List of usage examples for Sets union
public static <E> SetView<E> union(final Set<? extends E> set1, final Set<? extends E> set2)
From source
public synchronized void setNewHosts(CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig config) { String keyspace = config.keyspace(); int poolSize = config.poolSize(); boolean isSsl = config.ssl(); int socketTimeoutMillis = config.socketTimeoutMillis(); int socketQueryTimeoutMillis = config.socketQueryTimeoutMillis(); Set<InetSocketAddress> toRemove = Sets.difference(containerMap.keySet(), config.servers()).immutableCopy(); Set<InetSocketAddress> toAdd = Sets.difference(config.servers(), containerMap.keySet()).immutableCopy(); for (InetSocketAddress addr : toRemove) { PoolingContainer<Client> pool = containerMap.remove(addr); Preconditions.checkNotNull(pool); log.warn("Shutting down client pool for {}", addr); pool.shutdownPooling();/* w w w .jav a 2 s . com*/ } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { CassandraVerifier.sanityCheckRingConsistency(Sets.union(containerMap.keySet(), toAdd), keyspace, isSsl, safetyDisabled, socketTimeoutMillis, socketQueryTimeoutMillis); } for (InetSocketAddress addr : toAdd) { if (isShutdown) { log.warn("client Pool is shutdown, cannot add hosts:{}", toAdd); break; } PoolingContainer<Client> newPool = createPool(addr, keyspace, poolSize, isSsl, socketTimeoutMillis, socketQueryTimeoutMillis); containerMap.put(addr, newPool);"Created pool {} for host {}", newPool, addr); } containers = ImmutableList.copyOf(containerMap.values()); }
From source
@Override public void register(DrillOperatorTable operatorTable) { for (String name : Sets.union(methodsGenericUDF.asMap().keySet(), methodsUDF.asMap().keySet())) { operatorTable.add(name, new HiveUDFOperator(name.toUpperCase())); }/* w ww . java m*/ }
From source
private Set<String> mergeColumns(final Set<String> arg1, final Set<String> arg2) { if (arg1.isEmpty()) { return arg2; }//from w w w . j a va 2 s .co m if (arg2.isEmpty()) { return arg1; } if (arg1.equals(arg2)) { return arg1; } return Sets.union(arg1, arg2); }
From source
static List<List<Parcel>> fixSchedule(ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Parcel>> schedule, GlobalStateObject state) { checkArgument(schedule.size() == state.getVehicles().size(), "The number of routes (%s) and the number of vehicles (%s) must " + "be equal.", schedule.size(), state.getVehicles().size()); checkArgument(!state.getVehicles().get(0).getRoute().isPresent(), "A state object without routes is expected."); // only parcels in this set may occur in the schedule final Set<Parcel> undeliveredParcels = new HashSet<>(); undeliveredParcels.addAll(state.getAvailableParcels()); // for each vehicle, we create a multiset that is a representation of the // number of times the occurrence of a parcel is REQUIRED to be in the // route of the vehicle final List<Multiset<Parcel>> expectedRoutes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) { expectedRoutes.add(HashMultiset.<Parcel>create()); final VehicleStateObject vehicle = state.getVehicles().get(i); expectedRoutes.get(i).addAll(vehicle.getContents()); if (vehicle.getDestination().isPresent() && !vehicle.getContents().contains(vehicle.getDestination().get())) { expectedRoutes.get(i).add(vehicle.getDestination().get(), 2); }// ww w . j a v a2 s. co m undeliveredParcels.addAll(vehicle.getContents()); } // create map of parcel -> vehicle index final Multimap<Parcel, Integer> parcelOwner = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < schedule.size(); i++) { final List<Parcel> route = schedule.get(i); final Set<Parcel> routeSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(route); for (final Parcel p : routeSet) { parcelOwner.put(p, i); } } // copy schedule into a modifiable structure final List<List<Parcel>> newSchedule = new ArrayList<>(); for (final ImmutableList<Parcel> route : schedule) { newSchedule.add(new ArrayList<>(route)); } // compare with current vehicle cargo for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) { final VehicleStateObject vehicle = state.getVehicles().get(i); final Multiset<Parcel> routeSet = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(schedule.get(i)); final Set<Parcel> test = Sets.union(routeSet.elementSet(), expectedRoutes.get(i).elementSet()); for (final Parcel p : test) { final int actualOccurences = routeSet.count(p); checkState(actualOccurences <= 2); final int expectedOccurrences = expectedRoutes.get(i).count(p); if (!undeliveredParcels.contains(p)) { // it is already delivered, remove all occurrences newSchedule.get(i).removeAll(Collections.singleton(p)); } else if (actualOccurences != expectedOccurrences && expectedOccurrences > 0) { if (expectedOccurrences == 1 && actualOccurences == 2) { newSchedule.get(i).remove(p); } else { // expected occurr = 1 or 2 final boolean destinationIsCurrent = vehicle.getDestination().asSet().contains(p); int toAdd = expectedOccurrences - actualOccurences; // add