Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* $Id$
 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The Sakai Foundation, The MIT Corporation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.ui;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.section.api.coursemanagement.EnrollmentRecord;
import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookService;
import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.StaleObjectModificationException;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.AbstractGradeRecord;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Assignment;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.AssignmentGradeRecord;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Category;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.Comment;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradingEvent;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradingEvents;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.jsf.FacesUtil;

public class AssignmentDetailsBean extends EnrollmentTableBean {
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AssignmentDetailsBean.class);

     * The following variable keeps bean initialization from overwriting
     * input fields from the database.
    private boolean workInProgress;

    private List scoreRows;
    private List<AssignmentGradeRecord> updatedGradeRecords;
    private List updatedComments;

    private Long assignmentId;
    private Assignment assignment;
    private Assignment previousAssignment;
    private Assignment nextAssignment;

    private String assignmentCategory;
    private String assignmentWeight;

    private boolean isAllCommentsEditable;
    private boolean isAllStudentsViewOnly = true; // with grader perms, user may be able to grade/comment a selection
    // of the students and view the rest. If all view only, disable
    // the buttons
    private ScoringAgentData scoringAgentData;

    public class ScoreRow implements Serializable {
        private AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord;
        private EnrollmentRecord enrollment;
        private Comment comment;
        private List eventRows;
        private boolean userCanGrade;
        // if a ScoringComponent is associated with this assignment, this
        // is the URL for scoring this student
        private String scoringComponentUrl;
        // this url can be called to retrieve grade info for this student
        // from the external scoring service
        private String retrieveScoreUrl;

        public ScoreRow() {

        public ScoreRow(EnrollmentRecord enrollment, AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord, Comment comment,
                List gradingEvents, boolean userCanGrade) {
            this.enrollment = enrollment;
            this.gradeRecord = gradeRecord;
            this.comment = comment;
            this.userCanGrade = userCanGrade;

            eventRows = new ArrayList();
            for (Iterator iter = gradingEvents.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                GradingEvent gradingEvent = (GradingEvent);
                eventRows.add(new GradingEventRow(gradingEvent));

            if (isScoringAgentEnabled()) {
                // show the gradable vs. the view-only version of the scoring component
                if (userCanGrade && !assignment.isExternallyMaintained()) {
                    this.scoringComponentUrl = getScoringAgentManager().getScoreStudentUrl(getGradebookUid(),
                            assignmentId, enrollment.getUser().getUserUid());
                    this.retrieveScoreUrl = getScoringAgentManager().getScoreUrl(getGradebookUid(), assignmentId,
                } else {
                    this.scoringComponentUrl = getScoringAgentManager().getViewStudentScoreUrl(getGradebookUid(),
                            assignmentId, enrollment.getUser().getUserUid());

        public void setDroppedFromGrade(Boolean droppedFromGrade) {

        public Boolean getDroppedFromGrade() {
            return this.gradeRecord.getDroppedFromGrade();

        public Double getScore() {
            if (getGradeEntryByPercent())
                return truncateScore(gradeRecord.getPercentEarned());
                return truncateScore(gradeRecord.getPointsEarned());

        public void setScore(Double score) {
            if (getGradeEntryByPoints()) {
                Double originalScore = gradeRecord.getPointsEarned();
                if (originalScore != null) {
                    // truncate to two decimals for more accurate comparison
                    originalScore = new Double(FacesUtil.getRoundDown(originalScore.doubleValue(), 2));
                if ((originalScore != null && !originalScore.equals(score))
                        || (originalScore == null && score != null)) {
            } else if (getGradeEntryByPercent()) {
                Double originalScore = gradeRecord.getPercentEarned();
                if (originalScore != null) {
                    // truncate to two decimals for more accurate comparison
                    originalScore = new Double(FacesUtil.getRoundDown(originalScore.doubleValue(), 2));
                if ((originalScore != null && !originalScore.equals(score))
                        || (originalScore == null && score != null)) {

