List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public double doubleValue()
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private void setStartAngle(final Node startAngleNode) { if (startAngleNode != null) { String gapNodeStr = startAngleNode.getText(); Double doubleValue = new Double(gapNodeStr); setStartAngle(doubleValue.doubleValue()); }//from www. ja va2 s . c o m }
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private void setInteriorGap(final Node interiorGapNode) { if (interiorGapNode != null) { String gapNodeStr = interiorGapNode.getText(); Double doubleValue = new Double(gapNodeStr); setInteriorGap(doubleValue.doubleValue()); }/*from w ww. j a va*/ }
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private void insertRecordsAs(final IProfileObject profileObject, final String asComponent) { final IWspmClassification classification = WspmClassifications.getClassification(m_profile); final IVegetationClass unknownVegetationClass = classification.findUnknownVegetationClass(); final IRoughnessClass unknownRoughnessClass = classification.findUnknownRoughnessClass(); final String unknownVegetation = unknownVegetationClass == null ? null : unknownVegetationClass.getName(); final String unknownRoughness = unknownRoughnessClass == null ? null : unknownRoughnessClass.getName(); final IProfileObjectRecords records = profileObject.getRecords(); for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { final IProfileObjectRecord record = records.getRecord(i); final String id = record.getId(); final String comment = record.getComment(); final Double breite = record.getBreite(); final Double hoehe = record.getHoehe(); final Double rechtswert = record.getRechtswert(); final Double hochwert = record.getHochwert(); final String code = record.getCode(); /* Find or insert point at 'width'. */ final boolean insert = Objects.isNull(ProfileVisitors.findPoint(m_profile, breite.doubleValue())); final IProfileRecord pRecord = Profiles.addOrFindPoint(m_profile, breite); setValue(pRecord, asComponent, hoehe); // TODO: Check: If we have the same width, but different rw/hw, we just forget the old rw/hw here, which is bad... // TODO: Same holds for ID, Code, etc. if (insert) { setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_ID, id); setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_COMMENT, comment); setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_RECHTSWERT, rechtswert); setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_HOCHWERT, hochwert); setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_CODE, code); // HOTFIX: if a new point is inserted we need a roughness/vegetation class. Unfortunately, the class values // are not stored ni the corresponding profile object... // For now, we just set the 'unknown' classes here, assuming, that the buildings never have associated roughness values // TODO: either remember the real clases from the profile part; or a t least, use the class of the previous point. setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_ROUGHNESS_CLASS, unknownRoughness); setValue(pRecord, IWspmPointProperties.POINT_PROPERTY_BEWUCHS_CLASS, unknownVegetation); }// w w w . j a va 2 s . co m } }
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public void mzSpinner_stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { Double Num = (Double) mzSpinner.getValue(); if (null == Num) { clearChart();/*w ww .j av a 2 s.c o m*/ return; } if (_selectedMZ == Num.doubleValue()) return; _selectedMZ = Num.doubleValue(); _log.debug("_selectedMZ = " + _selectedMZ); updateChart(true); }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override/*w w w. jav a 2s. c o m*/ public void init(MasterContext<NNParams, NNParams> context) { Properties props = context.getProps(); try { SourceType sourceType = SourceType .valueOf(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.MODELSET_SOURCE_TYPE, SourceType.HDFS.toString())); this.modelConfig = CommonUtils.loadModelConfig(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_MODEL_CONFIG), sourceType); this.columnConfigList = CommonUtils .loadColumnConfigList(props.getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_COLUMN_CONFIG), sourceType); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } int trainerId = Integer.valueOf(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_TRAINER_ID, "0")); GridSearch gs = new