List of usage examples for java.lang Double doubleValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public double doubleValue()
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private JFreeChart createChart(String name) { final JStockOptions jStockOptions = JStock.instance().getJStockOptions(); final boolean isFeeCalculationEnabled = jStockOptions.isFeeCalculationEnabled(); final Portfolio portfolio = (Portfolio) portfolioTreeTableModel.getRoot(); final int count = portfolio.getChildCount(); DefaultPieDataset data = new DefaultPieDataset(); final List<DataEx> dataExs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TransactionSummary transactionSummary = (TransactionSummary) portfolio.getChildAt(i); if (transactionSummary.getChildCount() <= 0) { continue; }/*from w w w.j a v a 2s. com*/ Transaction transaction = (Transaction) transactionSummary.getChildAt(0); final Symbol symbol = transaction.getStock().symbol; final Code code = transaction.getStock().code; final boolean shouldConvertPenceToPound = org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils .shouldConvertPenceToPound(portfolioRealTimeInfo, code); /* Should use reflection technology. */ if (name.equals(cNames[0])) { if (shouldConvertPenceToPound == false) { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), portfolioTreeTableModel.getNetGainLossValue(transactionSummary))); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), portfolioTreeTableModel.getGainLossValue(transactionSummary))); } } else { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), portfolioTreeTableModel.getNetGainLossValue(transactionSummary) / 100.0)); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), portfolioTreeTableModel.getGainLossValue(transactionSummary) / 100.0)); } } } else if (name.equals(cNames[1])) { if (shouldConvertPenceToPound == false) { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), -portfolioTreeTableModel.getNetGainLossValue(transactionSummary))); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), -portfolioTreeTableModel.getGainLossValue(transactionSummary))); } } else { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), -portfolioTreeTableModel.getNetGainLossValue(transactionSummary) / 100.0)); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), -portfolioTreeTableModel.getGainLossValue(transactionSummary) / 100.0)); } } } else if (name.equals(cNames[2])) { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), portfolioTreeTableModel.getNetGainLossPercentage(transactionSummary))); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), portfolioTreeTableModel.getGainLossPercentage(transactionSummary))); } } else if (name.equals(cNames[3])) { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), -portfolioTreeTableModel.getNetGainLossPercentage(transactionSummary))); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), -portfolioTreeTableModel.getGainLossPercentage(transactionSummary))); } } else if (name.equals(cNames[4])) { Double value = this.codeToTotalDividend.get(code); if (value != null) { if (value.doubleValue() > 0.0) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), this.codeToTotalDividend.get(code))); } } } else if (name.equals(cNames[5])) { if (shouldConvertPenceToPound == false) { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getNetTotal())); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getTotal())); } } else { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add( DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getNetTotal() / 100.0)); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getTotal() / 100.0)); } } } else if (name.equals(cNames[6])) { if (shouldConvertPenceToPound == false) { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add( DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getNetReferenceTotal())); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getReferenceTotal())); } } else { if (isFeeCalculationEnabled) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getNetReferenceTotal() / 100.0)); } else { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getReferenceTotal() / 100.0)); } } } else if (name.equals(cNames[7])) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getQuantity())); } else if (name.equals(cNames[8])) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getBroker())); } else if (name.equals(cNames[9])) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getStampDuty())); } else if (name.equals(cNames[10])) { dataExs.add(DataEx.newInstance(symbol.toString(), transactionSummary.getClearingFee())); } } Collections.sort(dataExs); for (DataEx dataEx : dataExs) { // Selling value can be negative sometimes. if (dataEx.value <= 0) { continue; } data.setValue(, dataEx.value); } // create a chart... return ChartFactory.createPieChart(name, data, true, true, true); }
From source
