 0x0015:
                    if ((zoneStatus.intValue() & 0x01) > 0)
                        value = "Aperto";
                        value = "Chiuso";

                case 0x002a:
                    if ((zoneStatus.intValue() & 0x01) > 0)
                        value = "Overflow";
                        value = "Normal";

                if ((zoneStatus.intValue() & 0x08) > 0)
                    value += "(Low Battery)";
                    value += "";

                attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("ZoneStatus", new AttributeValue(value));
                if (attributeValue != null)
                    props.put("device_value", attributeValue);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                value = "nd";

        } else if (hapService != null) {
            // Code added because IASZone cluster is now used by HAP Proxy and cannot be
            // simultaneously used by Green@Home appliance through connections

            String value = "";
            ContentInstance ci = null;
            try {
                AHContainerAddress containerAddress = hapService.getHagContainerAddress(appliancePid,
                        endPointId, AHContainers.attrId_ah_cluster_iascontact_open);
                ci = hapService.getCachedLatestContentInstance(containerAddress);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while reading isopen container", e);

            if (ci == null) {
                value = "nd";
            } else {
                Object content = ci.getContent();
                if (content != null) {
                    if (((Boolean) content).booleanValue())
                        value = "Aperto";
                        value = "Chiuso";
                attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("ZoneStatus", new AttributeValue(value));
                if (attributeValue != null)
                    props.put("device_value", attributeValue);

    IlluminanceMeasurementServer illuminanceMeasurementServer = (IlluminanceMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), IlluminanceMeasurementServer.class.getName(),

    if (illuminanceMeasurementServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = false;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) illuminanceMeasurementServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        state = Unknown;

        IAttributeValue measuredValue = (IAttributeValue) this.measuredValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid());
        if (measuredValue != null) {
            int illuminance = ((Integer) measuredValue.getValue()).intValue();
            String value = "";
            if (illuminance == 0x0000) {
                value = "Too Low";
            } else {
                value = new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(illuminance) + "";

            attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Illuminance", new AttributeValue(value));
            if (attributeValue != null)
                props.put("device_value", attributeValue);

    OccupancySensingServer occupancySensingServer = (OccupancySensingServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OccupancySensingServer.class.getName(), endPointId);

    if (occupancySensingServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = true;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) occupancySensingServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        state = Unknown;

        IAttributeValue occupancyValue = (IAttributeValue) this.occupancySensing.get(peerAppliance.getPid());
        if (occupancyValue != null) {
            Short value = (Short) occupancyValue.getValue();
            if ((value.intValue() & 0x01) > 0)
                attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Occupancy", new AttributeValue("Occupato"));
                attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Occupancy", new AttributeValue("Libero"));

            if (attributeValue != null)
                props.put("device_value", attributeValue);

    TemperatureMeasurementServer temperatureMeasurementServer = (TemperatureMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), TemperatureMeasurementServer.class.getName(),

    if (temperatureMeasurementServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = true;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) temperatureMeasurementServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        state = Unknown;

        IAttributeValue measuredValue = (IAttributeValue) this.measuredValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid());
        if (measuredValue != null) {
            double value = ((double) ((Integer) measuredValue.getValue()).intValue()) / 100;
            attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Temperature",
                    new AttributeValue(new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(value) + " C"));

            if (attributeValue != null)
                props.put("device_value", attributeValue);

    ThermostatServer thermostatServer = (ThermostatServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ThermostatServer.class.getName(), endPointId);
    if (thermostatServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = true;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) thermostatServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        int applianceStatus = 0;
    RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer humidityServer = (RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer.class.getName());
    if (humidityServer != null) {
        isStateChangable = true;
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) humidityServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;

        int applianceStatus = 0;

    // handle Smart Info and Smart Plugs
    SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) greenathomeEndPoint
            .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName(), endPointId);

    if (onOffServer == null && simpleMeteringServer != null) {
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;

    ConfigServer configServer = (ConfigServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(),
            ConfigServer.class.getName(), endPointId);

    if (configServer != null) {
        locationPid = configServer.getLocationPid(null);

        if (locationPid == null) {
            locationPid = "0";
        props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_LOCATION_PID_PROPERTY, locationPid);

        categoryPid = configServer.getCategoryPid(null);
        if (categoryPid == null) {
            categoryPid = "0";
        props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_CATEGORY_PID_PROPERTY, categoryPid);

        try {
            props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY, configServer.getName(null));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY, peerAppliance.getPid());

        try {
            props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_ICON_PROPERTY, configServer.getIconName(null));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_ICON_PROPERTY, "plug.png");
    } else
        return null;

    props.put("device_state_avail", new Boolean(isStateChangable));
    props.put("device_state", new Integer(state));
    props.put("availability", new Integer(availability));
    props.put("device_status", new Integer(status));

    if (thermostatServer != null) {
        availability = ((IServiceCluster) thermostatServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0;
        if (availability == 2) {
            float localTemperature = (float) (thermostatServer.getLocalTemperature(maxAgeContext) / 100.0);

            String value = localTemperature + " &degC";
            attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("LocalTemperature", new AttributeValue(value));
            if (humidityServer != null) {
                float humididy = (float) (humidityServer.getMeasuredValue(maxAgeContext) / 100.0);
                value += " " + humididy + "%";
    } else if (simpleMeteringServer != null) {
        if (!useReportingOnSimpleMetering) {
            double power;
            try {
                power = this.readPower(peerAppliance);
                if (power != ESPService.INVALID_INSTANTANEOUS_POWER_VALUE)
                    attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("IstantaneousDemands",
                            new AttributeValue(power));

            } catch (Exception e) {
                power = 0;

        } else {
            Double istantaneousDemand = (Double) istantaneousDemands.get(peerAppliance.getPid());

            if (istantaneousDemand != null) {
                attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("IstantaneousDemands",
                        new AttributeValue(istantaneousDemand.doubleValue()));
            } else if (this.fakeMode) {
                attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("IstantaneousDemands", new AttributeValue(123.1));

    if (attributeValue != null)
        props.put("device_value", attributeValue);
    return props;

From source file:org.sparkbit.jsonrpc.SparkBitJSONRPCServiceImpl.java

private synchronized String sendassetusing_impl(String walletID, String txid, Long vout, String address,
        String assetRef, Double quantity, Boolean senderPays, String message, Double btcAmount)
        throws com.bitmechanic.barrister.RpcException {
    String sendTxHash = null;/*from w  w w. j av a2  s. c om*/
    boolean sendValidated = false;
    boolean sendSuccessful = false;

    Wallet w = getWalletForWalletName(walletID);
    if (w == null) {

    // Check send with txid and vout
    Sha256Hash sendWithTxidHash = null;
    boolean canSpendSendWithTxOut = false;
    if (txid != null) {
        try {
            sendWithTxidHash = new Sha256Hash(txid);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // Not a valid tx hash string
        canSpendSendWithTxOut = isTxOutSpendable(w, sendWithTxidHash, vout.intValue());

    if (quantity <= 0.0) {

    // BTC send amount, if null, use default amount of 10,000 satoshis.
    String sendAmount;
    if (btcAmount == null) {
        sendAmount = Utils.bitcoinValueToPlainString(BitcoinModel.COINSPARK_SEND_MINIMUM_AMOUNT);
    } else {
        double d = btcAmount.doubleValue();
        if (d <= 0.0) {
        sendAmount = btcAmount.toString();
    BigInteger bitcoinAmountSatoshis = Utils.toNanoCoins(sendAmount);

