Java tutorial
/* * This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * Agreement, available at the following URL: * * You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved. */ package mondrian.udf; import mondrian.olap.Evaluator; import mondrian.olap.Syntax; import; import mondrian.olap.type.NumericType; import mondrian.olap.type.Type; import mondrian.spi.UserDefinedFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistributionImpl; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * A user-defined function which returns the inverse normal distribution value * of its argument. * * <p>This particular function is useful in Six Sigma calculations, for * example, * * <blockquote><code><pre> * WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Yield] * AS '([Measures].[Number of Failures] / [Measures].[Population])', * FORMAT_STRING = "0.00%" * MEMBER [Measures].[Sigma] * AS 'IIf([Measures].[Yield] <> 0, * IIf([Measures].[Yield] > 0.5, * 0, * InverseNormal(1 - ([Measures].[Yield])) + 1.5), 6)', * FORMAT_STRING = "0.0000" * </pre></code></blockquote> */ public class InverseNormalUdf implements UserDefinedFunction { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(InverseNormalUdf.class); // the zero arg constructor sets the mean equal to zero and standard // deviation equal to one private static final NormalDistribution nd = new NormalDistributionImpl(); public String getName() { return "InverseNormal"; } public String getDescription() { return "Returns inverse normal distribution of its argument"; } public Syntax getSyntax() { return Syntax.Function; } public Type getReturnType(Type[] types) { return new NumericType(); } public Type[] getParameterTypes() { return new Type[] { new NumericType() }; } public Object execute(Evaluator evaluator, Argument[] args) { final Object argValue = args[0].evaluateScalar(evaluator); LOGGER.debug("Inverse Normal argument was : " + argValue); if (!(argValue instanceof Number)) { // Argument might be a RuntimeException indicating that // the cache does not yet have the required cell value. The // function will be called again when the cache is loaded. return null; } final Double d = new Double(((Number) argValue).doubleValue()); LOGGER.debug("Inverse Normal argument as Double was : " + d); if (d.isNaN()) { return null; } // If probability is nonnumeric or // probability < 0 or // probability > 1, // returns an error. double dbl = d.doubleValue(); if (dbl < 0.0 || dbl > 1.0) { LOGGER.debug("Invalid value for inverse normal distribution: " + dbl); throw new MondrianEvaluationException("Invalid value for inverse normal distribution: " + dbl); } try { Double result = new Double(nd.inverseCumulativeProbability(dbl)); LOGGER.debug("Inverse Normal result : " + result.doubleValue()); return result; } catch (MathException e) { LOGGER.debug("Exception calculating inverse normal distribution: " + dbl, e); throw new MondrianEvaluationException("Exception calculating inverse normal distribution: " + dbl); } } public String[] getReservedWords() { return null; } } // End