List of usage examples for Sets union
public static <E> SetView<E> union(final Set<? extends E> set1, final Set<? extends E> set2)
From source
/** * Returns immutable set of permitted users and groups. */ public Set<Principal> getPermits() { return Sets.union(permitUsers, permitGroups); }
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/** * Returns the components (labels, variables) that define the environment. * //from w w w. j a v a 2 s.c o m * @return the components (labels, variables) that define the environment. */ public Set<String> getComponents() { return Sets.union(labels, getVariablesAsSet()); }
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public ImmutableSet<String> getEntries() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.union(directoryPaths, javaFileForOutputPaths)); }
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@Override public FunctionRequirements requirements(CdsTrade trade, Set<Measure> measures) { Cds cds = trade.getProduct();// ww w . j a v a2 s .com Currency notionalCurrency = cds.getFeeLeg().getPeriodicPayments().getNotional().getCurrency(); Currency feeCurrency = cds.getFeeLeg().getUpfrontFee().getCurrency(); Set<MarketDataKey<?>> rateCurveKeys = ImmutableSet.of(IsdaYieldCurveInputsKey.of(notionalCurrency), IsdaYieldCurveInputsKey.of(feeCurrency)); Set<Currency> currencies = ImmutableSet.of(notionalCurrency, feeCurrency); ReferenceInformation refInfo = cds.getReferenceInformation(); if (refInfo instanceof SingleNameReferenceInformation) { SingleNameReferenceInformation singleNameRefInfo = (SingleNameReferenceInformation) refInfo; Set<MarketDataKey<?>> keys = ImmutableSet.of(IsdaSingleNameCreditCurveInputsKey.of(singleNameRefInfo), IsdaSingleNameRecoveryRateKey.of(singleNameRefInfo)); return FunctionRequirements.builder().singleValueRequirements(Sets.union(rateCurveKeys, keys)) .outputCurrencies(currencies).build(); } else if (refInfo instanceof IndexReferenceInformation) { IndexReferenceInformation indexRefInfo = (IndexReferenceInformation) refInfo; Set<MarketDataKey<?>> keys = ImmutableSet.of(IsdaIndexCreditCurveInputsKey.of(indexRefInfo), IsdaIndexRecoveryRateKey.of(indexRefInfo)); return FunctionRequirements.builder().singleValueRequirements(Sets.union(rateCurveKeys, keys)) .outputCurrencies(currencies).build(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown reference information type: " + refInfo.getType()); } }
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@PostConstruct public void initialize() { // Use a CountCleanupStrategy that cleans up everything that was already evicted from the cache: If something was // evicted from the cache, we definitely // won't offer it again, since we will not use that same versionId again. Therefore we can free up the count memory // of those./*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . com*/ // Additionally we remove the counts of every version that is in #countCleanupCacheEntries. These are old versions. // If anybody still needs those versions, they must have flagged those elements in the cache, otherwise their // entries will have count 0 and that will most probably lead to them being evicted from the cache on the next run. CountCleanupStrategy<Pair<String, String>, UUID> cacheCountCleanupStrategy = (countsForCleanup, allCounts) -> { Set<Pair<Pair<String, String>, UUID>> curCountCleanupCacheEntries = new HashSet<>(); while (!countCleanupCacheEntries.isEmpty()) { try { curCountCleanupCacheEntries.add(countCleanupCacheEntries.pop()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // swallow -> two thread concurrently traversed countCleanupCacheEntries and our thread did not get another // element. Thats fine. (Although this will not happen currently, since CountingCache synchronizes). } } Set<Pair<Pair<String, String>, UUID>> res = Sets.union(countsForCleanup, Sets.intersection(allCounts, curCountCleanupCacheEntries)); logger.trace("Evicting old usage counts (limit): {}", Iterables.limit(res, 100)); return res; }; MemoryConsumptionProvider<FlattenedTableInfo> cacheMemoryConsumptionProvider = info -> info .getFlattenedTable().calculateApproximateSizeInBytes(); cache = new CountingCache<>(flattenedTableCacheSizeMb * 1024L * 1024L, cacheMemoryConsumptionProvider, cacheCountCleanupStrategy); }