    // Is the BTC amount more than what is in the wallet?
    BigInteger totalSpend = bitcoinAmountSatoshis.add(Transaction.REFERENCE_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_FEE);
    BigInteger availableBalance = w.getBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.AVAILABLE);
    if (totalSpend.compareTo(availableBalance) > 0) {

    // Does the BTC amount respect the migration fees of any assets?
    boolean migrationSafe = CSMiscUtils.canSafelySpendWhileRespectingMigrationFee(this.controller, w,
    if (!migrationSafe) {
        BigInteger migrationFee = CSMiscUtils.calcMigrationFeeSatoshis(controller, w);
                "Need to keep at least " + Utils.bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(migrationFee) + " BTC.");

    CoinSparkPaymentRef paymentRef = null;
    String bitcoinAddress = address;
    if (!address.startsWith("s")) {
    } else {
        bitcoinAddress = CSMiscUtils.getBitcoinAddressFromCoinSparkAddress(address);
        if (bitcoinAddress == null) {

        CoinSparkAddress csa = CSMiscUtils.decodeCoinSparkAddress(address);
        if (!CSMiscUtils.canSendAssetsToCoinSparkAddress(csa)) {

        if (message != null && !CSMiscUtils.canSendTextMessageToCoinSparkAddress(csa)) {

        // payment ref?
        int flags = csa.getAddressFlags();
        if ((flags & CoinSparkAddress.COINSPARK_ADDRESS_FLAG_PAYMENT_REFS) > 0) {
            paymentRef = csa.getPaymentRef();
            //      log.debug(">>>> CoinSpark address has payment refs flag set: " + paymentRef.toString());
    boolean isValid = CSMiscUtils.validateBitcoinAddress(bitcoinAddress, controller);
    if (!isValid) {

    String filename = getFullPathForWalletName(walletID);
    final WalletData wd = this.controller.getModel().getPerWalletModelDataByWalletFilename(filename);
    if (wd.isBusy()) {
    } else {

    Transaction sendTransaction = null;

    try {
        // -- boilerplate ends here....

        CSAsset asset = getAssetForAssetRefString(w, assetRef);
        if (asset == null) {
            if (isAssetRefValid(assetRef)) {
            } else {

        if (asset.getAssetState() != CSAsset.CSAssetState.VALID) {
            if (!CSMiscUtils.canSendInvalidAsset(controller)) {

        // Check number of confirms
        int lastHeight = w.getLastBlockSeenHeight();
        CoinSparkAssetRef assetReference = asset.getAssetReference();
        if (assetReference != null) {
            final int blockIndex = (int) assetReference.getBlockNum();
            final int numConfirmations = lastHeight - blockIndex + 1; // 0 means no confirmation, 1 is yes for sa
            String sendAssetWithJustOneConfirmation = controller.getModel()
            if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(sendAssetWithJustOneConfirmation)) {
                threshold = 1;
            //System.out.println(">>>> " + CSMiscUtils.getHumanReadableAssetRef(asset) + " num confirmations " + numConfirmations + ", threshold = " + threshold);
            if (numConfirmations < threshold) {

        String displayQtyString = new BigDecimal(quantity).toPlainString();
        BigInteger assetAmountRawUnits = CSMiscUtils.getRawUnitsFromDisplayString(asset, displayQtyString);
        int assetID = asset.getAssetID();
        BigInteger spendableAmount = w.CS.getAssetBalance(assetID).spendable;

        log.info("Want to send: " + assetAmountRawUnits + " , AssetID=" + assetID + ", total="
                + w.CS.getAssetBalance(assetID).total + ", spendable="
                + w.CS.getAssetBalance(assetID).spendable);

        //       String sendAmount = Utils.bitcoinValueToPlainString(BitcoinModel.COINSPARK_SEND_MINIMUM_AMOUNT);       
        CoinSparkGenesis genesis = asset.getGenesis();

        long desiredRawUnits = assetAmountRawUnits.longValue();
        short chargeBasisPoints = genesis.getChargeBasisPoints();
        long rawFlatChargeAmount = genesis.getChargeFlat();
        boolean chargeExists = (rawFlatChargeAmount > 0 || chargeBasisPoints > 0);
        if (chargeExists) {
            if (senderPays) {
                long x = genesis.calcGross(desiredRawUnits);
                assetAmountRawUnits = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(x));
            } else {
                // We don't have to do anything if recipient pays, just send gross amount.
                // calcNet() returns what the recipient will receive, but it's not what we send. 

        if (assetAmountRawUnits.compareTo(spendableAmount) > 0) {

        // Create a SendRequest.
        Address sendAddressObject;
        String sendAddress = bitcoinAddress;
        sendAddressObject = new Address(controller.getModel().getNetworkParameters(), sendAddress);
        //SendRequest sendRequest = SendRequest.to(sendAddressObject, Utils.toNanoCoins(sendAmount));

        //public static SendRequest to(Address destination,BigInteger value,int assetID, BigInteger assetValue,int split) {
        //BigInteger assetAmountRawUnits = new BigInteger(assetAmount);
        //      BigInteger bitcoinAmountSatoshis = Utils.toNanoCoins(sendAmount);

        Wallet.SendRequest sendRequest = Wallet.SendRequest.to(sendAddressObject, bitcoinAmountSatoshis,
                assetID, assetAmountRawUnits, 1);
        sendRequest.ensureMinRequiredFee = true;
        sendRequest.fee = BigInteger.ZERO;
        sendRequest.feePerKb = BitcoinModel.SEND_FEE_PER_KB_DEFAULT;

        // Note - Request is populated with the AES key in the SendBitcoinNowAction after the user has entered it on the SendBitcoinConfirm form.

        // Send with txout vout
        if (canSpendSendWithTxOut) {
            boolean addedInput = sendRequest.addInput(w,
                    new CSTransactionOutput(sendWithTxidHash, vout.intValue()));
            if (!addedInput) {
                // Failed to add input, so throw exception

        // Send with payment ref - if it exists and is not 0 which SparkBit treats semantically as null
        if (paymentRef != null && paymentRef.getRef() != 0) {

        // Set up message if one exists
        boolean isEmptyMessage = false;
        if (message == null || message.trim().isEmpty()) {
            isEmptyMessage = true;
        if (!isEmptyMessage) {
            CoinSparkMessagePart[] parts = { CSMiscUtils.createPlainTextCoinSparkMessagePart(message) };
            String[] serverURLs = CSMiscUtils.getMessageDeliveryServersArray(this.controller);
            sendRequest.setMessage(parts, serverURLs);

        // Complete it (which works out the fee) but do not sign it yet.
        log.info("Just about to complete the tx (and calculate the fee)...");

        // there is enough money, so let's do it for real now
        w.completeTx(sendRequest, false);
        sendValidated = true;
        log.info("The fee after completing the transaction was " + sendRequest.fee);
        // Let's do it for real now.

        sendTransaction = this.controller.getMultiBitService().sendCoins(wd, sendRequest, null);
        if (sendTransaction == null) {
            // a null transaction returned indicates there was not
            // enough money (in spite of our validation)
        } else {
            sendSuccessful = true;
            sendTxHash = sendTransaction.getHashAsString();

        if (sendSuccessful) {
            // There is enough money.

