Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet.


public static <E> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator) 

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Creates a mutable, empty TreeSet instance with the given comparator.


From source file:cc.kave.episodes.mining.evaluation.ProposalHelper.java

public static TreeSet<Tuple<Integer, Set<Fact>>> createFactsSortedSet() {
    final TreeSet<Tuple<Integer, Set<Fact>>> res = Sets.newTreeSet(new Comparator<Tuple<Integer, Set<Fact>>>() {
        @Override/* www. j  ava2 s.co  m*/
        public int compare(final Tuple<Integer, Set<Fact>> o1, final Tuple<Integer, Set<Fact>> o2) {
            int valueOrdering = Double.compare(o2.getFirst(), o1.getFirst());
            return valueOrdering;
    return res;

From source file:org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.layout.DeweyOrderSet.java

public static DeweyOrderSet createOrderSet(final List<? extends IdentifiedHolder> identifiedHolders) {

    final SortedMap<String, SortedSet<IdentifiedHolder>> sortedMembersByGroup = Maps.newTreeMap();
    final SortedSet<IdentifiedHolder> nonAnnotatedGroup = Sets.newTreeSet(new MemberIdentifierComparator());

    // spin over all the members and put them into a Map of SortedSets
    // any non-annotated members go into additional nonAnnotatedGroup set.
    for (final IdentifiedHolder identifiedHolder : identifiedHolders) {
        final MemberOrderFacet memberOrder = identifiedHolder.getFacet(MemberOrderFacet.class);
        if (memberOrder == null) {
        }//  w ww.  j  a  v  a  2  s.c  o  m
        final SortedSet<IdentifiedHolder> sortedMembersForGroup = getSortedSet(sortedMembersByGroup,

    // add the non-annotated group to the first "" group.
    final SortedSet<IdentifiedHolder> defaultSet = getSortedSet(sortedMembersByGroup, "");

    // create OrderSets, wiring up parents and children.

    // since sortedMembersByGroup is a SortedMap, the
    // iteration will be in alphabetical order (ie parent groups before
    // their children).
    final Set<String> groupNames = sortedMembersByGroup.keySet();
    final SortedMap<String, DeweyOrderSet> orderSetsByGroup = Maps.newTreeMap();

    for (final String string : groupNames) {
        final String groupName = string;
        final DeweyOrderSet deweyOrderSet = new DeweyOrderSet(groupName);
        orderSetsByGroup.put(groupName, deweyOrderSet);
        ensureParentFor(orderSetsByGroup, deweyOrderSet);

    // now populate the OrderSets
    for (final String groupName : groupNames) {
        final DeweyOrderSet deweyOrderSet = orderSetsByGroup.get(groupName);
        // REVIEW: something fishy happens here with casting, hence warnings
        // left in
        final SortedSet sortedMembers = sortedMembersByGroup.get(groupName);

    return orderSetsByGroup.get("");

From source file:org.eel.kitchen.jsonschema.keyword.PropertiesKeywordValidator.java

public void validate(final ValidationContext context, final ValidationReport report, final JsonNode instance) {
    final Set<String> fields = JacksonUtils.fieldNames(instance);

    if (fields.containsAll(required))
        return;/*  w  w w  . j  a v  a  2 s. c  om*/

    final Set<String> requiredSorted = Sets.newTreeSet(required);
    final Set<String> missing = Sets.newTreeSet(required);

    final ValidationMessage.Builder msg = newMsg().addInfo("required", requiredSorted)
            .addInfo("missing", missing).setMessage("required property(ies) not found");

From source file:org.fenixedu.qubdocs.academic.documentRequests.providers.DiplomaSupplementExtraCurricularCoursesDataProvider.java

public Set<CurriculumEntry> getCurriculumEntries() {
    if (this.curriculumEntries == null) {
        this.curriculumEntries = Sets.newTreeSet(CurriculumEntry.NAME_COMPARATOR(locale));

        Collection<Registration> registrationList = includeAllRegistrations
                ? registration.getStudent().getActiveRegistrations()
                : Collections.singleton(registration);