GridSearch(modelConfig.getTrain().getParams(), modelConfig.getTrain().getGridConfigFileContent()); validParams = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getParams(); if (gs.hasHyperParam()) { validParams = gs.getParams(trainerId);"Start grid search master with params: {}", validParams); } Boolean enabledEarlyStop = DTrainUtils.getBoolean(validParams, CommonConstants.ENABLE_EARLY_STOP, Boolean.FALSE); if (enabledEarlyStop) { Double validTolerance = DTrainUtils.getDouble(validParams, CommonConstants.VALIDATION_TOLERANCE, null); if (validTolerance == null) {"Early Stop is enabled. use WindowEarlyStop"); // windowSize default 20, user should could adjust it this.earlyStopStrategy = new WindowEarlyStop(context, this.modelConfig, DTrainUtils .getInt(context.getProps(), CommonConstants.SHIFU_TRAIN_EARLYSTOP_WINDOW_SIZE, 20)); } else {"Early Stop is enabled. use ConvergeAndValiToleranceEarlyStop"); Double threshold = this.modelConfig.getTrain().getConvergenceThreshold(); this.earlyStopStrategy = new ConvergeAndValidToleranceEarlyStop( threshold == null ? Double.MIN_VALUE : threshold.doubleValue(), validTolerance); } } Object pObject = validParams.get(CommonConstants.PROPAGATION); this.propagation = pObject == null ? "Q" : (String) pObject; this.rawLearningRate = Double.valueOf(validParams.get(CommonConstants.LEARNING_RATE).toString()); Object dropoutRateObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.DROPOUT_RATE); if (dropoutRateObj != null) { this.dropoutRate = Double.valueOf(dropoutRateObj.toString()); }"'dropoutRate' in master is : {}", this.dropoutRate); Object learningDecayO = validParams.get(CommonConstants.LEARNING_DECAY); if (learningDecayO != null) { this.learningDecay = Double.valueOf(learningDecayO.toString()); }"'learningDecay' in master is :{}", learningDecay); Object momentumO = validParams.get("Momentum"); if (momentumO != null) { this.momentum = Double.valueOf(momentumO.toString()); }"'momentum' in master is :{}", momentum); Object adamBeta1O = validParams.get("AdamBeta1"); if (adamBeta1O != null) { this.adamBeta1 = Double.valueOf(adamBeta1O.toString()); }"'adamBeta1' in master is :{}", adamBeta1); Object adamBeta2O = validParams.get("AdamBeta2"); if (adamBeta2O != null) { this.adamBeta2 = Double.valueOf(adamBeta2O.toString()); }"'adamBeta2' in master is :{}", adamBeta2); this.wgtInit = "default"; Object wgtInitObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.WEIGHT_INITIALIZER); if (wgtInitObj != null) { this.wgtInit = wgtInitObj.toString(); } this.isContinuousEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.toString() .equalsIgnoreCase(context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.CONTINUOUS_TRAINING)); Object rconstant = validParams.get(CommonConstants.REGULARIZED_CONSTANT); this.regularizedConstant = NumberFormatUtils.getDouble(rconstant == null ? "" : rconstant.toString(), 0d); // We do not update weight in fixed layers so that we could fine tune other layers of NN Object fixedLayers2O = validParams.get(CommonConstants.FIXED_LAYERS); if (fixedLayers2O != null) { this.fixedLayers = (List<Integer>) fixedLayers2O; }"Fixed layers in master is :{}", this.fixedLayers.toString()); Object fixedBiasObj = validParams.getOrDefault(CommonConstants.FIXED_BIAS, true); this.fixedBias = (Boolean) fixedBiasObj; Object hiddenLayerNumObj = validParams.get(CommonConstants.NUM_HIDDEN_LAYERS); if (hiddenLayerNumObj != null && StringUtils.isNumeric(hiddenLayerNumObj.toString())) { this.hiddenLayerNum = Integer.valueOf(hiddenLayerNumObj.toString()); }"hiddenLayerNum in master is :{}", this.hiddenLayerNum); // check if variables are set final selected int[] inputOutputIndex = DTrainUtils.getNumericAndCategoricalInputAndOutputCounts(this.columnConfigList); this.isAfterVarSelect = (inputOutputIndex[3] == 1); // cache all feature list for sampling features this.allFeatures = NormalUtils.getAllFeatureList(columnConfigList, isAfterVarSelect); String subsetStr = context.getProps().getProperty(CommonConstants.SHIFU_NN_FEATURE_SUBSET); if (StringUtils.isBlank(subsetStr)) { this.subFeatures = this.allFeatures; } else { String[] splits = subsetStr.split(","); this.subFeatures = new ArrayList<Integer>(splits.length); for (String split : splits) { this.subFeatures.add(Integer.parseInt(split)); } } // recover master states here is globalNNParams // not init but not first iteration, first recover from last master result set from guagua if (!context.isFirstIteration()) { NNParams params = context.getMasterResult(); if (params != null && params.getWeights() != null) { this.globalNNParams.setWeights(params.getWeights()); } else { // else read from checkpoint params = initOrRecoverParams(context); this.globalNNParams.setWeights(params.getWeights()); } } }