            /* If sending assets or BTC to a coinspark address, record transaction id --> coinspark address, into hashmap so we can use when displaying transactions */
            if (address.startsWith("s")) {
                SparkBitMapDB.INSTANCE.putSendCoinSparkAddressForTxid(sendTxHash, address);
        } else {
            // There is not enough money

        //--- bolilerplate begins...
    } catch (InsufficientMoneyException ime) {
    } catch (com.bitmechanic.barrister.RpcException e) {
        throw (e);
    } catch (CSExceptions.CannotEncode e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        JSONRPCError.throwAsRpcException("Could not send asset due to error: ", e);
    } finally {
        // Save the wallet.
        try {
            this.controller.getFileHandler().savePerWalletModelData(wd, false);
        } catch (WalletSaveException e) {
            //        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        if (sendSuccessful) {
            // This returns immediately if rpcsendassettimeout is 0.
            //      JSONRPCController.INSTANCE.waitForTxBroadcast(sendTxHash);

        // Declare that wallet is no longer busy with the task.

    if (sendSuccessful) {
    return sendTxHash;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.gradebook.gwt.server.ImportExportUtilityImpl.java

private boolean handleSpecialPointsCaseForItem(Item item, double d, ImportExportInformation ieInfo) {

    boolean isFailure = false;

    if (item != null) {

        Double points = item.getPoints();

        if (points != null) {

            if (points.doubleValue() < d) {

                // GRBK-629 : We don't auto adjust total points for GradeItems that
                // are created new via the import process depending on entered user grades

                // If a grade is higher than total points possible, we flag an error
                isFailure = true;//from  www  . j ava2  s. c om
    return isFailure;

From source file:com.aurel.track.exchange.msProject.exporter.MsProjectExporterBL.java

 * Export the assignments to actual work
 * /*from w w w .  j av a2 s  .co  m*/
 * @param document
 * @param assignmentElementTemplate
 * @param timephasedDataElementTemplate
 * @param existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap
 * @param allCostBeansList
 * @param workItemIDToTaskUIDMap
 * @param personIDToResourceUIDMap
 * @param hoursPerWorkday
 * @param removedTaskIDs
 * @param allowOvertimeBookings
 * @param maxOvertimeHoursPerDay
 * @param allowOverdayBookings
 * @param allowActualWorkOverlap
 * @param allowDayRestartIfOverlappedActualWork
private static void exportAssignments(ProjectFile project,
        Map<Integer, TWorkItemBean> existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap, List<TCostBean> allCostBeansList,
        Map<Integer, Integer> workItemIDToTaskUIDMap, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> personIDToResourceUIDMap,
        Double hoursPerWorkday, Set<Integer> removedTaskIDs, boolean allowOvertimeBookings,
        double maxOvertimeHoursPerDay, boolean allowOverdayBookings, boolean allowActualWorkOverlap, /*
                                                                                                     * boolean
                                                                                                     * allowDayRestartIfOverlappedActualWork
                                                                                                     * ,
        Map<Integer, Map<String, List<String[]>>> calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes,
        Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<String[]>>> calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes,
        Map<Integer, Map<String, List<String[]>>> personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes,
        Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<String[]>>> personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes,
        Map<Integer, Integer> personIDToBaseCalendar) {
    // TODO unused MPXJ
     * Element assignmentsElement =
     * MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getChildByName(projectElement,
     * PROJECT_ELEMENTS.Assignments); Element assignmentsElement =
     * project.getAss() if (assignmentsElement==null) { assignmentsElement =
     * document.createElement(PROJECT_ELEMENTS.Assignments);
     * projectElement.appendChild(assignmentsElement); }
    // get last imported assignments
    // List<Element> importedAssignmentsList =
    // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getElementList(
    // projectElement, PROJECT_ELEMENTS.Assignments,
    // PROJECT_SUBELEMENTS.Assignment);
    List<ResourceAssignment> importedAssignmentsList = project.getAllResourceAssignments();
     * for(int i = 0; i < importedAssignmentsList.size(); i++) {
     * ResourceAssignment tmp = importedAssignmentsList.get(i);
     * tmp.setStart(tmp.getTask().getStart());;
     * tmp.setFinish(tmp.getTask().getFinish()); tmp.setActualStart(null);
     * tmp.setActualFinish(null); tmp.setActualWork(null); }

    if (removedTaskIDs != null && removedTaskIDs.size() > 0) {
        // remove the assignments associated with removed tasks
        for (int i = 0; i < importedAssignmentsList.size(); i++) {
            ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = importedAssignmentsList.get(i);
            Integer taskID = assignmentElement.getTaskUniqueID();
            if (removedTaskIDs.contains(taskID)) {
    Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> UIDBasedAssignmentsMap = MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper
    int maxAssignmentUID = getMaxInteger(UIDBasedAssignmentsMap.keySet());

    Map<Integer, Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment>> importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper
    Map<Integer, Task> UIDBasedTaskElementMap = getUIDBasedTasks(project);
    String emptyTimeSpan = MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromDouble(0.0);
    // NumberFormat numberFormatTimeSpan = new DecimalFormat("00");

     * Add empty assignment: if a workItem has no cost in Genji and it was
     * not imported before from MSPRoject a default assignment (with
     * actualWork=0 and work=total task budget and remainingWork=remaining
     * task budget) should still be added to the task, to assign the
     * workItem's responsible as resource to the task (otherwise the task
     * will have no duration)
    Map<Integer, List<TCostBean>> worksByWorkItemMap = getWorksByWorkItem(allCostBeansList);
    Iterator<Integer> itrExistingWorkItems = existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap.keySet().iterator();
    while (itrExistingWorkItems.hasNext()) {
        Integer workItemID = itrExistingWorkItems.next();
        TWorkItemBean workItemBean = existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap.get(workItemID);
        Integer taskUID = workItemIDToTaskUIDMap.get(workItemID);
        if (!worksByWorkItemMap.containsKey(workItemID)
                && !importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.containsKey(taskUID)) {
            // it has no actualWork and was not imported before: it will not
            // be processed in the "existing costs" loop below
            List<Integer> personList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            Integer resourceID = getBestResourceID(personList, personIDToResourceUIDMap);
            if (resourceID != null && taskUID != null) {
                Task taskElement = UIDBasedTaskElementMap.get(taskUID);
                if (taskElement != null) {
                    ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = new ResourceAssignment(project);
                    ResourceAssignment existing = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(taskUID)
                    // TODO set emptyTimeSpan string as duration not
                    // possible in MPXJ
                    // assignmentElement.setActualWork(Duration.emptyTimeSpan);
                    // get the values directly from the task: the Work and
                    // RemainingWork are probably equal
                    // String work =
                    // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getSubelementText(taskElement,
                    // COMMON_ELEMENTS.Work);
                    if (importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(resourceID) != null) {