it once at the front of the route if (destinationIsCurrent) { newSchedule.get(i).add(0, p); toAdd--; } // add it once to the end of the route if (toAdd > 0) { newSchedule.get(i).add(p); } } } // if the parcel is expected in the current vehicle, but it also appears // in (an) other vehicle(s), we have to remove it there if (expectedOccurrences > 0 && parcelOwner.containsKey(p)) { for (final Integer v : parcelOwner.get(p)) { if (!v.equals(i)) { newSchedule.get(v).removeAll(Collections.singleton(p)); } } } } if (vehicle.getDestination().isPresent() && !newSchedule.get(i).get(0).equals(vehicle.getDestination().get())) { newSchedule.get(i).remove(vehicle.getDestination().get()); newSchedule.get(i).add(0, vehicle.getDestination().get()); } } return newSchedule; }
From source
/** * Merges the specified entry with this entry, returning a new entry. * <p>//ww w . j av a 2 s . co m * The two entries must have the same curve name. * * @param newEntry the new entry * @return the merged entry */ CurveGroupEntry merge(CurveGroupEntry newEntry) { if (!curveName.equals(newEntry.curveName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format( "A CurveGroupEntry can only be merged with an entry with the same curve name. name: {}, other name: {}", curveName, newEntry.curveName)); } return CurveGroupEntry.builder().curveName(curveName) .discountCurrencies(Sets.union(discountCurrencies, newEntry.discountCurrencies)) .indices(Sets.union(indices, newEntry.indices)).build(); }
From source
private DraftRevision putCodebase(Codebase c) { c.checkProjectSpace(config.getProjectSpace()); // Filter out files that either start with .svn or have .svn after a slash, plus the repo // config's ignore_file_res. List<String> ignoreFilePatterns = ImmutableList.<String>builder().addAll(config.getIgnoreFilePatterns()) .add("(^|.*/)\\.svn(/.*|$)").build(); Set<String> codebaseFiles = c.getRelativeFilenames(); Set<String> writerFiles = Utils.filterByRegEx( Utils.makeFilenamesRelative(Injector.INSTANCE.fileSystem().findFiles(rootDirectory), rootDirectory), ignoreFilePatterns);//from www . j av a2 s .com Set<String> union = Sets.union(codebaseFiles, writerFiles); for (String filename : union) { putFile(filename, c); } return new SvnDraftRevision(rootDirectory); }
From source
public VariableDefinition merge(VariableDefinition def) { if (!var().equals(def.var())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal variable definition merge between:\n" + this + "and\n" + def); }/*from w ww. java2s . c o m*/ return new VariableDefinition(var, def.type() != null ? def.type() : this.type(), def.role() != null ? def.role() : this.role(), Sets.union(def.playedRoles(), this.playedRoles()), Sets.union(def.valuePredicates(), this.valuePredicates())); }
From source
/** * Create a new binary venn model with the specified sets. * * @param first first set, must not be null * @param second second set, must not be null *///w ww .ja v a 2s. c om public BinaryVennModelImpl(final Set<? extends E> first, final Set<? extends E> second) { if (first == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("first must not be null"); } if (second == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("second must not be null"); } // todo defensive copy? this.first = new ObservableSetImpl(first); this.second = new ObservableSetImpl(second); firstOnly = Sets.difference(this.first, this.second); secondOnly = Sets.difference(this.second, this.first); intersection = Sets.intersection(this.first, this.second); union = Sets.union(this.first, this.second); selection = new SelectionView<E>(union, this.first, this.second); exclusives = new HashMap<ImmutableBitSet, Set<E>>(3); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0), firstOnly); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(1), secondOnly); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 1), intersection); // copy to immutable map? }
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@Override public Set<CIdExpression> visit(CDesignatedInitializer pI) throws RuntimeException { Set<CIdExpression> result = Collections.emptySet(); for (CDesignator d : pI.getDesignators()) { result = Sets.union(result, d.accept(this)); }//w w w . java2 s . c o m if (pI.getRightHandSide() != null) { result = Sets.union(result, pI.getRightHandSide().accept(this)); } return result; }
From source
@VisibleForTesting Set<QueryLaunchingConstraint> prepareAllConstraints(final QueryContext candidateQuery) { ImmutableSet<QueryLaunchingConstraint> driverConstraints = candidateQuery .getSelectedDriverQueryConstraints(); BackOffRetryHandler<QueryContext> retryPolicy = candidateQuery.getRetryPolicy(); Sets.SetView<QueryLaunchingConstraint> constraints = Sets.union(this.lensQueryConstraints, driverConstraints);//from w ww. j av a2 s . co m if (retryPolicy == null) { return constraints; } else { return Sets.union(Collections.singleton(new RetryPolicyToConstraingAdapter(retryPolicy)), constraints); } }