        Set<CurriculumLine> extraCurricularCurriculumLines = Sets.newHashSet();

        for (Registration activeRegistration : registrationList) {
        }//from w w  w . ja  v  a2  s.  c o  m

        if (cycleType == CycleType.FIRST_CYCLE) {
            // Check for second cycle curriculum group
            final CycleCurriculumGroup secondCycleCurriculumGroup = registration.getLastStudentCurricularPlan()

            if (secondCycleCurriculumGroup != null) {

        for (CurriculumLine curriculumLine : extraCurricularCurriculumLines) {
            if (!curriculumLine.isApproved()) {

            if (curriculumLine.isEnrolment()
                    && ((Enrolment) curriculumLine).isSourceOfAnyCreditsInCurriculum()) {

            if (curriculumLine.isDismissal() && !((Dismissal) curriculumLine).getCredits().isSubstitution()) {

            if (curriculumLine.isDismissal() && !includeSubstitutionCreditations) {

                    curriculumLine.getCurriculum().getCurriculumEntries(), remarksDataProvider));

    return this.curriculumEntries;

From source file:org.auraframework.component.auradev.ShowDependenciesModel.java

public ShowDependenciesModel(final String cmpname) {
    AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext();
    DefDescriptor<?> descriptor;//www. j av a 2  s. c  o m
    SortedSet<DefDescriptor<?>> sorted;
    MasterDefRegistry mdr = context.getDefRegistry();
    String uid;

    this.error = true;
    this.items = Lists.newArrayList();
    try {
        Definition def = Aura.getDefinitionService().getDefinition(cmpname, DefType.COMPONENT,
        if (def == null) {
            this.title = "Unable to find component for input " + AuraTextUtil.escapeForHTML(cmpname);
        descriptor = def.getDescriptor();
        uid = mdr.getUid(null, descriptor);
        sorted = Sets.newTreeSet(mdr.getDependencies(uid));
        this.title = String.format("Dependencies for %s [uid=%s]", descriptor.toString(), uid);
        this.error = false;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // If we get an exception, try to tell the user what happened.
        this.title = String.format("%s: %s : list of reached components...",
                AuraTextUtil.escapeForHTML(cmpname), t.getMessage());
        sorted = Sets.newTreeSet(mdr.filterRegistry(null).keySet());

    try {
        for (DefDescriptor<?> dep : sorted) {
            Map<String, Object> itemData = Maps.newHashMap();
            Definition def = mdr.getDef(dep);
            boolean valid = false;
            String hash = "------";

            if (def != null) {
                valid = def.isValid();
                hash = String.valueOf(def.getOwnHash());

            itemData.put("descriptor", dep.toString());
            itemData.put("type", dep.getDefType());
            itemData.put("uid", hash);
            itemData.put("error", !valid);

    } catch (QuickFixException qfe) {
        // nothing useful to do here.
        this.error = true;

From source file:org.fenixedu.academic.ui.renderers.providers.enrollment.bolonha.ExecutionPeriodsForEnrolmentProvider.java

static private ExecutionYear getFirstExecutionYear(final StudentCurricularPlan plan) {
    final SortedSet<ExecutionYear> result = Sets.newTreeSet(ExecutionYear.COMPARATOR_BY_YEAR);

    // should be enough, if it wasn't for wrong data

    // whatever the case, the SCP lines must be able to be accessible
    final ExecutionSemester firstSemester = plan.getFirstExecutionPeriod();
    final ExecutionYear firstScpYear = firstSemester == null ? null : firstSemester.getExecutionYear();
    if (firstScpYear != null) {
        result.add(firstScpYear);//  ww w  .j  a  v a2 s. c  o m

    return result.first();

From source file:org.jclouds.azureblob.blobstore.functions.ResourceToListBlobsResponse.java

public ListBlobsResponse apply(PageSet<? extends StorageMetadata> list) {

    Iterable<BlobProperties> contents = Iterables
            .transform(Iterables.filter(list, new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() {

                public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) {
                    return input.getType() == StorageType.BLOB;
                }/*w ww  .  j ava  2s . com*/