     * The actual booked calendar for a certain date for a certain user
    Map<Integer, Map<String, Calendar>> effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Calendar>>();
     * The exhausted effort dates for a certain user
    Map<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> effortDateExhaustedForPersonMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>>();
    // loop through the existing costs in track+ based on workItemID and
    // personID
    Iterator<Integer> itrWorksByWorkItemIDMap = worksByWorkItemMap.keySet().iterator();
    while (itrWorksByWorkItemIDMap.hasNext()) {
        Integer workItemID = itrWorksByWorkItemIDMap.next();
        List<TCostBean> costBeansWorkItem = worksByWorkItemMap.get(workItemID);
        // get the workItem costs pro person
        Map<Integer, List<TCostBean>> costsByPerson = getCostsByPerson(costBeansWorkItem);
        Map<Integer, Double> personActualWorkMap = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
        for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = costsByPerson.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Integer personID = iterator.next();
            List<TCostBean> costs = costsByPerson.get(personID);
            personActualWorkMap.put(personID, getSumOfActualWorks(costs));
        Integer taskUID = workItemIDToTaskUIDMap.get(workItemID);
        if (taskUID != null) {
            Task taskElement = UIDBasedTaskElementMap.get(taskUID);
            if (taskElement != null) {
                Date taskActualStart = null;
                Date taskActualFinish = null;
                // all assignments for workItem: both last imported (even if
                // there is no actual work (costBean) associated) and new
                // ones
                Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem = new HashMap<Integer, ResourceAssignment>();
                Set<Integer> resoucesWithImportedRemainingWork = new HashSet<Integer>();
                // iterate through costBeans for each person
                Iterator<Integer> itrPerson = costsByPerson.keySet().iterator();
                while (itrPerson.hasNext()) {
                    Integer personID = itrPerson.next();
                    List<TCostBean> costBeansPerson = costsByPerson.get(personID);
                    List<Integer> resourceUIDForPersonList = personIDToResourceUIDMap.get(personID);
                    Integer resourceUID = null;
                    if (resourceUIDForPersonList == null || resourceUIDForPersonList.isEmpty()) {
                        // unknown person, should never happen
                    } else {
                        if (resourceUIDForPersonList.size() == 1) {
                            // unambiguous person <-> resource: the
                            // corresponding person was mapped only to this
                            // resource
                            resourceUID = resourceUIDForPersonList.get(0);
                    ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = null;
                    Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap
                    // last imported assignments for task exist
                    if (importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap != null
                            && importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) {
                        if (resourceUID == null && importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) {
                            // ambiguous: the same person was mapped for
                            // more resources:
                            // find the resourceID based on the available
                            // assignments from the previous import:
                            // get the first last imported resourceID found
                            // which was mapped for the person.
                            // (as best effort but still error prone)
                            Iterator<Integer> itrResource = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet()
                            while (itrResource.hasNext()) {
                                resourceUID = itrResource.next();
                                if (resourceUIDForPersonList.contains(resourceUID)) {
                                } else {
                                    resourceUID = null;
                        // person had assignment to task both in the
                        // previous import and in track+: remove it if found
                        // to process them now
                        // assignments not processed (removed) here should
                        // be looped at the end for removing (probably their
                        // costBeans were removed)
                        assignmentElement = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.remove(resourceUID);

                    if (resourceUID == null) {
                        // no previous import for this assignment, so there
                        // is no way to uniquely identify the resourceID
                        // for adding the assignment for, as best effort
                        // take the first mapped for the person
                        resourceUID = resourceUIDForPersonList.get(0);
                    // the timephased data will be calculated depending on
                    // the unit
                    Double unit = new Double(1.0); // default 1.0 = 100%
                    boolean isNew = false;

                    if (assignmentElement == null) {
                        assignmentElement = new ResourceAssignment(project);
                        // new assignment: the workItem has actual work
                        // booked by a person but the previous
                        // import file contains no assignments: actual
                        // work(s) added in track+ exclusively since the
                        // last import
                        isNew = true;
                    } else {
                        // get the unit from the previously imported
                        // assignment
                        // unit =
                        // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getSubelementDouble(assignmentElement,
                        // ASSIGNMENT_ELEMENTS.Units);
                        unit = assignmentElement.getUnits().doubleValue();
                        if (unit == null || Math.abs(unit.doubleValue()) < EPSILON) {
                            unit = new Double(1.0);
                         * if assignmentElement was already imported try to
                         * preserve the remaining work pro person (taking
                         * into account the corresponding actual work
                         * difference). This counts by calculating the
                         * duration of the task
                        Double lastActualWorkPerson = assignmentElement.getActualWork().getDuration();
                        if (lastActualWorkPerson == null) {
                            lastActualWorkPerson = new Double(0.0);
                        Double lastRemainingWorkPerson = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                        if (lastRemainingWorkPerson == null) {
                            lastRemainingWorkPerson = new Double(0.0);
                        Double currentActualWorkPerson = personActualWorkMap.get(personID);
                        if (currentActualWorkPerson == null) {
                            currentActualWorkPerson = new Double(0.0);
                        double actualWorkDifference = currentActualWorkPerson.doubleValue()
                                - lastActualWorkPerson.doubleValue();
                        double newRemainingWorkPerson = 0.0;
                        if (lastRemainingWorkPerson.doubleValue() >= actualWorkDifference) {
                            newRemainingWorkPerson = lastRemainingWorkPerson.doubleValue()
                                    - actualWorkDifference;
                                .setRemainingWork(Duration.getInstance(newRemainingWorkPerson, TimeUnit.HOURS));


