List of usage examples for Sets newTreeSet
public static <E> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <X, Y> Map<String, Object> formatExpanded(VolatilitySurfaceData<X, Y> surface) { // the x and y values won't necessarily be unique and won't necessarily map to a rectangular grid // this projects them onto a grid and inserts nulls where there's no data available Set<X> xVals = surface.getUniqueXValues(); Y[] yValues = surface.getYs();/* w w w .ja v a2 s . c om*/ Set<Y> yVals; if (yValues.length > 0 && yValues[0] instanceof Pair) { //TODO emcleod This nastiness is here because ObjectsPair is now (2013/5/13) no longer Comparable Pair<Object, Object> pair = (Pair) yValues[0]; if (pair.getFirst() instanceof Integer && pair.getSecond() instanceof FXVolQuoteType) { FirstThenSecondPairComparator<Integer, FXVolQuoteType> comparator = new FirstThenSecondPairComparator<>(); Set sortedSet = new TreeSet(comparator); sortedSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(surface.getYs())); yVals = (Set<Y>) sortedSet; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle pairs of type " + pair); } } else { yVals = Sets.newTreeSet((Iterable) Arrays.asList(surface.getYs())); } Map<String, Object> results = Maps.newHashMap(); results.put(SurfaceFormatterUtils.X_LABELS, getAxisLabels(xVals)); results.put(SurfaceFormatterUtils.Y_LABELS, getAxisLabels(yVals)); if (isPlottable(surface)) { return formatForPlotting(surface, xVals, yVals, results); } else { return formatForGrid(surface, xVals, yVals, results); } }
From source
@Override public Job addInputPaths(HadoopDruidIndexerConfig config, Job job) throws IOException { // This PathSpec breaks so many abstractions that we might as break some more Preconditions.checkState(config.getGranularitySpec() instanceof UniformGranularitySpec, String.format("Cannot use %s without %s", GranularUnprocessedPathSpec.class.getSimpleName(), UniformGranularitySpec.class.getSimpleName())); final Path betaInput = new Path(getInputPath()); final FileSystem fs = betaInput.getFileSystem(job.getConfiguration()); final Granularity segmentGranularity = ((UniformGranularitySpec) config.getGranularitySpec()) .getGranularity();/*from w w w . jav a2 s.c o m*/ Map<DateTime, Long> inputModifiedTimes = new TreeMap<DateTime, Long>( Comparators.inverse(Comparators.<Comparable>comparable())); for (FileStatus status : FSSpideringIterator.spiderIterable(fs, betaInput)) { final DateTime key = segmentGranularity.toDate(status.getPath().toString()); final Long currVal = inputModifiedTimes.get(key); final long mTime = status.getModificationTime(); inputModifiedTimes.put(key, currVal == null ? mTime : Math.max(currVal, mTime)); } Set<Interval> bucketsToRun = Sets.newTreeSet(Comparators.intervals()); for (Map.Entry<DateTime, Long> entry : inputModifiedTimes.entrySet()) { DateTime timeBucket = entry.getKey(); long mTime = entry.getValue(); String bucketOutput = String.format("%s/%s", config.getSegmentOutputDir(), segmentGranularity.toPath(timeBucket)); for (FileStatus fileStatus : FSSpideringIterator.spiderIterable(fs, new Path(bucketOutput))) { if (fileStatus.getModificationTime() > mTime) { bucketsToRun.add(new Interval(timeBucket, segmentGranularity.increment(timeBucket))); break; } } if (bucketsToRun.size() >= maxBuckets) { break; } } config.setGranularitySpec(new UniformGranularitySpec(segmentGranularity, Lists.newArrayList(bucketsToRun))); return super.addInputPaths(config, job); }
From source
public DBHistoricalUserState(ListMySecretsAndGroupKeysResponse resp, Map<Integer, GroupInfo> orgIdToOrg, long timestampMs) { this.userId = resp.myUserId; this.timestampMs = timestampMs; // sort the users this.visibleUsers = Sets.newTreeSet(resp.autocompleteUsers); numVisibleUsersInSameDomain = 0;//from www . j a v a 2 s . co m String myDomain = userId.split("@")[1]; for (String u : visibleUsers) { if (myDomain.equals(u.split("@")[1])) { ++numVisibleUsersInSameDomain; } } this.organizations = Lists.newArrayList(); this.secrets = resp.secretToPath.values(); this.groups = resp.groups.values(); numGroups = groups.size(); Set<Integer> myPrivateGroups = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<Integer> seenOrgs = Sets.newHashSet(); for (GroupInfo gi : groups) { if (gi.isNonOrgPrivateGroup || gi.isOrgPrivateGroup) { myPrivateGroups.add(gi.groupId); } if (gi.owningOrgId != null && seenOrgs.add(gi.owningOrgId)) { organizations.add(orgIdToOrg.get(gi.owningOrgId)); } if (gi.isTopLevelOrg && seenOrgs.add(gi.groupId)) { organizations.add(orgIdToOrg.get(gi.groupId)); } } numOrganizations = organizations.size(); numSecrets = secrets.size(); numVisibleUsers = visibleUsers.size(); Set<Integer> sharedSecrets = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Secret s : secrets) { // the user should be excluded from this list. Set<String> usersExcludingMe = Sets.difference(Sets.newHashSet(s.users), ImmutableSet.of(userId)); Set<Integer> groupsExcludingMe = Sets.difference(Sets.newHashSet(s.groups), myPrivateGroups); if (!(usersExcludingMe.isEmpty() && groupsExcludingMe.isEmpty())) { sharedSecrets.add(s.secretId); } } numSharedSecrets = sharedSecrets.size(); }
From source
@Override public Job addInputPaths(HadoopDruidIndexerConfig config, Job job) throws IOException { final Set<Interval> intervals = Sets.newTreeSet(Comparators.intervals()); Optional<Set<Interval>> optionalIntervals = config.getSegmentGranularIntervals(); if (optionalIntervals.isPresent()) { for (Interval segmentInterval : optionalIntervals.get()) { for (Interval dataInterval : dataGranularity.getIterable(segmentInterval)) { intervals.add(dataInterval); }//ww w.j a va 2 m } } Path betaInput = new Path(inputPath); FileSystem fs = betaInput.getFileSystem(job.getConfiguration()); Set<String> paths = Sets.newTreeSet(); Pattern fileMatcher = Pattern.compile(filePattern); DateTimeFormatter customFormatter = null; if (pathFormat != null) { customFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pathFormat); } for (Interval interval : intervals) { DateTime t = interval.getStart(); String intervalPath = null; if (customFormatter != null) { intervalPath = customFormatter.print(t); } else { intervalPath = dataGranularity.toPath(t); } Path granularPath = new Path(betaInput, intervalPath);"Checking path[%s]", granularPath); for (FileStatus status : FSSpideringIterator.spiderIterable(fs, granularPath)) { final Path filePath = status.getPath(); if (fileMatcher.matcher(filePath.toString()).matches()) { paths.add(filePath.toString()); } } } for (String path : paths) {"Appending path[%s]", path); StaticPathSpec.addToMultipleInputs(config, job, path, inputFormat); } return job; }
From source
@Override public void addFromSwagger(Service.Builder serviceBuilder, Swagger swagger) { if (swagger.getSecurityDefinitions() == null) { return;/*from w w w. jav a 2 s . c o m*/ } TreeSet<String> swaggerSecurityDefNames = Sets.newTreeSet(swagger.getSecurityDefinitions().keySet()); for (String swaggerSecurityDefName : swaggerSecurityDefNames) { addAuthProvider(serviceBuilder, swaggerSecurityDefName, swagger.getSecurityDefinitions().get(swaggerSecurityDefName)); } addSecurityRequirementForEntireService(serviceBuilder, swagger.getSecurity()); addSecurityRequirementExtensionForEntireService(serviceBuilder, swagger); }
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@Override public synchronized SortedSet<ICapability> getCapabilities(final TypeToken<?> inputType, final TypeToken<?> outputType) { SortedSet<ICapability> result = Sets.newTreeSet(CapabilityUtil.COMPARE_NAME); for (ICapability capability : getCapabilities(inputType)) { for (ICapability.IOutput<?> output : capability.getOutputs()) { if (TypeManager.isJavaCompatible(outputType, output.getType())) { result.add(capability);//from w w w. j av a 2s .c om break; } } } return result; }
From source
static private ExecutionYear getLastExecutionYear(final StudentCurricularPlan plan) { final SortedSet<ExecutionYear> result = Sets.newTreeSet(ExecutionYear.COMPARATOR_BY_YEAR); // whatever the case, the SCP lines must be able to be accessible final ExecutionYear lastScpYear = plan.getLastExecutionYear(); if (lastScpYear != null) { result.add(lastScpYear);/*from ww w . j av a2s . co m*/ } // inspect DCP executions final DegreeCurricularPlan dcp = plan.getDegreeCurricularPlan(); if (!dcp.getExecutionDegreesSet().isEmpty()) { result.add(dcp.getLastExecutionYear()); } // inspect DCP definition result.addAll(getEndContextExecutionYears(dcp.getRoot())); return result.last(); }