        public String getLetterScore() {
            return gradeRecord.getLetterEarned();

        public void setLetterScore(String letterScore) {
            if (letterScore != null)
                letterScore = letterScore.trim();
            String originalLetterScore = gradeRecord.getLetterEarned();
            if ((originalLetterScore != null && !originalLetterScore.equals(letterScore))
                    || (originalLetterScore == null && letterScore != null)) {

        public EnrollmentRecord getEnrollment() {
            return enrollment;

        public String getCommentText() {
            return comment.getCommentText();

        public void setCommentText(String commentText) {
            if (!StringUtils.stripToEmpty(commentText).equals(StringUtils.stripToEmpty(comment.getCommentText()))) {

        public List getEventRows() {
            return eventRows;

        public String getEventsLogTitle() {
            return FacesUtil.getLocalizedString("assignment_details_log_title",
                    new String[] { enrollment.getUser().getDisplayName() });

        public boolean isCommentEditable() {
            return (isAllCommentsEditable && !assignment.isExternallyMaintained() && userCanGrade);

        public boolean isUserCanGrade() {
            return userCanGrade;

        public void setUserCanGrade(boolean userCanGrade) {
            this.userCanGrade = userCanGrade;

         * @return the URL to launch the ScoringComponent for grading this student
         * via a ScoringAgent, if it exists
        public String getScoringComponentUrl() {
            return this.scoringComponentUrl;

         * @return the URL for retrieving this student's grade from the
         * external scoring agent
        public String getRetrieveScoreUrl() {
            return this.retrieveScoreUrl;

    public boolean isAssignmentCategoryDropsScores() {
        Category category = assignment.getCategory();
        if (category != null) {
            boolean dropScores = category.isDropScores();
            return dropScores;
        } else {
            return false;

    protected void init() {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("loadData assignment=" + assignment + ", previousAssignment=" + previousAssignment
                    + ", nextAssignment=" + nextAssignment);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("isNotValidated()=" + isNotValidated());
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("workInProgress=" + workInProgress);
        if (workInProgress) {
            // Keeping the current form values in memory is a one-shot deal at
            // present. The next time the user does anything, the form will be
            // refreshed from the database.
            workInProgress = false;
            ToolSession session = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();
            final String fromPage = (String) session.getAttribute("fromPage");
            if (fromPage != null) {


        // set the filter value for this page

        ToolSession session = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();
        final String fromPage = (String) session.getAttribute("breadcrumbPage");
        if (fromPage != null) {

        // Clear view state.
        previousAssignment = null;
        nextAssignment = null;
        scoreRows = new ArrayList();
        updatedComments = new ArrayList();
        updatedGradeRecords = new ArrayList();
        isAllStudentsViewOnly = true;

        if (assignmentId != null) {
            assignment = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentWithStats(assignmentId);
            if (assignment != null) {
                // Get the list of assignments.  If we are sorting by mean, we
                // need to fetch the assignment statistics as well. If categories
                // are enabled, we need to retrieve the categories and extract the assignments
                // b/c the assignments will be grouped by category
                List assignments;
                if (!getCategoriesEnabled() && Assignment.SORT_BY_MEAN.equals(getAssignmentSortColumn())) {
                    assignments = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentsWithStats(getGradebookId(),
                            getAssignmentSortColumn(), isAssignmentSortAscending());
                } else if (!getCategoriesEnabled()) {
                    assignments = getGradebookManager().getAssignments(getGradebookId(), getAssignmentSortColumn(),
                } else {
                    // Categories are enabled, so the assignments are grouped by category
                    assignments = new ArrayList();

                    List categoryListWithCG = getGradebookManager().getCategoriesWithStats(getGradebookId(),
                            getAssignmentSortColumn(), isAssignmentSortAscending(), getCategorySortColumn(),
                            isCategorySortAscending(), true);

