Example usage for java.lang Double doubleValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double doubleValue.


public double doubleValue() 

Source Link


Returns the double value of this Double object.


From source file:org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart.PieDatasetChartDefinition.java

private void setStartAngle(final Node startAngleNode) {
    if (startAngleNode != null) {
        String gapNodeStr = startAngleNode.getText();
        Double doubleValue = new Double(gapNodeStr);
    }//from   www. ja va2  s  . c o  m

From source file:org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart.PieDatasetChartDefinition.java

private void setInteriorGap(final Node interiorGapNode) {
    if (interiorGapNode != null) {
        String gapNodeStr = interiorGapNode.getText();
        Double doubleValue = new Double(gapNodeStr);
    }/*from w ww.  j  a  va 2s.com*/

From source file:org.kalypso.model.wspm.pdb.internal.wspm.CrossSectionConverter.java

private void insertRecordsAs(final IProfileObject profileObject, final String asComponent) {
    final IWspmClassification classification = WspmClassifications.getClassification(m_profile);
    final IVegetationClass unknownVegetationClass = classification.findUnknownVegetationClass();
    final IRoughnessClass unknownRoughnessClass = classification.findUnknownRoughnessClass();

    final String unknownVegetation = unknownVegetationClass == null ? null : unknownVegetationClass.getName();
    final String unknownRoughness = unknownRoughnessClass == null ? null : unknownRoughnessClass.getName();

    final IProfileObjectRecords records = profileObject.getRecords();
    for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
        final IProfileObjectRecord record = records.getRecord(i);
        final String id = record.getId();
        final String comment = record.getComment();
        final Double breite = record.getBreite();
        final Double hoehe = record.getHoehe();
        final Double rechtswert = record.getRechtswert();
        final Double hochwert = record.getHochwert();
        final String code = record.getCode();

        /* Find or insert point at 'width'. */
        final boolean insert = Objects.isNull(ProfileVisitors.findPoint(m_profile, breite.doubleValue()));
        final IProfileRecord pRecord = Profiles.addOrFindPoint(m_profile, breite);

        setValue(pRecord, asComponent, hoehe);

        // TODO: Check: If we have the same width, but different rw/hw, we just forget the old rw/hw here, which is bad...
        // TODO: Same holds for ID, Code, etc.
        if (insert) {
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_ID, id);
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_COMMENT, comment);
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_RECHTSWERT, rechtswert);
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_HOCHWERT, hochwert);
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_CODE, code);

            // HOTFIX: if a new point is inserted we need a roughness/vegetation class. Unfortunately, the class values
            // are not stored ni the corresponding profile object...
            // For now, we just set the 'unknown' classes here, assuming, that the buildings never have associated roughness values
            // TODO: either remember the real clases from the profile part; or a t least, use the class of the previous point.
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_ROUGHNESS_CLASS, unknownRoughness);
            setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_BEWUCHS_CLASS, unknownVegetation);
        }// w w  w . j  a  va 2 s . co  m

From source file:org.fhcrc.cpl.viewer.gui.SpectrumComponent.java

public void mzSpinner_stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
    Double Num = (Double) mzSpinner.getValue();
    if (null == Num) {
        clearChart();/*w ww .j  av  a  2 s.c  o m*/
    if (_selectedMZ == Num.doubleValue())

    _selectedMZ = Num.doubleValue();
    _log.debug("_selectedMZ = " + _selectedMZ);

From source file:ml.shifu.shifu.core.dtrain.nn.NNMaster.java

@Override/*w  w w. jav a  2s.  c  o m*/
public void init(MasterContext<NNParams, NNParams> context) {
    Properties props = context.getProps();
    try {
        SourceType sourceType = SourceType
                .valueOf(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.MODELSET_SOURCE_TYPE, SourceType.HDFS.toString()));

        this.modelConfig = CommonUtils.loadModelConfig(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_MODEL_CONFIG),

        this.columnConfigList = CommonUtils
                .loadColumnConfigList(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_COLUMN_CONFIG), sourceType);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    int trainerId = Integer.valueOf(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_TRAINER_ID, "0"));
    GridSearch gs = new GridSearch(modelConfig.getTrain().getParams(),
    validParams = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getParams();
    if (gs.hasHyperParam()) {
        validParams = gs.getParams(trainerId);
        LOG.info("Start grid search master with params: {}", validParams);

