List of usage examples for Sets union
public static <E> SetView<E> union(final Set<? extends E> set1, final Set<? extends E> set2)
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public Set<MediaType> produces() { return Sets.union(requestContext.produces(), toMediaTypes(getDocumentationContext().getProduces())); }
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private SqlCompleter createSqlCompleter(Connection jdbcConnection) { SqlCompleter completer = null;//from w ww . jav a2 s . co m try { Set<String> keywordsCompletions = SqlCompleter.getSqlKeywordsCompletions(jdbcConnection); Set<String> dataModelCompletions = SqlCompleter.getDataModelMetadataCompletions(jdbcConnection); SetView<String> allCompletions = Sets.union(keywordsCompletions, dataModelCompletions); completer = new SqlCompleter(allCompletions, dataModelCompletions); } catch (IOException | SQLException e) { logger.error("Cannot create SQL completer", e); } return completer; }
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@Override public Justification<C, A> addElements(Set<? extends A> added) { if (containsAll(added)) { return this; }/*w ww .j a v a 2 s . c om*/ // else return new BloomSet<C, A>(conclusion_, Sets.union(this, added)); }
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@Override public BuildTarget withAppendedFlavors(Set<Flavor> flavors) { return withFlavors(Sets.union(getFlavors(), flavors)); }
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public static Map<String, Double> add(Map<String, Double> r1, Map<String, Double> r2) { Map<String, Double> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Set<String> keys = Sets.union(r1.keySet(), r2.keySet()); for (String key : keys) { result.put(key, r1.getOrDefault(key, 0.0) + r2.getOrDefault(key, 0.0)); }/* ww w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ return result; }
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private MessageProperties ensureHeadersMessageProperty() { if (headersProperties.isPresent() && !headersProperties.get().isEmpty()) { return usingProperties( Sets.union(buildOutputMessageProperties(), ImmutableSet.of(MessageProperty.headers))); }//from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m return this; }
From source
/** * Combine sets of rules to form a set that satisfies them all. * @param rules at least one set of rules * @return the intersection of the given rules *//* ww w. ja v a 2s .c om*/ private static FilePathRestrictions combineRules(FilePathRestrictions... rules) { if (rules.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot combine an empty list of rules"); } int index = 0; FilePathRestrictions product = rules[index++]; while (index < rules.length) { final FilePathRestrictions toCombine = rules[index++]; final Set<Character> safeCharacters = Sets.intersection(product.safeCharacters, toCombine.safeCharacters); if (safeCharacters.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot combine safe characters"); } final Set<Integer> allKeys = Sets.union(product.transformationMatrix.keySet(), toCombine.transformationMatrix.keySet()); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Collection<Integer>> productMatrixMap = product.transformationMatrix .asMap(); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Collection<Integer>> toCombineMatrixMap = toCombine.transformationMatrix .asMap(); final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> newTransformationMatrix = HashMultimap.create(); for (final Integer key : allKeys) { final Collection<Integer> values; if (!productMatrixMap.containsKey(key)) { values = toCombineMatrixMap.get(key); } else if (!toCombineMatrixMap.containsKey(key)) { values = productMatrixMap.get(key); } else { final Set<Integer> valuesSet = new HashSet<Integer>(productMatrixMap.get(key)); valuesSet.retainAll(toCombineMatrixMap.get(key)); if (valuesSet.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot combine transformations for Unicode code point " + key); } values = valuesSet; } for (final Integer value : values) { newTransformationMatrix.put(key, value); } } final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> entriesRemoved = HashMultimap.create(); boolean transitiveClosing; do { transitiveClosing = false; for (final Entry<Integer, Integer> transformation : newTransformationMatrix.entries()) { final int to = transformation.getValue(); if (newTransformationMatrix.containsKey(to)) { final int from = transformation.getKey(); if (!entriesRemoved.put(from, to)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cyclic transformation involving Unicode code point " + from); } newTransformationMatrix.remove(from, to); newTransformationMatrix.putAll(from, newTransformationMatrix.get(to)); transitiveClosing = true; break; } } } while (transitiveClosing); product = new FilePathRestrictions(newTransformationMatrix, Sets.union(product.unsafePrefixes, toCombine.unsafePrefixes), Sets.union(product.unsafeSuffixes, toCombine.unsafeSuffixes), Sets.union(product.unsafeNames, toCombine.unsafeNames), safeCharacters); } return product; }
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public Set<MediaType> consumes() { return Sets.union(requestContext.consumes(), toMediaTypes(getDocumentationContext().getConsumes())); }
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public boolean isHeath() { if (heath == null) { Map<Set<PVariable>, Set<PVariable>> dependencies = analyzer.getFunctionalDependencies( Sets.union(primary.getAllEnforcedConstraints(), secondary.getAllEnforcedConstraints()), false); // does varCommon determine either varPrimary or varSecondary? Set<PVariable> varCommonClosure = FunctionalDependencyHelper.closureOf(varCommon, dependencies); heath = varCommonClosure.containsAll(varPrimary) || varCommonClosure.containsAll(varSecondary); }//from w w w . java2 s .c o m return heath; }
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/** * Create the mappings between two lists of resources. If both lists contain only one resource, * they are always matches as assumed this was triggered explicitly.<br> * {@inheritDoc}/* w w w . ja v a2s . co m*/ */ @Override public Iterable<MatchResource> createMappings(Iterator<? extends Resource> leftResources, Iterator<? extends Resource> rightResources, Iterator<? extends Resource> originResources) { final List<MatchResource> mappings = new ArrayList<MatchResource>(); indexResources(leftResources, filenameResourcesIndexLeft, filenameNormalizationPatterns); indexResources(rightResources, filenameResourcesIndexRight, null); Set<String> allSegments = Sets.union(filenameResourcesIndexLeft.keySet(), filenameResourcesIndexRight.keySet()); List<String> allSegmentsCopy = Lists.newArrayList(allSegments); for (String segment : allSegmentsCopy) { List<Resource> leftCandidates = Lists.newArrayList(filenameResourcesIndexLeft.get(segment)); List<Resource> rightCandidates = Lists.newArrayList(filenameResourcesIndexRight.get(segment)); if (leftCandidates.size() == 1 && rightCandidates.size() == 1) { Resource left = leftCandidates.get(0); Resource right = rightCandidates.get(0); mappings.add(createMatchResource(left, right, null)); removeFromIndex(filenameResourcesIndexLeft, left); removeFromIndex(filenameResourcesIndexRight, right); } else if (leftCandidates.size() != 0 && rightCandidates.size() != 0) { matchBestMatches(leftCandidates, rightCandidates, mappings); } } Collection<Resource> remainingLeftResources = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(filenameResourcesIndexLeft.values()); for (Resource left : remainingLeftResources) { mappings.add(createMatchResource(left, null, null)); } Collection<Resource> remainingRightResources = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(filenameResourcesIndexRight.values()); for (Resource right : remainingRightResources) { mappings.add(createMatchResource(null, right, null)); } return mappings; }