                    // because it is not trivial to combine two lists of
                    // works for changes (last imported and actual from
                    // Genji),
                    // all imported ASSIGNMENT_ACTUAL_WORK and
                    // ASSIGNMENT_REMAINING_WORK type
                    // and without value timePhasedData elements will be
                    // removed
                    // (and later the ASSIGNMENT_ACTUAL_WORK elements from
                    // track+ will be added again based on Genji costBeans)
                    resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.put(resourceUID, assignmentElement);
                    if (isNew && costBeansPerson != null && costBeansPerson.size() > 0) {
                        ResourceAssignment newAssignmentElement = new ResourceAssignment(project);
                     * add TimephasedData elements
                    // if actualStart does not comply with the
                    // timephasedData elements
                    // then the Actual work may have the wrong value in
                    // MSProject
                    Date assignmentActualStart = null;
                    Date assignmentActualFinish = null;
                    int assignmentActualOvertimeHours = 0;
                    int assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes = 0;
                    // formatted effortDate mapped to calendar with with
                    // actualized times for
                    // a certain user to avoid double allocation for a user
                    // in a certain time
                    Map<String, Calendar> effortDateToCalBookedMap = null;
                    Map<String, Boolean> effortDateExhaustedMap = null;
                    if (!allowActualWorkOverlap) {
                        effortDateToCalBookedMap = effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.get(personID);
                        effortDateExhaustedMap = effortDateExhaustedForPersonMap.get(personID);
                    if (effortDateToCalBookedMap == null) {
                        effortDateToCalBookedMap = new HashMap<String, Calendar>();
                        if (!allowActualWorkOverlap) {
                            effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.put(personID, effortDateToCalBookedMap);
                    // whether the date was exhausted by previous works
                    if (effortDateExhaustedMap == null) {
                        effortDateExhaustedMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
                        if (!allowActualWorkOverlap) {
                            effortDateExhaustedForPersonMap.put(personID, effortDateExhaustedMap);
                    if (costBeansPerson != null && costBeansPerson.size() > 0) {
                        // add the ASSIGNMENT_ACTUAL_WORK timephasedData
                        // elements from Genji
                        Date effortDate = null;
                        Date previousEffortDate = null;
                        for (TCostBean costBean : costBeansPerson) {
                            if (effortDate != null) {
                                // effort date is null at the beginning and
                                // after by overbooked days if
                                // allowOvertimeBookings=false
                                // in previousEffortDate the last valid
                                // (non-null) effortDate should be kept
                                previousEffortDate = effortDate;
                            effortDate = costBean.getEffortdate();
                            if (previousEffortDate != null && effortDate != null
                                    && previousEffortDate.before(effortDate)) {
                                // add empty timespans for the gaps between
                                // actual work,
                                // otherwise the gap is considered as
                                // actually worked
                                addEmptyIntervals(project, assignmentElement, previousEffortDate, effortDate,
                                        emptyTimeSpan, effortDateToCalBookedMap, effortDateExhaustedMap,
                            Double hours = costBean.getHours();
                            if (effortDate != null && hours != null && hours.intValue() > 0.0) {
                                // calculate the unit proportional values,
                                // because in TimephasedData element the
                                // Start and Finish
                                // date fields are based on unit
                                // proportional hours, but the Value field
                                // is based on real hours
                                // depending on Assignment element's Unit
                                // sub-element
                                Double unitHours = hours.doubleValue() / unit.doubleValue();
                                int unitProportionalHours = unitHours.intValue();
                                double unitDecimalHours = unitHours - unitProportionalHours;
                                int unitProportionalMinutes = (int) Math.round(unitDecimalHours * 60);
                                // date over-booked by previous costBeans
                                effortDate = getNextValidDate(effortDate, effortDateExhaustedMap,
                                if (effortDate == null) {
                                    if (allowOverdayBookings) {
                                        LOGGER.warn("No reasonable effort date found for person " + personID
                                                + " workItem " + workItemID + " costID "
                                                + costBean.getObjectID());
                                    } else {
                                        LOGGER.warn("The work " + hours.doubleValue() + " for person "
                                                + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " costID "
                                                + costBean.getObjectID()
                                                + " could not be added because the worktime for date "
                                                + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate)
                                                + " is exhausted by previous works");
                                    continue;// to the next costBean
                                String effortDateStr = MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDate(effortDate);
                                Calendar calToTime = Calendar.getInstance();
                                boolean jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = false;
                                List<String[]> workingPeriods = getWorkingTimeForDay(
                                if (workingPeriods == null) {
                                    // should never happen,
                                } // else {
                                int realHours = 0;
                                int realMinutes = 0;
                                boolean isOvertime = false;
                                // the Start date of the timephasedData
                                Date timePhasedDataStart = null;
                                for (Iterator itrWorkPeriod = workingPeriods.iterator(); itrWorkPeriod
                                        .hasNext();) {
                                    // try each workingTime interval to see
                                    // where the work can be added
                                    String[] workingTime = (String[]) itrWorkPeriod.next();
                                    String fromTime = workingTime[0];
                                    String toTime = workingTime[1];
                                    Map<String, Integer> timeUnitsMapFromTime = MsProjectExchangeBL
                                    Map<String, Integer> timeUnitsMapToTime = MsProjectExchangeBL
                                    Integer previousHour = calToTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                                    Integer nextHour = calToTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                                    if (!itrWorkPeriod.hasNext() && allowOvertimeBookings) {
                                        // midnight means the start of the
                                        // next day
                                        if (previousHour > nextHour) {
                                            // overtime over the midnight
                                            calToTime.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
                                        isOvertime = true;
                                    } else {
                                        isOvertime = false;
                                    Calendar calBookedForPerson = effortDateToCalBookedMap.get(effortDateStr);
                                    if (calBookedForPerson == null) {
                                        calBookedForPerson = Calendar.getInstance();
                                        effortDateToCalBookedMap.put(effortDateStr, calBookedForPerson);
                                    // jumped first time or from the
                                    // previous workingTime interval
                                    if (jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval) {
                                        jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = false;
                                    if (calBookedForPerson.getTime().after(calToTime.getTime())
                                            || calBookedForPerson.getTimeInMillis() == calToTime
                                                    .getTimeInMillis()) {
                                        // try the next workingTime interval
                                        // because till this time
                                        // the user booked previous
                                        // costBeans
                                        LOGGER.debug("Period from "
                                                + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(calToTime.getTime())
                                                + " for personID " + personID + " workItemID " + workItemID
                                                + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID() + " added at date "
                                                + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate)
                                                + " expense work " + hours.doubleValue()
                                                + " already booked by other costBeans.");
                                        if (calBookedForPerson.getTimeInMillis() == calToTime
                                                .getTimeInMillis()) {
                                            jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = true;
                                        continue; // to the next working
                                                  // time of the current
                                                  // date
                                    } else {
                                        // available working time found
                                        if (timePhasedDataStart == null) {
                                            timePhasedDataStart = calBookedForPerson.getTime();
                                        long millisecondsLeftInInterval = calToTime.getTimeInMillis()
                                                - calBookedForPerson.getTimeInMillis();
                                        if (millisecondsLeftInInterval == 0) {
                                            continue; // to the next working
                                                      // time of the
                                                      // current date
                                        long diffHours = millisecondsLeftInInterval / (60 * 60 * 1000);
                                        long diffMinutes = (millisecondsLeftInInterval
                                                - diffHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) / (60 * 1000);
                                        if (unitProportionalHours < diffHours
                                                || (unitProportionalHours == diffHours
                                                        && unitProportionalMinutes <= diffMinutes)) {
                                            // the current workingTime
                                            // interval is enough for work
                                            // to add
                                            calBookedForPerson.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, unitProportionalHours);
                                            calBookedForPerson.add(Calendar.MINUTE, unitProportionalMinutes);
                                            Double unitPropRemainingHours = new Double(unitProportionalHours
                                                    + (double) unitProportionalMinutes / 60);
                                            // add the real hours
                                            Double realHoursDouble = new Double(
                                                    unitPropRemainingHours * unit.doubleValue());
                                            realHours += realHoursDouble.intValue();
                                            if (isOvertime) {
                                                assignmentActualOvertimeHours += realHoursDouble.intValue();
                                            double decimalHours = realHoursDouble - realHoursDouble.intValue();
                                            realMinutes += (int) Math.round(decimalHours * 60);
                                            if (isOvertime) {
                                                assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes += (int) Math
                                                        .round(decimalHours * 60);
                                            addTimephasedDataElement(project, assignmentElement,
                                                    timePhasedDataStart, calBookedForPerson.getTime(),
                                                            realHours, realMinutes));
                                            if (assignmentActualStart == null
                                                    || assignmentActualStart.after(timePhasedDataStart)) {
                                                assignmentActualStart = timePhasedDataStart;
                                            if (assignmentActualFinish == null || assignmentActualFinish
                                                    .before(calBookedForPerson.getTime())) {
                                                assignmentActualFinish = calBookedForPerson.getTime();
                                            LOGGER.debug("Added actual work for person " + personID
                                                    + " workItem " + workItemID + " cost "
                                                    + costBean.getObjectID() + " added at date "
                                                    + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate) + " start "
                                                    + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(timePhasedDataStart)
                                                    + " finish "
                                                    + MsProjectExchangeBL
                                                    + " expense work " + hours.doubleValue() + " actual work "
                                                    + realHours + ":" + realMinutes);
                                            if (!itrWorkPeriod.hasNext() && allowOverdayBookings
                                                    && unitProportionalHours == diffHours
                                                    && unitProportionalMinutes == diffMinutes) {
                                                // if terminated exactly at
                                                // midnight reset the
                                                // effortDateToEffortDateWithTime
                                                // to start again at the
                                                // first FromTime
                                                // effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.remove(effortDateStr);
                                                effortDateExhaustedMap.put(effortDateStr, Boolean.TRUE);
                                            break; // successfully added for
                                                   // this day, break to
                                                   // continue with the
                                                   // next CostBean
                                        } else {
                                            // the current workingTime
                                            // interval is not enough for
                                            // the entire work to add:
                                            // add only a part of the work
                                            // till the end of the current
                                            // interval
                                            int remainingHoursInWorkingTimePeriod = Long.valueOf(diffHours)
                                            int remainingMinutesInWorkingTimePeriod = Long.valueOf(diffMinutes)
                                            // book up to the end of the
                                            // current workingTime
                                            jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = true;
                                            unitProportionalHours -= remainingHoursInWorkingTimePeriod;
                                            if (unitProportionalMinutes < remainingMinutesInWorkingTimePeriod) {
                                                unitProportionalMinutes += 60;
                                            unitProportionalMinutes -= remainingMinutesInWorkingTimePeriod;
                                            // add only a part of the work
                                            // till the end of this
                                            // workingTime interval
                                            // add the real hours
                                            Double remainingHours = new Double(millisecondsLeftInInterval
                                                    * unit.doubleValue() / (60 * 60 * 1000));
                                            realHours += remainingHours.intValue();
                                            if (isOvertime) {
                                                assignmentActualOvertimeHours += remainingHours.intValue();
                                            double decimalHours = remainingHours - remainingHours.intValue();
                                            realMinutes += (int) Math.round(decimalHours * 60);
                                            if (isOvertime) {
                                                assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes += (int) Math
                                                        .round(decimalHours * 60);
                                            if (!itrWorkPeriod.hasNext()) {
                                                // the user consumed the
                                                // entire workDay and
                                                // overtime
                                                // till midnight but this is
                                                // still not enough
                                                // add the biggest possible
                                                // part of the work as best
                                                // effort
                                                addTimephasedDataElement(project, assignmentElement,
                                                        timePhasedDataStart, calBookedForPerson.getTime(),
                                                                realHours, realMinutes));
                                                if (assignmentActualStart == null
                                                        || assignmentActualStart.after(timePhasedDataStart)) {
                                                    assignmentActualStart = timePhasedDataStart;
                                                if (assignmentActualFinish == null || assignmentActualFinish
                                                        .before(calBookedForPerson.getTime())) {
                                                    assignmentActualFinish = calBookedForPerson.getTime();
                                                LOGGER.debug("Added actual work part for person " + personID
                                                        + " workItem " + workItemID + " cost "
                                                        + costBean.getObjectID() + " start "
                                                        + MsProjectExchangeBL
                                                        + " finish "
                                                        + MsProjectExchangeBL
                                                        + " expense work " + hours.doubleValue()
                                                        + " actual work " + realHours + ":" + realMinutes);
                                                // effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.remove(effortDateStr);
                                                effortDateExhaustedMap.put(effortDateStr, Boolean.TRUE);
                                                // force to initialize again
                                                // at the first FromTime
                                                calBookedForPerson = null;
                                                timePhasedDataStart = null;
                                                realHours = 0;
                                                realMinutes = 0;
                                                effortDate = getNextValidDate(effortDate,
                                                if (effortDate == null) {
                                                    if (allowOvertimeBookings) {
                                                                "No reasonable effort date found for person "
                                                                        + personID + " workItem " + workItemID
                                                                        + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID());
                                                    } else {
                                                        LOGGER.warn("The work " + unitProportionalHours + ":"
                                                                + unitProportionalMinutes + " for person "
                                                                + personID + " workItem " + workItemID
                                                                + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID()
                                                                + " could not be added because the worktime for date "
                                                                + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate)
                                                                + " is exhausted");
                                                effortDateStr = MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDate(effortDate);
                                                // calToTime is now midnight
                                                // (starting of the next
                                                // day).
                                                // set to the actual
                                                // effortDate day because
                                                // the
                                                // iterator for workPeriods
                                                // is started again with
                                                // this new date
                                                workingPeriods = getWorkingTimeForDay(

