List of usage examples for Sets newTreeSet
public static <E> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
From source
private Thing<Group> wrapGroup(Group g) { Thing t = new Thing(); // Integer id = um.getProjectId(g.getGroupName()); // if ( id != null ) { // t.setId("projectId:"+id.toString()); // }//from w w w .j a v a 2 s. com t.setId(g.getGroupName()); t.setKey(g.getGroupName()); t.setValue(g); t.setValueIsPopulated(true); t.setThingType(tr.getType(Group.class)); t.setParents(Sets.newTreeSet(g.getMembers().values())); return t; }
From source
/** * Create a new NodeLayout by adding a set of services to the given NodeLayout. * * @param nodeLayout NodeLayout to add the services to. * @param services Services to add.// w ww. j a v a 2s . co m * @return New layout obtained by adding the services to the given layout. */ public static NodeLayout addServicesToNodeLayout(NodeLayout nodeLayout, Set<String> services) { Set<String> expandedServices = Sets.newTreeSet(nodeLayout.getServiceNames()); expandedServices.addAll(services); return new NodeLayout(nodeLayout.hardwareType, nodeLayout.imageType, expandedServices); }
From source
private static void generateObjectDiffs(final DiffProcessor processor, final JsonPointer pointer, final ObjectNode source, final ObjectNode target) { final Set<String> firstFields = Sets.newTreeSet(Sets.newHashSet(source.fieldNames())); final Set<String> secondFields = Sets.newTreeSet(Sets.newHashSet(target.fieldNames())); for (final String field : Sets.difference(firstFields, secondFields)) processor.valueRemoved(pointer.append(field), source.get(field)); for (final String field : Sets.difference(secondFields, firstFields)) processor.valueAdded(pointer.append(field), target.get(field)); for (final String field : Sets.intersection(firstFields, secondFields)) generateDiffs(processor, pointer.append(field), source.get(field), target.get(field)); }
From source
private static void registerIOFactoriesInternal(PipelineOptions options, boolean override) { Set<IOChannelFactoryRegistrar> registrars = Sets.newTreeSet(ReflectHelpers.ObjectsClassComparator.INSTANCE); registrars.addAll(Lists.newArrayList(ServiceLoader.load(IOChannelFactoryRegistrar.class, CLASS_LOADER))); checkDuplicateScheme(registrars);// w w w . java 2 s .c o m for (IOChannelFactoryRegistrar registrar : registrars) { setIOFactoryInternal(registrar.getScheme(), registrar.fromOptions(options), override); } }
From source
private void tabularizedReport(List<String> l1, List<String> l2) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClusterListAssertion.class); int maxL1Width = 0; for (String s : l1) maxL1Width = Math.max(maxL1Width, s.length()); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final Set<String> l1s = Sets.newTreeSet(l1); final Set<String> l2s = Sets.newTreeSet(l2); if (l1s.equals(l2s)) { sb.append("PROBLEM: Same sets different order or hierarchy.\n"); sb.append("Clusters side-by-side (same-line order changes marked):\n"); for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(l1.size(), l2.size()); i++) { String lbl = l1.get(i); sb.append(l2.get(i).equals(lbl) ? " " : "* "); sb.append(Strings.padEnd(lbl, maxL1Width, ' ')); sb.append(" | "); lbl = l2.get(i);// w ww .j av a2s .c o m sb.append(l1.get(i).equals(lbl) ? " " : "* "); sb.append(lbl); sb.append("\n"); } } else { Set<String> common = Sets.newTreeSet(l1s); common.retainAll(l2s); l1s.removeAll(common); l2s.removeAll(common); sb.append("Clusters in the previous set only:\n"); for (String s : l1s) sb.append(" '" + s + "'\n"); sb.append("Clusters in the actual set only:\n"); for (String s : l2s) sb.append(" '" + s + "'\n"); sb.append("Clusters side-by-side (order changes not shown):\n"); for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(l1.size(), l2.size()); i++) { String lbl = (i < l1.size() ? l1.get(i) : "--"); sb.append(l1s.contains(lbl) ? "* " : " "); sb.append(Strings.padEnd(lbl, maxL1Width, ' ')); sb.append(" | "); lbl = (i < l2.size() ? l2.get(i) : "--"); sb.append(l2s.contains(lbl) ? "* " : " "); sb.append(lbl); sb.append("\n"); } } logger.error("Failed cluster list comparison (previous | now):\n" + sb.toString()); }
