Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of JEMMA - * (C) Copyright 2013 Telecom Italia ( * * JEMMA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 * or later as published by the Free Software Foundation, which accompanies * this distribution and is available at * * JEMMA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details. * */ package org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.ah.ConfigClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.ah.ConfigServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.custom.SimpleMetering4NoksClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.custom.SimpleMetering4NoksServer; import; import; import; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.general.BasicClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.general.LevelControlClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.general.LevelControlServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.general.OnOffClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.general.OnOffServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.hvac.ThermostatClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.hvac.ThermostatServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.IlluminanceMeasurementClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.IlluminanceMeasurementServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.OccupancySensingClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.OccupancySensingServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.RelativeHumidityMeasurementClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.TemperatureMeasurementClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.measurement.TemperatureMeasurementServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.metering.SimpleMeteringClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.metering.SimpleMeteringServer; import; import; import; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.zll.ColorControlClient; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.cluster.zigbee.zll.ColorControlServer; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.configurator.IConfigurator; import; import; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.ApplianceException; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.ApplianceValidationException; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.HacException; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IAppliance; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IApplianceDescriptor; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IAttributeValue; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.ICategory; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IEndPoint; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IEndPointRequestContext; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IEndPointTypes; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.ILocation; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IManagedAppliance; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IPeerAppliancesListener; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IServiceCluster; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IServiceClustersListener; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.ServiceClusterException; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.Appliance; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.ApplianceDescriptor; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.AttributeValue; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.EndPoint; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.ext.ApplianceConfiguration; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.SubscriptionParameters; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.ISubscriptionParameters; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.ext.IConnectionAdminService; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.lib.ext.IHacService; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hap.client.IM2MHapService; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.m2m.device.M2MDeviceConfig; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.m2m.device.M2MDeviceConfigurator; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.m2m.device.M2MServiceException; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hap.client.AHContainerAddress; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hap.client.AHContainers; import org.energy_home.jemma.m2m.ContentInstance; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService; import org.osgi.service.http.HttpService; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.energy_home.jemma.hac.adapter.http.AhHttpAdapter; import org.energy_home.jemma.hac.adapter.http.HttpImplementor; public class GreenathomeAppliance extends Appliance implements HttpImplementor, IServiceClustersListener, IPeerAppliancesListener, IManagedAppliance, GreenAtHomeApplianceService, IASZoneClient, ApplianceControlClient, IlluminanceMeasurementClient { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GreenathomeAppliance.class); private static final boolean logEnabled = false; protected static final String TYPE = "org.energy_home.jemma.ah.appliance.greeenathome"; protected static final String FRIENDLY_NAME = "Green@Home"; protected static final String END_POINT_TYPE = "org.energy_home.jemma.ah.appliance.greeenathome"; protected static final String DEVICE_TYPE = null; private static final String SMARTINFO_APP_TYPE = "org.energy_home.jemma.ah.zigbee.metering"; private static final String APPLIANCE_ID_SEPARATOR = "-"; // Returns an array with two items: appliance pid and end point id public static String[] getDeviceIds(String applianceId) { String[] deviceIds = new String[2]; if (applianceId.equals(AHContainerAddress.ALL_ID_FILTER)) { deviceIds[0] = AHContainerAddress.ALL_ID_FILTER; deviceIds[1] = AHContainerAddress.ALL_ID_FILTER; } else { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(applianceId, APPLIANCE_ID_SEPARATOR); int i = 0; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { deviceIds[i++] = (String) st.nextElement(); } if (i == 1) deviceIds[1] = AHContainerAddress.DEFAULT_END_POINT_ID; } return deviceIds; } // Returns applianceId (= deviceId) from appliancePid and endPointId public static String getApplianceId(String appliancePid, int endPointId) { String result = appliancePid; if (endPointId != IEndPoint.DEFAULT_END_POINT_ID) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(appliancePid); sb.append(APPLIANCE_ID_SEPARATOR); sb.append(endPointId); result = sb.toString(); } return result; } // Convert a dictionary to a map public static Map convertToMap(Dictionary source) { Map sink = new HashMap(source.size()); for (Enumeration keys = source.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); sink.put(key, source.get(key)); } return sink; } private EndPoint greenathomeEndPoint = null; private AhHttpAdapter ahHttpAdapter; private String applicationWebAlias = "/"; // protected Vector peerAppliances = new Vector(); protected Hashtable demandFormattings = new Hashtable(); protected Hashtable istantaneousDemands = new Hashtable(); DecimalFormat OutputPower = new DecimalFormat("#0.000 kW"); private ESPService espService; private boolean useReportingOnSimpleMetering = false; private boolean useReportingOnApplianceControlServer = true; private IEndPointRequestContext context = null; private IEndPointRequestContext maxAgeContext; private static Hashtable initialConfig = new Hashtable(); private static ApplianceDescriptor descriptor; protected Job readInfosJob; protected IEndPointRequestContext ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext; protected IEndPointRequestContext onOffCommandContext; protected IEndPointRequestContext infiniteMaxAge; protected IEndPointRequestContext getterContext; private IHacService hacService; // private HashMap installingAppliances = new HashMap(); private IConnectionAdminService connectionAdminService; private boolean fakeMode = false; private IConfigurator configurator = null; private IM2MHapService hapService; private M2MDeviceConfigurator m2mDevice; // !!!Multieps: changed to true to read appliance status // private boolean readApplianceStatus = false; private Object lockPlatform = new Object(); private Object lockEsp = new Object(); private Object lockZbNwkMngr = new Object(); private Object lockGatH = new Object(); private HashMap onOffValues = new HashMap(); private HashMap zoneStatusTable = new HashMap(); private HashMap occupancySensing = new HashMap(); private HashMap measuredValues = new HashMap(); private HashMap iasZoneTypeValues = new HashMap(); private ArrayList<Double> forecast = new ArrayList<Double>(); private String forecast_debug = ""; private static Thread PVThread; static { initialConfig.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY, FRIENDLY_NAME); descriptor = new ApplianceDescriptor(TYPE, DEVICE_TYPE, FRIENDLY_NAME); } public GreenathomeAppliance() throws ApplianceException { super("", initialConfig); greenathomeEndPoint = (EndPoint) addEndPoint(END_POINT_TYPE); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(ConfigClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(ApplianceControlClient.class.getName(), this); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(OnOffClient.class.getName()); // greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(OnOffServer.class.getName(), // this); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(BasicClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(SimpleMeteringClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(SimpleMetering4NoksClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(ThermostatClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(RelativeHumidityMeasurementClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(IASZoneClient.class.getName(), this); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(OccupancySensingClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(TemperatureMeasurementClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(IlluminanceMeasurementClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(LevelControlClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(ColorControlClient.class.getName()); greenathomeEndPoint.registerCluster(ApplianceControlClient.class.getName()); this.greenathomeEndPoint.registerServiceClustersListener(this); greenathomeEndPoint.registerPeerAppliancesListener(this); context = greenathomeEndPoint.getDefaultRequestContext(); maxAgeContext = greenathomeEndPoint.getRequestContext(true, 120000); ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext = greenathomeEndPoint.getRequestContext(false, 0); onOffCommandContext = greenathomeEndPoint.getRequestContext(true, 20000); maxAgeContext = greenathomeEndPoint.getRequestContext(true, 20000000); getterContext = greenathomeEndPoint.getRequestContext(true, 5000); try { ahHttpAdapter = new AhHttpAdapter(this, this.applicationWebAlias); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error(e); } ///// //eseguo la routine di forecast subito e ogni giorno in orario consono // PVThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { // public void run() { // getPVForecast(); // } // }); // PVThread.start(); // // new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { // @Override // public void run() { // if(!PVThread.isAlive()){ // PVThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { // public void run() { // getPVForecast(); // } // }); // PVThread.start(); // } // } // }, getTomorrow10AM(), 24*60*60*1000); //ripeto alle 10 e ogni 24 ore } public IApplianceDescriptor getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } protected void attributeValueReceived(String localEndPointId, String peerAppliancePid, String peerEndPointId, String peerClusterName, IAttributeValue peerAttributeValue) { } protected void setHttpService(HttpService s) { synchronized (lockGatH) { ahHttpAdapter.setHttpService(s); } } protected void unsetHttpService(HttpService s) { synchronized (lockGatH) { ahHttpAdapter.unsetHttpService(s); } } protected void setHacService(IHacService s) { synchronized (lockGatH) { this.hacService = s; } } protected void unsetHacService(IHacService s) { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (this.hacService == s) this.hacService = null; } } protected void setESPService(ESPService s) { synchronized (lockEsp) { this.espService = s; } } protected void unsetESPService(ESPService s) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (this.espService == s) this.espService = null; } } protected void setConfigurator(IConfigurator s) { synchronized (lockGatH) { this.configurator = s; } } protected void unsetConfigurator(IConfigurator s) { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (this.configurator == s) this.configurator = null; } } // protected void setManagedAppliance(IManagedAppliance s, Map map) { // synchronized (lockGatH) { // installingAppliances.put(s.getPid(), s); // } // } // // protected void unsetManagedAppliance(IManagedAppliance s) { // synchronized (lockGatH) { // IManagedAppliance appliance = (IManagedAppliance) // installingAppliances.get(s.getPid()); // if (appliance != null) { // installingAppliances.remove(s.getPid()); // appliance = null; // } // } // } public void setConnectionAdmin(IConnectionAdminService connectionAdminService) { synchronized (lockGatH) { this.connectionAdminService = connectionAdminService; } } public synchronized void unsetConnectionAdmin(IConnectionAdminService connectionAdminService) { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (this.connectionAdminService == connectionAdminService) { this.connectionAdminService = null; } } } public synchronized void setHapService(IM2MHapService hapService) { synchronized (lockPlatform) { this.hapService = hapService; } } public synchronized void unsetHapService(IM2MHapService hapService) { synchronized (lockPlatform) { if (this.hapService == hapService) { this.hapService = null; } } } public void setM2MDevice(M2MDeviceConfigurator m2mDevice) { synchronized (lockPlatform) { this.m2mDevice = m2mDevice; } } public void unsetM2MDevice(M2MDeviceConfigurator m2mDevice) { synchronized (lockPlatform) { if (this.m2mDevice == m2mDevice) { this.m2mDevice = null; } } } public AttributeValue getAttribute(String peerAppliancePid, String name) throws Exception { synchronized (lockGatH) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(peerAppliancePid); if (name.equals("12.Power")) { if (!useReportingOnSimpleMetering) { double power = this.readPower(peerAppliance); if (power == ESPService.INVALID_INSTANTANEOUS_POWER_VALUE) { return null; } return new AttributeValue(power / 1000.0); } else { Double istantaneousDemand = (Double) istantaneousDemands.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (istantaneousDemand != null) { return new AttributeValue(istantaneousDemand); } } } else { // ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = // (ApplianceControlServer) // greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster( // peerAppliancePid, ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); // if (applianceControlServer != null) { // if (name.equals("2561.Spin")) { // int spin = applianceControlServer.getSpin(maxAgeContext); // return new AttributeValue(spin); // } else if (name.equals("2561.CycleTarget0")) { // int cycleTarget0 = // applianceControlServer.getCycleTarget0(maxAgeContext); // return new AttributeValue(cycleTarget0); // } else if (name.equals("2561.CycleDuration")) { // return new AttributeValue(0); // } else if (name.equals("2561.TemperatureTarget0")) { // int temperatureTarget0 = // applianceControlServer.getTemperatureTarget0(maxAgeContext); // return new AttributeValue(temperatureTarget0); // } else if (name.equals("CycleType")) { // return new AttributeValue(0); // } else { // throw new ApplianceException("Attribute '" + name + // "' not found"); // } // } else { // throw new // ApplianceException("Unable to retrieve ApplianceControlServer cluster"); // } } } return null; } public AttributeValue getAttribute(String name) throws Exception { AttributeValue value = null; if (name.equals("TotalPower")) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService != null) { float totalPower = espService.getTotalInstantaneousPowerFloatValue(); value = new AttributeValue(new Integer((int) totalPower)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP Service not bound"); } } } else if (name.equals("ProducedPower")) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService != null) { float totalPower = espService.getInstantaneousProducedPowerFloatValue(); value = new AttributeValue(new Integer((int) totalPower)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP Service not bound"); } } } else if (name.equals("SoldPower")) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService != null) { float totalPower = espService.getInstantaneousSoldPowerFloatValue(); value = new AttributeValue(new Integer((int) totalPower)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP Service not bound"); } } } else if (name.equals("PowerLimit") || (name.equals("InstantaneousPowerLimit"))) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } ESPConfigParameters config = this.espService.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (config == null) { config = new ESPConfigParameters(); } float limit = config.getContractualPowerThreshold(); value = new AttributeValue(new Float(limit)); } } else if (name.equals("PeakProducedPower")) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } ESPConfigParameters config = this.espService.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (config == null) { config = new ESPConfigParameters(); } float peakProducedPower = config.getPeakProducedPower(); value = new AttributeValue(new Float(peakProducedPower)); } } return value; } public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) throws Exception { if (name.equals("PowerLimit") || (name.equals("InstantaneousPowerLimit"))) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } float limit; if (value instanceof Number) { limit = ((Number) value).floatValue(); } else if (value instanceof String) { limit = Float.parseFloat((String) value); } else { throw new ApplianceException("wrong value passed in setAttribute"); } ESPConfigParameters config = espService.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (config != null) config.setContractualPowerThreshold(limit); else config = new ESPConfigParameters(limit, ESPConfigParameters.DEFAULT_PEAK_PRODUCED_POWER); this.espService.setConfiguration(config); } } else if (name.equals("PeakProducedPower")) { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } float peakProducedPower; if (value instanceof Number) { peakProducedPower = ((Number) value).floatValue(); } else if (value instanceof String) { peakProducedPower = Float.parseFloat((String) value); } else { throw new ApplianceException("wrong value passed in setAttribute"); } ESPConfigParameters config = espService.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (config != null) config.setPeakProducedPower(peakProducedPower); else config = new ESPConfigParameters(ESPConfigParameters.DEFAULT_CONTRACTUAL_POWER_THRESHOLD, peakProducedPower); this.espService.setConfiguration(config); } } } public IAppliance[] getDevices() { return greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliances(); } public synchronized Vector getInfos() { Vector infos = new Vector(); IAppliance[] peerAppliances = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliances(); for (int i = 0; i < peerAppliances.length; i++) { IAppliance peerAppliance = peerAppliances[i]; Hashtable props; try { props = this.getInfo(peerAppliance); } catch (ApplianceException e) { continue; } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { continue; } if (props == null) continue; infos.add(props); } return infos; } public Hashtable getInfo(IAppliance peerAppliance) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { int availability = 0; int state = 0; int status = 0; boolean isStateChangable = false; String locationPid = null; String categoryPid = null; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); props.put("type", peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType()); props.put("pid", peerAppliance.getPid()); props.put("id", peerAppliance.getPid()); // Pid or id? synchronized (lockGatH) { OnOffServer onOffServer = null; onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OnOffServer.class.getName()); if (onOffServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) onOffServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; boolean onOff = false; try { onOff = onOffServer.getOnOff(onOffCommandContext); if (onOff) state = On; else state = Off; } catch (Exception e) { // availability = 0; state = Unknown; } } /* * if (readApplianceStatus) { ApplianceControlServer * applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) * greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster( * peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); * if (applianceControlServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; * availability = ((IServiceCluster) * applianceControlServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; * * int applianceStatus = 0; * * try { applianceStatus = * applianceControlServer.getApplianceStatus(null); * * if (logEnabled) log.debug("applianceStatus is " + * applianceStatus); * * if (applianceStatus < 0x03) { state = Off; } else { state = On; } * } catch (Exception e) { state = Unknown; // availability = 0; } } * } */ ThermostatServer thermostatServer = (ThermostatServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ThermostatServer.class.getName()); if (thermostatServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) thermostatServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer humidityServer = (RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer.class.getName()); if (humidityServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) humidityServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } // handle Smart Info and Smart Plugs SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName()); if (onOffServer == null && simpleMeteringServer != null) { availability = ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } ConfigServer configServer = (ConfigServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ConfigServer.class.getName()); if (configServer != null) { locationPid = configServer.getLocationPid(null); if (locationPid != null) { ILocation location = this.getLocation(locationPid); if (location != null) props.put("location", location); } categoryPid = configServer.getCategoryPid(null); if (categoryPid != null) { ICategory category = this.getCategory(categoryPid); if (category != null) props.put("category", category); } try { props.put("name", configServer.getName(null)); } catch (Exception e) { props.put("name", peerAppliance.getPid()); } try { props.put("icon", configServer.getIconName(null)); } catch (Exception e) { props.put("icon", "lampadina.png"); } } else return null; props.put("device_state_avail", new Boolean(isStateChangable)); props.put("device_state", new Integer(state)); props.put("availability", new Integer(availability)); props.put("device_status", new Integer(status)); String value = ""; if (!peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType().equals(SMARTINFO_APP_TYPE)) { if (thermostatServer != null) { float localTemperature = (float) (thermostatServer.getLocalTemperature(maxAgeContext) / 100.0); value = localTemperature + "^C"; if (humidityServer != null) { float humididy = (float) (humidityServer.getMeasuredValue(maxAgeContext) / 100.0); value += " " + humididy + "%"; } } else { if (!useReportingOnSimpleMetering) { try { double power = this.readPower(peerAppliance); value = OutputPower.format(power / 1000.0); } catch (Exception e) { value = "na"; } } else { Double istantaneousDemand = (Double) istantaneousDemands.