                                                itrWorkPeriod = workingPeriods.iterator();

                    // assignment level ActualStart, Start and ActualFinish
                    // dates
                    if (assignmentActualStart != null) {
                        if (taskActualStart == null || taskActualStart.after(assignmentActualStart)) {
                            taskActualStart = assignmentActualStart;
                    // the Start should be not later as the ActualStart
                    Date startElement = assignmentElement.getStart();
                    if (startElement != null) {
                        Date startDate = assignmentElement.getStart();
                        if (startDate != null && assignmentActualStart != null
                                && startDate.after(assignmentActualStart)) {
                    if (assignmentActualFinish != null) {
                        // it is actually finished only when remaining work
                        // is 0
                        // so it might be removed later
                        if (taskActualFinish == null || taskActualFinish.before(assignmentActualFinish)) {
                            taskActualFinish = assignmentActualFinish;
                    // do we have ActualOvertimeWork?
                    if (assignmentActualOvertimeHours > 0 || assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes > 0) {

                        String actualOverTimeHoursTimeSpan = MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromHoursAndMinutes(
                                assignmentActualOvertimeHours, assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes);
                        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat();
                        Double actualOverTimeWork = assignmentElement.getActualOvertimeWork().getDuration();
                        if (actualOverTimeWork == null) {
                            actualOverTimeWork = new Double(0);
                        Double overtimeWork = assignmentElement.getOvertimeWork().getDuration();
                        if (overtimeWork == null) {
                            overtimeWork = new Double(0);
                        // the OvertimeWork will not be less than the
                        // ActualOvertimeWork
                        if (actualOverTimeWork.doubleValue() > overtimeWork.doubleValue()) {
                            // TODO MPXJ, set setOvertimeWork check.
                            try {
                                Calendar myCal = Calendar.getInstance();
                                int hours = myCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                                assignmentElement.setOvertimeWork(Duration.getInstance(hours, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                LOGGER.error("Date parse error: " + ex.getMessage());
                } // end person loop

