Example usage for java.lang Double doubleValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double doubleValue.


public double doubleValue() 

Source Link


Returns the double value of this Double object.


From source file:com.mobileman.projecth.web.controller.ArztController.java

 * @param request//from ww w  .  jav a2  s  . c  om
 * @param model
 * @return "arzt/index"
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/arzt/index")
public String getDoctorOverview(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
    DataHolder dataHolder = new DataHolder(request);
    Doctor doctor = dataHolder.getDoctor();
    model.addAttribute("doctor", doctor);
    model.addAttribute("date_from", DateUtils.date2str(dataHolder.getDateFrom()));
    model.addAttribute("date_to", DateUtils.date2str(dataHolder.getDateTo()));
    Date dateFrom = dataHolder.getDateFrom();
    Date dateTo = dataHolder.getDateTo();

    boolean hasData = false;
    List<Object[]> data = doctorService.findPatientsCountByDisease(doctor.getId());
    List<PatientsCountByDisease> patientsCountByDiseases = new ArrayList<PatientsCountByDisease>();
    model.addAttribute("patientsCountByDiseases", patientsCountByDiseases);
    for (Object[] item : data) {
        PatientsCountByDisease pc = new PatientsCountByDisease(Number.class.cast(item[0]).intValue(),
                (Disease) item[1]);
        hasData = true;

    List<PatientsKpiAverageScoreTimelineByDisease> kpiStats = new ArrayList<PatientsKpiAverageScoreTimelineByDisease>();
    model.addAttribute("patientsKpiAverageScoreTimelineByDiseases", kpiStats);
    for (PatientsCountByDisease pc : patientsCountByDiseases) {
        List<KeyPerformanceIndicatorType> kpis = keyPerformanceIndicatorTypeService
        for (KeyPerformanceIndicatorType kpit : kpis) {
            List<KeyPerformanceIndicatorStatistics> statistics = patientKPIService
                    .computeKPIAverageTimeline(kpit.getId(), dateFrom, dateTo);
            if (statistics != null && !statistics.isEmpty()) {
                PatientsKpiAverageScoreTimelineByDisease item = new PatientsKpiAverageScoreTimelineByDisease(
                        kpit, statistics);

    data = doctorService.findPatientsCountByGenderByDisease(doctor.getId());
    List<PatientsCountByGendersByDisease> patientsCountByGenderByDiseases = new ArrayList<PatientsCountByGendersByDisease>();
    model.addAttribute("patientsCountByGenderByDiseases", patientsCountByGenderByDiseases);
    for (PatientsCountByDisease pcd : patientsCountByDiseases) {
        PatientsCountByGendersByDisease stat = new PatientsCountByGendersByDisease(pcd.getDisease(),
        for (Object[] countItem : data) {
            if (countItem[2].equals(pcd.getDisease())) {
                int count = Number.class.cast(countItem[0]).intValue();
                stat.add(count, Gender.class.cast(countItem[1]));

        hasData = true;

    data = doctorService.findPatientsCountByAgeByDisease(doctor.getId());
    List<PatientsCountsByAgeByDisease> patientsCountByAgeByDisease = new ArrayList<PatientsCountsByAgeByDisease>();
    model.addAttribute("patientsCountByAgeByDisease", patientsCountByAgeByDisease);
    for (PatientsCountByDisease pcd : patientsCountByDiseases) {
        PatientsCountsByAgeByDisease stat = new PatientsCountsByAgeByDisease(pcd.getDisease(), localeService);
        for (Object[] countItem : data) {

            if (countItem[2].equals(pcd.getDisease())) {
                int count = countItem[0] != null ? Number.class.cast(countItem[0]).intValue() : 0;
                stat.add(count, Number.class.cast(countItem[1]).intValue());

        hasData = true;

    data = doctorService.findPatientsKpiAverageScoreByDisease(doctor.getId());
    List<PatientsKpiAverageScoresByDisease> patientsKpiAverageScoreByDisease = new ArrayList<PatientsKpiAverageScoresByDisease>();
    model.addAttribute("patientsKpiAverageScoreByDisease", patientsKpiAverageScoreByDisease);
    for (PatientsCountByDisease stat : patientsCountByDiseases) {