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (istantaneousDemand != null) { value = OutputPower.format(istantaneousDemand.doubleValue() / 1000.0); } } } } props.put("device_value", value); // if (location != null) { // props.put("location", location); // } // // if (category != null) { // props.put("category", category); // } } return props; } public ICategory[] getCategories(IAppliance peerAppliance) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ICategory[] categories = this.getCategories(); return categories; } } public ICategory[] getCategories(String appliancePid) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ICategory[] categories = this.getCategories(); return categories; } } public ICategory[] getCategories() throws ApplianceValidationException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ICategory[] categories = super.getCategories(); if (categories == null) { return new ICategory[0]; } return categories; } } public ILocation[] getLocations() throws ApplianceValidationException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ILocation[] locations = super.getLocations(); if (locations == null) { return new ILocation[0]; } return locations; } } public boolean setCategory(IAppliance peerAppliance) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { return false; } } public void setCategory(IAppliance peerAppliance, String category) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ConfigServer configServer; configServer = (ConfigServer) this.greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ConfigServer.class.getName()); if (configServer != null) { String categoryPid = getCategoryPid(category); if (categoryPid == null) { throw new ApplianceException("Category pid not found"); } // FIXME: // configServer.setCategoryPid(categoryPid, null); } } } public void setLocation(IAppliance peerAppliance, String locationName) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ConfigServer configServer; configServer = (ConfigServer) this.greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ConfigServer.class.getName()); if (configServer != null) { String locationPid = getLocationPid(locationName); if (locationPid == null) { throw new ApplianceException("location pid not found"); } // FIXME: write the new value on the HAC SErvice // configServer.setLocationPid(locationPid, null); } } } protected String getCategoryPid(String name) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { ICategory[] categories = this.getCategories(); for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { ICategory category = categories[i]; if (category.getName().equals(name)) { return category.getPid(); } } return null; } protected String getLocationPid(String name) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { ILocation[] locations = this.getLocations(); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { ILocation location = locations[i]; if (location.getName().equals(name)) { return location.getPid(); } } return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService# * removeDevice(org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IAppliance) */ public synchronized void removeDevice(String appliancePid) throws ApplianceException { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (this.hacService != null) { // !!! Energy@home webui compatibility String[] ids = getDeviceIds(appliancePid); appliancePid = ids[0]; IAppliance appliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); this.hacService.removeAppliance(appliancePid); } else throw new ApplianceException("Unable to remove the appliance."); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService# * getInfosNew() */ public synchronized Dictionary getInfosNew() { Vector activeDevices = new Vector(); Vector notActiveDevices = new Vector(); Vector disconnectedDevices = new Vector(); IAppliance[] peerAppliances = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliances(); for (int i = 0; i < peerAppliances.length; i++) { IAppliance ac = peerAppliances[i]; int availability = 0; int state = 0; int status = 0; boolean isStateChangable = true; String pid = ac.getPid(); String locationName = null; ICategory category = null; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); // props.put("name", ac.getType()); // props.put("icon", ac.getIcon()); String classname = this.getClass().getName(); int lastdot = classname.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastdot != -1) { classname = classname.substring(lastdot + 1); } props.put("type", classname); props.put("id", pid); props.put("device_state_avail", new Boolean(isStateChangable)); props.put("device_state", new Integer(state)); props.put("availability", new Integer(availability)); props.put("device_status", new Integer(status)); if (locationName != null) { } if (category != null) { props.put("category", category); } // list only the devices that provides the power attribute String attribute = null; // PATCH if (attribute != null) { // double power = attribute.floatValue(); double power = 0; if (availability == 2) { props.put("value", new Double(power)); if (state == 1) { // Connected -> On // add into active list activeDevices.add(props); } else if (state == 0) { // Connected -> Off activeDevices.add(props); } else { // Connected -> NOT in On or in Off state notActiveDevices.add(props); } } else { // device disconnected if (isStateChangable) { disconnectedDevices.add(props); } } // sort the tables according the value field } Dictionary resultTable = new Hashtable(); resultTable.put("activeDevices", activeDevices); resultTable.put("notActiveDevices", notActiveDevices); resultTable.put("disconnectedDevices", disconnectedDevices); return resultTable; } return null; } static final int Off = 0; static final int On = 1; static final int Unknown = 4; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService# * setDeviceState(org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IAppliance, int) */ public boolean setDeviceState(IAppliance peerAppliance, int state) { OnOffServer onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OnOffServer.class.getName()); ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (onOffServer != null) { if (state == On) { try { // 4Noks smart plugs require to disable default response to // work!!! onOffServer.execOn(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("setDeviceState returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if (state == Off) { try { // 4Noks smart plugs require to disable default response to // work!!! onOffServer.execOff(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("setDeviceState returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } } else if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { short commandId; if (state == On) { commandId = 0x01; } else if (state == Off) { commandId = 0x02; } else return false; applianceControlServer.execCommandExecution(commandId, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.debug("execCommandExecution exception " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } else return false; return true; } public int getDeviceState(IAppliance peerAppliance) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { OnOffServer onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OnOffServer.class.getName()); ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (onOffServer != null) { boolean onOff = onOffServer.getOnOff(context); if (onOff) return On; else return Off; } else if (applianceControlServer != null) { } else return Unknown; return Unknown; } } public boolean reset(int value) throws Exception { synchronized (lockGatH) { this.hacService.clean(); if (connectionAdminService != null) this.connectionAdminService.deleteAllRules(); return true; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService# * getObjectByPid(java.lang.String) */ public Object getObjectByPid(String pid) { if (pid.equals("HacApplication.HomeMeter")) { return this; } else if (pid.equals("HacApplication.OverloadControl")) { return this; } else if (pid.equals("homeauto")) { return this; } else { Object targetObject = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(pid); return targetObject; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService# * notifyPeerApplianceConnected(java.lang.String) */ public void notifyPeerApplianceConnected(String peerAppliancePid) { initEndPoint(peerAppliancePid); } public void notifyPeerApplianceDisconnected(String peerAppliancePid) { } public void notifyPeerApplianceUpdated(String peerAppliancePid) { initEndPoint(peerAppliancePid); } private void initEndPoint(String peerAppliancePid) { synchronized (lockGatH) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(peerAppliancePid); IEndPoint[] peerEndPoints = null; if (peerAppliance != null && !peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType().equals(SMARTINFO_APP_TYPE)) { // this is not the SmartInfo peerEndPoints = this.greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerEndPoints(peerAppliancePid); if (peerAppliance.isAvailable() && peerEndPoints != null && peerEndPoints.length >= 1) { try { SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliancePid, SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName()); ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliancePid, ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); OccupancySensingServer occupancySensingServer = (OccupancySensingServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliancePid, OccupancySensingServer.class.getName()); if (simpleMeteringServer != null) { boolean avail = ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable(); if (avail) { Short demandFormatting = (Short) demandFormattings.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (demandFormatting == null) { short df = simpleMeteringServer.getDemandFormatting(context); demandFormatting = new Short(df); if (logEnabled) log.debug("read demand formatting for appliance " + peerAppliance.getPid() + " with value " + df); demandFormattings.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Short(df)); } if (useReportingOnSimpleMetering) { ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).setAttributeSubscription( SimpleMeteringServer.ATTR_IstantaneousDemand_NAME, ISubscriptionParameters.