Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; /** * * @author sherzod */ public class Evaluator { private static Map<String, Integer> calculate(Document d) { Map<String, Integer> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<Annotation> annotations = d.getAnnotations(); List<Annotation> goldStandard = d.getGoldStandard(); int TP = 0; int FN = 0; for (Annotation g : goldStandard) { if (annotations.contains(g)) { TP++; } else { FN++; } } int FP = annotations.size() - TP; result.put("FP", FP); result.put("TP", TP); result.put("FN", FN); result.put("TN", 0); return result; } public static Map<String, Double> evaluate(Document document) { Map<String, Double> result = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Integer> numbers = calculate(document); int TP = 0, FP = 0, FN = 0, TN = 0; for (String n : numbers.keySet()) { if (n.equals("TP")) { TP = numbers.get(n); } if (n.equals("FP")) { FP = numbers.get(n); } if (n.equals("FN")) { FN = numbers.get(n); } if (n.equals("TN")) { TN = numbers.get(n); } } // calculate precision and recall for each document double r = getRecall(TP, FN); double p = getPrecision(TP, FP); double F1 = getF1(p, r); result.put("Precision", round(p, 3)); result.put("Recall", round(r, 3)); result.put("F1", round(F1, 3)); return result; } public static Map<String, Double> evaluateAll(List<Document> documents) { Map<String, Double> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int sumOfTP = 0, sumOfFP = 0, sumOfFN = 0, sumOfTN = 0; double macroAvgPrecision = 0, macroAvgRecall = 0; double microAvgPrecision = 0, microAvgRecall = 0; for (Document d : documents) { Map<String, Integer> numbers = calculate(d); int TP = 0, FP = 0, FN = 0, TN = 0; for (String n : numbers.keySet()) { if (n.equals("TP")) { sumOfTP += numbers.get(n); TP = numbers.get(n); } if (n.equals("FP")) { sumOfFP += numbers.get(n); FP = numbers.get(n); } if (n.equals("FN")) { sumOfFN += numbers.get(n); FN = numbers.get(n); } if (n.equals("TN")) { sumOfTN += numbers.get(n); TN = numbers.get(n); } } // calculate precision and recall for each document double r = getRecall(TP, FN); double p = getPrecision(TP, FP); // sum of precision and recall for each document macroAvgPrecision += p; macroAvgRecall += r; } // calculate average of precision and recall for Macro Average macroAvgPrecision = macroAvgPrecision / documents.size(); macroAvgRecall = macroAvgRecall / documents.size(); // calculate Micro Average Precision and recall microAvgPrecision = getPrecision(sumOfTP, sumOfFP); microAvgRecall = getRecall(sumOfTP, sumOfFN); double F1_macro = getF1(macroAvgPrecision, macroAvgRecall); double F1_micro = getF1(microAvgPrecision, microAvgRecall); result.put("Micro-average Precision", round(microAvgPrecision, 3)); result.put("Micro-average Recall", round(microAvgRecall, 3)); result.put("F1 Micro-average", round(F1_micro, 3)); result.put("Macro-average Precision", round(macroAvgPrecision, 3)); result.put("Macro-average Recall", round(macroAvgRecall, 3)); result.put("F1 Macro-average", round(F1_macro, 3)); return result; } private static double getRecall(int TP, int FN) { double r = TP / (double) (FN + TP); if (TP == 0 && FN == 0) { r = 1; } return r; } private static double getPrecision(int TP, int FP) { double p = TP / (double) (TP + FP); if (TP == 0 && FP == 0) { p = 1; } return p; } private static double getF1(double precision, double recall) { return (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall); } private static double round(double value, int places) { if (places < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long factor = (long) Math.pow(10, places); value = value * factor; long tmp = Math.round(value); return (double) tmp / factor; } public static Map<String, Double> add(Map<String, Double> r1, Map<String, Double> r2) { Map<String, Double> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Set<String> keys = Sets.union(r1.keySet(), r2.keySet()); for (String key : keys) { result.put(key, r1.getOrDefault(key, 0.0) + r2.getOrDefault(key, 0.0)); } return result; } }