List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public double doubleValue()
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/** * Return a new sensitivity by sorting the times and adding the values at duplicated times. * @return The cleaned sensitivity.//www.j a v a 2 s. co m */ public PresentValueCurveSensitivityMarket clean() { //TODO: improve the sorting algorithm. Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> resultYield = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>(); for (final String name : _sensitivityYieldCurve.keySet()) { List<DoublesPair> list = _sensitivityYieldCurve.get(name); List<DoublesPair> listClean = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>(); Set<Double> set = new TreeSet<Double>(); for (final DoublesPair pair : list) { set.add(pair.getFirst()); } for (Double time : set) { double sensi = 0; for (int looplist = 0; looplist < list.size(); looplist++) { if (list.get(looplist).getFirst().doubleValue() == time.doubleValue()) { sensi += list.get(looplist).second; } } listClean.add(new DoublesPair(time, sensi)); } resultYield.put(name, listClean); } Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> resultPrice = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>(); for (final String name : _sensitivityPriceCurve.keySet()) { List<DoublesPair> list = _sensitivityPriceCurve.get(name); List<DoublesPair> listClean = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>(); Set<Double> set = new TreeSet<Double>(); for (final DoublesPair pair : list) { set.add(pair.getFirst()); } for (Double time : set) { double sensi = 0; for (int looplist = 0; looplist < list.size(); looplist++) { if (list.get(looplist).getFirst().doubleValue() == time.doubleValue()) { sensi += list.get(looplist).second; } } listClean.add(new DoublesPair(time, sensi)); } resultPrice.put(name, listClean); } return new PresentValueCurveSensitivityMarket(resultYield, resultPrice); }
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public Object execute(Evaluator evaluator, Argument[] args) { final Object argValue = args[0].evaluateScalar(evaluator); LOGGER.debug("Inverse Normal argument was : " + argValue); if (!(argValue instanceof Number)) { // Argument might be a RuntimeException indicating that // the cache does not yet have the required cell value. The // function will be called again when the cache is loaded. return null; }/*w w w . j a v a 2s . com*/ final Double d = new Double(((Number) argValue).doubleValue()); LOGGER.debug("Inverse Normal argument as Double was : " + d); if (d.isNaN()) { return null; } // If probability is nonnumeric or // probability < 0 or // probability > 1, // returns an error. double dbl = d.doubleValue(); if (dbl < 0.0 || dbl > 1.0) { LOGGER.debug("Invalid value for inverse normal distribution: " + dbl); throw new MondrianEvaluationException("Invalid value for inverse normal distribution: " + dbl); } try { Double result = new Double(nd.inverseCumulativeProbability(dbl)); LOGGER.debug("Inverse Normal result : " + result.doubleValue()); return result; } catch (MathException e) { LOGGER.debug("Exception calculating inverse normal distribution: " + dbl, e); throw new MondrianEvaluationException("Exception calculating inverse normal distribution: " + dbl); } }
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private boolean rule4(Double sample) { if (null == rule4PreviousSample || sample.doubleValue() == rule4PreviousSample.doubleValue()) { rule4PreviousSample = sample;// w ww .ja va2 s .c o m rule4PreviousDirection = "="; rule4Count = 0; return false; } String sampleDirection = (sample > rule4PreviousSample) ? ">" : "<"; if (sampleDirection.equals(rule4PreviousDirection)) { rule4Count = 0; } else { ++rule4Count; } rule4PreviousSample = sample; rule4PreviousDirection = sampleDirection; return Math.abs(rule4Count) >= 14; }
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protected final void compute() { // Validate input arguments //======================================================= if (!dataList.isDefined() || dataList.size() == 0) { frequency.setUndefined();//from ww w. ja va 2 s. com return; } if (!(dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT || dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC)) { frequency.setUndefined(); return; } if (classList != null) { if (classList.getElementType() != GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC || classList.size() < 2) { frequency.setUndefined(); return; } } if (density != null) { if (density.getDouble() <= 0) { frequency.setUndefined(); return; } } frequency.setDefined(true); frequency.clear(); if (value != null) value.clear(); double numMax = 0, numMin = 0; boolean doCumulative = isCumulative != null && isCumulative.getBoolean(); // Load the data into f, an instance of Frequency class //======================================================= Frequency f = new Frequency(); for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) { if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT) f.addValue(((GeoText) dataList.get(i)).toValueString()); if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC) f.addValue(((GeoNumeric) dataList.get(i)).getDouble()); } // If classList does not exist, // get the unique value list and compute frequencies for this list //======================================================= // handle string data if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT) { Iterator itr = f.valuesIterator(); String strMax = (String); String strMin = strMax; itr = f.valuesIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String s = (String); if (s.compareTo(strMax) > 0) strMax = s; if (s.compareTo(strMin) < 0) strMin = s; GeoText text = new GeoText(cons); text.setTextString(s); value.add(text); if (classList == null) if (doCumulative) frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCumFreq((Comparable) s))); else frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCount((Comparable) s))); } } // handle numeric data else { Iterator itr = f.valuesIterator(); numMax = (Double); numMin = numMax; itr = f.valuesIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Double n = (Double); if (n > numMax) numMax = n.doubleValue(); if (n < numMin) numMin = n.doubleValue(); value.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, n)); if (classList == null) if (doCumulative) frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCumFreq((Comparable) n))); else frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCount((Comparable) n))); } } // If classList exists, compute frequencies using the classList //======================================================= if (classList != null) { double lowerClassBound = 0; double upperClassBound = 0; double classFreq = 0; //set density conditions boolean hasDensity = false; if (useDensity != null) hasDensity = useDensity.getBoolean(); double densityValue = 1; // default density if (density != null) { densityValue = density.getDouble(); } double cumulativeClassFreq = 0; double swap; int length = classList.size(); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { lowerClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i - 1)).getDouble(); upperClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i)).getDouble(); boolean increasing = true; if (lowerClassBound > upperClassBound) { swap = upperClassBound; upperClassBound = lowerClassBound; lowerClassBound = swap; increasing = false; } classFreq = f.getCumFreq((Comparable) upperClassBound) - f.getCumFreq((Comparable) lowerClassBound) + f.getCount((Comparable) lowerClassBound); if ((i != length - 1 && increasing) || (i != 1 && !increasing)) classFreq -= f.getCount((Comparable) upperClassBound); // System.out.println(" ================================="); // System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq + " " + density); if (hasDensity) { classFreq = densityValue * classFreq / (upperClassBound - lowerClassBound); } if (doCumulative) cumulativeClassFreq += classFreq; // System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq); // add the frequency to the output GeoList frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, doCumulative ? cumulativeClassFreq : classFreq)); } // handle the last (highest) class frequency specially // it must also count values equal to the highest class bound } }
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private void importDataToWorkbook(HSSFWorkbook xlsBook, Workbook workbook) { if (workbook.getObservations() != null) { HSSFSheet observationSheet = xlsBook.getSheetAt(1); int xlsRowIndex = 1; //row 0 is the header row for (MeasurementRow wRow : workbook.getObservations()) { HSSFRow xlsRow = observationSheet.getRow(xlsRowIndex); for (MeasurementData wData : wRow.getDataList()) { String label = wData.getLabel(); int xlsColIndex = findColumn(observationSheet, label); Cell cell = xlsRow.getCell(xlsColIndex); String xlsValue = ""; if (cell != null) { if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) { Double doubleVal = Double.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue()); Integer intVal = Integer.valueOf(doubleVal.intValue()); if (Double.parseDouble(intVal.toString()) == doubleVal.doubleValue()) { xlsValue = intVal.toString(); } else { xlsValue = doubleVal.toString(); }/* ww w . j a v a2s. com*/ } else xlsValue = cell.getStringCellValue(); } wData.setValue(xlsValue); } xlsRowIndex++; } } }
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private void update() { try {/*w w w . ja v a 2s.c o m*/ Date date = dateParse.parse(text.getText()); Double r = CurrencyConverter.getInstance().getExchangeRatio(date, from.getText(), to.getText()); if (r == null) { r = CurrencyConverter.getInstance().getExchangeRatio(date, to.getText(), from.getText()); if (r != null) r = new Double(1 / r.doubleValue()); } if (r == null) r = CurrencyConverter.getInstance().getExchangeRatio(from.getText(), to.getText()); if (r != null) ratio.setSelection((int) (r.doubleValue() * Math.pow(10, ratio.getDigits()))); else ratio.setSelection((int) (1 * Math.pow(10, ratio.getDigits()))); } catch (Exception e) { ratio.setSelection((int) (1 * Math.pow(10, ratio.getDigits()))); LogFactory.getLog(getClass()).warn(e); } if (getButton(IDialogConstants.OK_ID) != null) getButton(IDialogConstants.OK_ID).setEnabled(!from.getText().equals(to.getText())); }
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private double getGlobalStatusMetric(Metric metric) throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, JDBCQueryCacheException { JDBCQueryCache globalStatus = getQueryCache(metric, SHOW_GLOBAL_STATUS); String valColumn = metric.getObjectProperty("value"); String alias = metric.getAttributeName(); if (metric.isAvail()) { return getAvailability(metric).getValue(); } else {/*w w w . jav a 2s. c o m*/ Connection conn = getCachedConnection(metric); Double val = Double.valueOf(globalStatus.get(conn, alias, valColumn).toString()); return val.doubleValue(); } }