From source
public void initialize(DataTableModel<Tuple<Integer>> model) { _allAttachedFileTypes = Sets.newTreeSet(_dao.findAllEntitiesOfType(AttachedFileType.class)); super.initialize(model); }
From source
@Override public Configuration findProjectConfiguration(Map<String, String> clientAttributes) { Configuration selectedConfiguration = null; ConfigurationContainer dependencyConfigurations = getDependencyProject().getConfigurations(); String declaredConfiguration = getTargetConfiguration(); if (declaredConfiguration == null && !clientAttributes.isEmpty()) { List<Configuration> candidateConfigurations = new ArrayList<Configuration>(1); for (Configuration dependencyConfiguration : dependencyConfigurations) { if (dependencyConfiguration.hasAttributes()) { Map<String, String> attributes = dependencyConfiguration.getAttributes(); if (attributes.entrySet().containsAll(clientAttributes.entrySet())) { candidateConfigurations.add(dependencyConfiguration); }/* ww w .j av a 2s. co m*/ } } if (candidateConfigurations.size() == 1) { selectedConfiguration = candidateConfigurations.get(0); } else if (!candidateConfigurations.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot choose between the following configurations: " + Sets.newTreeSet(Lists.transform(candidateConfigurations, CONFIG_NAME)) + ". All of then match the client attributes " + clientAttributes); } } if (selectedConfiguration == null) { selectedConfiguration = dependencyConfigurations .getByName(GUtil.elvis(declaredConfiguration, Dependency.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION)); } return selectedConfiguration; }
From source
@Programmatic public SortedSet<CommunicationChannel> findOtherByOwnerAndType(final CommunicationChannelOwner owner, CommunicationChannelType type, CommunicationChannel exclude) { return Sets.newTreeSet( allMatches("findOtherByOwnerAndType", "owner", owner, "type", type, "exclude", exclude)); }
From source
private void printDependencies(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component, StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("\n= Dependencies\n"); TreeSet<WeightedEdge> sortedEdges = Sets.newTreeSet(new WeightedEdgeComparator(component)); sortedEdges.addAll(component.getEdges()); for (WeightedEdge dependency : sortedEdges) { builder.append(GraphStringUtils.edgeToString(dependency, component, shorten)); builder.append("\n"); if (showClassDeps) { printClassDependencies(builder, dependency); }/*w w w . j a va2s .com*/ } }
From source
protected static <T extends TypeSummary> void embellishEntity(T result, RegisteredType item, BrooklynRestResourceUtils b) {//from w w w .ja v a 2 s. com try { Set<ConfigSummary> config = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Set<SensorSummary> sensors = Sets.newTreeSet(SummaryComparators.nameComparator()); Set<EffectorSummary> effectors = Sets.newTreeSet(SummaryComparators.nameComparator()); EntitySpec<?> spec = b.getTypeRegistry().createSpec(item, null, EntitySpec.class); EntityDynamicType typeMap = BrooklynTypes.getDefinedEntityType(spec.getType()); EntityType type = typeMap.getSnapshot(); AtomicInteger priority = new AtomicInteger(); for (SpecParameter<?> input : spec.getParameters()) config.add(ConfigTransformer.of(input).uiIncrementAndSetPriorityIfPinned(priority).transform()); for (Sensor<?> x : type.getSensors()) sensors.add(SensorTransformer.sensorSummaryForCatalog(x)); for (Effector<?> x : type.getEffectors()) effectors.add(EffectorTransformer.effectorSummaryForCatalog(x)); result.setExtraField("config", config); result.setExtraField("sensors", sensors); result.setExtraField("effectors", effectors); } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); // templates with multiple entities can't have spec created in the manner above; just ignore if (item.getSuperTypes().contains(Entity.class)) { log.warn("Unable to create spec for " + item + ": " + e, e); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Unable to create spec for " + item + ": " + e, e); } } }