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS, null); } } } else { log.debug("SimpleMetering Server Cluster missing on appliance " + peerAppliancePid); } // if (applianceControlServer != null) { // if (useReportingOnApplianceControlServer) { // ((IServiceCluster) // applianceControlServer).setAttributeSubscription( // ApplianceControlServer.ATTR_CycleTarget0_NAME, new // SubscriptionParameters(2, 50, 1), null); // ((IServiceCluster) // applianceControlServer).setAttributeSubscription( // ApplianceControlServer.ATTR_TemperatureTarget0_NAME, // new SubscriptionParameters(2, 50, 1), // null); // ((IServiceCluster) // applianceControlServer).setAttributeSubscription( // ApplianceControlServer.ATTR_Spin_NAME, new // SubscriptionParameters(2, 50, 1), null); // } // } else { // log.debug("ApplianceControl Server Cluster missing on appliance " // + peerAppliancePid); // } SimpleMetering4NoksServer simpleMetering4NoksServer = (SimpleMetering4NoksServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliancePid, SimpleMetering4NoksServer.class.getName()); if (simpleMetering4NoksServer != null) { if (useReportingOnSimpleMetering) { ((IServiceCluster) simpleMetering4NoksServer).setAttributeSubscription( SimpleMetering4NoksServer.ATTR_Power_NAME, ISubscriptionParameters.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS, null); ((IServiceCluster) simpleMetering4NoksServer).setAttributeSubscription( SimpleMetering4NoksServer.ATTR_Energy_NAME, ISubscriptionParameters.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS, null); } } else { log.debug("SimpleMetering Server Cluster missing on appliance " + peerAppliancePid); } if (occupancySensingServer != null) { if (useReportingOnApplianceControlServer) { ((IServiceCluster) occupancySensingServer).setAttributeSubscription( OccupancySensingServer.ATTR_Occupancy_NAME, ISubscriptionParameters.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS, null); } } else { log.debug("OccupancySensing Server Cluster missing on appliance " + peerAppliancePid); } TemperatureMeasurementServer temperatureMeasurementServer = (TemperatureMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliancePid, TemperatureMeasurementServer.class.getName()); if (temperatureMeasurementServer != null) { if (useReportingOnApplianceControlServer) { ((IServiceCluster) temperatureMeasurementServer).setAttributeSubscription( TemperatureMeasurementServer.ATTR_MeasuredValue_NAME, ISubscriptionParameters.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS, null); } } else { log.debug("Temperature Measurement Server Cluster missing on appliance " + peerAppliancePid); } IlluminanceMeasurementServer illuminanceMeasurementServer = (IlluminanceMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliancePid, IlluminanceMeasurementServer.class.getName()); if (illuminanceMeasurementServer != null) { if (useReportingOnApplianceControlServer) { ((IServiceCluster) illuminanceMeasurementServer).setAttributeSubscription( IlluminanceMeasurementServer.ATTR_MeasuredValue_NAME, ISubscriptionParameters.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS, null); } } else { log.debug("Illuminance Measurement Server Cluster missing on appliance " + peerAppliancePid); } } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { log.error("", e); } catch (ApplianceException e) { log.error("", e); } } else { log.debug("appliance " + peerAppliancePid + " in a not valid state"); } } } } private double decodeFormatting(long value, short formatting) { double v = (double) value; int decimals = formatting & 0x07; v = v / Math.pow(10, decimals) * 1000; return v; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.energy_home.jemma.ah.internal.greenathome.GreenAtHomeApplianceService# * readPower(org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hac.IAppliance) */ public double readPower(IAppliance peerAppliance) throws Exception { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService != null) { return espService.getInstantaneousPowerFloatValue(peerAppliance.getPid()); } } if (!peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType().equals(SMARTINFO_APP_TYPE)) { // this is not the SmartInfo SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) this.greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName()); if (simpleMeteringServer != null) { boolean avail = ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable(); if (avail) { try { Short demandFormatting = (Short) demandFormattings.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (demandFormatting == null) { short df = simpleMeteringServer.getDemandFormatting(context); demandFormatting = new Short(df); if (logEnabled) log.debug("read demand formatting with value " + df); demandFormattings.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Short(df)); } int istantaneousDemand = simpleMeteringServer.getIstantaneousDemand(maxAgeContext); double power = decodeFormatting(istantaneousDemand, demandFormatting.shortValue()); return power; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while calling while trying to invoke getIstantaneousDemand command", e); } } } SimpleMetering4NoksServer simpleMetering4NoksServer = (SimpleMetering4NoksServer) this.greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMetering4NoksServer.class.getName()); if (simpleMetering4NoksServer != null) { try { long power = simpleMetering4NoksServer.getPower(context); return power; } catch (ApplianceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return 0; } public void notifyAttributeValue(String clusterName, String attributeName, IAttributeValue attributeValue, IEndPointRequestContext endPointRequestContext) throws ServiceClusterException, ApplianceException { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("arrived attribute " + attributeName + " with value " + attributeValue.getValue().toString()); if (attributeName.equals(SimpleMeteringServer.ATTR_IstantaneousDemand_NAME)) { IAppliance peerAppliance = endPointRequestContext.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance(); Short demandFormatting = (Short) demandFormattings.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (demandFormatting == null) { log.fatal("demand formatting not available for appliance " + peerAppliance.getPid()); return; } double power = decodeFormatting(((Number) attributeValue.getValue()).longValue(), demandFormatting.shortValue()); this.istantaneousDemands.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Double(power)); log.debug("calculated on appliance " + peerAppliance.getPid() + " power " + power); } else if (attributeName.equals(SimpleMetering4NoksServer.ATTR_Power_NAME)) { IAppliance peerAppliance = endPointRequestContext.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance(); double power = ((Number) attributeValue.getValue()).longValue(); this.istantaneousDemands.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Double(power)); } else if (attributeName.equals(OccupancySensingServer.ATTR_Occupancy_NAME)) { IAppliance peerAppliance = endPointRequestContext.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance(); if (logEnabled) log.debug("arrived attribute " + attributeName + " with value " + attributeValue.getValue().toString()); this.occupancySensing.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), attributeValue); } else if (attributeName.equals(TemperatureMeasurementServer.ATTR_MeasuredValue_NAME)) { IAppliance peerAppliance = endPointRequestContext.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance(); if (logEnabled) log.debug("arrived attribute " + attributeName + " with value " + attributeValue.getValue().toString()); this.measuredValues.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), attributeValue); } } } public void notifyCommandResponse(String clusterName, String commandName, Object response, IEndPointRequestContext endPointRequestContext) throws ApplianceException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void notifyReadResponse(String clusterName, String attributeName, IAttributeValue attributeValue, IEndPointRequestContext endPointRequestContext) throws ServiceClusterException, ApplianceException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void notifyWriteResponse(String clusterName, String attributeName, IAttributeValue attributeValue, IEndPointRequestContext endPointRequestContext) throws ServiceClusterException, ApplianceException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void stopInquiry() throws Exception { if (fakeMode) return; synchronized (lockZbNwkMngr) { if (hacService != null) this.hacService.closeNetwork("ZigBee"); else throw new IllegalStateException("hap service not bound"); } } int fakeCounter = 0; protected Dictionary getFakeAppliance() { Dictionary device = new Hashtable(); device.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, ""); device.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY, "Pippo"); device.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_ICON_PROPERTY, "lavatrice.png"); device.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_LOCATION_PID_PROPERTY, "1"); device.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_CATEGORY_PID_PROPERTY, "1"); device.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_PID, "" + Integer.toString(fakeCounter++)); device.put("", new Integer(49724)); device.put("", new Integer(2560)); return device; } public ArrayList getInquiredDevices() { synchronized (lockGatH) { String[] appliancePids = null; appliancePids = this.hacService.getInquiredAppliances(); ArrayList inquredDevices = new ArrayList(); if (fakeMode) { inquredDevices.add(this.getFakeAppliance()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < appliancePids.length; i++) { try { Dictionary c = this.hacService.getManagedConfiguration(appliancePids[i]); // those information that can cause marshalling problems // in JSON RPC. Hashtable config = new Hashtable(); Enumeration keys = c.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); Object value = c.get(key); if (key.equals(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY)) { // !!! Energy@home webui compatibility String[] epsTypes = (String[]) config.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_EPS_TYPES_PROPERTY); value = encodeGenericApplianceType((String) value, epsTypes[1]); config.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, value); } else { config.put(key, value); } } inquredDevices.add(config); } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal("Unable to get Inquired Appliance " + appliancePids[i], e); } } } return inquredDevices; } } public void startInquiry(short duration) throws Exception { if (fakeMode) return; synchronized (lockZbNwkMngr) { if (hacService != null) this.hacService.openNetwork("ZigBee", duration); else throw new IllegalStateException("hap service not bound"); } } public Float getForecast(String appliancePid, String attributeName, long timestamp, int resolution) throws Exception { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } if (attributeName.equals("")) { return espService.getEnergyConsumptionForecast(appliancePid, resolution); } else if (attributeName.equals("")) { return espService.getEnergyCostForecast(appliancePid, resolution); } } throw new ApplianceException("unknown attribute"); } public List getWeekDayAverage(String appliancePid, String attributeName, int weekday) throws Exception { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } if (attributeName.equals("")) { return espService.getWeekDayEnergyConsumpionAverage(appliancePid, weekday); } else if (attributeName.equals("")) { return espService.getWeekDayEnergyCostAverage(appliancePid, weekday); } } throw new ApplianceException("unknown attribute"); } public void installAppliance(Dictionary props) throws ApplianceException { // TODO probabilmente e' necessario separeare la installAppliance in // set Properties dell'appliance (con accesso ai cluster) synchronized (lockGatH) { String appliancePid = (String) props.