            }), new Function<StorageMetadata, BlobProperties>() {

                public MutableBlobProperties apply(StorageMetadata from) {
                    return blob2ObjectMd.apply((BlobMetadata) from);


    SortedSet<String> commonPrefixes = Sets
            .newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(Iterables.filter(list, new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() {

                public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) {
                    return input.getType() == StorageType.RELATIVE_PATH;

            }), new Function<StorageMetadata, String>() {

                public String apply(StorageMetadata from) {
                    return from.getName();

    return new HashSetListBlobsResponse(contents, null, null, null, null, list.getNextMarker(), "/",

From source file:org.fenixedu.academic.ui.renderers.providers.SourceExecutionCoursesProvider.java

static protected Set<ExecutionCourse> getExecutionCourses(final Degree degree,
        final AcademicInterval academicInterval) {
    final Set<ExecutionCourse> result = Sets.newTreeSet(ExecutionCourse.EXECUTION_COURSE_NAME_COMPARATOR);

    return result;

From source file:org.opentestsystem.delivery.testreg.upload.validator.fileformat.DuplicateRecordProcessor.java

private DuplicateUniquePair findDuplicates(final List<DataRecord> dataRecordList) {
    final List<DataRecord> duplicates = Lists.newArrayList();

    final Set<DataRecord> uniqueRecordSet = Sets.newTreeSet(new DataRecordComparator());

    for (final DataRecord record : dataRecordList) {
        if (!uniqueRecordSet.add(record)) {
            duplicates.add(record);/*  w ww .  j  a  v a  2s .co m*/
    return new DuplicateUniquePair(duplicates, sort(uniqueRecordSet));

From source file:com.textocat.textokit.segmentation.heur.SentenceSplitter.java

public void process(JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
    AnnotationIndex<Token> visibleTokenIdx = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(Token.class);
    if (visibleTokenIdx.size() == 0) {
        return;//  ww w. j a v a 2  s  .co m
    NavigableSet<TokenBase> boundaryCandidates = Sets
    for (Class<? extends TokenBase> bAnnoType : sentenceEndTokenTypes) {
        boundaryCandidates.addAll(JCasUtil.select(jCas, bAnnoType));
    String txt = jCas.getDocumentText();
    FSIterator<Token> visibleIter = visibleTokenIdx.iterator();
    // get first sentence start
    Token lastSentenceStart = visibleIter.get();

    for (TokenBase boundaryCand : boundaryCandidates) {
        if (isBefore(boundaryCand, lastSentenceStart)) {
        Token nextVisToken = getNext(visibleIter, boundaryCand);
        Token prevVisToken = getPrevious(visibleIter, boundaryCand);
        boolean isBoundary = nextVisToken == null;
        if (!isBoundary && boundaryCand instanceof Token) {
            // i.e. candidate is a visible token
            // here nextVisToken is never null
            isBoundary = isBreakBetween(txt, boundaryCand, nextVisToken)
                    || (distanceBetween(boundaryCand, nextVisToken) > 0 && !isAbbreviation(prevVisToken)
                            && !isSW(nextVisToken));
        if (!isBoundary && boundaryCand instanceof WhiteSpace) {
            // candidate is a break
            isBoundary = !isSW(nextVisToken);
        if (isBoundary) {
            Token sentEnd;
            if (boundaryCand instanceof Token) {
                sentEnd = (Token) boundaryCand;
            } else {
                sentEnd = prevVisToken;
            makeSentence(jCas, lastSentenceStart, sentEnd);
            if (visibleIter.isValid()) {
                lastSentenceStart = visibleIter.get();
            } else {
                lastSentenceStart = null;
    if (lastSentenceStart != null) {
        Token sentEnd = visibleIter.get();
        makeSentence(jCas, lastSentenceStart, sentEnd);
        lastSentenceStart = null;