    Boolean enabledEarlyStop = DTrainUtils.getBoolean(validParams, CommonConstants.ENABLE_EARLY_STOP,
    if (enabledEarlyStop) {
        Double validTolerance = DTrainUtils.getDouble(validParams, CommonConstants.VALIDATION_TOLERANCE, null);
        if (validTolerance == null) {
            LOG.info("Early Stop is enabled. use WindowEarlyStop");
            // windowSize default 20, user should could adjust it
            this.earlyStopStrategy = new WindowEarlyStop(context, this.modelConfig, DTrainUtils
                    .getInt(context.getProps(), CommonConstants.SHIFU_TRAIN_EARLYSTOP_WINDOW_SIZE, 20));
        } else {
            LOG.info("Early Stop is enabled. use ConvergeAndValiToleranceEarlyStop");
            Double threshold = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getConvergenceThreshold();
            this.earlyStopStrategy = new ConvergeAndValidToleranceEarlyStop(
                    threshold == null ? Double.MIN_VALUE : threshold.doubleValue(), validTolerance);

    Object pObject = validParams.get(CommonConstants.PROPAGATION);
    this.propagation = pObject == null ? "Q" : (String) pObject;
    this.rawLearningRate = Double.valueOf(validParams.get(CommonConstants.LEARNING_RATE).toString());
    Object dropoutRateObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.DROPOUT_RATE);
    if (dropoutRateObj != null) {
        this.dropoutRate = Double.valueOf(dropoutRateObj.toString());
    LOG.info("'dropoutRate' in master is : {}", this.dropoutRate);

    Object learningDecayO = validParams.get(CommonConstants.LEARNING_DECAY);
    if (learningDecayO != null) {
        this.learningDecay = Double.valueOf(learningDecayO.toString());
    LOG.info("'learningDecay' in master is :{}", learningDecay);

    Object momentumO = validParams.get("Momentum");
    if (momentumO != null) {
        this.momentum = Double.valueOf(momentumO.toString());
    LOG.info("'momentum' in master is :{}", momentum);

    Object adamBeta1O = validParams.get("AdamBeta1");
    if (adamBeta1O != null) {
        this.adamBeta1 = Double.valueOf(adamBeta1O.toString());
    LOG.info("'adamBeta1' in master is :{}", adamBeta1);

    Object adamBeta2O = validParams.get("AdamBeta2");
    if (adamBeta2O != null) {
        this.adamBeta2 = Double.valueOf(adamBeta2O.toString());
    LOG.info("'adamBeta2' in master is :{}", adamBeta2);

    this.wgtInit = "default";
    Object wgtInitObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.WEIGHT_INITIALIZER);
    if (wgtInitObj != null) {
        this.wgtInit = wgtInitObj.toString();

    this.isContinuousEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.toString()
    Object rconstant = validParams.get(CommonConstants.REGULARIZED_CONSTANT);
    this.regularizedConstant = NumberFormatUtils.getDouble(rconstant == null ? "" : rconstant.toString(), 0d);

    // We do not update weight in fixed layers so that we could fine tune other layers of NN
    Object fixedLayers2O = validParams.get(CommonConstants.FIXED_LAYERS);
    if (fixedLayers2O != null) {
        this.fixedLayers = (List<Integer>) fixedLayers2O;
    LOG.info("Fixed layers in master is :{}", this.fixedLayers.toString());

    Object fixedBiasObj = validParams.getOrDefault(CommonConstants.FIXED_BIAS, true);
    this.fixedBias = (Boolean) fixedBiasObj;

    Object hiddenLayerNumObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.NUM_HIDDEN_LAYERS);
    if (hiddenLayerNumObj != null && StringUtils.isNumeric(hiddenLayerNumObj.toString())) {
        this.hiddenLayerNum = Integer.valueOf(hiddenLayerNumObj.toString());
    LOG.info("hiddenLayerNum in master is :{}", this.hiddenLayerNum);

    // check if variables are set final selected
    int[] inputOutputIndex = DTrainUtils.getNumericAndCategoricalInputAndOutputCounts(this.columnConfigList);
    this.isAfterVarSelect = (inputOutputIndex[3] == 1);
    // cache all feature list for sampling features
    this.allFeatures = NormalUtils.getAllFeatureList(columnConfigList, isAfterVarSelect);
    String subsetStr = context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_NN_FEATURE_SUBSET);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(subsetStr)) {
        this.subFeatures = this.allFeatures;
    } else {
        String[] splits = subsetStr.split(",");
        this.subFeatures = new ArrayList<Integer>(splits.length);
        for (String split : splits) {