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_PID); if (appliancePid == null) throw new ApplianceException("appliancePid not set"); try { // !!! Energy@home webui compatibility Dictionary c = this.hacService.getManagedConfiguration(appliancePid); props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, c.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY)); this.hacService.installAppliance(appliancePid, props); } catch (HacException e) { log.error(e); throw new ApplianceException(e.getMessage()); } } } public void enableAppliance(String appliancePid) throws ApplianceException { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (appliancePid == null) throw new ApplianceException("appliancePid not set"); try { this.hacService.enableAppliance(appliancePid); } catch (HacException e) { log.error(e); throw new ApplianceException(e.getMessage()); } } } public List getAttributeData(String appliancePid, String attributeName, long startTime, long endTime, int resolution, boolean fitResolution, int processType) throws Exception { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } if (attributeName.equals("")) { if (!fitResolution) { throw new ApplianceException("only fitResolution=true is supported for this attribute"); } if (processType != DELTA) { throw new ApplianceException("only processType=DELTA is supported for this attribute"); } return espService.getEnergyConsumption(appliancePid, startTime, endTime, resolution); } else if (attributeName.equals("")) { if (!fitResolution) { throw new ApplianceException("only fitResolution=true is supported"); } if (processType != DELTA) { throw new ApplianceException("only processType=DELTA is supported for this attribute"); } return espService.getEnergyCost(appliancePid, startTime, endTime, resolution); } else if (attributeName.equals("")) { if (!fitResolution) { throw new ApplianceException("only fitResolution=true is supported"); } if (processType != DELTA) { throw new ApplianceException("only processType=DELTA is supported for this attribute"); } return espService.getProducedEnergy(startTime, endTime, resolution); } else if (attributeName.equals("")) { if (!fitResolution) { throw new ApplianceException("only fitResolution=true is supported"); } if (processType != DELTA) { throw new ApplianceException("only processType=DELTA is supported for this attribute"); } return espService.getSoldEnergy(startTime, endTime, resolution); } throw new ApplianceException("unknown attribute"); } } public Map getAttributeData(String attributeName, long startTime, long endTime, int resolution, boolean fitResolution, int processType) throws Exception { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } if (attributeName.equals("")) { if (!fitResolution) { throw new ApplianceException("only fitResolution=true is supported for this attribute"); } if (processType != DELTA) { throw new ApplianceException("only processType=DELTA is supported for this attribute"); } return espService.getEnergyConsumption(startTime, endTime, resolution); } else if (attributeName.equals("")) { if (!fitResolution) { throw new ApplianceException("only fitResolution=true is supported"); } if (processType != DELTA) { throw new ApplianceException("only processType=DELTA is supported for this attribute"); } return espService.getEnergyCost(startTime, endTime, resolution); } } throw new ApplianceException("unknown attribute"); } public void initialProvisioning() { } public void loadConfiguration(String filename) throws Exception { synchronized (lockGatH) { if (this.configurator != null) { this.configurator.loadConfiguration(filename); } else throw new IllegalStateException("configurator not present"); } } public Hashtable getApplianceConfiguration(String appliancePid) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { IAppliance appliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); return this.getApplianceConfiguration(appliance, 1); } } private boolean doReadOnOff() { return (count % 4) == 0; } private int count = 0; private String encodeGenericApplianceType(String appType, String endPointType) { String result = appType; if (appType.equals("it.telecomitalia.ah.zigbee.generic")) { if (endPointType.equals(IEndPointTypes.ZIGBEE_METERING_DEVICE)) { result = "it.telecomitalia.ah.zigbee.metering"; } else if (endPointType.equals(IEndPointTypes.ZIGBEE_WHITE_GOODS)) { result = ""; } else { result = appType + APPLIANCE_ID_SEPARATOR + endPointType; } } return result; } public Hashtable getApplianceConfiguration(IAppliance peerAppliance, int endPointId) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { int availability = 0; int state = 0; int status = 0; boolean isStateChangable = false; String locationPid = null; String categoryPid = null; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); AttributeValueExtended attributeValue = null; String appliancePid = getApplianceId(peerAppliance.getPid(), endPointId); String appType = peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType(); String endPointType = peerAppliance.getEndPoint(endPointId).getType(); // !!! Energy@home webui compatibility if (endPointType == IEndPointTypes.ZIGBEE_ON_OFF_SWITCH_DEVICE) return null; appType = encodeGenericApplianceType(appType, endPointType); props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, appType); props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_PID, appliancePid); OnOffServer onOffServer = null; onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OnOffServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (onOffServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) onOffServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; boolean onOff = false; if (availability == 2) { Boolean onOffValue = (Boolean) this.onOffValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (doReadOnOff() || (onOffValue == null)) { try { onOff = onOffServer.getOnOff(onOffCommandContext); this.onOffValues.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Boolean(onOff)); } catch (Exception e) { // availability = 0; state = Unknown; } } else { onOff = onOffValue.booleanValue(); } if (onOff) state = On; else state = Off; } else { this.onOffValues.remove(peerAppliance.getPid()); state = Unknown; } } ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName(), endPointId); /* * if (applianceControlServer != null) { availability = * ((IServiceCluster) * applianceControlServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; if * (readApplianceStatus) { isStateChangable = true; * * int applianceStatus = 0; * * try { applianceStatus = * applianceControlServer.getApplianceStatus(null); * * if (logEnabled) log.debug("applianceStatus is " + applianceStatus); * * if (applianceStatus < 0x03) { state = Off; } else { state = On; } } * catch (Exception e) { state = Unknown; } } else { state = Unknown; } * } */ IASZoneServer iasZoneServer = (IASZoneServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), IASZoneServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (iasZoneServer != null) { isStateChangable = false; availability = ((IServiceCluster) iasZoneServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; state = Unknown; Integer zoneStatus = (Integer) this.zoneStatusTable.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); int iasZoneType = 0; if (zoneStatus != null) { Integer iasZoneTypeValue = (Integer) this.iasZoneTypeValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (iasZoneTypeValue == null) { iasZoneType = iasZoneServer.getZoneType(onOffCommandContext); this.iasZoneTypeValues.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Integer(iasZoneType)); } else { iasZoneType = iasZoneTypeValue.intValue(); } String value = ""; try { switch (iasZoneType) { case 0x0015: if ((zoneStatus.intValue() & 0x01) > 0) value = "Aperto"; else value = "Chiuso"; break; case 0x002a: if ((zoneStatus.intValue() & 0x01) > 0) value = "Overflow"; else value = "Normal"; break; } if ((zoneStatus.intValue() & 0x08) > 0) value += "(Low Battery)"; else value += ""; attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("ZoneStatus", new AttributeValue(value)); if (attributeValue != null) props.put("device_value", attributeValue); } catch (Exception e) { value = "nd"; } } else if (hapService != null) { // Code added because IASZone cluster is now used by HAP Proxy and cannot be // simultaneously used by Green@Home appliance through connections String value = ""; ContentInstance ci = null; try { AHContainerAddress containerAddress = hapService.getHagContainerAddress(appliancePid, endPointId, AHContainers.attrId_ah_cluster_iascontact_open); ci = hapService.getCachedLatestContentInstance(containerAddress); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while reading isopen container", e); } if (ci == null) { value = "nd"; } else { Object content = ci.getContent(); if (content != null) { if (((Boolean) content).booleanValue()) value = "Aperto"; else value = "Chiuso"; } attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("ZoneStatus", new AttributeValue(value)); if (attributeValue != null) props.put("device_value", attributeValue); } } } IlluminanceMeasurementServer illuminanceMeasurementServer = (IlluminanceMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), IlluminanceMeasurementServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (illuminanceMeasurementServer != null) { isStateChangable = false; availability = ((IServiceCluster) illuminanceMeasurementServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; state = Unknown; IAttributeValue measuredValue = (IAttributeValue) this.measuredValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (measuredValue != null) { int illuminance = ((Integer) measuredValue.getValue()).intValue(); String value = ""; if (illuminance == 0x0000) { value = "Too Low"; } else { value = new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(illuminance) + ""; } attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Illuminance", new AttributeValue(value)); if (attributeValue != null) props.put("device_value", attributeValue); } } OccupancySensingServer occupancySensingServer = (OccupancySensingServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OccupancySensingServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (occupancySensingServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) occupancySensingServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; state = Unknown; IAttributeValue occupancyValue = (IAttributeValue) this.occupancySensing.