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private void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int type, String key, Object value) throws SQLException, PropertyException { // Patched by Edson Richter for MS SQL Server JDBC Support! String driverName;//from www. j a v a 2 s .c om try { driverName = ps.getConnection().getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase(); } catch (Exception e) { driverName = ""; } ps.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR); ps.setNull(2, Types.TIMESTAMP); // Patched by Edson Richter for MS SQL Server JDBC Support! // Oracle support suggestion also Michael G. Slack if ((driverName.indexOf("SQLSERVER") >= 0) || (driverName.indexOf("ORACLE") >= 0)) { ps.setNull(3, Types.BINARY); } else { ps.setNull(3, Types.BLOB); } ps.setNull(4, Types.FLOAT); ps.setNull(5, Types.NUMERIC); ps.setInt(6, type); ps.setString(7, globalKey); ps.setString(8, key); switch (type) { case PropertySet.BOOLEAN: Boolean boolVal = (Boolean) value; ps.setInt(5, boolVal.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0); break; case PropertySet.DATA: Data data = (Data) value; ps.setBytes(3, data.getBytes()); break; case PropertySet.DATE: Date date = (Date) value; ps.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(date.getTime())); break; case PropertySet.DOUBLE: Double d = (Double) value; ps.setDouble(4, d.doubleValue()); break; case PropertySet.INT: Integer i = (Integer) value; ps.setInt(5, i.intValue()); break; case PropertySet.LONG: Long l = (Long) value; ps.setLong(5, l.longValue()); break; case PropertySet.STRING: ps.setString(1, (String) value); break; default: throw new PropertyException("This type isn't supported!"); } if (valueMap == null) valueMap = new HashMap(); if (typeMap == null) typeMap = new HashMap(); valueMap.put(key, value); typeMap.put(key, new Integer(type)); }
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/** * Compute the spamminess probability of the interesting tokens in * the tokenProbabilities SortedSet./*from w w w . j ava2 s. c om*/ * * @param tokenProbabilities * @param workCorpus * @return Computed spamminess. */ private double computeOverallProbability(SortedSet tokenProbabilityStrengths, Map workCorpus) { double p = 1.0; double np = 1.0; double tempStrength = 0.5; int count = MAX_INTERESTING_TOKENS; Iterator iterator = tokenProbabilityStrengths.iterator(); while ((iterator.hasNext()) && (count-- > 0 || tempStrength >= INTERESTINGNESS_THRESHOLD)) { TokenProbabilityStrength tps = (TokenProbabilityStrength); tempStrength = tps.strength; // System.out.println(tps); double theDoubleValue = DEFAULT_TOKEN_PROBABILITY; // initialize it to the default Double theDoubleObject = (Double) workCorpus.get(tps.token); // if either the original token or a degeneration was found use the double value, otherwise use the default if (theDoubleObject != null) { theDoubleValue = theDoubleObject.doubleValue(); } p *= theDoubleValue; np *= (1.0 - theDoubleValue); // System.out.println("Token:" + tps.token + ", p=" + theDoubleValue + ", overall p=" + p / (p + np)); } return (p / (p + np)); }
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@Cacheable(value = "storeCache", key = "T(de.hybris.platform.commercewebservicescommons.cache.CommerceCacheKeyGenerator).generateKey(false,false,'Data',#query,#latitude,#longitude,#currentPage,#pageSize,#sort,#radius,#accuracy)") public StoreFinderSearchPageData<PointOfServiceData> locationSearch(final String query, final Double latitude, final Double longitude, final int currentPage, final int pageSize, final String sort, final double radius, final double accuracy) { if (radius > EARTH_PERIMETER) { throw new RequestParameterException("Radius cannot be greater than Earth's perimeter", RequestParameterException.INVALID, "radius"); }//from w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m final double radiusToSearch = getInKilometres(radius, accuracy); final PageableData pageableData = createPageableData(currentPage, pageSize, sort); StoreFinderSearchPageData<PointOfServiceData> result = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(query)) { result = storeFinderFacade.locationSearch(query, pageableData, radiusToSearch); } else if (latitude != null && longitude != null) { final GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(); geoPoint.setLatitude(latitude.doubleValue()); geoPoint.setLongitude(longitude.doubleValue()); result = storeFinderFacade.positionSearch(geoPoint, pageableData, radiusToSearch); } else { result = storeFinderFacade.getAllPointOfServices(pageableData); } return result; }
