List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public double doubleValue()
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public double getNumericFeatureValue(final OutputProcessorFeature.NumericOutputProcessorFeature feature) { if (feature == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m final Double d = (Double) numericFeatures.get(feature); if (d == null) { return 0; } return d.doubleValue(); }
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private Object evaluate(ExpContext value) { final ParseTree child0 = value.getChildCount() > 0 ? value.getChild(0) : null; final ParseTree child1 = value.getChildCount() >= 1 ? value.getChild(1) : null; final ParseTree child2 = value.getChildCount() >= 2 ? value.getChild(2) : null; if (child0 instanceof OperatorUnaryContext) { return "-" + evaluate(child1); }/*from w w w.j a va 2 s. c o m*/ if (child1 == null && child2 == null) { return evaluate(child0); } System.err.println("Child_0: " + (child0 == null ? "<not set>" : child0.getText() + " (" + child0.getClass().getName())); System.err.println("Child_1: " + (child1 == null ? "<not set>" : child1.getText() + " (" + child1.getClass().getName())); System.err.println("Child_2: " + (child2 == null ? "<not set>" : child2.getText() + " (" + child2.getClass().getName())); if (child1 instanceof OperatorMulDivModContext) { final String op = child1.getChild(0).getText(); final Double value0 = (Double) evaluate(child0); final Double value1 = (Double) evaluate(child2); switch (op) { case "/": return value0.doubleValue() / value1.doubleValue(); case "*": return value0.doubleValue() * value1.doubleValue(); } System.out.println("Unhandled operator: " + op); } System.err.println("Unhandled expression: " + value.getText()); throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled expression"); }
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/** * This function sums a list of numbers for historic data. * * @param list The ArrayList to calculate the values of. * @return The sum of the values.//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .com */ private double sumArray(List<Double> list) { double answer = 0.0; for (Double current : list) { answer = answer + current.doubleValue(); } return answer; }
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public void execute(final ILogger logger, final URL obsRasterURL, final URL dwd2zmlConfUrl, final File targetContext, final Date startSim, final Date startForecast, final Date stopSim, String filter, final Properties metadata) throws Exception { m_metadata = metadata;/*from www.j a va2s. co m*/ logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " inputRaster: " + obsRasterURL); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " raster to zml mapping: " + dwd2zmlConfUrl); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " context for targets (zml-files): " + targetContext); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " unmarshall dwd2zml configuration ..."); final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JC.createUnmarshaller(); final DwdzmlConf conf = (DwdzmlConf) unmarshaller.unmarshal(dwd2zmlConfUrl); final String axisType = DWDRasterHelper.getAxisTypeForDWDKey(conf.getDwdKey()); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " type of ZML to generate" + axisType); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " read inputraster..."); DWDObservationRaster obsRaster = null; try { // conf.getNumberOfCells() obsRaster = DWDRasterHelper.loadObservationRaster(obsRasterURL, conf.getDwdKey()); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_MSGBOX, "Konnte Raster nicht laden, DWD-Vorhersage kann nicht verwendet werden: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } if (obsRaster != null) { final Calendar baseDateCal = Calendar.getInstance(); baseDateCal.setTime(obsRaster.getBaseDate()); // REMARK: as the DWD Date wa previously read with UTC-1 (probably wrongly), because of the Saale-Model (HWVOR00), // we now delete that hour from the date in order to have a nice message with even dates 0/12 hours. // This has to be corrected as sson as we know what timeszone the DWD-LM-Data is truly in. baseDateCal.add(Calendar.HOUR, -1); final Date firstRasterDate = baseDateCal.getTime(); /* Produce warning, if rasterDate is much before startForecast */ if (firstRasterDate == null || startForecast == null) logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_MSGBOX, "Startdatum der DWD-Rasterdaten konnte nicht ermittelt werden oder Vorhersagezeitpunkt ist nicht gesetzt. Prfen Sie den Dateneingang."); else { final long distance = startForecast.getTime() - firstRasterDate.getTime(); final Double distanceInHours = new Double((double) distance / (1000 * 60 * 60)); final String msg = String.format("DWD-Lokalmodell vom %s", new Object[] { DWD_DATEFORMAT.format(firstRasterDate) }); if (distanceInHours.doubleValue() > 12) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_MSGBOX, "DWD Daten veraltet, bitte prfen Sie den Dateneingang."); logger.log(Level.INFO, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_DETAILS, msg); } else if (distanceInHours.doubleValue() < -12) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_MSGBOX, "Vorhersagezeitraum