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (occupancyValue != null) { Short value = (Short) occupancyValue.getValue(); if ((value.intValue() & 0x01) > 0) attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Occupancy", new AttributeValue("Occupato")); else attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Occupancy", new AttributeValue("Libero")); if (attributeValue != null) props.put("device_value", attributeValue); } } TemperatureMeasurementServer temperatureMeasurementServer = (TemperatureMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), TemperatureMeasurementServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (temperatureMeasurementServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) temperatureMeasurementServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; state = Unknown; IAttributeValue measuredValue = (IAttributeValue) this.measuredValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (measuredValue != null) { double value = ((double) ((Integer) measuredValue.getValue()).intValue()) / 100; attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("Temperature", new AttributeValue(new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(value) + " C")); if (attributeValue != null) props.put("device_value", attributeValue); } } ThermostatServer thermostatServer = (ThermostatServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ThermostatServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (thermostatServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) thermostatServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; int applianceStatus = 0; } RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer humidityServer = (RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer.class.getName()); if (humidityServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) humidityServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; int applianceStatus = 0; } // handle Smart Info and Smart Plugs SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (onOffServer == null && simpleMeteringServer != null) { availability = ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } ConfigServer configServer = (ConfigServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ConfigServer.class.getName(), endPointId); if (configServer != null) { locationPid = configServer.getLocationPid(null); if (locationPid == null) { locationPid = "0"; } props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_LOCATION_PID_PROPERTY, locationPid); categoryPid = configServer.getCategoryPid(null); if (categoryPid == null) { categoryPid = "0"; } props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_CATEGORY_PID_PROPERTY, categoryPid); try { props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY, configServer.getName(null)); } catch (Exception e) { props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY, peerAppliance.getPid()); } try { props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_ICON_PROPERTY, configServer.getIconName(null)); } catch (Exception e) { props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_ICON_PROPERTY, "plug.png"); } } else return null; props.put("device_state_avail", new Boolean(isStateChangable)); props.put("device_state", new Integer(state)); props.put("availability", new Integer(availability)); props.put("device_status", new Integer(status)); if (thermostatServer != null) { availability = ((IServiceCluster) thermostatServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; if (availability == 2) { float localTemperature = (float) (thermostatServer.getLocalTemperature(maxAgeContext) / 100.0); String value = localTemperature + " °C"; attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("LocalTemperature", new AttributeValue(value)); if (humidityServer != null) { float humididy = (float) (humidityServer.getMeasuredValue(maxAgeContext) / 100.0); value += " " + humididy + "%"; } } } else if (simpleMeteringServer != null) { if (!useReportingOnSimpleMetering) { double power; try { power = this.readPower(peerAppliance); if (power != ESPService.INVALID_INSTANTANEOUS_POWER_VALUE) attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("IstantaneousDemands", new AttributeValue(power)); } catch (Exception e) { power = 0; } } else { Double istantaneousDemand = (Double) istantaneousDemands.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); if (istantaneousDemand != null) { attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("IstantaneousDemands", new AttributeValue(istantaneousDemand.doubleValue())); } else if (this.fakeMode) { attributeValue = new AttributeValueExtended("IstantaneousDemands", new AttributeValue(123.1)); } } } if (attributeValue != null) props.put("device_value", attributeValue); return props; } public ArrayList getAppliancesConfigurations() throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { synchronized (lockGatH) { ArrayList infos = new ArrayList(); IAppliance[] peerAppliances = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliances(); for (int i = 0; i < peerAppliances.length; i++) { IAppliance peerAppliance = peerAppliances[i]; Hashtable props = null; IEndPoint[] endPoints = peerAppliance.getEndPoints(); for (int j = 1; j < endPoints.length; j++) { try { props = this.getApplianceConfiguration(peerAppliance, j); // skip ESP and core appliance if (peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType().equals("") || peerAppliance.getPid().equals("")) { continue; } } catch (ApplianceException e) { continue; } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { continue; } if (props == null) continue; infos.add(props); } } count++; return infos; } } public void updateAppliance(Dictionary props) throws ApplianceException { log.debug("updateAppliance"); String appliancePid = (String) props.get(""); if (appliancePid == null) throw new ApplianceException(" is null"); synchronized (lockGatH) { if (hacService != null) { try { // !!! Energy@home webui compatibility String[] ids = getDeviceIds(appliancePid); appliancePid = ids[0]; Integer endPointId = new Integer(ids[1]); IAppliance appliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); props.put(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, appliance.getDescriptor().getType()); if (appliance.getEndPointIds().length > 2) { ApplianceConfiguration applianceConfig = new ApplianceConfiguration( appliance.getEndPointIds(), convertToMap(this.hacService.getManagedConfiguration(appliancePid))); applianceConfig.updateName(endPointId, (String) props.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_NAME_PROPERTY)); applianceConfig.updateCategoryPid(endPointId, (String) props.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_CATEGORY_PID_PROPERTY)); applianceConfig.updateLocationPid(endPointId, (String) props.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_LOCATION_PID_PROPERTY)); applianceConfig.updateIconName(endPointId, (String) props.get(IAppliance.APPLIANCE_ICON_PROPERTY)); this.hacService.updateAppliance(appliancePid, new Hashtable(applianceConfig.getConfigurationMap())); } else { this.hacService.updateAppliance(appliancePid, props); } } catch (HacException e) { throw new ApplianceException(e.getMessage()); } } else throw new IllegalStateException("hap service not bound"); } } public long getHapLastUploadTime() { synchronized (lockPlatform) { if (hapService != null) return hapService.getLastSuccessfulBatchRequestTimestamp(); else throw new IllegalStateException("hap service not bound"); } } public boolean isHapClientConnected() { synchronized (lockPlatform) { if (hapService != null) return hapService.isConnected(); else return false; } } public void setHapConnectionId(String m2mDeviceId) { synchronized (lockPlatform) { if (m2mDevice != null) { M2MDeviceConfig m2mDeviceConfig; try { m2mDeviceConfig = this.m2mDevice.getConfiguration(); m2mDeviceConfig.setDeviceId(m2mDeviceId); m2mDevice.setConfiguration(m2mDeviceConfig); } catch (M2MServiceException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("m2m device not bound"); } } } public String getHapConnectionId() { synchronized (lockPlatform) { if (m2mDevice != null) { M2MDeviceConfig m2mDeviceConfig; m2mDeviceConfig = this.m2mDevice.getConfiguration(); String a = m2mDeviceConfig.getDeviceId(); return a; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("m2m device not bound"); } } } public void execSignalStateNotification(short ApplianceStatus, short RemoteEnableFlags, int ApplianceStatus2, IEndPointRequestContext context) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { log.debug("appliance Status"); IEndPoint aa = context.getPeerEndPoint(); aa.getAppliance(); boolean isStateChangable = true; // int availability = ((IServiceCluster) // applianceControlServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; int applianceStatus = 0; int state; try { applianceStatus = ApplianceStatus; if (logEnabled) log.debug("applianceStatus is " + applianceStatus); if (applianceStatus < 0x03) { state = Off; } else { state = On; } } catch (Exception e) { state = Unknown; // availability = 0; } } public void sendGuiLog(String msg) throws Exception { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } this.espService.sendGuiLog(msg); } } public long currentTimeMillis() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } public Long getInitialConfigurationTime() { synchronized (lockEsp) { if (espService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ESP service not bound"); } return this.espService.getInitialConfigurationTime(); } } public ZoneEnrollResponse execZoneEnrollRequest(int ZoneType, int ManufacturerCode, IEndPointRequestContext context) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { ZoneEnrollResponse zoneEnrollResponse = new ZoneEnrollResponse(); return zoneEnrollResponse; } // HA 1.1 public void execZoneStatusChangeNotification(int ZoneStatus, short ExtendedStatus, IEndPointRequestContext context) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { log.debug(context.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance().getPid() + ": ZoneStatus=" + ZoneStatus + ", ExtendedStatus=" + ExtendedStatus); IAppliance peerAppliance = context.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance(); Integer zoneValue = new Integer(ZoneStatus); this.zoneStatusTable.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), zoneValue); } // HA 1.2 public void execZoneStatusChangeNotification(int ZoneStatus, short ExtendedStatus, short ZoneID, int Delay, IEndPointRequestContext context) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { log.debug(context.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance().getPid() + ": ZoneStatus=" + ZoneStatus + ", ExtendedStatus=" + ExtendedStatus); IAppliance peerAppliance = context.getPeerEndPoint().getAppliance(); Integer zoneValue = new Integer(ZoneStatus); this.zoneStatusTable.