    // recover master states here is globalNNParams
    // not init but not first iteration, first recover from last master result set from guagua
    if (!context.isFirstIteration()) {
        NNParams params = context.getMasterResult();
        if (params != null && params.getWeights() != null) {
        } else {
            // else read from checkpoint
            params = initOrRecoverParams(context);

From source file:org.infoglue.cms.util.workflow.InfoGlueJDBCPropertySet.java

private void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int type, String key, Object value)
        throws SQLException, PropertyException {
    // Patched by Edson Richter for MS SQL Server JDBC Support!
    String driverName;//from www. j a v a 2 s .c om

    try {
        driverName = ps.getConnection().getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        driverName = "";

    ps.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR);
    ps.setNull(2, Types.TIMESTAMP);

    // Patched by Edson Richter for MS SQL Server JDBC Support!
    // Oracle support suggestion also Michael G. Slack
    if ((driverName.indexOf("SQLSERVER") >= 0) || (driverName.indexOf("ORACLE") >= 0)) {
        ps.setNull(3, Types.BINARY);
    } else {
        ps.setNull(3, Types.BLOB);

    ps.setNull(4, Types.FLOAT);
    ps.setNull(5, Types.NUMERIC);
    ps.setInt(6, type);
    ps.setString(7, globalKey);
    ps.setString(8, key);

    switch (type) {
    case PropertySet.BOOLEAN:

        Boolean boolVal = (Boolean) value;
        ps.setInt(5, boolVal.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);


    case PropertySet.DATA:

        Data data = (Data) value;
        ps.setBytes(3, data.getBytes());


    case PropertySet.DATE:

        Date date = (Date) value;
        ps.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(date.getTime()));


    case PropertySet.DOUBLE:

        Double d = (Double) value;
        ps.setDouble(4, d.doubleValue());


    case PropertySet.INT:

        Integer i = (Integer) value;
        ps.setInt(5, i.intValue());


    case PropertySet.LONG:

        Long l = (Long) value;
        ps.setLong(5, l.longValue());


    case PropertySet.STRING:
        ps.setString(1, (String) value);


        throw new PropertyException("This type isn't supported!");

    if (valueMap == null)
        valueMap = new HashMap();
    if (typeMap == null)
        typeMap = new HashMap();

    valueMap.put(key, value);
    typeMap.put(key, new Integer(type));

From source file:BayesianAnalyzer.java

 * Compute the spamminess probability of the interesting tokens in
 * the tokenProbabilities SortedSet./*from  w w w .  j  ava2  s.  c  om*/
 * @param tokenProbabilities
 * @param workCorpus
 * @return  Computed spamminess.
private double computeOverallProbability(SortedSet tokenProbabilityStrengths, Map workCorpus) {
    double p = 1.0;
    double np = 1.0;
    double tempStrength = 0.5;
    Iterator iterator = tokenProbabilityStrengths.iterator();
    while ((iterator.hasNext()) && (count-- > 0 || tempStrength >= INTERESTINGNESS_THRESHOLD)) {
        TokenProbabilityStrength tps = (TokenProbabilityStrength) iterator.next();
        tempStrength = tps.strength;

        //      System.out.println(tps);

        double theDoubleValue = DEFAULT_TOKEN_PROBABILITY; // initialize it to the default
        Double theDoubleObject = (Double) workCorpus.get(tps.token);
        // if either the original token or a degeneration was found use the double value, otherwise use the default
        if (theDoubleObject != null) {
            theDoubleValue = theDoubleObject.doubleValue();
        p *= theDoubleValue;
        np *= (1.0 - theDoubleValue);
        // System.out.println("Token:" + tps.token + ", p=" + theDoubleValue + ", overall p=" + p / (p + np));

    return (p / (p + np));

From source file:com.nagarro.core.v2.helper.StoresHelper.java

@Cacheable(value = "storeCache", key = "T(de.hybris.platform.commercewebservicescommons.cache.CommerceCacheKeyGenerator).generateKey(false,false,'Data',#query,#latitude,#longitude,#currentPage,#pageSize,#sort,#radius,#accuracy)")
public StoreFinderSearchPageData<PointOfServiceData> locationSearch(final String query, final Double latitude,
        final Double longitude, final int currentPage, final int pageSize, final String sort,
        final double radius, final double accuracy) {
    if (radius > EARTH_PERIMETER) {
        throw new RequestParameterException("Radius cannot be greater than Earth's perimeter",
                RequestParameterException.INVALID, "radius");
    }//from  w w w. j  av a  2  s. c  o  m

    final double radiusToSearch = getInKilometres(radius, accuracy);
    final PageableData pageableData = createPageableData(currentPage, pageSize, sort);
    StoreFinderSearchPageData<PointOfServiceData> result = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(query)) {
        result = storeFinderFacade.locationSearch(query, pageableData, radiusToSearch);
    } else if (latitude != null && longitude != null) {
        final GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint();
        result = storeFinderFacade.positionSearch(geoPoint, pageableData, radiusToSearch);
    } else {
        result = storeFinderFacade.getAllPointOfServices(pageableData);
    return result;