        PatientsKpiAverageScoresByDisease pkpis = new PatientsKpiAverageScoresByDisease();

        List<KeyPerformanceIndicatorType> kpits = keyPerformanceIndicatorTypeService
        for (KeyPerformanceIndicatorType kpit : kpits) {

            boolean found = false;
            for (Object[] item : data) {
                KeyPerformanceIndicatorType kpitTmp = KeyPerformanceIndicatorType.class.cast(item[1]);
                if (kpit.equals(kpitTmp)) {
                    Double score = Double.class.cast(item[2]);
                    pkpis.add(kpit, score.doubleValue());
                    found = true;

            if (!found) {
                pkpis.add(kpit, 0.0d);

        hasData = true;

    model.addAttribute("hasData", Boolean.valueOf(hasData));

    return "arzt/index";

From source file:com.acc.storefront.controllers.pages.PickupInStoreController.java

@RequestMapping(value = PRODUCT_CODE_PATH_VARIABLE_PATTERN + "/pointOfServices", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String getPointOfServiceForStorePickupSubmit(@PathVariable("productCode") final String productCode,
        @RequestParam(value = "locationQuery", required = false) final String locationQuery,
        @RequestParam(value = "latitude", required = false) final Double latitude,
        @RequestParam(value = "longitude", required = false) final Double longitude,
        @RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") final int page,
        @RequestParam(value = "show", defaultValue = "Page") final AbstractSearchPageController.ShowMode showMode,
        @RequestParam(value = "sort", required = false) final String sortCode,
        @RequestParam(value = "cartPage", defaultValue = "Page") final Boolean cartPage,
        @RequestParam(value = "entryNumber", defaultValue = "0") final Long entryNumber,
        @RequestParam(value = "qty", defaultValue = "0") final Long qty, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final Model model) {
    GeoPoint geoPoint = null;/*  w  w w.  jav a2s  .c o  m*/
    if (longitude != null && latitude != null) {
        geoPoint = new GeoPoint();

    model.addAttribute("qty", qty);

    return getPointOfServiceForStorePickup(productCode, locationQuery, geoPoint, page, showMode, sortCode,
            cartPage, entryNumber, model, RequestMethod.POST, response);

From source file:com.openbravo.pos.forms.DataLogicSales.java

public final double findProductStock(String warehouse, String id, String attsetinstid) throws BasicException {

    PreparedSentence p = new PreparedSentence(s,
            new SerializerWriteBasic(Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING), SerializerReadDouble.INSTANCE);

    Double d = (Double) p.find(warehouse, id, attsetinstid);
    return d == null ? 0.0 : d.doubleValue();

From source file:com.blackbear.flatworm.converters.CoreConverters.java

public String convertDecimal(Object obj, Map<String, ConversionOption> options) {
    Double d = (Double) obj;
    if (d == null) {
        return null;
    }// ww w .j av  a2  s  .com

    int decimalPlaces = 0;
    ConversionOption conv = (ConversionOption) options.get("decimal-places");

    String decimalPlacesOption = null;
    if (null != conv)
        decimalPlacesOption = conv.getValue();

    boolean decimalImplied = "true".equals(Util.getValue(options, "decimal-implied"));

    if (decimalPlacesOption != null)
        decimalPlaces = Integer.parseInt(decimalPlacesOption);

    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
    if (decimalImplied) {
        d = new Double(d.doubleValue() * Math.pow(10D, decimalPlaces));
    } else {
    return format.format(d);

From source file:de.fhg.fokus.odp.middleware.ckan.CKANGatewayUtil.java

 * Returns a list of the most popular tags.
 * /*w w w  .j a v a2s .co  m*/
 * @param numberOfTags
 *            the number of popular tags to return.
 * @return the most popular tags or null if an error occurred.
public static JSONArray getMostPopularTagsOld(int numberOfTags) {

