Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Capture a set of rules by which local files may not be named on the file-system. * * @author * @since 5.0 */ public class FilePathRestrictions { private static final ImmutableSet<Integer> controlCodePoints; private static final Predicate<Integer> isNotControlCodePoint; /* the full rules */ public final ImmutableSetMultimap<Integer, Integer> transformationMatrix; /* values never empty */ public final ImmutableSet<String> unsafePrefixes; public final ImmutableSet<String> unsafeSuffixes; public final ImmutableSet<String> unsafeNames; public final ImmutableSet<Character> safeCharacters; /* never empty */ /* quick lookups to characters that satisfy the above rules */ public final char safeCharacter; public final ImmutableMap<Integer, Integer> transformationMap; static { final ImmutableSet.Builder<Integer> controlCodePointsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (int codePoint = 0; codePoint < 0x100; codePoint++) { if (Character.getType(codePoint) == Character.CONTROL) { controlCodePointsBuilder.add(codePoint); } } controlCodePoints =; isNotControlCodePoint = new Predicate<Integer>() { public boolean apply(Integer codePoint) { return !controlCodePoints.contains(codePoint); } }; } /** * Minimally adjust a set of rules to include transformations away from Unicode control characters. * @param rules a set of rules * @return the given rules with full coverage for preventing control characters */ private static FilePathRestrictions includeControlTransformations(FilePathRestrictions rules) { final Set<Character> safeCharacters = new HashSet<Character>(rules.safeCharacters.size()); final Set<Integer> safeCodePoints = new HashSet<Integer>(rules.safeCharacters.size()); for (final Character safeCharacter : rules.safeCharacters) { final int safeCodePoint = FilePathRestrictionInstance.getCodePoint(safeCharacter); if (!controlCodePoints.contains(safeCodePoint)) { safeCharacters.add(safeCharacter); safeCodePoints.add(safeCodePoint); } } final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> newTransformationMatrix = HashMultimap .create(Multimaps.filterValues(rules.transformationMatrix, isNotControlCodePoint)); for (final int controlCodePoint : controlCodePoints) { if (!newTransformationMatrix.containsKey(controlCodePoint)) { if (rules.transformationMatrix.containsKey(controlCodePoint)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "only control character mappings available for Unicode code point " + controlCodePoint); } newTransformationMatrix.putAll(controlCodePoint, safeCodePoints); } } return combineRules(rules, new FilePathRestrictions(newTransformationMatrix, null, null, null, safeCharacters)); } /** * Combine sets of rules to form a set that satisfies them all. * @param rules at least one set of rules * @return the intersection of the given rules */ private static FilePathRestrictions combineRules(FilePathRestrictions... rules) { if (rules.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot combine an empty list of rules"); } int index = 0; FilePathRestrictions product = rules[index++]; while (index < rules.length) { final FilePathRestrictions toCombine = rules[index++]; final Set<Character> safeCharacters = Sets.intersection(product.safeCharacters, toCombine.safeCharacters); if (safeCharacters.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot combine safe characters"); } final Set<Integer> allKeys = Sets.union(product.transformationMatrix.keySet(), toCombine.transformationMatrix.keySet()); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Collection<Integer>> productMatrixMap = product.transformationMatrix .asMap(); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Collection<Integer>> toCombineMatrixMap = toCombine.transformationMatrix .asMap(); final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> newTransformationMatrix = HashMultimap.create(); for (final Integer key : allKeys) { final Collection<Integer> values; if (!productMatrixMap.containsKey(key)) { values = toCombineMatrixMap.get(key); } else if (!toCombineMatrixMap.containsKey(key)) { values = productMatrixMap.get(key); } else { final Set<Integer> valuesSet = new HashSet<Integer>(productMatrixMap.get(key)); valuesSet.retainAll(toCombineMatrixMap.get(key)); if (valuesSet.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot combine transformations for Unicode code point " + key); } values = valuesSet; } for (final Integer value : values) { newTransformationMatrix.put(key, value); } } final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> entriesRemoved = HashMultimap.create(); boolean transitiveClosing; do { transitiveClosing = false; for (final Entry<Integer, Integer> transformation : newTransformationMatrix.entries()) { final int to = transformation.getValue(); if (newTransformationMatrix.containsKey(to)) { final int from = transformation.getKey(); if (!entriesRemoved.put(from, to)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cyclic transformation involving Unicode code point " + from); } newTransformationMatrix.remove(from, to); newTransformationMatrix.putAll(from, newTransformationMatrix.get(to)); transitiveClosing = true; break; } } } while (transitiveClosing); product = new FilePathRestrictions(newTransformationMatrix, Sets.union(product.unsafePrefixes, toCombine.unsafePrefixes), Sets.union(product.unsafeSuffixes, toCombine.unsafeSuffixes), Sets.union(product.unsafeNames, toCombine.unsafeNames), safeCharacters); } return product; } /** * Combine sets of rules to form a set that satisfies them all and that * include transformations away from Unicode control characters. * @param rules at least one set of rules * @return the intersection of the given rules, with full coverage for preventing control characters */ public static FilePathRestrictions combineFilePathRestrictions(FilePathRestrictions... rules) { return includeControlTransformations(combineRules(rules)); } /** * Construct a set of rules by which local files may not be named on the file-system. * @param transformationMatrix how to make specific characters safe, may be null * @param unsafePrefixes which name prefixes are proscribed, may be null * @param unsafeSuffixes which name suffixes are proscribed, may be null * @param unsafeNames which names are proscribed, may be null * @param safeCharacters safe characters that may be used in making file names safe, may <em>not</em> be null */ public FilePathRestrictions(SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> transformationMatrix, Set<String> unsafePrefixes, Set<String> unsafeSuffixes, Set<String> unsafeNames, Set<Character> safeCharacters) { this.transformationMatrix = transformationMatrix == null ? ImmutableSetMultimap.<Integer, Integer>of() : ImmutableSetMultimap.copyOf(transformationMatrix); this.unsafePrefixes = unsafePrefixes == null ? ImmutableSet.<String>of() : ImmutableSet.copyOf(unsafePrefixes); this.unsafeSuffixes = unsafeSuffixes == null ? ImmutableSet.<String>of() : ImmutableSet.copyOf(unsafeSuffixes); this.unsafeNames = unsafeNames == null ? ImmutableSet.<String>of() : ImmutableSet.copyOf(unsafeNames); this.safeCharacters = ImmutableSet.copyOf(safeCharacters); this.safeCharacter = this.safeCharacters.iterator().next(); int safeCodePoint = FilePathRestrictionInstance.getCodePoint(this.safeCharacter); final ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, Integer> transformationMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final Entry<Integer, Collection<Integer>> transformation : this.transformationMatrix.asMap() .entrySet()) { final Collection<Integer> values = transformation.getValue(); final Integer selectedValue = values.contains(safeCodePoint) ? safeCodePoint : values.iterator().next(); transformationMapBuilder.put(transformation.getKey(), selectedValue); } this.transformationMap =; } }