liegt deutlich (>12h) vor dem Datum der DWD Daten. Bitte prfen Sie den Dateneingang."); logger.log(Level.INFO, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_DETAILS, msg); } else // in order to always have a message, if nothing else happens make this mesage a main message logger.log(Level.INFO, LoggerUtilities.CODE_SHOW_MSGBOX, msg); } } final List<Target> targetList = conf.getTarget(); if (filter == null) filter = ""; else logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, "benutze Filter: " + filter); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, "Zeitraum "); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " von " + startSim + " (Messung"); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " von " + startForecast + " (Vorhersage)"); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " bis " + stopSim); logger.log(Level.FINE, LoggerUtilities.CODE_NONE, " generate zml..."); // iterate zml to generate for (final Target targetZML : targetList) { final String targetZMLref = targetZML.getTargetZR(); final File resultFile = new File(targetContext, targetZMLref); // iterate hours final Date[] dates; if (obsRaster != null) dates = obsRaster.getDates(startForecast, stopSim); else dates = new Date[0]; final Object[][] tupleData = new Object[dates.length][3]; for (int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { final Date date = dates[i]; // iterate rastercells final List<Map> map = targetZML.getMap(); double value = 0; for (final Map mapping : map) { final int cellPos = mapping.getCellPos(); final double factor = mapping.getFactor(); value += factor * obsRaster.getValueFor(date, cellPos); } tupleData[i][0] = date; tupleData[i][1] = new Double(value); tupleData[i][2] = new Integer(KalypsoStati.BIT_OK); } resultFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { final IAxis dateAxis = new DefaultAxis("Datum", ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_DATE, "", Date.class, true, true); final String title = TimeserieUtils.getName(axisType); final IAxis valueAxis = new DefaultAxis(title, axisType, TimeserieUtils.getUnit(axisType), TimeserieUtils.getDataClass(axisType), false, true); final IAxis statusAxis = KalypsoStatusUtils.createStatusAxisFor(valueAxis, true); final IAxis[] axis = new IAxis[] { dateAxis, valueAxis, statusAxis }; final ITupleModel tupleModel = new SimpleTupleModel(axis, tupleData); final MetadataList metadataList = new MetadataList(); final IObservation dwdObservation = new SimpleObservation("href", title, metadataList, tupleModel); final IObservation forecastObservation; // generate href from filter and intervall final String href = ZmlURL.insertRequest(filter, new ObservationRequest(startForecast, stopSim)); forecastObservation = ZmlFactory.decorateObservation(dwdObservation, href, targetContext.toURL()); // ---------------- // merge with target: // load target final ObservationRequest observationRequest = new ObservationRequest(startSim, startForecast); final String sourceref = ZmlURL.insertRequest(targetZMLref, observationRequest); final URL sourceURL = new UrlResolver().resolveURL(targetContext.toURL(), sourceref); IObservation targetObservation = null; try { targetObservation = ZmlFactory.parseXML(sourceURL); } catch (final Exception e) { // nothing, if target is not existing it will be ignored } final ForecastFilter fc = new ForecastFilter(); final IObservation[] srcObs; if (targetObservation != null) srcObs = new IObservation[] { targetObservation, forecastObservation }; else srcObs = new IObservation[] { forecastObservation }; // important: the forecast-filter is based on the target-obs (if existing) // in order to keep its metadata & co final IObservation baseObservation; if (targetObservation != null) baseObservation = targetObservation; else baseObservation = new SimpleObservation(axis); fc.initFilter(srcObs, baseObservation, targetContext.toURL()); MetadataHelper.setTargetForecast(fc.getMetadataList(), startForecast, stopSim); // ---------------- // add all the metadata from task-parameters fc.getMetadataList().putAll(m_metadata); // final Observation observationType = ZmlFactory.createXML(fc, null); final Marshaller marshaller = ZmlFactory.getMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); final FileOutputStream fileWriter = new FileOutputStream(resultFile); final OutputStreamWriter streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileWriter, "UTF-8"); try { marshaller.marshal(observationType, streamWriter); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(streamWriter); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileWriter); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw e; } } }