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private void createRemoteTunnels(OfWriter ofWriter, NodeId nodeId, Endpoint ep, EndpointFwdCtxOrdinals epFwdCtxOrds) throws Exception { Set<EgKey> epgs = new HashSet<>(); // Get EPGs and add to Set to remove duplicates // TODO alagalah Li: test EndpointManager.getEgKeys if (ep.getEndpointGroup() != null) { epgs.add(new EgKey(ep.getTenant(), ep.getEndpointGroup())); }//from ww w.j a v a2 s.c om if (ep.getEndpointGroups() != null) { for (EndpointGroupId epgId : ep.getEndpointGroups()) { epgs.add(new EgKey(ep.getTenant(), epgId)); } } // Create tunnels on remote Nodes that may talk to us. for (EgKey epg : epgs) { Set<EgKey> peers = Sets.union(Collections.singleton(epg), ctx.getCurrentPolicy().getPeers(epg)); for (EgKey peer : peers) { for (NodeId remoteNodeId : ctx.getEndpointManager().getNodesForGroup(peer)) { // Please do not check for remote v local nodeID, we need local to local tunnels // in the case of chaining - The Great Dr Sunal. NodeConnectorId tunPort = ctx.getSwitchManager().getTunnelPort(remoteNodeId, TunnelTypeVxlan.class); if (tunPort == null) { LOG.trace("No tunnel port for tunnel in SourceMapper between local:{} and remote:{}", nodeId.getValue(), remoteNodeId.getValue()); continue; } ofWriter.writeFlow(remoteNodeId, TABLE_ID, createTunnelFlow(tunPort, epFwdCtxOrds)); ofWriter.writeFlow(remoteNodeId, TABLE_ID, createBroadcastFlow(tunPort, epFwdCtxOrds)); } } } }
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@Override public void markScalingRequiredForZones(final Set<String> availabilityZones) throws AutoScalingMetadataException { if (!availabilityZones.isEmpty()) { persistenceSupport.transactionWithRetry(AutoScalingGroup.class, new AbstractOwnedPersistents.WorkCallback<Void>() { @Override//from w ww. ja v a2 s. c o m public Void doWork() throws AutoScalingMetadataException { final List<AutoScalingGroup> groups = persistenceSupport.listByExample( AutoScalingGroup.withOwner(null), Predicates.alwaysTrue(), Functions.<AutoScalingGroup>identity()); for (final AutoScalingGroup group : groups) { if (!Sets.union(Sets.newHashSet(group.getAvailabilityZones()), availabilityZones) .isEmpty()) { group.setScalingRequired(true); } } return null; } }); } }
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@Override public FunctionRequirements requirements(Set<Currency> currencies, Set<? extends Index> indices) { for (Currency currency : currencies) { if (!discountCurves.keySet().contains(currency)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msgCurrencyNotFound(currency)); }//from w ww .j a v a2 s . c o m } for (Index index : indices) { if (!forwardCurves.keySet().contains(index)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msgIndexNotFound(index)); } } // keys for time-series Set<ObservableId> indexQuoteIds =; // keys for forward curves Set<MarketDataId<?>> indexCurveIds = -> forwardCurves.get(idx)) .collect(toImmutableSet()); // keys for discount factors Set<MarketDataId<?>> discountFactorsIds = -> discountCurves.get(ccy)) .collect(toImmutableSet()); return FunctionRequirements.builder().valueRequirements(Sets.union(indexCurveIds, discountFactorsIds)) .timeSeriesRequirements(indexQuoteIds).outputCurrencies(currencies) .observableSource(observableSource).build(); }
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@Override public ReasonerQueryImpl withSubstitution(ConceptMap sub) { return new ReasonerQueryImpl(Sets.union(this.getAtoms(), AtomicFactory.answerToPredicates(sub, this)), this.tx()); }
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@Override public DiscreteResources add(DiscreteResources other) { if (other instanceof EncodableDiscreteResources) { EncodableDiscreteResources cast = (EncodableDiscreteResources) other; LinkedHashMap<Class<?>, EncodedDiscreteResources> newMap = Stream .concat(, .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, EncodedDiscreteResources::add, LinkedHashMap::new)); return of(parent, newMap); } else if (other instanceof EmptyDiscreteResources) { return this; }/*from w ww. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ return DiscreteResources.of(Sets.union(this.values(), other.values())); }