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private double getAssignedQuantity(final Long activityId, final String negotiationNumber) { Object[] params = new Object[] { negotiationNumber, WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS, activityId }; Double assignedQty = (Double) getPersistenceService().findByNamedQuery("getAssignedQuantityForActivity", params);/* w w w.j av a2 s . c o m*/ params = new Object[] { negotiationNumber, WorksConstants.NEW, activityId }; final Double assignedQtyForNew = (Double) getPersistenceService() .findByNamedQuery("getAssignedQuantityForActivityForNewWO", params); if (assignedQty != null && assignedQtyForNew != null) assignedQty = assignedQty + assignedQtyForNew; if (assignedQty == null && assignedQtyForNew != null) assignedQty = assignedQtyForNew; if (assignedQty == null) return 0.0d; else return assignedQty.doubleValue(); }
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@RequestMapping(value = STORE_CODE_PATH_VARIABLE_PATTERN, method = RequestMethod.GET) public String storeDetail(@PathVariable("storeCode") final String storeCode, @RequestParam(value = "lat", required = false) final Double sourceLatitude, @RequestParam(value = "long", required = false) final Double sourceLongitude, @RequestParam(value = "q", required = false) final String locationQuery, final Model model, final RedirectAttributes redirectModel) throws CMSItemNotFoundException { final StoreFinderForm storeFinderForm = new StoreFinderForm(); model.addAttribute("storeFinderForm", storeFinderForm); final StorePositionForm storePositionForm = new StorePositionForm(); model.addAttribute("storePositionForm", storePositionForm); if (sourceLatitude != null && sourceLongitude != null) { final GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(); geoPoint.setLatitude(sourceLatitude.doubleValue()); geoPoint.setLongitude(sourceLongitude.doubleValue()); // Get the point of service data with the formatted distance try {/* w w w .ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ final PointOfServiceData pointOfServiceData = storeFinderFacade .getPointOfServiceForNameAndPosition(storeCode, geoPoint); if (pointOfServiceData == null) { return handlePOSNotFoundCase(redirectModel); } pointOfServiceData.setUrl("/store/" + pointOfServiceData.getName()); model.addAttribute("store", pointOfServiceData); if (locationQuery != null && !locationQuery.isEmpty()) { model.addAttribute("locationQuery", locationQuery); // Build URL to location query final String storeFinderSearchUrl = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/store-finder") .queryParam("q", locationQuery).build().toString(); model.addAttribute(WebConstants.BREADCRUMBS_KEY, storeBreadcrumbBuilder.getBreadcrumbs(pointOfServiceData, storeFinderSearchUrl)); } else { // Build URL to position query final String storeFinderSearchUrl = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/store-finder/position") .queryParam("lat", sourceLatitude).queryParam("long", sourceLongitude).build() .toString(); model.addAttribute(WebConstants.BREADCRUMBS_KEY, storeBreadcrumbBuilder.getBreadcrumbs(pointOfServiceData, storeFinderSearchUrl)); } setUpMetaData(model, pointOfServiceData); } catch (final ModelNotFoundException e) { return handlePOSNotFoundCase(redirectModel); } } else { // No source point specified - just lookup the POS by name try { final PointOfServiceData pointOfServiceData = storeFinderFacade.getPointOfServiceForName(storeCode); pointOfServiceData.setUrl("/store/" + pointOfServiceData.getName()); model.addAttribute("store", pointOfServiceData); model.addAttribute(WebConstants.BREADCRUMBS_KEY, storeBreadcrumbBuilder.getBreadcrumbs(pointOfServiceData)); setUpMetaData(model, pointOfServiceData); } catch (final ModelNotFoundException e) { return handlePOSNotFoundCase(redirectModel); } } storeCmsPageInModel(model, getStoreFinderPage()); return ControllerConstants.Views.Pages.StoreFinder.StoreFinderDetailsPage; }