List of usage examples for Sets union
public static <E> SetView<E> union(final Set<? extends E> set1, final Set<? extends E> set2)
From source
@Override public FunctionRequirements requirements(SwapTrade trade, Set<Measure> measures) { Swap product = trade.getProduct();/* w w w . ja va2 s. co m*/ // no market data for leg initial notional if (measures.equals(ImmutableSet.of(Measures.LEG_INITIAL_NOTIONAL))) { return FunctionRequirements.builder().outputCurrencies( product.getLegs().stream().map(SwapLeg::getCurrency).collect(toImmutableSet())).build(); } // market data needed Set<Index> indices = product.allIndices(); Set<ObservableKey> indexRateKeys =; Set<MarketDataKey<?>> indexCurveKeys = .collect(toImmutableSet()); Set<DiscountCurveKey> discountCurveKeys = product.getLegs().stream().map(SwapLeg::getCurrency) .map(DiscountCurveKey::of).collect(toImmutableSet()); return FunctionRequirements.builder().singleValueRequirements(Sets.union(indexCurveKeys, discountCurveKeys)) .timeSeriesRequirements(indexRateKeys) .outputCurrencies(product.getLegs().stream().map(SwapLeg::getCurrency).collect(toImmutableSet())) .build(); }
From source
public static Stream<? extends CreditEntry> findActive(final TreasuryEvent treasuryEvent, final Product product) { return DebitEntry.findActive(treasuryEvent, product).map(d -> d.getCreditEntriesSet()) .reduce((a, b) -> Sets.union(a, b)).orElse(Sets.newHashSet()).stream(); }
From source
@Override public ReasonerQuery conjunction(ReasonerQuery q) { return new ReasonerQueryImpl(Sets.union(getAtoms(), q.getAtoms()), this.tx()); }
From source
private static MessageWithComponents createLengthPrefixByteArrayCoder(String coderId, RunnerApi.Components components) { MessageWithComponents.Builder rvalBuilder = MessageWithComponents.newBuilder(); String byteArrayCoderId = generateUniqueId(coderId + "-byte_array", Sets .union(components.getCodersMap().keySet(), rvalBuilder.getComponents().getCodersMap().keySet())); Coder.Builder byteArrayCoder = Coder.newBuilder(); byteArrayCoder.getSpecBuilder().getSpecBuilder().setUrn(ModelCoders.BYTES_CODER_URN); rvalBuilder.getComponentsBuilder().putCoders(byteArrayCoderId,; rvalBuilder.getCoderBuilder().addComponentCoderIds(byteArrayCoderId).getSpecBuilder().getSpecBuilder() .setUrn(ModelCoders.LENGTH_PREFIX_CODER_URN); return; }
From source
@Override public void notifyDeletedEvent(Event event, AccessToken token) { if (eventDeletionInvolveNotification(event)) { ObmUser user = userService.getUserFromAccessToken(token); Ical4jUser buildIcal4jUser = calendarFactory.createIcal4jUserFromObmUser(user); String ics = ical4jHelper.buildIcsInvitationCancel(buildIcal4jUser, event, token); Attendee owner = event.findOwner(); Collection<Attendee> attendees = filterAttendees(event, ensureAttendeeUnicity(event.getAttendees())); Map<Participation, Set<Attendee>> attendeeGroups = computeParticipationGroups(attendees); Set<Attendee> notify = Sets.union(attendeeGroups.get(Participation.needsAction()), attendeeGroups.get(Participation.accepted())); UserSettings settings = settingsService.getSettings(user); if (!notify.isEmpty()) { eventChangeMailer.notifyRemovedUsers(user, notify, event, settings.locale(), settings.timezone(), ics, token);//w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m } if (owner != null && !isUserEventOwner(user, event)) { eventChangeMailer.notifyOwnerRemovedEvent(user, owner, event, settings.locale(), settings.timezone(), token); } } }
From source
private static TypedSet union(BitSetSet a, TypedSet b) { if (b.wrappee instanceof BitSetSet) { BitSet clone = (BitSet) a.getBitSet().clone(); clone.or(((BitSetSet) b.wrappee).getBitSet()); return new TypedSet(new BitSetSet(clone), b.idType); }/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ return new TypedSet(ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.union(b, a)), b.idType); // as the predicate is: in the second // argument }
From source
@Override public Map<?, ListenableFuture<Void>> execute(String group, int count, Template template, Set<NodeMetadata> goodNodes, Map<NodeMetadata, Exception> badNodes, Multimap<NodeMetadata, CustomizationResponse> customizationResponses) { DigitalOceanTemplateOptions options = template.getOptions().as(DigitalOceanTemplateOptions.class); Set<Integer> generatedSshKeyIds = Sets.newHashSet(); // If no key has been configured and the auto-create option is set, then generate a key pair if (options.getSshKeyIds().isEmpty() && options.getAutoCreateKeyPair() && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.getPublicKey())) { generateKeyPairAndAddKeyToSet(options, generatedSshKeyIds); }/*from w ww .j a va2 s. c o m*/ // If there is a script to run in the node, make sure a pivate key has been configured