    // check the parameters
    if (numberOfTags <= 0) {
        return null;

    // the json array to return
    JSONArray toreturn = new JSONArray();

    // the array to store rating values
    double[] ratingValues = new double[numberOfTags];
    // even tough Java does it automatically, we set the values to zero
    for (int i = 0; i < ratingValues.length; i++) {
        ratingValues[i] = 0.0;

    // a help array for the package ratings
    HashMap<String, Double> packageRatings = new HashMap<String, Double>();

    // prepare the REST API call
    String RESTcall = "api/rest/tag";

    try {
        // run the REST call to obtain all tags
        String tagListString = connectorInstance.restCallWithAuthorization(RESTcall, null);
        if (tagListString == null) {
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to realize api call \"" + url + RESTcall + "\" !!!");
            return null;

        // parse the JSON string and obtain an array of JSON objects
        Object obj = JSONValue.parse(tagListString);
        JSONArray array = (JSONArray) obj;

        // move over the tags in the array
        for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {

            // pick the tag name
            String tagName = (String) array.get(i);

            // run the REST call to obtain all packages for the tag in
            // question
            String tRESTcall = RESTcall + "/" + tagName;
            String pListString = connectorInstance.restCallWithAuthorization(tRESTcall, null);

            if (pListString == null) {
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to realize api call \"" + url + RESTcall + "\" !!!");
                return null;

            // parse the JSON string
            Object pObj = JSONValue.parse(pListString);
            JSONArray pArray = (JSONArray) pObj;

            // iterate over the JSON array
            double tagRating = 0.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < pArray.size(); j++) {
                // pick the name of the package
                String pName = (String) (pArray.get(j));

                // check whether the average rating value has already been
                // obtained
                Double aRatingValueD = packageRatings.get(pName);

                if (aRatingValueD == null) {
                    // in case it was not obtained until now --> get it and
                    // store it locally
                    double aRatingValue = CKANGatewayUtil.getDataSetRatingsAverage(pName);
                    aRatingValueD = new Double(aRatingValue);
                    packageRatings.put(pName, aRatingValueD);

                // update the tag rating
                tagRating += aRatingValueD.doubleValue();

            // update the toreturn array
            if (toreturn.size() < numberOfTags) {
                ratingValues[toreturn.size() - 1] = tagRating;

            } else {
                // get the smallest value in the rating values
                int minIndex = minDoubleArray(ratingValues);
                if (ratingValues[minIndex] < tagRating) {
                    ratingValues[minIndex] = tagRating;
                    toreturn.set(minIndex, tagName);
    // catch potential exceptions
    catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to realize api call \"" + url + RESTcall + "\" !!!");
        return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    return toreturn;

From source file:com.ctc.storefront.controllers.pages.PickupInStoreController.java

@RequestMapping(value = PRODUCT_CODE_PATH_VARIABLE_PATTERN + "/pointOfServices", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String getPointOfServiceForStorePickupSubmit(@PathVariable("productCode") final String productCode, // NOSONAR
        @RequestParam(value = "locationQuery", required = false) final String locationQuery,
        @RequestParam(value = "latitude", required = false) final Double latitude,
        @RequestParam(value = "longitude", required = false) final Double longitude,
        @RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") final int page,
        @RequestParam(value = "show", defaultValue = "Page") final AbstractSearchPageController.ShowMode showMode,
        @RequestParam(value = "sort", required = false) final String sortCode,
        @RequestParam(value = "cartPage", defaultValue = "Page") final Boolean cartPage,
        @RequestParam(value = "entryNumber", defaultValue = "0") final Long entryNumber,
        @RequestParam(value = "qty", defaultValue = "0") final Long qty, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final Model model) {
    GeoPoint geoPoint = null;// w  w w.j  av a 2 s. c  o m
    if (longitude != null && latitude != null) {
        geoPoint = new GeoPoint();

    model.addAttribute("qty", qty);

    return getPointOfServiceForStorePickup(productCode, locationQuery, geoPoint, page, showMode, sortCode,
            cartPage, entryNumber, model, RequestMethod.POST, response);