                 * actualize the remaining work and work for each assignment
                 * of the current task it is important because the duration
                 * is calculated based on the works assigned to each person
                 * (for example if a user is set to 100% but no Work and
                 * RemainingWork is set for him then it will not shorten the
                 * duration as expected)
                // process those assignments of the current task which were
                // imported last time but
                // no TCostBean corresponding to person were found for them
                // consequently
                // they wern't processed (removed) above in the loop for
                // persons.
                // Probably the TCostBean was removed since the last import.
                // The assignment will not be deleted (that should be made
                // in MsProject) but the
                // actual work will be set to 0 (no TCostBean). We still
                // need the assignment because of the
                // remaining work: if we would remove the entire assignment
                // the task duration would increase
                // because the remaining work of this assignment should be
                // taken by other resources
                Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap
                if (importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap != null
                        && importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) {
                    Iterator<Integer> itrResource = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet().iterator();
                    while (itrResource.hasNext()) {
                        Integer resouceID = itrResource.next();

                        ResourceAssignment noCostAssignmentElement = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap
                        // String emptyValue =
                        // MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromDouble(0.0);
                        // reset the ActualWork to 0 because there is no
                        // costBean for this
                        // TODO MPXJ
                        // noCostAssignmentElement.setActualWork(emptyTimeSpan);
                        resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.put(resouceID, noCostAssignmentElement);
                        // TODO MPXJ
                        // removeTimephasedData(noCostAssignmentElement);
                 * "normalize" the RemainingWork and Work for assignments
                // sum up the remaining work from each resource
                // (both new and imported assignments, but for new it is 0
                // anyway)
                double allPersonsRemainingWork = 0.0;
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, ResourceAssignment> entry : resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem
                        .entrySet()) {
                    // Integer resourceID = entry.getKey();
                    ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = entry.getValue();
                    Double remainingWork = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                    if (remainingWork != null) {
                        allPersonsRemainingWork += remainingWork.doubleValue();
                // remaining work for the entire task
                Double taskRemainingHours = taskElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                if (taskRemainingHours == null) {
                    taskRemainingHours = new Double(0.0);
                if (Math.abs(allPersonsRemainingWork - taskRemainingHours.doubleValue()) > 0.001) {
                    // "normalization" needed
                    if (allPersonsRemainingWork > taskRemainingHours.doubleValue()) {
                        // the task level remaining work is less than the
                        // sum if remaining work for assignments:
                        // (probably was explicitly set in track+ to a
                        // smaller value)
                        // we must remove some person level remainingWork at
                        // best effort
                        double difference = allPersonsRemainingWork - taskRemainingHours.doubleValue();
                        for (Iterator itrAssignments = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.keySet()
                                .iterator(); itrAssignments.hasNext();) {
                            Integer resourceID = (Integer) itrAssignments.next();
                            ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem
                            Double remainingWork = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                            if (remainingWork != null && Math.abs(remainingWork.doubleValue()) > EPSILON) {
                                if (difference > remainingWork.doubleValue()) {
                                    // TODO MPXJ set setRemainingWork
                                    // validation.
                                            Duration.getInstance(remainingWork, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                                    difference -= remainingWork.doubleValue();
                                } else {
                                            remainingWork.doubleValue() - difference, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                    } else {
                        // the difference should be added to one or more
                        // person specific remainingWork at best effort:
                        double difference = taskRemainingHours.doubleValue() - allPersonsRemainingWork;
                        List<ResourceAssignment> newRemainingWorkElements = new ArrayList<ResourceAssignment>();
                        // see whether there are new assignments (those
                        // which doesn't appear in the last import)
                        // because for them the remainingWork should not be
                        // preserved
                        for (Iterator itrAssignments = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.keySet()
                                .iterator(); itrAssignments.hasNext();) {
                            Integer resourceID = (Integer) itrAssignments.next();
                            if (!resoucesWithImportedRemainingWork.contains(resourceID)) {
                        if (newRemainingWorkElements.isEmpty()
                                && resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.size() > 0) {
                            // no new assignment found, we must mess up a
                            // "to be preserved" remainingWork of an
                            // existing assignment
                            ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.values()
                            double remainingWork = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                                    Duration.getInstance(remainingWork + difference, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                        } else {
                            // new assignment(s) found: divide the remaining
                            // work equally for each new assignment
                            Double remainingWorkProPerson = difference / newRemainingWorkElements.size();
                            for (Iterator<ResourceAssignment> iterator = newRemainingWorkElements
                                    .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                                ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = iterator.next();
                                        Duration.getInstance(remainingWorkProPerson, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                 * set the Works for each assignment: it is always the sum
                 * of actual work and remaining work (doesn't matter the
                 * value from track+ total budget)
                double taskActualOvertimeWork = 0.0;
                if (resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem != null
                        && resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.size() > 0) {
                    for (Iterator itrAssignments = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.keySet()
                            .iterator(); itrAssignments.hasNext();) {
                        Integer resourceID = (Integer) itrAssignments.next();
                        ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem
                        Double remainingWorkHours = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                        if (remainingWorkHours != null
                                && Math.abs(remainingWorkHours.doubleValue()) > EPSILON) {
                            // if there is remaining work then remove the
                            // actual finish date
                            Date actualFinishElement = assignmentElement.getActualFinish();
                            if (actualFinishElement != null) {
                        // assignment level OvertimeWork,
                        // ActualOvertimeWork, RegularWork
                        Duration actualWorkDuration = assignmentElement.getActualWork();
                        Double actualWorkHours = null;
                        if (actualWorkDuration != null) {
                            actualWorkHours = actualWorkDuration.getDuration();
                        if (actualWorkHours == null) {
                            actualWorkHours = Double.valueOf(0);
                        Double work = remainingWorkHours + actualWorkHours;
                        assignmentElement.setWork(Duration.getInstance(work, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                        Duration overtimeWorkDuration = assignmentElement.getOvertimeWork();
                        Double assignmentOvertimeWork = null;
                        if (overtimeWorkDuration != null) {
                            assignmentOvertimeWork = overtimeWorkDuration.getDuration();
                        if (assignmentOvertimeWork == null) {
                            assignmentOvertimeWork = new Double(0);
                         * Double assignmentActualOvertimeWork =
                         * assignmentElement.getActualWork().getDuration();
                         * if (assignmentActualOvertimeWork==null) {
                         * assignmentActualOvertimeWork = new Double(0); }
                         * taskActualOvertimeWork +=
                         * assignmentActualOvertimeWork.doubleValue();
                        taskActualOvertimeWork += actualWorkHours;
                                Duration.getInstance(work - assignmentOvertimeWork, TimeUnit.HOURS));