                    // if drop scores, must apply the average total as it was calculated for all assignments within the category
                    if (assignment.getCategory() != null && assignment.getCategory().isDropScores()) {
                        for (Object obj : categoryListWithCG) {
                            if (obj instanceof Category) {
                                List<Assignment> catAssignments = ((Category) obj).getAssignmentList();
                                if (catAssignments != null) {
                                    for (Assignment catAssignment : catAssignments) {
                                        if (catAssignment.equals(assignment)) {


                    List categoryList = new ArrayList();

                    // first, remove the CourseGrade from the Category list
                    for (Iterator catIter = categoryListWithCG.iterator(); catIter.hasNext();) {
                        Object catOrCourseGrade =;
                        if (catOrCourseGrade instanceof Category) {
                            categoryList.add((Category) catOrCourseGrade);

                    if (!isUserAbleToGradeAll() && isUserHasGraderPermissions()) {
                        //SAK-19896, eduservice's can't share the same "Category" class, so just pass the ID's
                        List<Long> catIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
                        for (Category category : (List<Category>) categoryList) {
                        List<Long> viewableCats = getGradebookPermissionService()
                                .getCategoriesForUser(getGradebookId(), getUserUid(), catIds);
                        List<Category> tmpCatList = new ArrayList<Category>();
                        for (Category category : (List<Category>) categoryList) {
                            if (viewableCats.contains(category.getId())) {
                        categoryList = tmpCatList;

                    if (categoryList != null) {
                        Iterator catIter = categoryList.iterator();
                        while (catIter.hasNext()) {
                            Category myCat = (Category);
                            List catAssigns = myCat.getAssignmentList();
                            if (catAssigns != null) {
                    // we also need to retrieve all of the assignments that have not
                    // yet been assigned a category
                    if (!isUserAbleToGradeAll() && (isUserHasGraderPermissions() && !getGradebookPermissionService()
                            .getPermissionForUserForAllAssignment(getGradebookId(), getUserUid()))) {
                        // is not authorized to view the "Unassigned" Category
                    } else {
                        List assignNoCategory = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentsWithNoCategory(getGradebookId(),
                                getAssignmentSortColumn(), isAssignmentSortAscending());
                        if (assignNoCategory != null) {

                // Set up next and previous links, if any.
                int thisIndex = assignments.indexOf(assignment);
                if (thisIndex > 0) {
                    previousAssignment = (Assignment) assignments.get(thisIndex - 1);
                if (thisIndex < (assignments.size() - 1)) {
                    nextAssignment = (Assignment) assignments.get(thisIndex + 1);

                Category category = assignment.getCategory();
                Long categoryId = null;
                if (category != null)
                    categoryId = category.getId();

                // Set up score rows.
                Map enrollmentMap = getOrderedEnrollmentMapForItem(categoryId);

                List studentUids = new ArrayList(enrollmentMap.keySet());
                List gradeRecords = new ArrayList();
                if (getGradeEntryByPoints())
                    gradeRecords = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentGradeRecords(assignment, studentUids);
                    gradeRecords = getGradebookManager().getAssignmentGradeRecordsConverted(assignment,

                List<AssignmentGradeRecord> studentGradeRecords = getGradebookManager()
                        .getAllAssignmentGradeRecords(getGradebookId(), studentUids);


                copyDroppedFromGradeFlag(gradeRecords, studentGradeRecords);

                if (!isEnrollmentSort()) {
                    // Need to sort and page based on a scores column.
                    List scoreSortedStudentUids = new ArrayList();
                    for (Iterator iter = gradeRecords.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                        AbstractGradeRecord agr = (AbstractGradeRecord);

                    // Put enrollments with no scores at the beginning of the final list.