From source file:org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.ui.AssignmentDetailsBean.java

protected void init() {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("loadData assignment=" + assignment + ", previousAssignment=" + previousAssignment
                + ", nextAssignment=" + nextAssignment);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("isNotValidated()=" + isNotValidated());
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("workInProgress=" + workInProgress);
    if (workInProgress) {
        // Keeping the current form values in memory is a one-shot deal at
        // present. The next time the user does anything, the form will be
        // refreshed from the database.
        workInProgress = false;/*from  ww  w .  ja v a  2 s. c o m*/
        ToolSession session = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();
        final String fromPage = (String) session.getAttribute("fromPage");
        if (fromPage != null) {


    // set the filter value for this page

    ToolSession session = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();
    final String fromPage = (String) session.getAttribute("breadcrumbPage");
    if (fromPage != null) {

    // Clear view state.
    previousAssignment = null;
    nextAssignment = null;
    scoreRows = new ArrayList();
    updatedComments = new ArrayList();
    updatedGradeRecords = new ArrayList();
    isAllStudentsViewOnly = true;

    if (assignmentId != null) {
        assignment = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentWithStats(assignmentId);
        if (assignment != null) {
            // Get the list of assignments.  If we are sorting by mean, we
            // need to fetch the assignment statistics as well. If categories
            // are enabled, we need to retrieve the categories and extract the assignments
            // b/c the assignments will be grouped by category
            List assignments;
            if (!getCategoriesEnabled() && Assignment.SORT_BY_MEAN.equals(getAssignmentSortColumn())) {
                assignments = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentsWithStats(getGradebookId(),
                        getAssignmentSortColumn(), isAssignmentSortAscending());
            } else if (!getCategoriesEnabled()) {
                assignments = getGradebookManager().getAssignments(getGradebookId(), getAssignmentSortColumn(),
            } else {
                // Categories are enabled, so the assignments are grouped by category
                assignments = new ArrayList();

                List categoryListWithCG = getGradebookManager().getCategoriesWithStats(getGradebookId(),
                        getAssignmentSortColumn(), isAssignmentSortAscending(), getCategorySortColumn(),
                        isCategorySortAscending(), true);

                // if drop scores, must apply the average total as it was calculated for all assignments within the category
                if (assignment.getCategory() != null && assignment.getCategory().isDropScores()) {
                    for (Object obj : categoryListWithCG) {
                        if (obj instanceof Category) {
                            List<Assignment> catAssignments = ((Category) obj).getAssignmentList();
                            if (catAssignments != null) {
                                for (Assignment catAssignment : catAssignments) {
                                    if (catAssignment.equals(assignment)) {


                List categoryList = new ArrayList();

                // first, remove the CourseGrade from the Category list
                for (Iterator catIter = categoryListWithCG.iterator(); catIter.hasNext();) {
                    Object catOrCourseGrade = catIter.next();
                    if (catOrCourseGrade instanceof Category) {
                        categoryList.add((Category) catOrCourseGrade);

                if (!isUserAbleToGradeAll() && isUserHasGraderPermissions()) {
                    //SAK-19896, eduservice's can't share the same "Category" class, so just pass the ID's
                    List<Long> catIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
                    for (Category category : (List<Category>) categoryList) {
                    List<Long> viewableCats = getGradebookPermissionService()
                            .getCategoriesForUser(getGradebookId(), getUserUid(), catIds);
                    List<Category> tmpCatList = new ArrayList<Category>();
                    for (Category category : (List<Category>) categoryList) {
                        if (viewableCats.contains(category.getId())) {
                    categoryList = tmpCatList;

                if (categoryList != null) {
                    Iterator catIter = categoryList.iterator();
                    while (catIter.hasNext()) {
                        Category myCat = (Category) catIter.next();
                        List catAssigns = myCat.getAssignmentList();
                        if (catAssigns != null) {
                // we also need to retrieve all of the assignments that have not
                // yet been assigned a category
                if (!isUserAbleToGradeAll() && (isUserHasGraderPermissions() && !getGradebookPermissionService()
                        .getPermissionForUserForAllAssignment(getGradebookId(), getUserUid()))) {
                    // is not authorized to view the "Unassigned" Category
                } else {
                    List assignNoCategory = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentsWithNoCategory(getGradebookId(),
                            getAssignmentSortColumn(), isAssignmentSortAscending());
                    if (assignNoCategory != null) {