private void reloadTags(final View view) { final View selectedContainer = myView.findViewById(; final View progressAll = myView.findViewById(; Thread thr = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Bundle args = getArguments(); MicroBlog microBlog;/* w w w .java 2s.c o m*/ JSONArray json = null; final int tagsUID = showMine ? uid : 0; if (PointMessageID.CODE.equals(args.getString("microblog"))) { microBlog = MainActivity.microBlogs.get(PointMessageID.CODE); json = ((PointMicroBlog) microBlog).getUserTags(view, uidS); } else { microBlog = MainActivity.microBlogs.get(JuickMessageID.CODE); json = ((JuickMicroBlog) microBlog).getUserTags(view, tagsUID); } if (isAdded()) { final SpannableStringBuilder tagsSSB = new SpannableStringBuilder(); if (json != null) { try { int cnt = json.length(); ArrayList<TagSort> sortables = new ArrayList<TagSort>(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { final String tagg = json.getJSONObject(i).getString("tag"); final int messages = json.getJSONObject(i).getInt("messages"); sortables.add(new TagSort(tagg, messages)); } Collections.sort(sortables); HashMap<String, Double> scales = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (int sz = 0, sortablesSize = sortables.size(); sz < sortablesSize; sz++) { TagSort sortable = sortables.get(sz); if (sz < 10) { scales.put(sortable.tag, 2.0); } else if (sz < 20) { scales.put(sortable.tag, 1.5); } } int start = 0; if (microBlog instanceof JuickMicroBlog && getArguments().containsKey("add_system_tags")) { start = -4; } for (int i = start; i < cnt; i++) { final String tagg; switch (i) { case -4: tagg = "public"; break; case -3: tagg = "friends"; break; case -2: tagg = "notwitter"; break; case -1: tagg = "readonly"; break; default: tagg = json.getJSONObject(i).getString("tag"); break; } int index = tagsSSB.length(); tagsSSB.append("*" + tagg); tagsSSB.setSpan(new URLSpan(tagg) { @Override public void onClick(View widget) { onTagClick(tagg, tagsUID); } }, index, tagsSSB.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); Double scale = scales.get(tagg); if (scale != null) { tagsSSB.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan((float) scale.doubleValue()), index, tagsSSB.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } tagOffsets.put(tagg, new TagOffsets(index, tagsSSB.length())); tagsSSB.append(" "); } } catch (Exception ex) { tagsSSB.append("Error: " + ex.toString()); } } if (getActivity() != null) { // maybe already closed? getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { TextView tv = (TextView) myView.findViewById(; progressAll.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (multi) selectedContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); tv.setText(tagsSSB, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE); tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); MainActivity.restyleChildrenOrWidget(view); final TextView selected = (TextView) myView.findViewById(; selected.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); } } } }); thr.start(); }
From source
public Double getExchangeRatio(String from, String to) { Double ratio = (Double) map.get(from + to); if (ratio == null) { Double r = (Double) map.get(to + from); if (r != null) ratio = new Double(1 / r.doubleValue()); }//from w ww . ja va 2s . co m return ratio; }
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private void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int type, String key, Object value) throws SQLException, PropertyException { // Patched by Edson Richter for MS SQL Server JDBC Support! String driverName;//from ww w .j a va 2s . c om try { driverName = ps.getConnection().getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase(); } catch (Exception e) { driverName = ""; } ps.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR); ps.setNull(2, Types.TIMESTAMP); // Patched by Edson Richter for MS SQL Server JDBC Support! // Oracle support suggestion also Michael G. Slack if ((driverName.indexOf("SQLSERVER") >= 0) || (driverName.indexOf("ORACLE") >= 0)) { ps.setNull(3, Types.BINARY); } else { ps.setNull(3, Types.BLOB); } ps.setNull(4, Types.FLOAT); ps.setNull(5, Types.NUMERIC); ps.setInt(6, type); ps.setString(7, globalKey); ps.setString(8, key); switch (type) { case PropertySet.BOOLEAN: Boolean boolVal = (Boolean) value; ps.setInt(5, boolVal.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0); break; case PropertySet.DATA: Data data = (Data) value; ps.setBytes(3, data.getBytes()); break; case PropertySet.DATE: Date date = (Date) value; ps.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(date.getTime())); break; case PropertySet.DOUBLE: Double d = (Double) value; ps.setDouble(4, d.doubleValue()); break; case PropertySet.INT: Integer i = (Integer) value; ps.setInt(5, i.intValue()); break; case PropertySet.LONG: Long l = (Long) value; ps.setLong(5, l.longValue()); break; case PropertySet.STRING: ps.setString(1, (String) value); break; default: throw new PropertyException("This type isn't supported!"); } }