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), zoneValue); } /* * METODI INTECS */ public Hashtable getDeviceClusters(String appliancePid) { Hashtable res = new Hashtable(); res.put("pid", appliancePid); IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); if (peerAppliance == null) return null; IEndPoint eps[] = peerAppliance.getEndPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < eps.length; i++) { String cls[] = eps[i].getServiceClusterNames(); for (int j = 0; j < cls.length; j++) { res.put("cluster" + (j + i), cls[j]); } } return res; } public short levelControlGetCurrentValue(String appliancePid) { //synchronized (lockGatH) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); if (peerAppliance == null) return -1; //} LevelControlServer levelControlServer = (LevelControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), LevelControlServer.class.getName()); if (levelControlServer != null) { try { short level = levelControlServer.getCurrentLevel(getterContext); return level; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("levelControlGetCurrentValue returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return -2; } } return -1; } public boolean levelControlExecMoveToLevelWithOnOff(String appliancePid, short Level, int TransitionTime) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //synchronized (lockGatH) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); if (peerAppliance == null) return false; //} LevelControlServer levelControlServer = (LevelControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), LevelControlServer.class.getName()); if (levelControlServer != null) { try { levelControlServer.execMoveToLevelWithOnOff(Level, TransitionTime, ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("levelControlExecMoveToLevelWithOnOff returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } return false; } public boolean levelControlExecMoveToLevel(String appliancePid, short Level, int TransitionTime) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //synchronized (lockGatH) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); if (peerAppliance == null) return false; //} LevelControlServer levelControlServer = (LevelControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), LevelControlServer.class.getName()); if (levelControlServer != null) { try { levelControlServer.execMoveToLevel(Level, TransitionTime, ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("levelControlExecMoveToLevel returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } return false; } public boolean levelControlExecStopWithOnOff(String appliancePid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); //} LevelControlServer levelControlServer = (LevelControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), LevelControlServer.class.getName()); if (levelControlServer != null) { try { levelControlServer.execStopWithOnOff(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("levelControlExecStopWithOnOff returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } return false; } public boolean colorControlMoveToColorHSL(String appliancePid, short hue, short saturation, short level, int transitionTime) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); ColorControlServer colorControlServer = (ColorControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ColorControlServer.class.getName()); if (colorControlServer != null) { try { colorControlServer.execMoveToHueAndSaturation(hue, saturation, transitionTime, ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); boolean ret = levelControlExecMoveToLevelWithOnOff(appliancePid, level, transitionTime); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("colorControlMoveToColorHSL returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } return false; } public boolean colorControlMoveToColorHS(String appliancePid, short hue, short saturation, int transitionTime) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); ColorControlServer colorControlServer = (ColorControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ColorControlServer.class.getName()); if (colorControlServer != null) { try { colorControlServer.execMoveToHueAndSaturation(hue, saturation, transitionTime, ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); //boolean ret=levelControlExecMoveToLevelWithOnOff(appliancePid, level, transitionTime); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("colorControlMoveToColorHSL returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } return false; } public Hashtable colorControlGetColorHSL(String appliancePid) { Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); ColorControlServer colorControlServer = (ColorControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ColorControlServer.class.getName()); if (colorControlServer != null) { try { short hue = colorControlServer.getCurrentHue(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); short sat = colorControlServer.getCurrentSaturation(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); short level = levelControlGetCurrentValue(appliancePid); props.put("hue", hue); props.put("saturation", sat); props.put("level", level); props.put("pid", appliancePid); } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("colorControlGetColorHSL returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); props.put("Errore", e.getMessage()); } } return props; } public Hashtable colorControlGetColorHS(String appliancePid) { Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); ColorControlServer colorControlServer = (ColorControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ColorControlServer.class.getName()); if (colorControlServer != null) { try { short hue = colorControlServer.getCurrentHue(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); short sat = colorControlServer.getCurrentSaturation(ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); //short level=levelControlGetCurrentValue(appliancePid); props.put("hue", hue); props.put("saturation", sat); //props.put("level", level); props.put("pid", appliancePid); } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("colorControlGetColorHSL returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); props.put("Errore", e.getMessage()); } } return props; } public boolean colorControlMoveToColorXYL(String appliancePid, int X, int Y, short level, int transitionTime) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); ColorControlServer colorControlServer = (ColorControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ColorControlServer.class.getName()); if (colorControlServer != null) { try { colorControlServer.execMoveToColor(X, Y, transitionTime, ConfirmationNotRequiredRequestContext); boolean ret = levelControlExecMoveToLevelWithOnOff(appliancePid, level, transitionTime); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { if (logEnabled) log.debug("colorControlMoveToColorXYL returned exception '" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } return false; } public ArrayList getCategoriesWithPid() throws ApplianceValidationException { ArrayList vec = new ArrayList(); ICategory[] categories = getCategories(); for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { ICategory category = categories[i]; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); props.put("name", category.getName()); props.put("icon", category.getIconName()); props.put("pid", category.getPid()); vec.add(props); } return vec; } /* public synchronized Vector getInfos() { Vector infos = new Vector(); IAppliance[] peerAppliances = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliances(); for (int i = 0; i < peerAppliances.length; i++) { IAppliance peerAppliance = peerAppliances[i]; Hashtable props; try { props = this.getInfoNew(peerAppliance); } catch (ApplianceException e) { continue; } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { continue; } if (props == null) continue; infos.add(props); } return infos; } */ public Hashtable getInfoNew(IAppliance peerAppliance) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { int availability = 0; int state = 0; int status = 0; boolean isStateChangable = false; String locationPid = null; String categoryPid = null; String value = ""; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); props.put("type", peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType()); props.put("pid", peerAppliance.getPid()); props.put("id", peerAppliance.getPid()); // Pid or id? //synchronized (lockGatH) { OnOffServer onOffServer = null; onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OnOffServer.class.getName()); if (onOffServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) onOffServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; boolean onOff = false; try { onOff = onOffServer.getOnOff(onOffCommandContext); if (onOff) state = On; else state = Off; } catch (Exception e) { // availability = 0; value = e.getMessage(); state = Unknown; } } // OnOffServer onOffServer = null; // onOffServer = (OnOffServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), OnOffServer.class.getName()); // if (onOffServer != null) { // isStateChangable = true; // availability = ((IServiceCluster) onOffServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; // boolean onOff = false; // // if (availability == 2) { // Boolean onOffValue = (Boolean) this.onOffValues.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); // if (doReadOnOff() || (onOffValue == null)) { // try { // onOff = onOffServer.getOnOff(getterContext); // this.onOffValues.put(peerAppliance.getPid(), new Boolean(onOff)); // // } catch (Exception e) { // // availability = 0; // state = Unknown; // } // } else { // onOff = onOffValue.booleanValue(); // } // // if (onOff) // state = On; // else // state = Off; // } else { // this.onOffValues.remove(peerAppliance.getPid()); // state = Unknown; // } // } ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null && onOffServer == null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) applianceControlServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; int applianceStatus = 0; try { applianceStatus = applianceControlServer.execSignalState(getterContext).ApplianceStatus; if (logEnabled) log.debug("applianceStatus is " + applianceStatus); if (applianceStatus < 0x03) { state = Off; } else { state = On; } } catch (Exception e) { state = Unknown; // availability = 0; } } } } ThermostatServer thermostatServer = (ThermostatServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ThermostatServer.class.getName()); if (thermostatServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) thermostatServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer humidityServer = (RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), RelativeHumidityMeasurementServer.class.getName()); if (humidityServer != null) { isStateChangable = true; availability = ((IServiceCluster) humidityServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } // handle Smart Info and Smart Plugs SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName()); if (onOffServer == null && simpleMeteringServer != null) { availability = ((IServiceCluster) simpleMeteringServer).getEndPoint().isAvailable() ? 