            // Set up next and previous links, if any.
            int thisIndex = assignments.indexOf(assignment);
            if (thisIndex > 0) {
                previousAssignment = (Assignment) assignments.get(thisIndex - 1);
            if (thisIndex < (assignments.size() - 1)) {
                nextAssignment = (Assignment) assignments.get(thisIndex + 1);

            Category category = assignment.getCategory();
            Long categoryId = null;
            if (category != null)
                categoryId = category.getId();

            // Set up score rows.
            Map enrollmentMap = getOrderedEnrollmentMapForItem(categoryId);

            List studentUids = new ArrayList(enrollmentMap.keySet());
            List gradeRecords = new ArrayList();
            if (getGradeEntryByPoints())
                gradeRecords = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentGradeRecords(assignment, studentUids);
                gradeRecords = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentGradeRecordsConverted(assignment,

            List<AssignmentGradeRecord> studentGradeRecords = getGradebookManager()
                    .getAllAssignmentGradeRecords(getGradebookId(), studentUids);


            copyDroppedFromGradeFlag(gradeRecords, studentGradeRecords);

            if (!isEnrollmentSort()) {
                // Need to sort and page based on a scores column.
                List scoreSortedStudentUids = new ArrayList();
                for (Iterator iter = gradeRecords.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    AbstractGradeRecord agr = (AbstractGradeRecord) iter.next();

                // Put enrollments with no scores at the beginning of the final list.

                // Add all sorted enrollments with scores into the final list

                studentUids = finalizeSortingAndPaging(studentUids);

            // Get all of the grading events for these enrollments on this assignment
            GradingEvents allEvents = getGradebookManager().getGradingEvents(assignment, studentUids);
            // NOTE: we are no longer converting the events b/c we are
            // storing what the user entered, not just points
            //getGradebookManager().convertGradingEventsConverted(assignment, allEvents, studentUids, getGradebook().getGrade_type());

            Map gradeRecordMap = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator iter = gradeRecords.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord = (AssignmentGradeRecord) iter.next();
                if (studentUids.contains(gradeRecord.getStudentId())) {
                    gradeRecordMap.put(gradeRecord.getStudentId(), gradeRecord);

            // If the table is not being sorted by enrollment information, then
            // we had to gather grade records for all students to set up the
            // current page. In that case, eliminate the undisplayed grade records
            // to reduce data contention.
            if (!isEnrollmentSort()) {
                gradeRecords = new ArrayList(gradeRecordMap.values());

            // Get all of the comments for these enrollments on this assignment.
            List comments = getGradebookManager().getComments(assignment, studentUids);
            Map commentMap = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator iter = comments.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                Comment comment = (Comment) iter.next();
                commentMap.put(comment.getStudentId(), comment);

            for (Iterator iter = studentUids.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                String studentUid = (String) iter.next();
                Map enrFunctionMap = (Map) enrollmentMap.get(studentUid);
                List enrRecList = new ArrayList(enrFunctionMap.keySet());
                EnrollmentRecord enrollment = (EnrollmentRecord) enrRecList.get(0); // there is only one rec in this map

                AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord = (AssignmentGradeRecord) gradeRecordMap.get(studentUid);
                if (gradeRecord == null) {
                    gradeRecord = new AssignmentGradeRecord(assignment, studentUid, null);