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private void putContent(String path, JSONObject json, String tag, String content) { try {//from w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m if (content != null) { if (mForceStringForPath.contains(path)) { json.put(tag, content); } if (content.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { json.put(tag, true); } else if (content.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { json.put(tag, false); } else { try { Integer integer = Integer.parseInt(content); json.put(tag, integer); } catch (NumberFormatException exceptionInt) { try { Double number = Double.parseDouble(content); json.put(tag, number.doubleValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException exceptionDouble) { json.put(tag, content); } } } } } catch (JSONException exception) { } }
From source
private double getTableMetric(Metric metric) throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, JDBCQueryCacheException { final String table = metric.getObjectProperty("table"); final String dbname = metric.getObjectProperty("database"); final String jdbcUrl = metric.getObjectProperty(PROP_URL); final String cacheKey = jdbcUrl + "-" + table; String alias = metric.getAttributeName(); JDBCQueryCache tableCache = (JDBCQueryCache) _tableStatusCacheMap.get(cacheKey); // don't want to cache all of "show table status" in the case // we have a deployment with 1000s of tables. They probably don't care // about all the tables. There is still a speed/efficiency improvement // over the old mysql plugin since the query only has to be run once for // all the individual table metrics. if (tableCache == null) { final String sql = new StringBuffer().append("SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables") .append(" WHERE lower(table_name) = '").append(table.toLowerCase()).append('\'') .append(" AND lower(table_schema) = '").append(dbname.toLowerCase()).append('\'') .append(" AND engine is not null").toString(); tableCache = new JDBCQueryCache(sql, "table_name", CACHE_TIMEOUT); _tableStatusCacheMap.put(cacheKey, tableCache); }//from w w w .j a v a2 s. com if (metric.isAvail()) { alias = "TABLE_ROWS"; } Connection conn = getCachedConnection(metric); Object cachedVal = null; cachedVal = tableCache.get(conn, table, alias); if (cachedVal == null) { if (metric.isAvail()) { return Metric.AVAIL_DOWN; } else { final String msg = "Could not get metric for table " + table; throw new SQLException(msg); } } Double val = Double.valueOf(cachedVal.toString()); if (metric.isAvail()) { return Metric.AVAIL_UP; } return val.doubleValue(); }
From source
private ArrayList<Double> getSplitpoints(LinkedList<double[]> startPartition, Attribute label) { LinkedList<LinkedList<double[]>> border = new LinkedList<LinkedList<double[]>>(); ArrayList<Double> result = new ArrayList<Double>(); border.addLast(startPartition);/* w w w.j ava 2 s .c om*/ while (!border.isEmpty()) { LinkedList<double[]> currentPartition = border.removeFirst(); Double splitpoint = this.getMinEntropySplitpoint(currentPartition, label); if (splitpoint != null) { result.add(splitpoint); double splitValue = splitpoint.doubleValue(); LinkedList<double[]> newPartition1 = new LinkedList<double[]>(); LinkedList<double[]> newPartition2 = new LinkedList<double[]>(); Iterator<double[]> it = currentPartition.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // Create new partitions. double[] attributeLabelPair =; if (attributeLabelPair[0] <= splitValue) { newPartition1.addLast(attributeLabelPair); } else { newPartition2.addLast(attributeLabelPair); } } border.addLast(newPartition1); border.addLast(newPartition2); } } return result; // Empty ArrayList if no Splitpoint could be found. }
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public Collection<BatchEffectDetails> getBatchEffect(ExpressionExperiment ee, int maxcomp) { Collection<BatchEffectDetails> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExperimentalFactor ef : ee.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors()) { if (BatchInfoPopulationServiceImpl.isBatchFactor(ef)) { SVDValueObject svd = svdService.getSvdFactorAnalysis(ee.getId()); if (svd == null) break; for (Integer component : svd.getFactorPvals().keySet()) { if (component.intValue() >= maxcomp) { break; }/* w ww . jav a 2 s .c o m*/ Map<Long, Double> cmpEffects = svd.getFactorPvals().get(component); Double pval = cmpEffects.get(ef.getId()); if (pval != null) { BatchEffectDetails details = new BatchEffectDetails(); details.setPvalue(pval.doubleValue()); details.setComponent(new Integer(component.intValue() + 1)); details.setComponentVarianceProportion( svd.getVariances()[component.intValue()].doubleValue()); details.setHasBatchInformation(true); ret.add(details); } } } } return ret; }
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public double convert(Double amount, Currency from, Currency to) { if (from == null || to == null || from.equals(to)) return amount.doubleValue(); return convert(null, amount.doubleValue(), from.getCurrencyCode(), to.getCurrencyCode()); }
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public double convert(Date date, Double amount, Currency from, Currency to) { if (from == null || to == null || from.equals(to)) return amount.doubleValue(); return convert(date, amount.doubleValue(), from.getCurrencyCode(), to.getCurrencyCode()); }