2 : 0; } ConfigServer configServer = (ConfigServer) greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ConfigServer.class.getName()); if (configServer != null) { locationPid = configServer.getLocationPid(null); if (locationPid != null) { ILocation location = this.getLocation(locationPid); if (location != null) props.put("location", location); } props.put("location_pid", locationPid); categoryPid = configServer.getCategoryPid(null); if (categoryPid != null) { ICategory category = this.getCategory(categoryPid); if (category != null) props.put("category", category); } try { props.put("name", configServer.getName(null)); } catch (Exception e) { props.put("name", peerAppliance.getPid()); } try { props.put("icon", configServer.getIconName(null)); } catch (Exception e) { props.put("icon", "lampadina.png"); } } else return null; props.put("device_state_avail", new Boolean(isStateChangable)); props.put("device_state", new Integer(state)); props.put("availability", new Integer(availability)); props.put("device_status", new Integer(status)); // if (!peerAppliance.getDescriptor().getType().equals(SMARTINFO_APP_TYPE)) { // if (thermostatServer != null) { // float localTemperature = (float) (thermostatServer.getLocalTemperature(getterContext) / 100.0); // value = localTemperature + "^C"; // if (humidityServer != null) { // float humididy = (float) (humidityServer.getMeasuredValue(getterContext) / 100.0); // value += " " + humididy + "%"; // } // // } else { // if (!useReportingOnSimpleMetering) { // try { // double power = this.readPower(peerAppliance); // value = OutputPower.format(power / 1000.0); // } catch (Exception e) { // value = "na"; // } // } else { // Double istantaneousDemand = (Double) istantaneousDemands.get(peerAppliance.getPid()); // if (istantaneousDemand != null) { // value = OutputPower.format(istantaneousDemand.doubleValue() / 1000.0); // } // } // } // } if (simpleMeteringServer != null) { props.put("device_value_2", simpleMeteringServer.getIstantaneousDemand(getterContext)); } else { props.put("device_value_2", "na"); } props.put("device_value", value); //} return props; } public boolean setDeviceState(String appliancePid, int state) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); return setDeviceState(peerAppliance, state); } public int getDeviceState(String appliancePid) throws ApplianceException, ServiceClusterException { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); return getDeviceState(peerAppliance); } public Hashtable testFunction(String appliancePid, String p1, int p2, int p3) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); Hashtable res = new Hashtable(); res.put("pid", appliancePid); res.put("class", ColorControlClient.class.getName()); SimpleMeteringServer simpleMeteringServer = (SimpleMeteringServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), SimpleMeteringServer.class.getName()); try { res.put("currentSummation", simpleMeteringServer.getCurrentSummationReceived(getterContext)); res.put("currentSummationDelivered", simpleMeteringServer.getCurrentSummationDelivered(getterContext)); res.put("istantaneousDemand", simpleMeteringServer.getIstantaneousDemand(getterContext)); res.put("DemandFormatting", simpleMeteringServer.getDemandFormatting(getterContext)); res.put("divisor", simpleMeteringServer.getDivisor(getterContext)); res.put("type", simpleMeteringServer.getMeteringDeviceType(getterContext)); res.put("mult", simpleMeteringServer.getMultiplier(getterContext)); res.put("powerfactor", simpleMeteringServer.getPowerFactor(getterContext)); res.put("sumFormatting", simpleMeteringServer.getSummationFormatting(getterContext)); res.put("unit", simpleMeteringServer.getUnitOfMeasure(getterContext)); } catch (ApplianceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return res; } public int applianceControlGetStartTime(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); int ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getStartTime(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } public int applianceControlGetFinishTime(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); int ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getFinishTime(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } public int applianceControlGetRemainingTime(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); int ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getRemainingTime(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } public Hashtable applianceControlExecSignalState(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); Hashtable res = null; SignalStateResponse sg = null; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { sg = applianceControlServer.execSignalState(getterContext); res = new Hashtable(); res.put("ApplianceStatus", sg.ApplianceStatus); res.put("ApplianceStatus2", sg.ApplianceStatus2); res.put("RemoteEnableFlags", sg.RemoteEnableFlags); } catch (ApplianceException e) { res = null; } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { res = null; } } return res; } public short applianceControlGetCycleTarget0(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); short ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getCycleTarget0(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } public short applianceControlGetCycleTarget1(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); short ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getCycleTarget1(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } public int applianceControlGetTemperatureTarget0(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); int ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getTemperatureTarget0(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } public int applianceControlGetTemperatureTarget1(String appliancePid) { IAppliance peerAppliance = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliance(appliancePid); int ret = -1; ApplianceControlServer applianceControlServer = (ApplianceControlServer) greenathomeEndPoint .getPeerServiceCluster(peerAppliance.getPid(), ApplianceControlServer.class.getName()); if (applianceControlServer != null) { try { ret = applianceControlServer.getTemperatureTarget1(getterContext); } catch (ApplianceException e) { } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { } } return ret; } //START DEMO MILANO // protected class _MyDevice{ // //Hashtable che contiene i valori da passare alla webui // public String appliancePid=""; // public Hashtable info=null; // public IAppliance peerAppliance=null; // // // } // // protected Vector _myDevices = new Vector(); // protected boolean _isUopdatingDeviceList=false; // protected boolean _isUpdateSchedulerActive=false; // private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); // private ScheduledFuture<?> updateHandle; // private final int UPDATE_TIME=20; // // //Aggiungere metodo deactivate per stoppare lo scheduler! // // public Vector getDeviceList(){ // // if(updateHandle==null && !_isUpdateSchedulerActive) // { // startDeviceListUpdateScheduler(); // } // // Vector list = new Vector(); // for (int i = 0; i < _myDevices.size(); i++) { // _MyDevice el= (_MyDevice) _myDevices.elementAt(i); // list.add(; // } // return list; // } // // public void updateDeviceList(){ // // // if(_isUopdatingDeviceList) // return; // // Runnable r=new Runnable() { // Vector updated = new Vector(); // @Override // public void run() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // try{ // _isUopdatingDeviceList=true; // // IAppliance[] peerAppliances = greenathomeEndPoint.getPeerAppliances(); // // for (int i = 0; i < peerAppliances.length; i++) { // // IAppliance peerAppliance = peerAppliances[i]; // // Hashtable props; // try { // props = getInfoNew(peerAppliance); // } catch (ApplianceException e) { // continue; // } catch (ServiceClusterException e) { // continue; // } // // if (props == null) // continue; // // _MyDevice el=new _MyDevice(); // el.appliancePid=(String) props.get("pid"); //; // el.peerAppliance=peerAppliance; // updated.add(el); // } // // _myDevices=updated; // _isUopdatingDeviceList=false; // }catch(Exception e){ // _isUopdatingDeviceList=false; // }finally{ // _isUopdatingDeviceList=false; // } // } // }; // Thread th=new Thread(r); // th.start(); // } // // public void startDeviceListUpdateScheduler(){ // // final Runnable updater = new Runnable() { // public void run() { // updateDeviceList(); // } // }; // updateHandle = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(updater, UPDATE_TIME, UPDATE_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // _isUpdateSchedulerActive=true; // // } // // public void stopDeviceListUpdateScheduler(){ // try{ // updateHandle.cancel(true); // updateHandle=null; // _isUpdateSchedulerActive=false; // scheduler.shutdownNow(); // }catch(Exception e){ // // } // } //END DEMO MILANO public List getDailyPVForecast() { //controllo se l'istanza \E8 ancora in esecuzione, altrimenti ne faccio partire una nuova //faccio partire l'acquisizione dati per avere i dati aggiornati alla prossima chiamata if (PVThread == null) { PVThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { getPVForecast(); } }); PVThread.start(); } else { if (!PVThread.isAlive()) { PVThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { getPVForecast(); } }); PVThread.start(); } } forecast_debug += "--momento:" + forecast.size(); if (!forecast.isEmpty()) return forecast; else { //se non ho valori ritorno valori fake mentre sta acquisendo valori reali return new ArrayList<Double>(Arrays.asList(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.349, 0.349, 0.447, 0.761, 0.761, 0.911, 0.688, 0.688, 0.607, 0.327, 0.052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); } } public String getDailyPVForecastDebug() { return forecast_debug; } private void getPVForecast() { try { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); if (cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) < 11) cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); String date = format.format(cal.getTime()); // Create SOAP Connection SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance(); SOAPConnection soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection(); // Send SOAP Message to SOAP Server String url = ""; SOAPMessage soapResponse =, url); // Process the SOAP Response double[] val = getValuesFromSOAPResponse(soapResponse); if (val != null) { if (val.length > 0) forecast = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (Double.isNaN(val[i])) val[i] = 0; forecast.add(val[i]); } } forecast_debug += "---fsize: " + forecast.size(); soapConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { forecast_debug += "---EXCEPT: " + e.getMessage(); } } private static SOAPMessage createSOAPRequest(String date) throws Exception { MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(); SOAPMessage soapMessage = messageFactory.createMessage(); SOAPPart soapPart = soapMessage.getSOAPPart(); String serverURI = ""; // SOAP Envelope SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope(); envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration("example", serverURI); // SOAP Body SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody(); SOAPElement soapBodyElem = soapBody.addChildElement("Get72hPlantForecast", "example"); SOAPElement soapBodyElem1 = soapBodyElem.addChildElement("plantID", "example"); soapBodyElem1.addTextNode("telecom_02"); SOAPElement soapBodyElem2 = soapBodyElem.addChildElement("quantityID", "example"); soapBodyElem2.addTextNode("frc_pac"); SOAPElement soapBodyElem3 = soapBodyElem.addChildElement("timestamp", "example"); soapBodyElem3.addTextNode(date); SOAPElement soapBodyElem4 = soapBodyElem.addChildElement("langID", "example"); soapBodyElem4.addTextNode("en"); MimeHeaders headers = soapMessage.getMimeHeaders(); headers.addHeader("SOAPAction", serverURI + "Get72hPlantForecast"); soapMessage.saveChanges(); return soapMessage; } private double[] getValuesFromSOAPResponse(SOAPMessage soapResponse) throws Exception { NodeList list = soapResponse.getSOAPPart().getElementsByTagName("values"); if (list != null) { forecast_debug += "---found values"; list = list.item(0).getChildNodes(); double[] frc_values = new double[24]; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { Node node = list.item(i); Node value = node.getLastChild(); frc_values[i] = Double.parseDouble(value.getTextContent()); //System.out.println("node name: "+value.getNodeName()+" value: "+value.getTextContent()); } return frc_values; } else { forecast_debug += "---not found values"; return null; } } /* * Ottengo la data di domani in orario in cui \E8 arrivato il nuovo forecast */ private static Date getTomorrow10AM() { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 10); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 40); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); Date date = cal.getTime(); return date; } }