                // task level OvertimeWork, ActualOvertimeWork, RegularWork
                Duration overtimeWorkDuration = taskElement.getOvertimeWork();
                Double taskOvertimeWork = null;
                if (overtimeWorkDuration != null) {
                    taskOvertimeWork = overtimeWorkDuration.getDuration();
                if (taskOvertimeWork == null) {
                    taskOvertimeWork = new Double(0);
                // the OvertimeWork will not be less than the
                // ActualOvertimeWork
                if (taskActualOvertimeWork > taskOvertimeWork.doubleValue()) {
                    taskElement.setOvertimeWork(Duration.getInstance(taskActualOvertimeWork, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                    taskOvertimeWork = taskActualOvertimeWork;
                if (taskActualOvertimeWork > 0.0) {
                    // taskElement.setActualOvertimeWork(Duration.getInstance(taskActualOvertimeWork,
                    // TimeUnit.HOURS));
                Double work = taskElement.getWork().getDuration();
                if (work == null) {
                    work = new Double(0);
                        .getInstance(work.doubleValue() - taskOvertimeWork.doubleValue(), TimeUnit.HOURS));
                // task level ActualStart, Start and ActualFinish dates
                if (taskActualStart != null) {
                Date startElement = taskElement.getStart();
                if (startElement != null) {
                    Date startDate = taskElement.getStart();
                    if (startDate != null && taskActualStart != null && startDate.after(taskActualStart)) {
                        // taskElement.setStart(taskActualStart);
                if (taskActualFinish != null && taskRemainingHours != null
                        && Math.abs(taskRemainingHours.doubleValue()) < 0.0001) {
    // assignments which still remained are probably from tasks which
    // doesn't have actualWork.
    // The actual work should be set to 0 (no TCostBean) anyway for each
    // one, but ideally none of them should
    // be deleted (the assignment is still needed because of their remaining
    // work assigned to a person).
    // If the remainingWork is changed for the workItem then we would have
    // the evenly distribute the difference
    // among the previously imported assignments' remainingWorks. This is
    // too complicated, instead we assign
    // the task's entire remainingWork to the first person and delete the
    // assignments for the other persons
    if (importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) {
        // TODO Parsing correctness validation
        for (Integer key : importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet()) {
            Integer taskUID = key;
            Task taskElement = UIDBasedTaskElementMap.get(taskUID);
            if (taskElement != null && taskElement.getRemainingWork() != null) {
                Double taskRemainingWork = taskElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration();
                Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap
                if (resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap != null) {
                    boolean first = true;
                    for (Integer key2 : resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet()) {
                        Integer resourceID = resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(key2).getUniqueID();
                        // only the real resourceIDs are important
                        if (first) {
                            // TODO assignmentElement REMAINING_WORK field
                            // missing
                            first = false;
                            ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(resourceID);
                            // assignmentElement.getTim
                            // reset the ActualWork to 0 because there is no
                            // costBean for this
                            // removeTimephasedData(assignmentElement);
                            // TODO MPXJ!
                            // assignmentElement.setActualWork(Duration.getInstance(emptyTimeSpan,
                            // TimeUnit.HOURS));
                            // work = actualWork + remainingWork
                            // so if we set actual work to emptyTimeSpan we
                            // should make work=remainingWork, otherwise the
                            // file doesn't open
                            // TODO MPXJ!!
                            // assignmentElement.setRemainingWork(Duration.getInstance(taskRemainingWork,
                            // TimeUnit.HOURS));
                            // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.setChildTextByName(assignmentElement,
                            // COMMON_ELEMENTS.Work, taskRemainingWork,
                            // true);
                            // TODO remove if statement MPXJ
                            if (assignmentElement != null) {
                                        .setWork(Duration.getInstance(taskRemainingWork, TimeUnit.HOURS));
                        } else {
                            ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(resourceID);
                            // reset the ActualWork to 0 because there is no
                            // costBean for this

From source file:org.sakaiproject.component.gradebook.GradebookServiceHibernateImpl.java

public PointsPossibleValidation isPointsPossibleValid(String gradebookUid,
        org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.Assignment gradebookItem, Double pointsPossible) {
    if (gradebookUid == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null gradebookUid passed to isPointsPossibleValid");
    }//from w w  w .  j  a va  2 s .c  o m
    if (gradebookItem == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null gradebookItem passed to isPointsPossibleValid");

    // At this time, all gradebook items follow the same business rules for
    // points possible (aka relative weight in % gradebooks) so special logic 
    // using the properties of the gradebook item is unnecessary. 
    // In the future, we will have the flexibility to change
    // that behavior without changing the method signature

    // the points possible must be a non-null value greater than 0 with
    // no more than 2 decimal places

    if (pointsPossible == null) {
        return PointsPossibleValidation.INVALID_NULL_VALUE;

    if (pointsPossible.doubleValue() <= 0) {
        return PointsPossibleValidation.INVALID_NUMERIC_VALUE;
    // ensure there are no more than 2 decimal places
    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(pointsPossible.doubleValue());
    bd = bd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); // Two decimal places
    double roundedVal = bd.doubleValue();
    double diff = pointsPossible - roundedVal;
    if (diff != 0) {
        return PointsPossibleValidation.INVALID_DECIMAL;

    return PointsPossibleValidation.VALID;

From source file:com.kodemore.utility.Kmu.java

 * Safely add two Doubles. The result is always a non-null Double.
 *///from ww  w. ja  v  a 2  s .  c  o  m
public static Double add(Double a, Double b) {
    if (a == null && b == null)
        return 0.0;

    if (a == null)
        return b;

    if (b == null)
        return a;

    return a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue();

From source file:com.lp.server.auftrag.ejbfac.AuftragFacBean.java

 * Hier wird der Auftragsnettowert fuer eine Hibernate Liste von
 * eingegangenen Auftraegen bestimmt (Status Offen, Teilerledigt, Erledigt). <br>
 * Dabei werden alle Auftragswerte in Mandantenwaehrung beruecksichtigt.
 * //ww w .  jav a 2  s .c o m
 * @param listFLRAuftragFuerUebersichtI
 *            Liste von FLRAuftragFuerUebersicht Objekten
 * @param theClientDto
 *            der aktuelle Benutzer
 * @return BigDecimal der offene Auftragsnettowert
 * @throws Throwable
 *             Ausnahme
private BigDecimal berechneAuftragsnettowertEingang(List<?> listFLRAuftragFuerUebersichtI,
        TheClientDto theClientDto) throws Throwable {
    BigDecimal nSummeAuftragsnettowert = new BigDecimal(0);

    if (listFLRAuftragFuerUebersichtI != null) {
        Iterator<?> it = listFLRAuftragFuerUebersichtI.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            FLRAuftragFuerUebersicht flrauftrag = (FLRAuftragFuerUebersicht) it.next();

            // der Gesamtwert wurde bei der Aktivierung in Auftragswaehrung
            // hinterlegt
            BigDecimal nBeitragDiesesAuftrags = flrauftrag.getN_gesamtauftragswertinauftragswaehrung();

            // Umrechnen des Beitrags in Mandantenwaehrung
            Double ddWechselkursReziprok = flrauftrag.getF_wechselkursmandantwaehrungzuauftragswaehrung();

            if (ddWechselkursReziprok != null && ddWechselkursReziprok.doubleValue() != 1) {
                ddWechselkursReziprok = new Double(1 / ddWechselkursReziprok.doubleValue());

                nBeitragDiesesAuftrags = nBeitragDiesesAuftrags
                        .multiply(new BigDecimal(ddWechselkursReziprok.doubleValue()));

            nBeitragDiesesAuftrags = Helper.rundeKaufmaennisch(nBeitragDiesesAuftrags, 4);

            nSummeAuftragsnettowert = nSummeAuftragsnettowert.add(nBeitragDiesesAuftrags);

    return nSummeAuftragsnettowert;