                Comment comment = (Comment) commentMap.get(studentUid);
                if (comment == null) {
                    comment = new Comment(studentUid, null, assignment);

                boolean userCanGrade = false;
                String itemFunction = (String) enrFunctionMap.get(enrollment);
                if (itemFunction != null && itemFunction.equalsIgnoreCase(GradebookService.gradePermission))
                    userCanGrade = true;

                scoreRows.add(new ScoreRow(enrollment, gradeRecord, comment, allEvents.getEvents(studentUid),
                if (userCanGrade)
                    isAllStudentsViewOnly = false;

            if (getCategoriesEnabled()) {
                if (assignment.getCategory() != null) {
                    List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
                    if (assignment.getCategory().getDropHighest() != 0) {
                                new String[] { assignment.getCategory().getDropHighest().toString() }));
                    if (assignment.getCategory().getDrop_lowest() != 0) {
                                new String[] { assignment.getCategory().getDrop_lowest().toString() }));
                    String categoryGradeDrops = null;
                    if (items.size() > 0) {
                        categoryGradeDrops = " " + items.toString().replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')');
                    if (getWeightingEnabled()) {
                        Double weight = assignment.getCategory().getWeight();
                        if (weight != null && weight.doubleValue() > 0)
                            weight = new Double(weight.doubleValue() * 100);
                        if (weight == null)
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Double weight == null!");
                        assignmentWeight = weight.toString();
                        assignmentCategory = assignment.getCategory().getName() + " "
                                + getLocalizedString("cat_weight_display", new String[] { assignmentWeight });
                        if (categoryGradeDrops != null) {
                            assignmentCategory = assignmentCategory + categoryGradeDrops;
                    } else {
                        assignmentCategory = assignment.getCategory().getName();
                        if (categoryGradeDrops != null) {
                            assignmentCategory = assignmentCategory + categoryGradeDrops;
                } else {
                    assignmentCategory = getLocalizedString("assignment_details_assign_category");

        } else {
            // The assignment might have been removed since this link was set up.
            if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                logger.warn("No assignmentId=" + assignmentId + " in gradebookUid " + getGradebookUid());

    if (isScoringAgentEnabled()) {
        scoringAgentData = initializeScoringAgentData(getGradebookUid(), assignmentId, null);

From source file:org.catechis.Stats.java

/**This method takes a Hashtable with the test_date-score format.
* We steps thru the list, adding up the scores and then divides by the number of tests.
* We also check the dates, hanging on to the latest date for later retrieval in the
* getLastTest method.//from   www.  ja  v a 2 s  .co  m
public double getAverage(Hashtable tests) {
    int number_of_tests = tests.size();
    double running_total = 0.0;
    int i = 0;
    last_time = 0;
    Enumeration e = tests.keys();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        String str_grade = (String) e.nextElement();
        String str_date = (String) tests.get(str_grade);
        Double dbl_score = new Double(str_grade);
        double score = dbl_score.doubleValue();
        running_total = (running_total + score);
    running_total_of_tests = running_total_of_tests + running_total;
    total_test_count = total_test_count + number_of_tests;
    double average_score = (running_total / number_of_tests);
    return average_score;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.ui.GradebookSetupBean.java

 * Because we display input as "percentage" to user but store it as
 * decimal, we need a way to convert our weights from decimal to %
 *//*from   www  . j  a  v a2s  .co  m*/
private void convertWeightsFromDecimalsToPercentages() {
    if (!getWeightingEnabled())

    if (categories != null && !categories.isEmpty()) {
        Iterator iter = categories.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Object obj = iter.next();
            if (!(obj instanceof Category)) {
            Category myCat = (Category) obj;
            Double weight = myCat.getWeight();
            if (weight != null && weight.doubleValue() > 0) {
                myCat.setWeight(new Double(weight.doubleValue() * 100));

From source file:org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.ui.GradebookSetupBean.java

private void initLetterGradeRows() {
    letterGradeRows = new ArrayList();

    for (Iterator iter = letterGradesList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        String grade = (String) iter.next();

        // Bottom grades (with a lower bound of 0%)
        Double d = defaultLGPM.getValue(grade);
        boolean editable = ((d != null) && (d.doubleValue() > 0.0));
        letterGradeRows.add(new LetterGradeRow(lgpm, grade, editable));
    }//from w  w w  .  j  a va 2  s . c  om