so jclouds will be able to // access the node if (options.getRunScript() != null && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.getLoginPrivateKey())) { logger.warn(">> A runScript has been configured but no SSH key has been provided." + " Authentication will delegate to the ssh-agent"); } // If there is a key configured, then make sure there is a key pair for it if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.getPublicKey())) { createKeyPairForPublicKeyInOptionsAndAddToSet(options, generatedSshKeyIds); } // Set all keys (the provided and the auto-generated) in the options object so the // DigitalOceanComputeServiceAdapter adds them all options.sshKeyIds(Sets.union(generatedSshKeyIds, options.getSshKeyIds())); Map<?, ListenableFuture<Void>> responses = super.execute(group, count, template, goodNodes, badNodes, customizationResponses); // Key pairs in DigitalOcean are only required to create the Droplets. They aren't used anymore so it is better // to delete the auto-generated key pairs at this point where we know exactly which ones have been // auto-generated by jclouds. registerAutoGeneratedKeyPairCleanupCallbacks(responses, generatedSshKeyIds); return responses; }
From source
@Override public Set<Link> getLinks(ConnectPoint connectPoint) { checkPermission(LINK_READ);// w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m checkNotNull(connectPoint, CONNECT_POINT_NULL); return Sets.union(store.getEgressLinks(connectPoint), store.getIngressLinks(connectPoint)); }
From source
private static ImMap<Name, Set<Type>> mergeBreakValueTypes(Iterator<ImMap<Name, Set<Type>>> it) { ImMap<Name, Set<Type>> ret = EMPTY_BREAK_VALUE_TYPES; while (it.hasNext()) { ImMap<Name, Set<Type>> cur =; for (Map.Entry<Name, Set<Type>> entry : cur.entrySet()) { ret = ret.assoc(entry.getKey(), immutableEnumSet( Sets.union(cur.getOrElse(entry.getKey(), ImmutableSet.of()), entry.getValue()))); }//from w w w .j a va2 s.c om } return ret; }
From source
public void run() { if (configFilename != null) { // Read//from w ww . j av a 2s. com System.setProperty("config", configFilename); } ImmutableList.Builder<Module> builder = ImmutableList.<Module>builder().add(new PrestoVerifierModule()) .addAll(getAdditionalModules()); Bootstrap app = new Bootstrap(; Injector injector; try { injector = app.strictConfig().initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { throwIfUnchecked(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { VerifierConfig config = injector.getInstance(VerifierConfig.class); injector.injectMembers(this); Set<String> supportedEventClients = injector.getInstance(Key.get(new TypeLiteral<Set<String>>() { }, SupportedEventClients.class)); for (String clientType : config.getEventClients()) { checkArgument(supportedEventClients.contains(clientType), "Unsupported event client: %s", clientType); } Set<EventClient> eventClients = injector.getInstance(Key.get(new TypeLiteral<Set<EventClient>>() { })); VerifierDao dao = Jdbi.create(getQueryDatabase(injector)).installPlugin(new SqlObjectPlugin()) .onDemand(VerifierDao.class); ImmutableList.Builder<QueryPair> queriesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String suite : config.getSuites()) { queriesBuilder.addAll(dao.getQueriesBySuite(suite, config.getMaxQueries())); } List<QueryPair> queries =; queries = applyOverrides(config, queries); queries = filterQueryTypes(new SqlParser(getParserOptions()), config, queries); queries = filterQueries(queries); if (config.getShadowWrites()) { Sets.SetView<QueryType> allowedTypes = Sets.union(config.getTestQueryTypes(), config.getControlQueryTypes()); checkArgument(!Sets.intersection(allowedTypes, ImmutableSet.of(CREATE, MODIFY)).isEmpty(), "CREATE or MODIFY queries must be allowed in test or control to use write shadowing"); queries = rewriteQueries(new SqlParser(getParserOptions()), config, queries); } // Load jdbc drivers if needed if (config.getAdditionalJdbcDriverPath() != null) { List<URL> urlList = getUrls(config.getAdditionalJdbcDriverPath()); URL[] urls = new URL[urlList.size()]; urlList.toArray(urls); if (config.getTestJdbcDriverName() != null) { loadJdbcDriver(urls, config.getTestJdbcDriverName()); } if (config.getControlJdbcDriverName() != null) { loadJdbcDriver(urls, config.getControlJdbcDriverName()); } } // TODO: construct this with Guice int numFailedQueries = new Verifier(System.out, config, eventClients).run(queries); System.exit((numFailedQueries > 0) ? 1 : 0); } catch (InterruptedException | MalformedURLException e) { throwIfUnchecked(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { try { injector.getInstance(LifeCycleManager.class).stop(); } catch (Exception e) { throwIfUnchecked(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }