Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets union

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets union


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets union.


public static <E> SetView<E> union(final Set<? extends E> set1, final Set<? extends E> set2) 

Source Link


Returns an unmodifiable view of the union of two sets.


From source file:com.google.javascript.jscomp.ProcessDefines.java

private void overrideDefines(Map<String, DefineInfo> allDefines) {
    boolean changed = false;
    for (Map.Entry<String, DefineInfo> def : allDefines.entrySet()) {
        String defineName = def.getKey();
        DefineInfo info = def.getValue();
        Node inputValue = dominantReplacements.get(defineName);
        Node finalValue = inputValue != null ? inputValue : info.getLastValue();
        if (finalValue != info.initialValue) {
            info.initialValueParent.replaceChild(info.initialValue, finalValue.cloneTree());
            compiler.addToDebugLog("Overriding @define variable " + defineName);
            changed = changed || finalValue.getType() != info.initialValue.getType()
                    || !finalValue.isEquivalentTo(info.initialValue);
        }//ww w  .j av  a2 s  .  c  o  m

    if (changed) {

    Set<String> unusedReplacements = Sets.difference(dominantReplacements.keySet(),
            Sets.union(KNOWN_DEFINES, allDefines.keySet()));

    for (String unknownDefine : unusedReplacements) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(UNKNOWN_DEFINE_WARNING, unknownDefine));

From source file:com.google.devtools.moe.client.codebase.CodebaseMerger.java

 * For each file in the union of the modified and destination codebases, run
 * generateMergedFile(...) and then report() the results.
 * @return the merged Codebase/*www  .jav  a2s.co  m*/
public Codebase merge() {
    Set<String> filesToMerge = Sets.union(destinationCodebase.getRelativeFilenames(),
    for (String filename : filesToMerge) {
    return mergedCodebase;

From source file:org.apache.druid.firehose.rocketmq.RocketMQFirehoseFactory.java

public Firehose connect(InputRowParser<ByteBuffer> byteBufferInputRowParser, File temporaryDirectory)
        throws IOException, ParseException {

    Set<String> newDimExclus = Sets.union(

    final InputRowParser<ByteBuffer> theParser = byteBufferInputRowParser

    /**// w  w  w .j  a v a  2  s  .c  o  m
     * Topic-Queue mapping.
    final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<MessageQueue>> topicQueueMap;

     * Default Pull-style client for RocketMQ.
    final DefaultMQPullConsumer defaultMQPullConsumer;
    final DruidPullMessageService pullMessageService;


    try {
        defaultMQPullConsumer = new DefaultMQPullConsumer(this.consumerGroup);
        topicQueueMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

        pullMessageService = new DruidPullMessageService(defaultMQPullConsumer);
        for (String topic : feed) {
            topicQueueMap.put(topic, defaultMQPullConsumer.fetchSubscribeMessageQueues(topic));
        DruidMessageQueueListener druidMessageQueueListener = new DruidMessageQueueListener(
                Sets.newHashSet(feed), topicQueueMap, defaultMQPullConsumer);
    } catch (MQClientException e) {
        LOGGER.error(e, "Failed to start DefaultMQPullConsumer");
        throw new IOException("Failed to start RocketMQ client", e);

    return new Firehose() {
        private Iterator<InputRow> nextIterator = Collections.emptyIterator();

        public boolean hasMore() {
            if (nextIterator.hasNext()) {
                return true;
            boolean hasMore = false;
            DruidPullRequest earliestPullRequest = null;

            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<MessageQueue>> entry : topicQueueMap.entrySet()) {
                for (MessageQueue messageQueue : entry.getValue()) {
                    ConcurrentSkipListSet<MessageExt> messages = messageQueueTreeSetMap.get(messageQueue);
                    if (messages != null && !messages.isEmpty()) {
                        hasMore = true;
                    } else {
                        try {
                            long offset = defaultMQPullConsumer.fetchConsumeOffset(messageQueue, false);
                            int batchSize = (null == pullBatchSize || pullBatchSize.isEmpty())
                                    ? DEFAULT_PULL_BATCH_SIZE
                                    : Integer.parseInt(pullBatchSize);

                            DruidPullRequest newPullRequest = new DruidPullRequest(messageQueue, null, offset,
                                    batchSize, !hasMessagesPending());

                            // notify pull message service to pull messages from brokers.

                            // set the earliest pull in case we need to block.
                            if (null == earliestPullRequest) {
                                earliestPullRequest = newPullRequest;
                        } catch (MQClientException e) {
                            LOGGER.error("Failed to fetch consume offset for queue: %s", entry.getKey());

            // Block only when there is no locally pending messages.
            if (!hasMore && null != earliestPullRequest) {
                try {
                    hasMore = true;
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    LOGGER.error(e, "CountDownLatch await got interrupted");
            return hasMore;

        public InputRow nextRow() {
            if (nextIterator.hasNext()) {
                return nextIterator.next();

            for (Map.Entry<MessageQueue, ConcurrentSkipListSet<MessageExt>> entry : messageQueueTreeSetMap
                    .entrySet()) {
                if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    MessageExt message = entry.getValue().pollFirst();
                    nextIterator = theParser.parseBatch(ByteBuffer.wrap(message.getBody())).iterator();

                    windows.computeIfAbsent(entry.getKey(), k -> new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>())
                    return nextIterator.next();

            // should never happen.
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Fatal Error! There should have been one row available.");

        public Runnable commit() {
            return new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    OffsetStore offsetStore = defaultMQPullConsumer.getOffsetStore();
                    Set<MessageQueue> updated = new HashSet<>();
                    // calculate offsets according to consuming windows.
                    for (Map.Entry<MessageQueue, ConcurrentSkipListSet<Long>> entry : windows.entrySet()) {
                        while (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {

                            long offset = offsetStore.readOffset(entry.getKey(),
                            if (offset + 1 > entry.getValue().first()) {
                            } else if (offset + 1 == entry.getValue().first()) {
                                offsetStore.updateOffset(entry.getKey(), offset + 1, true);
                            } else {


        public void close() {

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.livevar.DeclarationCollectingVisitor.java

public Set<ASimpleDeclaration> visit(ABinaryExpression exp) throws RuntimeException {
    return Sets.union(accept0(exp.getOperand1()), accept0(exp.getOperand2()));

From source file:com.googlecode.blaisemath.style.AttributeSet.java

 * Get this attributes, and all parent attributes.
 * @return attribute keys/*from  w  w  w .j  a v  a2 s  . co  m*/
public Set<String> getAllAttributes() {
    if (parent.isPresent()) {
        return Sets.union(attributeMap.keySet(), parent.get().getAllAttributes());
    } else {
        return getAttributes();

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cfa.ast.c.CIdExpressionCollectingVisitor.java

public Set<CIdExpression> visit(CArrayRangeDesignator pArrayRangeDesignator) throws RuntimeException {
    return Sets.union(pArrayRangeDesignator.getFloorExpression().accept(this),

From source file:org.jclouds.digitalocean2.compute.strategy.CreateKeyPairsThenCreateNodes.java

public Map<?, ListenableFuture<Void>> execute(String group, int count, Template template,
        Set<NodeMetadata> goodNodes, Map<NodeMetadata, Exception> badNodes,
        Multimap<NodeMetadata, CustomizationResponse> customizationResponses) {

    DigitalOcean2TemplateOptions options = template.getOptions().as(DigitalOcean2TemplateOptions.class);
    Set<Integer> generatedSshKeyIds = Sets.newHashSet();

    // If no key has been configured and the auto-create option is set, then generate a key pair
    if (options.getSshKeyIds().isEmpty() && options.getAutoCreateKeyPair()
            && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.getPublicKey())) {
        generateKeyPairAndAddKeyToSet(options, generatedSshKeyIds, group);
    }//from w  w w.j ava  2s .  c  om

    // If there is a script to run in the node, make sure a private key has
    // been configured so jclouds will be able to access the node
    if (options.getRunScript() != null && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.getLoginPrivateKey())) {
        logger.warn(">> A runScript has been configured but no SSH key has been provided."
                + " Authentication will delegate to the ssh-agent");

    // If there is a key configured, then make sure there is a key pair for it
    if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.getPublicKey())) {
        createKeyPairForPublicKeyInOptionsAndAddToSet(options, generatedSshKeyIds);

    // Set all keys (the provided and the auto-generated) in the options object so the
    // DigitalOceanComputeServiceAdapter adds them all
    options.sshKeyIds(Sets.union(generatedSshKeyIds, options.getSshKeyIds()));

    Map<?, ListenableFuture<Void>> responses = super.execute(group, count, template, goodNodes, badNodes,

    // Key pairs in DigitalOcean are only required to create the Droplets. They aren't used anymore so it is better
    // to delete the auto-generated key pairs at this point where we know exactly which ones have been
    // auto-generated by jclouds.
    registerAutoGeneratedKeyPairCleanupCallbacks(responses, generatedSshKeyIds);

    return responses;

From source file:co.mitro.core.servlets.GetPendingGroupApprovals.java

@Override/*from  ww w.ja v a2 s. c o m*/
protected MitroRPC processCommand(MitroRequestContext context)
        throws IOException, SQLException, MitroServletException {
    GetPendingGroupApprovalsRequest in = gson.fromJson(context.jsonRequest,
    RPC.GetPendingGroupApprovalsResponse out = new RPC.GetPendingGroupApprovalsResponse();
    out.pendingAdditionsAndModifications = Lists.newArrayList();
    out.pendingDeletions = Lists.newArrayList();

    out.diffs = Collections.emptyMap();
    out.newOrgMembers = Collections.emptyList();
    out.deletedOrgMembers = Collections.emptyList();

    AuthenticatedDB userDb = AuthenticatedDB.deprecatedNew(context.manager, context.requestor);
    Set<DBGroup> orgs = userDb.getOrganizations();

    if (orgs.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warn("ignoring request from user who is not a member of any organizations");
        return out;
    } else {
        assert orgs.size() == 1;

    final DBGroup org = orgs.iterator().next();
    assert (userDb.isOrganizationAdmin(org.getId()));

    List<DBPendingGroup> pendingDBGroups = context.manager.pendingGroupDao.queryForEq(DBPendingGroup.OWNING_ORG,
    Map<String, PendingGroupApproval> pendingGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
    String nonce = null;
    String scope = null;
    for (DBPendingGroup databasePendingGroup : pendingDBGroups) {
        PendingGroupApproval pendingGroupOutput = new PendingGroupApproval();
        if (nonce == null) {
            nonce = databasePendingGroup.getSyncNonce();
        } else {
            assert (nonce.equals(databasePendingGroup.getSyncNonce())) : "only one nonce per sync data allowed "
                    + nonce + " " + databasePendingGroup.getSyncNonce();

        // TODO: support multiple scopes per org by merging groups from multiple scopes.
        if (scope == null) {
            scope = databasePendingGroup.getScope();
        } else {
            assert scope.equals(databasePendingGroup.getScope()) : "non-unique scope detected: " + scope + ", "
                    + databasePendingGroup.getScope();
        pendingGroups.put(pendingGroupOutput.groupName, pendingGroupOutput);
    out.syncNonce = nonce;

    Map<String, DBGroup> existingGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
    Map<String, GroupDiff> diffs = Maps.newHashMap();
    Map<String, MemberList> groupNameToMemberListMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    AddPendingGroupServlet.calculatePendingGroupDiffs(context, pendingGroups.values(), org, existingGroups,
            diffs, groupNameToMemberListMap, scope);

    for (String groupName : Sets.union(pendingGroups.keySet(), diffs.keySet())) {
        if (pendingGroups.containsKey(groupName)) {
            if (!diffs.containsKey(groupName)) {
            final PendingGroupApproval groupApprovalOut = pendingGroups.get(groupName);
            final GroupDiff gd = diffs.get(groupName);
            assert (!gd.groupModification.equals(GroupModificationType.IS_DELETED));
            if (gd.groupModification.equals(GroupModificationType.IS_NEW)) {
                groupApprovalOut.matchedGroup = null;
            } else {
                final DBGroup matchedGroup = existingGroups.get(groupName);
                groupApprovalOut.matchedGroup = new EditGroupRequest();
                GetGroup.fillEditGroupRequest(context.manager, matchedGroup, groupApprovalOut.matchedGroup,
        } else {
            assert (diffs.containsKey(groupName));
            final GroupDiff gd = diffs.get(groupName);
            assert (gd.groupModification.equals(GroupModificationType.IS_DELETED)); // otherwise it should have been handled above.
            EditGroupRequest groupToDelete = new EditGroupRequest();
            GetGroup.fillEditGroupRequest(context.manager, existingGroups.get(gd.groupName), groupToDelete,

    if (!diffs.isEmpty()) {
        // TODO: eventually pull this out of a special ALL group that ought to be synced.
        Set<String> allUserNames = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (MemberList ml : groupNameToMemberListMap.values()) {
        // see which users we need to add to the org.
        Set<Integer> orgUserIds = MutateOrganization.getMemberIdsAndPrivateGroupIdsForOrg(context.manager, org)
        Set<String> existingOrgMembers = DBIdentity.getUserNamesFromIds(context.manager, orgUserIds);

        out.newOrgMembers = Lists.newArrayList(Sets.difference(allUserNames, existingOrgMembers));

        // TODO: if none of the groups that are synced is an ALL group, 
        // i.e. we're syncing a subset of the org, this will suggest 
        // deleting most org members, which is not good.  We need a better 
        // solution for this.
        out.deletedOrgMembers = Lists.newArrayList(Sets.difference(existingOrgMembers, allUserNames));
    } else {
        out.deletedOrgMembers = Collections.emptyList();
        out.newOrgMembers = Collections.emptyList();
    out.diffs = diffs;
    out.orgId = org.getId();
    assert (out.diffs.size() == (out.pendingAdditionsAndModifications.size() + out.pendingDeletions.size()));
    return out;

From source file:com.google.caliper.core.BenchmarkClassModel.java

 * Returns a multimap containing the full set of parameter values to use for the benchmark. For
 * parameters on the benchmark that have values in the given user-supplied parameters, the user's
 * specified values are used. For all other parameters, the default values specified in the
 * annotation or implied by the type are used.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a parameter for the benchmark has neither user-specified
 *     values nor default values/*from ww w . jav a  2s  .  c o  m*/
public final ImmutableSetMultimap<String, String> fillInDefaultParameterValues(
        ImmutableSetMultimap<String, String> userParameters) {
    ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<String, String> combined = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder();

    // For user parameters, this'll actually be the same as parameters().keySet(), since any extras
    // given at the command line are treated as errors; for VM parameters this is not the case.
    for (String name : Sets.union(parameters().keySet(), userParameters.keySet())) {
        ImmutableSet<String> values = userParameters.containsKey(name) ? userParameters.get(name)
                : parameters().get(name);
        combined.putAll(name, values);
        checkArgument(!values.isEmpty(), "ERROR: No default value provided for %s", name);
    return combined.orderKeysBy(Ordering.natural()).build();

From source file:cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer.java

 *//* w w  w . j av a  2  s.  c om*/
private void configureMod(Class<? extends BaseModProxy> modClazz, ASMDataTable asmData) {
    File configDir = Loader.instance().getConfigDir();
    File modConfig = new File(configDir, String.format("%s.cfg", getModId()));
    Properties props = new Properties();

    boolean existingConfigFound = false;
    boolean mlPropFound = false;

    if (modConfig.exists()) {
        try {
            FMLLog.fine("Reading existing configuration file for %s : %s", getModId(), modConfig.getName());
            FileReader configReader = new FileReader(modConfig);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "Error occured reading mod configuration file %s", modConfig.getName());
            throw new LoaderException(e);
        existingConfigFound = true;

    StringBuffer comments = new StringBuffer();
    comments.append("MLProperties: name (type:default) min:max -- information\n");

    List<ModProperty> mlPropFields = Lists.newArrayList();
    try {
        for (ASMData dat : Sets.union(asmData.getAnnotationsFor(this).get("net.minecraft.src.MLProp"),
                asmData.getAnnotationsFor(this).get("MLProp"))) {
            if (dat.getClassName().equals(modClazzName)) {
                try {
                    mlPropFields.add(new ModProperty(modClazz.getDeclaredField(dat.getObjectName()),
                    FMLLog.finest("Found an MLProp field %s in %s", dat.getObjectName(), getModId());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    FMLLog.log(Level.WARNING, e, "An error occured trying to access field %s in mod %s",
                            dat.getObjectName(), getModId());
        for (ModProperty property : mlPropFields) {
            if (!Modifier.isStatic(property.field().getModifiers())) {
                FMLLog.info("The MLProp field %s in mod %s appears not to be static",
                        property.field().getName(), getModId());
            FMLLog.finest("Considering MLProp field %s", property.field().getName());
            Field f = property.field();
            String propertyName = !Strings.nullToEmpty(property.name()).isEmpty() ? property.name()
                    : f.getName();
            String propertyValue = null;
            Object defaultValue = null;

            try {
                defaultValue = f.get(null);
                propertyValue = props.getProperty(propertyName, extractValue(defaultValue));
                Object currentValue = parseValue(propertyValue, property, f.getType(), propertyName);
                        "Configuration for %s.%s found values default: %s, configured: %s, interpreted: %s",
                        modClazzName, propertyName, defaultValue, propertyValue, currentValue);

                if (currentValue != null && !currentValue.equals(defaultValue)) {
                    FMLLog.finest("Configuration for %s.%s value set to: %s", modClazzName, propertyName,
                    f.set(null, currentValue);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "Invalid configuration found for %s in %s", propertyName,
                throw new LoaderException(e);
            } finally {
                        String.format("MLProp : %s (%s:%s", propertyName, f.getType().getName(), defaultValue));

                if (property.min() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
                    comments.append(",>=").append(String.format("%.1f", property.min()));

                if (property.max() != Double.MAX_VALUE) {
                    comments.append(",<=").append(String.format("%.1f", property.max()));


                if (!Strings.nullToEmpty(property.info()).isEmpty()) {
                    comments.append(" -- ").append(property.info());

                if (propertyValue != null) {
                    props.setProperty(propertyName, extractValue(propertyValue));
            mlPropFound = true;
    } finally {
        if (!mlPropFound && !existingConfigFound) {
            FMLLog.fine("No MLProp configuration for %s found or required. No file written", getModId());

        if (!mlPropFound && existingConfigFound) {
            File mlPropBackup = new File(modConfig.getParent(), modConfig.getName() + ".bak");
                    "MLProp configuration file for %s found but not required. Attempting to rename file to %s",
                    getModId(), mlPropBackup.getName());
            boolean renamed = modConfig.renameTo(mlPropBackup);
            if (renamed) {
                FMLLog.fine("Unused MLProp configuration file for %s renamed successfully to %s", getModId(),
            } else {
                FMLLog.fine("Unused MLProp configuration file for %s renamed UNSUCCESSFULLY to %s", getModId(),

        try {
            FileWriter configWriter = new FileWriter(modConfig);
            props.store(configWriter, comments.toString());
            FMLLog.fine("Configuration for %s written to %s", getModId(), modConfig.getName());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "Error trying to write the config file %s", modConfig.getName());
            throw new LoaderException(e);