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/** * @see, * boolean)/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s .co m*/ */ public Object[][] buildDatas(boolean _bAscOrder, boolean _bOrderByValue) throws PureException { IObjects results = doMyQuery(); initOrgDatas(); Object[][] datas = new Object[m_nTableHight][TABEL_WIDTH]; for (int i = 0; i < TITLE_HEIGHT; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < datas[i].length; j++) { datas[i][j] = ""; } } datas[0][0] = ""; datas[0][IDX_SCI] = "SCI"; datas[0][IDX_EI] = "EI"; datas[0][IDX_ISTP] = "ISTP"; datas[1] = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "TOP", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; for (int i = 0; i < datas[2].length; i++) { datas[2][i] = null; } datas[2][IDX_SCI_3KIND_TOTAL] = ""; datas[2][IDX_SCI_3KIND_IF] = "IF"; datas[m_nTableHight - 1][0] = ""; datas[m_nTableHight - 2][0] = ""; DolphinObject result = null; for (Iterator iter = m_collges.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry); Integer iId = (Integer) en.getKey(); Organization org = (Organization) en.getValue(); Integer idxCol = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(iId); Integer idxColOther = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(new Integer(-iId.intValue())); datas[idxCol.intValue()][0] = org.getCode() + ""; datas[idxColOther.intValue()][0] = org.getCode() + ""; } for (Iterator iter = m_institutes.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry); Integer iId = (Integer) en.getKey(); Organization org = (Organization) en.getValue(); Integer idxIns = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(iId); datas[idxIns.intValue()][0] = org.getCode(); datas[idxIns.intValue()][1] = org.getName(); } while ((result = != null) { Integer iDept = result.getIntegerProperty(DEPARTMENT); if (m_institutes.containsKey(iDept)) { Integer iIdxIns = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(iDept); Integer iCol = (Integer) m_InsColMap.get(iDept); Integer iIdxCol = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(iCol); add(datas[iIdxIns.intValue()], result); add(datas[iIdxCol.intValue()], result); } else if (m_collges.containsKey(iDept)) { Integer iIdxIns = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(new Integer(-iDept.intValue())); Integer iIdxCol = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(iDept); add(datas[iIdxIns.intValue()], result); add(datas[iIdxCol.intValue()], result); } else { Integer iIdxCol = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(IDX_OTHER); add(datas[iIdxCol.intValue()], result); } Integer iIdxCol = (Integer) m_orgIdxes.get(IDX_TOTAL); add(datas[iIdxCol.intValue()], result); } for (int i = TITLE_HEIGHT; i < datas.length; i++) { if (datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_IF] == null) continue; if (datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_TOTAL] == null) { datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_IF] = null; continue; } Number iTotal = (Number) datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_TOTAL]; Double oSum = (Double) datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_IF]; if (iTotal.intValue() == 0) { datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_IF] = null; } else { datas[i][IDX_SCI_3KIND_IF] = NUM_FORMAT.format(oSum.doubleValue() / iTotal.intValue()); } } return datas; }
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public String decorate(Object obj) throws Exception { try {//from w w w .jav a2 s . c o m // if the metric value is empty, converting to a Double // will give a value of 0.0. this makes it impossible for // us to distinguish further down the line whether the // metric was actually collected with a value of 0.0 or // whether it was not collected at all. therefore, we'll // let m be null if the metric was not collected, and // we'll check for null later when handling the not-avail // case. // PR: 7588 Double m = null; if (obj != null) { String mval = obj.toString(); if (mval != null && !mval.equals("")) { m = new Double(mval); } } String u = getUnit(); String dk = getDefaultKey(); Locale l = TagUtils.getInstance().getUserLocale(context, locale); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if ((m == null || Double.isNaN(m.doubleValue()) || Double.isInfinite(m.doubleValue())) && dk != null) { buf.append(TagUtils.getInstance().message(context, bundle, l.toString(), dk)); } else if (u.equals("ms")) { // we don't care about scaling and such. we just want // to show every metric in seconds with millisecond // resolution String formatted = UnitsFormat.format( new UnitNumber(m.doubleValue(), UnitsConstants.UNIT_DURATION, UnitsConstants.SCALE_MILLI)) .toString(); buf.append(formatted); } else { FormattedNumber f = UnitsConvert.convert(m.doubleValue(), u, l); buf.append(f.getValue()); if (f.getTag() != null && f.getTag().length() > 0) { buf.append(" ").append(f.getTag()); } } return buf.toString(); } catch (NumberFormatException npe) { log.error(npe); throw new JspTagException(npe); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); throw new JspException(e); } }