From source file:org.egov.works.web.actions.tender.SearchTenderResponseActivitiesAction.java

private double getAssignedQuantity(final Long activityId, final String negotiationNumber) {
    Object[] params = new Object[] { negotiationNumber, WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS, activityId };
    Double assignedQty = (Double) getPersistenceService().findByNamedQuery("getAssignedQuantityForActivity",
            params);/*  w  w w.j  av  a2  s .  c  o  m*/
    params = new Object[] { negotiationNumber, WorksConstants.NEW, activityId };
    final Double assignedQtyForNew = (Double) getPersistenceService()
            .findByNamedQuery("getAssignedQuantityForActivityForNewWO", params);

    if (assignedQty != null && assignedQtyForNew != null)
        assignedQty = assignedQty + assignedQtyForNew;
    if (assignedQty == null && assignedQtyForNew != null)
        assignedQty = assignedQtyForNew;
    if (assignedQty == null)
        return 0.0d;
        return assignedQty.doubleValue();

From source file:com.exxonmobile.ace.hybris.storefront.controllers.pages.StorePageController.java

@RequestMapping(value = STORE_CODE_PATH_VARIABLE_PATTERN, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String storeDetail(@PathVariable("storeCode") final String storeCode,
        @RequestParam(value = "lat", required = false) final Double sourceLatitude,
        @RequestParam(value = "long", required = false) final Double sourceLongitude,
        @RequestParam(value = "q", required = false) final String locationQuery, final Model model,
        final RedirectAttributes redirectModel) throws CMSItemNotFoundException {
    final StoreFinderForm storeFinderForm = new StoreFinderForm();
    model.addAttribute("storeFinderForm", storeFinderForm);
    final StorePositionForm storePositionForm = new StorePositionForm();
    model.addAttribute("storePositionForm", storePositionForm);

    if (sourceLatitude != null && sourceLongitude != null) {
        final GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint();

        // Get the point of service data with the formatted distance
        try {/* w  w w  .ja v a 2  s. c o  m*/
            final PointOfServiceData pointOfServiceData = storeFinderFacade
                    .getPointOfServiceForNameAndPosition(storeCode, geoPoint);
            if (pointOfServiceData == null) {
                return handlePOSNotFoundCase(redirectModel);
            pointOfServiceData.setUrl("/store/" + pointOfServiceData.getName());
            model.addAttribute("store", pointOfServiceData);

            if (locationQuery != null && !locationQuery.isEmpty()) {
                model.addAttribute("locationQuery", locationQuery);

                // Build URL to location query
                final String storeFinderSearchUrl = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/store-finder")
                        .queryParam("q", locationQuery).build().toString();
                        storeBreadcrumbBuilder.getBreadcrumbs(pointOfServiceData, storeFinderSearchUrl));
            } else {
                // Build URL to position query
                final String storeFinderSearchUrl = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/store-finder/position")
                        .queryParam("lat", sourceLatitude).queryParam("long", sourceLongitude).build()
                        storeBreadcrumbBuilder.getBreadcrumbs(pointOfServiceData, storeFinderSearchUrl));
            setUpMetaData(model, pointOfServiceData);
        } catch (final ModelNotFoundException e) {
            return handlePOSNotFoundCase(redirectModel);
    } else {
        // No source point specified - just lookup the POS by name
        try {
            final PointOfServiceData pointOfServiceData = storeFinderFacade.getPointOfServiceForName(storeCode);
            pointOfServiceData.setUrl("/store/" + pointOfServiceData.getName());
            model.addAttribute("store", pointOfServiceData);
            setUpMetaData(model, pointOfServiceData);
        } catch (final ModelNotFoundException e) {
            return handlePOSNotFoundCase(redirectModel);

    storeCmsPageInModel(model, getStoreFinderPage());
    return ControllerConstants.Views.Pages.StoreFinder.StoreFinderDetailsPage;