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public void merge(InternalStats other, int maxLevels) { if (other.internalNumeric != null) { internalNumeric().merge(other.internalNumeric); } else {//from www .ja v a 2 s .co m Map<String, Entry> entries = histogram(); Map<String, Entry> merged = Maps.newTreeMap(); Set<String> keys = Sets.newTreeSet(Sets.union(entries.keySet(), other.histogram().keySet())); for (String key : keys) { Entry e = entries.get(key); Entry entry = other.histogram().get(key); Entry newEntry = new Entry(); if (e != null) {; } if (entry != null) {; } merged.put(key, newEntry); if (merged.size() == maxLevels) { this.trimmed = true; break; } } entries.clear(); entries.putAll(merged); if (other.trimmed) { this.trimmed = true; } } }
From source
protected Map<Call, Command> buildCommandMappings() { final Map<Call, Command> commands = ImmutableMap.<Call, Command>builder() .putAll(new SessionCommandProvider().apply(sessionState)) .putAll(new FSShellCommandProvider().apply(sessionState)).build(); return ImmutableMap.<Call, Command>builder().putAll(commands) .put(call("help", new DeferredStringsCompleter<Map<Call, Command>>(commandMappings, new Function<Map<Call, Command>, TreeSet<String>>() { @Override public TreeSet<String> apply(final Map<Call, Command> calls) { return Sets.newTreeSet(Maps.transformEntries(commandMappings, new Maps.EntryTransformer<Call, Command, String>() { @Override public String transformEntry(final Call key, final Command value) { return key.commandName(); } }).values()); }//w ww .j a v a2 s .c o m })), new Command() { @Override public void execute(final CommandInvocation call, final SessionState sessionState) throws REPL.ExitSignal { if (call.args().length != 1) { sessionState.output("Usage: help [command]"); } else { final String command = call.args()[0]; if (commandMappings.containsKey(call(command))) { final Usage usage = commandMappings.get(call(command)).usage(sessionState); sessionState.output("Displaying help for \"%s\":\n", command); sessionState.outputUsage(usage); } else { sessionState.error("Unknown command \"%s\"", command); } } } @Override public Usage usage(final SessionState sessionState) { return new Usage("help", "Displays help / usage information for the given command ", "<command>"); } }) .build(); }
From source
@Override public void join(SE embeddings, G graph, Collector<SE> out) throws Exception { Set<TreeSet<Integer>> edgeSets = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, List<Embedding>> subgraphEmbeddings = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Embedding parent : embeddings.getEmbeddings()) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, FSMEdge> entry : graph.getEdges().entrySet()) { int edgeId = entry.getKey(); if (!parent.getEdges().containsKey(edgeId)) { FSMEdge edge = entry.getValue(); int sourceId = edge.getSourceId(); boolean containsSourceId = parent.getVertices().containsKey(sourceId); int targetId = edge.getTargetId(); boolean containsTargetId = parent.getVertices().containsKey(targetId); if (containsSourceId || containsTargetId) { TreeSet<Integer> edgeSet = Sets.newTreeSet(parent.getEdgeIds()); edgeSet.add(edgeId); if (!edgeSets.contains(edgeSet)) { edgeSets.add(edgeSet); Embedding child = parent.deepCopy(); child.getEdges().put(edgeId, edge); if (!containsSourceId) { child.getVertices().put(sourceId, graph.getVertices().get(sourceId)); }/*from w w w. jav a2 s . co m*/ if (!containsTargetId) { child.getVertices().put(targetId, graph.getVertices().get(targetId)); } String canonicalLabel = canonicalLabeler.label(child); List<Embedding> siblings = subgraphEmbeddings.get(canonicalLabel); if (siblings == null) { siblings = Lists.newArrayList(child); subgraphEmbeddings.put(canonicalLabel, siblings); } else { siblings.add(child); } } } } } } collect(embeddings, out, subgraphEmbeddings); }