                    // Add all sorted enrollments with scores into the final list

                    studentUids = finalizeSortingAndPaging(studentUids);

                // Get all of the grading events for these enrollments on this assignment
                GradingEvents allEvents = getGradebookManager().getGradingEvents(assignment, studentUids);
                // NOTE: we are no longer converting the events b/c we are
                // storing what the user entered, not just points
                //getGradebookManager().convertGradingEventsConverted(assignment, allEvents, studentUids, getGradebook().getGrade_type());

                Map gradeRecordMap = new HashMap();
                for (Iterator iter = gradeRecords.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord = (AssignmentGradeRecord);
                    if (studentUids.contains(gradeRecord.getStudentId())) {
                        gradeRecordMap.put(gradeRecord.getStudentId(), gradeRecord);

                // If the table is not being sorted by enrollment information, then
                // we had to gather grade records for all students to set up the
                // current page. In that case, eliminate the undisplayed grade records
                // to reduce data contention.
                if (!isEnrollmentSort()) {
                    gradeRecords = new ArrayList(gradeRecordMap.values());

                // Get all of the comments for these enrollments on this assignment.
                List comments = getGradebookManager().getComments(assignment, studentUids);
                Map commentMap = new HashMap();
                for (Iterator iter = comments.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    Comment comment = (Comment);
                    commentMap.put(comment.getStudentId(), comment);

                for (Iterator iter = studentUids.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    String studentUid = (String);
                    Map enrFunctionMap = (Map) enrollmentMap.get(studentUid);
                    List enrRecList = new ArrayList(enrFunctionMap.keySet());
                    EnrollmentRecord enrollment = (EnrollmentRecord) enrRecList.get(0); // there is only one rec in this map

                    AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord = (AssignmentGradeRecord) gradeRecordMap.get(studentUid);
                    if (gradeRecord == null) {
                        gradeRecord = new AssignmentGradeRecord(assignment, studentUid, null);

                    Comment comment = (Comment) commentMap.get(studentUid);
                    if (comment == null) {
                        comment = new Comment(studentUid, null, assignment);

                    boolean userCanGrade = false;
                    String itemFunction = (String) enrFunctionMap.get(enrollment);
                    if (itemFunction != null && itemFunction.equalsIgnoreCase(GradebookService.gradePermission))
                        userCanGrade = true;

                    scoreRows.add(new ScoreRow(enrollment, gradeRecord, comment, allEvents.getEvents(studentUid),
                    if (userCanGrade)
                        isAllStudentsViewOnly = false;

                if (getCategoriesEnabled()) {
                    if (assignment.getCategory() != null) {
                        List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
                        if (assignment.getCategory().getDropHighest() != 0) {
                                    new String[] { assignment.getCategory().getDropHighest().toString() }));
                        if (assignment.getCategory().getDrop_lowest() != 0) {
                                    new String[] { assignment.getCategory().getDrop_lowest().toString() }));
                        String categoryGradeDrops = null;
                        if (items.size() > 0) {
                            categoryGradeDrops = " " + items.toString().replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')');
                        if (getWeightingEnabled()) {
                            Double weight = assignment.getCategory().getWeight();
                            if (weight != null && weight.doubleValue() > 0)
                                weight = new Double(weight.doubleValue() * 100);
                            if (weight == null)
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Double weight == null!");
                            assignmentWeight = weight.toString();
                            assignmentCategory = assignment.getCategory().getName() + " "
                                    + getLocalizedString("cat_weight_display", new String[] { assignmentWeight });
                            if (categoryGradeDrops != null) {
                                assignmentCategory = assignmentCategory + categoryGradeDrops;
                        } else {
                            assignmentCategory = assignment.getCategory().getName();
                            if (categoryGradeDrops != null) {
                                assignmentCategory = assignmentCategory + categoryGradeDrops;
                    } else {
                        assignmentCategory = getLocalizedString("assignment_details_assign_category");

