List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public double doubleValue()
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/** * Validates the provided latitude.//w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m * * @param latitude The latitude to validate * @throws ServiceException if the latitude is null or not within the range * of a correct latitude (-90 < latitude < 90) */ public static void validateLatitude(final Double latitude) throws ServiceException { if (latitude == null) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.SERVER_INVALID_LOCATION, "latitude in upload message is null"); } if (latitude.doubleValue() < -90d || latitude.doubleValue() > 90d) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.SERVER_INVALID_LOCATION, "latitude in upload message is invalid: " + latitude); } }
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/** * Validates the provided longitude.//from www . j ava2 * * @param longitude The longitude to validate * @throws ServiceException if the latitude is null or not within the range * of a correct longitude (-180 < latitude < 180) */ public static void validateLongitude(final Double longitude) throws ServiceException { if (longitude == null) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.SERVER_INVALID_LOCATION, "longitude in upload message is null"); } if (longitude.doubleValue() < -180d || longitude.doubleValue() > 180d) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.SERVER_INVALID_LOCATION, "longitude in upload message is invalid: " + longitude); } }
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public static double getDoubleValue(Double value) { double ret = (value != null ? value.doubleValue() : 0.0); return ret;//from ww w . ja v a2 s . c om }
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@Deprecated public static <T> DataRange<T> create(final T min, final T max) { if (min instanceof Number && max instanceof Number) { final Double minNum = ((Number) min).doubleValue(); final Double maxNum = ((Number) max).doubleValue(); // Beide gleich => dataRange automatisch so anpassen, dass der Wert // in der Intervallmitte liegt if (minNum.compareTo(maxNum) == 0) { final double doubleValue = minNum.doubleValue(); // falls != 0 werden einfach 10% addiert oder subtrahiert if (doubleValue != 0) { final T minExpanded = (T) new Double(doubleValue - doubleValue * 0.1); final T maxExpanded = (T) new Double(doubleValue + doubleValue * 0.1); return new DataRange<>(minExpanded, maxExpanded); }/*from w w w .ja v a2 s .c o m*/ // falls == 0 wird 1 addiert oder subtrahiert else { final T min_1 = (T) new Double(doubleValue - 1); final T max_1 = (T) new Double(doubleValue + 1); return new DataRange<>(min_1, max_1); } } if (minNum.compareTo(maxNum) > 0) return new DataRange<>(max, min); else return new DataRange<>(min, max); } else if (min instanceof Comparable && max instanceof Comparable && (min.getClass().isInstance(max) || max.getClass().isInstance(min))) { // FIXME: this is nonsense! REMOVE final Comparable<Comparable<?>> minComp = (Comparable<Comparable<?>>) min; final Comparable<?> maxComp = (Comparable<?>) max; if (minComp.compareTo(maxComp) == 0) { // kann leider nicht automatisch angepasst werden; das muss // jemand anders abfangen } if (minComp.compareTo(maxComp) > 0) return new DataRange<>(max, min); else return new DataRange<>(min, max); } /* * das wre dann der ungnstigste Fall: nicht vergleichbar und nicht numerisch TODO: berlegen, ob dieser Fall * berhaupt zugelassen werden soll; alternativ sollte eine InvalidRangeIntervalObjectsException */ else { return new DataRange<>(min, max); } }
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/** * Format./*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param doubleData * the double data * @param precision * the precision * @param scale * the scale * @return the string * @throws Exception * the exception */ public static String format(Double doubleData, int precision, int scale) throws Exception { double doubData; doubData = doubleData.doubleValue(); return (format(doubData, precision, scale)); }
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/** * Mtodo utilitrio para imprimir Doubles sem zeros excedentes * //w w w . ja v a 2 s .c om * @param d Double que se deseja imprimir * @return Representao em texto do Double com 17 casas decimais e sem * zeros excedentes */ public static String doubleToString(Double d) { String valorString = String.format(Locale.US, "%.17f", d.doubleValue()); while (valorString.endsWith("0") && !valorString.endsWith(".0")) valorString = valorString.substring(0, valorString.length() - 1); return valorString; }
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/** * Safely converts an object to a double. Loss of precision may occur. Throws * an arithmetic exception upon overflow. * @param Object object to parse/*from w ww . j a va2s . c o m*/ * @return parsed object * @throws ArithmeticException on overflow */ public static double toDouble(Object obj) { /* Switch on class and convert to double */ String type = obj.getClass().getSimpleName(); double parsed; switch (type) { case "Byte": Byte by = (Byte) obj; parsed = by.doubleValue(); break; case "Short": Short sh = (Short) obj; parsed = sh.doubleValue(); break; case "Integer": Integer in = (Integer) obj; parsed = in.doubleValue(); break; case "Long": Long lo = (Long) obj; parsed = lo.doubleValue(); break; case "Float": Float fl = (Float) obj; parsed = fl.doubleValue(); break; case "BigInteger": BigInteger bi = (BigInteger) obj; if (!OverFlowUtil.doubleOverflow(bi)) { throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow casting " + obj + " to a double."); } parsed = bi.doubleValue(); break; case "BigDecimal": BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) obj; if (!OverFlowUtil.doubleOverflow(bd)) { throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow casting " + obj + " to a double."); } parsed = bd.doubleValue(); break; case "Double": Double db = (Double) obj; parsed = db.doubleValue(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid type: " + type + "\nData values " + "must extend the abstract Number class."); } return parsed; }
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/** * Convert a Double to an Object of a given class * @param value Double value to convert/*from www. j a v a 2s. c o m*/ * @param clazz Class the class to convert to * @return new object of the given class * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not convertible to the class */ public static Object doubleToObject(Double value, Class clazz) { if (clazz == Boolean.class) return new Boolean(value.doubleValue() != 0.0); else if (clazz == Byte.class) return new Byte(value.byteValue()); else if (clazz == Short.class) return new Short(value.shortValue()); else if (clazz == Integer.class) return new Integer(value.intValue()); else if (clazz == Long.class) return new Long(value.longValue()); else if (clazz == Float.class) return new Float(value.floatValue()); else if (clazz == Double.class) return value; else if (clazz == Money.class) return Money.getInstance(value.doubleValue()); else if (clazz == Duration.class) return Duration.getInstanceFromDouble(value); else if (clazz == Work.class) return Work.getWorkInstanceFromDouble(value); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + clazz + " cannot be converted from a Double"); }
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/** * Safely converts a number to a double. Loss of precision may occur. Throws * an arithmetic exception upon overflow. * @param Number number to parse//ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m * @return parsed number * @throws ArithmeticException on overflow */ public static double toDouble(Number number) { /* Switch on class and convert to double */ String type = number.getClass().getSimpleName(); double parsed; switch (type) { case "Byte": Byte by = (Byte) number; parsed = by.doubleValue(); break; case "Short": Short sh = (Short) number; parsed = sh.doubleValue(); break; case "Integer": Integer in = (Integer) number; parsed = in.doubleValue(); break; case "Long": Long lo = (Long) number; parsed = lo.doubleValue(); break; case "Float": Float fl = (Float) number; parsed = fl.doubleValue(); break; case "BigInteger": BigInteger bi = (BigInteger) number; if (!OverFlowUtil.doubleOverflow(bi)) { throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow casting " + number + " to a double."); } parsed = bi.doubleValue(); break; case "BigDecimal": BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) number; if (!OverFlowUtil.doubleOverflow(bd)) { throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow casting " + number + " to a double."); } parsed = bd.doubleValue(); break; case "Double": Double db = (Double) number; parsed = db.doubleValue(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid type: " + type + "\nData values " + "must extend the abstract Number class."); } return parsed; }
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/** * Format./* w ww .ja va 2 s. co m*/ * * @param doubleData * the double data * @param precision * the precision * @param scale * the scale * @return the string * @throws Exception * the exception */ public static String format(Double doubleData, int precision, int scale) throws Exception { double doubData; String finalStr; doubData = doubleData.doubleValue(); return (format(doubData, precision, scale)); }