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/** * /*from w w w .ja v a 2s . com*/ * @return */ private JPanel makeControlPanel() { if (this.controlPanel == null) { this.controlPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING)); JButton startButton = new JButton("Start"); startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { start(); } }); } }); this.controlPanel.add(startButton); JButton stopButton = new JButton("Stop"); stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stop(); } }); } }); this.controlPanel.add(stopButton); JLabel sleepTimeLabel = new JLabel("Time between points in seconds:"); this.controlPanel.add(sleepTimeLabel); double spinnerMin = 0.1d; double spinnerMax = 10000.0d; SpinnerModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MILLIS / SECONDS_TO_MILLISECONDS, spinnerMin, spinnerMax, 0.1d); JSpinner sleepTimeSpinner = new JSpinner(model); sleepTimeSpinner.setToolTipText("Select time using controls or manual input within the range of " + spinnerMin + " to " + spinnerMax + "."); sleepTimeSpinner.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source instanceof JSpinner) { final JSpinner spinner = (JSpinner) source; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Double value = (Double) spinner.getValue(); value = Double.valueOf(value.doubleValue() * SECONDS_TO_MILLISECONDS); FakeInputPlugin.this.sleepTimeMillis = value.longValue(); } }); } else log.warn("Unsupported ChangeEvent, need JSpinner as source: " + e); } }); // catch text change events without loosing the focus // JSpinner.DefaultEditor editor = (DefaultEditor) sleepTimeSpinner.getEditor(); // not implemented, can be done using KeyEvent, but then it hast to be checked where in the text // field the keystroke was etc. --> too complicated. this.controlPanel.add(sleepTimeSpinner); } return this.controlPanel; }
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public static String formatOptionalDouble(String separator, String attrName, Double val) { final String S_ProcName = "formatOptionalDouble"; if ((attrName == null) || (attrName.length() <= 0)) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(CFLibXmlUtil.class, S_ProcName, 1, "attrName"); }//from ww w. j av a 2 s .c o m String retval; if (val != null) { retval = formatRequiredDouble(separator, attrName, val.doubleValue()); } else { retval = S_emptyString; } return (retval); }
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/** * Records performance scores using sliding windows of results. * /* ww w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param currentEpisode * The current episode. */ public void recordPerformanceScore(int currentEpisode) { if (recentScores_.isEmpty()) return; // Transform the queues into arrays double[] vals = new double[recentScores_.size()]; int i = 0; for (Double val : recentScores_) vals[i++] = val.doubleValue(); double[] envSDs = new double[internalSDs_.size()]; i = 0; for (Double envSD : internalSDs_) envSDs[i++] = envSD.doubleValue(); Mean m = new Mean(); StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation(); double mean = m.evaluate(vals); double meanDeviation = sd.evaluate(envSDs) * CONVERGENCE_PERCENT_BUFFER; Double[] details = new Double[PerformanceDetails.values().length]; details[PerformanceDetails.EPISODE.ordinal()] = Double.valueOf(currentEpisode); details[PerformanceDetails.MEAN.ordinal()] = mean; details[PerformanceDetails.SD.ordinal()] = sd.evaluate(vals); performanceDetails_.put(currentEpisode, details); // Output current means if (ProgramArgument.SYSTEM_OUTPUT.booleanValue() && !frozen_) { DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); String meanString = formatter.format(mean); String sdString = formatter.format(meanDeviation); System.out.println("Average performance: " + meanString + " " + SD_SYMBOL + " " + sdString); } if (frozen_) { System.out.println(currentEpisode + ": " + details[PerformanceDetails.MEAN.ordinal()]); } }
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private double getSlaveStatusMetric(Metric metric) throws NumberFormatException, MetricUnreachableException, SQLException, JDBCQueryCacheException, MetricNotFoundException { String valColumn = metric.getObjectProperty("value"); String alias = metric.getAttributeName(); JDBCQueryCache replStatus = getQueryCache(metric, SHOW_SLAVE_STATUS); if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(BYTES_BEHIND_MASTER)) { final double tmp = getBytesBehindMaster(metric); return (tmp >= 0) ? tmp : 0d; } else if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(LOG_FILES_BEHIND_MASTER)) { return getLogFilesBehindMaster(metric); } else if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER)) { // HHQ-3207 need to special case this since the metric may be null // Connection conn = getCachedConnection(metric); Double val = Double.valueOf(replStatus.getOnlyRow(conn, valColumn).toString()); if (val == null) { throw new MetricNotFoundException("query for " + SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER + " returned null"); }//from w ww .j av a 2 s . c o m return val.doubleValue(); } else if (metric.isAvail()) { Connection conn = getCachedConnection(metric); String s = replStatus.getOnlyRow(conn, SLAVE_SQL_RUNNING).toString(); return (s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) ? Metric.AVAIL_UP : Metric.AVAIL_DOWN; } else { Connection conn = getCachedConnection(metric); String s = replStatus.getOnlyRow(conn, valColumn).toString(); Double val = null; if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { val = new Double(1); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) { val = new Double(0); } else { val = Double.valueOf(s); } return val.doubleValue(); } }