            } else {
                // The assignment might have been removed since this link was set up.
                if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                    logger.warn("No assignmentId=" + assignmentId + " in gradebookUid " + getGradebookUid());

        if (isScoringAgentEnabled()) {
            scoringAgentData = initializeScoringAgentData(getGradebookUid(), assignmentId, null);

    private void copyDroppedFromGradeFlag(List<AssignmentGradeRecord> dest, List<AssignmentGradeRecord> source) {
        for (AssignmentGradeRecord gradeRecord : dest) {
            Long id = gradeRecord.getId();
            for (AssignmentGradeRecord studentGradeRecord : source) {
                if (studentGradeRecord.getId().equals(id)) {

    // Delegated sort methods for read-only assignment & category sort order
    public String getAssignmentSortColumn() {
        return getPreferencesBean().getAssignmentSortColumn();

    public boolean isAssignmentSortAscending() {
        return getPreferencesBean().isAssignmentSortAscending();

    public String getCategorySortColumn() {
        return getPreferencesBean().getCategorySortColumn();

    public boolean isCategorySortAscending() {
        return getPreferencesBean().isCategorySortAscending();

    //  Filtering
    public Integer getSelectedSectionFilterValue() {
        return getPreferencesBean().getAssignmentDetailsTableSectionFilter();

    public void setSelectedSectionFilterValue(Integer assignmentDetailsTableSectionFilter) {

     * Action listener to view a different assignment.
    public void processAssignmentIdChange(ActionEvent event) {
        Map params = FacesUtil.getEventParameterMap(event);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("processAssignmentIdAction params=" + params + ", current assignmentId=" + assignmentId);
        Long idParam = (Long) params.get("assignmentId");
        if (idParam != null) {

    private void saveScoresFromPreviousOrNextButtons() throws StaleObjectModificationException {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("saveScores " + assignmentId);

        Set excessiveScores = getGradebookManager().updateAssignmentGradesAndComments(assignment,
                updatedGradeRecords, updatedComments);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("About to save " + updatedComments.size() + " updated comments");
        if (updatedGradeRecords.size() > 0) {
                    "/gradebook/" + getGradebookId() + "/" + updatedGradeRecords.size() + "/" + getAuthzLevel());
        if (updatedComments.size() > 0) {
                    "/gradebook/" + getGradebookId() + "/" + updatedComments.size() + "/" + getAuthzLevel());

     * Action listener to update scores.
    public void processUpdateScores(ActionEvent event) {
        try {
            for (AssignmentGradeRecord agr : updatedGradeRecords) {
                        "/gradebook/" + getGradebookUid() + "/" + agr.getAssignment().getName() + "/"
                                + agr.getStudentId() + "/" + agr.getPointsEarned() + "/" + getAuthzLevel());
        } catch (StaleObjectModificationException e) {

    private void saveScores() throws StaleObjectModificationException {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("saveScores " + assignmentId);

        Set excessiveScores = getGradebookManager().updateAssignmentGradesAndComments(assignment,
                updatedGradeRecords, updatedComments);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("About to save " + updatedComments.size() + " updated comments");
        if (updatedGradeRecords.size() > 0) {
                    "/gradebook/" + getGradebookId() + "/" + updatedGradeRecords.size() + "/" + getAuthzLevel());
        if (updatedComments.size() > 0) {
                    "/gradebook/" + getGradebookId() + "/" + updatedComments.size() + "/" + getAuthzLevel());

        String messageKey = null;
        if (updatedGradeRecords.size() > 0) {
            if (excessiveScores.size() > 0) {
                messageKey = "assignment_details_scores_saved_excessive";
            } else if (updatedComments.size() > 0) {
                messageKey = "assignment_details_scores_comments_saved";
            } else {
                messageKey = "assignment_details_scores_saved";
        } else if (updatedComments.size() > 0) {
            messageKey = "assignment_details_comments_saved";

        // Let the user know.
        if (messageKey != null) {

    public void toggleEditableComments(ActionEvent event) {
        // Don't write over any scores the user entered before pressing
        // the "Edit Comments" button.
        if (!isAllCommentsEditable) {
            workInProgress = true;

        isAllCommentsEditable = !isAllCommentsEditable;