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@Override protected JPanel makeControlPanel() { if (this.controlPanel == null) { this.controlPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING)); JButton startButton = new JButton("Start"); startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override//w w w .j a v a 2 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { start(); } }); } }); this.controlPanel.add(startButton); JButton stopButton = new JButton("Stop"); stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stop(); } }); } }); this.controlPanel.add(stopButton); JLabel minTimeLabel = new JLabel("Mimium time database queries in milliseconds:"); this.controlPanel.add(minTimeLabel); SpinnerModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(this.minimumMillisBetweenRequests, 10d, 3600000d, 10d); JSpinner sleepTimeSpinner = new JSpinner(model); sleepTimeSpinner.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source instanceof JSpinner) { final JSpinner spinner = (JSpinner) source; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Double value = (Double) spinner.getValue(); value = Double.valueOf(value.doubleValue() * 1000d); setMinimumMillisBetweenRequests(value.longValue()); } }); } else log.warn("Unsupported ChangeEvent, need JSpinner as source: " + e); } }); // catch text change events without loosing the focus // JSpinner.DefaultEditor editor = (DefaultEditor) sleepTimeSpinner.getEditor(); // not implemented, can be done using KeyEvent, but then it hast to be checked where in the text // field the keystroke was etc. --> too complicated. this.controlPanel.add(sleepTimeSpinner); } return this.controlPanel; }
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/** * Main change of Logarithmic class that overwrites super method. Calculates the values of the * System.out.println("Upper = " + aUpper + "\tCeiling = " + ceiling); tick labels for the axis, storing * the results in the tick label list (ready for drawing). * //from www . ja v a 2 s . co m * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param dataArea the area in which the plot should be drawn. * @param edge Rectangle edge for axis location. * @return A list of ticks. */ @Override public List<?> refreshTicksVertical(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) { // Ticklist that has to be filled with sensible values List<Tick> ticks = new ArrayList<Tick>(); // Formatting of the tick labels TextAnchor anchor = null; TextAnchor rotationAnchor = null; double angle = 0.0; if (isVerticalTickLabels()) { if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) { anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER; rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER; angle = -Math.PI / 2.0; } else { anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER; rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER; angle = Math.PI / 2.0; } } else { if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) { anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT; rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT; } else { anchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER; rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER; } } List<Double> myticks = new ArrayList<Double>(); double lowerBound = dataRange.getLowerBound(); double upperBound = dataRange.getUpperBound(); // Select minimal tick set that fully contains the data range for (int i = 0; i < allticks.length - 1; i++) { if (allticks[i + 1] > lowerBound && allticks[i] <= upperBound) { myticks.add(new Double(allticks[i])); } } boolean isLastTickAdded = false; final boolean sci = (myticks.size() > 4); // Add all ticks that were selected before and their eight following unlabeled subticks for (final Double tick : myticks) { final double t = tick.doubleValue(); ticks.add(new NumberTick(tick, toString(t, sci), anchor, rotationAnchor, angle)); if (t < upperBound) { for (int j = 2; j < 10; j++) { double s = (t == 0.0 ? allticks[1] / 10.0 : t) * j; // to allows subticks from 0 String label = ""; if (s >= upperBound) { isLastTickAdded = true; label = toString(s, sci); } ticks.add(new NumberTick(new Double(s), label, anchor, rotationAnchor, angle)); if (isLastTickAdded) { break; } } } } // Add the very last tick value if (!isLastTickAdded) { Double t = new Double(computeLogCeil(upperBound)); ticks.add(new NumberTick(t, toString(t, sci), anchor, rotationAnchor, angle)); } return ticks; }
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/** * Get azimuth and beamwidth/* w w w. jav a 2s . com*/ * * @param site * @param sector * @param i * @return */ private Pair<Double, Double> getSectorParameters(final ISectorElement sector, final int i, final int sectorCount) { Double azimuth = sector.getAzimuth(); Double beamwidth = sector.getBeamwidth(); if ((azimuth == null) || (beamwidth == null) || (beamwidth == 0)) { beamwidth = FULL_CIRCLE / (sectorCount == 0 ? 1 : sectorCount); azimuth = beamwidth * i; beamwidth = beamwidth.doubleValue() * 0.8; } return new ImmutablePair<Double, Double>(azimuth, beamwidth); }