     * View maintenance methods.
    public Long getAssignmentId() {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("getAssignmentId " + assignmentId);
        return assignmentId;

    public void setAssignmentId(Long assignmentId) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("setAssignmentId " + assignmentId);
        this.assignmentId = assignmentId;

     * In IE (but not Mozilla/Firefox) empty request parameters may be returned
     * to JSF as the string "null". JSF always "restores" some idea of the
     * last view, even if that idea is always going to be null because a redirect
     * has occurred. Put these two things together, and you end up with
     * a class cast exception when redirecting from this request-scoped
     * bean to a static page.
    public void setAssignmentIdParam(String assignmentIdParam) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("setAssignmentIdParam String " + assignmentIdParam);
        if ((assignmentIdParam != null) && (assignmentIdParam.length() > 0) && !assignmentIdParam.equals("null")) {
            try {
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                    logger.warn("AssignmentId param set to non-number '" + assignmentIdParam + "'");

    public boolean isFirst() {
        return (previousAssignment == null);

    public String getPreviousTitle() {
        return (previousAssignment != null) ? previousAssignment.getName() : "";

    public boolean isLast() {
        return (nextAssignment == null);

    public String getNextTitle() {
        return (nextAssignment != null) ? nextAssignment.getName() : "";

    public List getScoreRows() {
        return scoreRows;

    public void setScoreRows(List scoreRows) {
        this.scoreRows = scoreRows;

    // A desparate stab at reasonable embedded validation message formatting.
    // If the score column is an input box, it may have a wide message associated
    // with it, and we want the input field left-aligned to match up with
    // the non-erroroneous input fields (even though the actual input values
    // will be right-aligned). On the other hand, if the score column is read-only,
    // then we want to simply right-align the table column.
    public String getScoreColumnAlignment() {
        if (assignment.isExternallyMaintained()) {
            return "right";
        } else {
            return "left";

    public String getEventsLogType() {
        return FacesUtil.getLocalizedString("assignment_details_log_type");

    // Sorting
    public boolean isSortAscending() {
        return getPreferencesBean().isAssignmentDetailsTableSortAscending();

    public void setSortAscending(boolean sortAscending) {

    public String getSortColumn() {
        return getPreferencesBean().getAssignmentDetailsTableSortColumn();

    public void setSortColumn(String sortColumn) {

    public Assignment getAssignment() {
        return assignment;

    public void setAssignment(Assignment assignment) {
        this.assignment = assignment;

    public Assignment getNextAssignment() {
        return nextAssignment;

    public void setNextAssignment(Assignment nextAssignment) {
        this.nextAssignment = nextAssignment;

    public Assignment getPreviousAssignment() {
        return previousAssignment;

    public void setPreviousAssignment(Assignment previousAssignment) {
        this.previousAssignment = previousAssignment;

    public String getAssignmentCategory() {
        return assignmentCategory;

    public void setAssignmentCategory(String assignmentCategory) {
        this.assignmentCategory = assignmentCategory;

    public String getAssignmentWeight() {
        return assignmentWeight;

    public void setAssignmentWeight(String assignmentWeight) {
        this.assignmentWeight = assignmentWeight;

    public String getCommentsToggle() {
        String messageKey = isAllCommentsEditable ? "assignment_details_comments_read"
                : "assignment_details_comments_edit";
        return getLocalizedString(messageKey);

    public boolean isAllCommentsEditable() {
        return isAllCommentsEditable;

    public boolean isAllStudentsViewOnly() {
        return isAllStudentsViewOnly;

    public ScoringAgentData getScoringAgentData() {
        return this.scoringAgentData;

     * Go to instructor view. State saved in tool
     * session so need this method.
    public String navigateToInstructorView() {
        setNav(null, "", "", "true", null);

        return "instructorView";