Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2014, Continuuity, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.continuuity.loom.layout; import com.continuuity.loom.admin.Constraints; import com.continuuity.loom.admin.Service; import com.continuuity.loom.admin.ServiceConstraint; import com.continuuity.loom.cluster.Node; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; /** * Defines the layout of a node, which is a hardware type, an image type, and a set of services. */ public class NodeLayout { private final String hardwareType; private final String imageType; private final ImmutableSortedSet<String> services; public NodeLayout(String hardwareType, String imageType, Set<String> services) { this.hardwareType = hardwareType; this.imageType = imageType; = ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(services); } /** * Get the name of the {@link com.continuuity.loom.admin.HardwareType} used on the node. * * @return Name of the hardware type used on the node. */ public String getHardwareTypeName() { return hardwareType; } /** * Get the name of the {@link com.continuuity.loom.admin.ImageType} used on the node. * * @return Name of the image type used on the node. */ public String getImageTypeName() { return imageType; } /** * Get the names of services on the node sorted in their natural order. Used by comparators to consistently choose * the same node layout when solving for a cluster layout. * * @return Sorted set of names of services on the node. */ public SortedSet<String> getServiceNames() { return services; } /** * Determine if this is a valid node layout some constraints and the set of all services that are also on the cluster. * * @param constraints Constraints to use for checking validity. * @param clusterServices Services on the cluster with this node layout. * @return True if it satisfies all constraints, false if not. */ public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Constraints constraints, Set<String> clusterServices) { return NodeLayoutGenerator.isValidServiceSet(services, constraints.getLayoutConstraint(), clusterServices) && satisfiesServiceConstraints(constraints.getServiceConstraints()); } /** * Determine if this is a valid node layout given the service constraints. * * @param serviceConstraints Service constraints to use for checking validity. * @return True if it satisfies all service constraints, false if not. */ public boolean satisfiesServiceConstraints(Map<String, ServiceConstraint> serviceConstraints) { for (String service : services) { ServiceConstraint constraint = serviceConstraints.get(service); if (constraint != null) { // check that no required hardware rules are broken Set<String> requiredHardwareTypes = constraint.getRequiredHardwareTypes(); if (requiredHardwareTypes != null && !requiredHardwareTypes.isEmpty() && !requiredHardwareTypes.contains(hardwareType)) { return false; } // check that no required image rules are broken Set<String> requiredImageTypes = constraint.getRequiredImageTypes(); if (requiredImageTypes != null && !requiredImageTypes.isEmpty() && !requiredImageTypes.contains(imageType)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Return the node layout of a given {@link Node}. * * @param node Node to derive the node layout from. * @return Node layout of the node. */ public static NodeLayout fromNode(Node node) { String hardwareType = node.getProperties().getHardwaretype(); String imageType = node.getProperties().getImagetype(); Set<String> services = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Service service : node.getServices()) { services.add(service.getName()); } return new NodeLayout(hardwareType, imageType, services); } /** * Create a new NodeLayout by adding a service to the given NodeLayout. * * @param nodeLayout NodeLayout to add the service to. * @param service Service to add. * @return New layout obtained by adding the service to the given layout. */ public static NodeLayout addServiceToNodeLayout(NodeLayout nodeLayout, String service) { return addServicesToNodeLayout(nodeLayout, ImmutableSet.of(service)); } /** * Create a new NodeLayout by adding a set of services to the given NodeLayout. * * @param nodeLayout NodeLayout to add the services to. * @param services Services to add. * @return New layout obtained by adding the services to the given layout. */ public static NodeLayout addServicesToNodeLayout(NodeLayout nodeLayout, Set<String> services) { Set<String> expandedServices = Sets.newTreeSet(nodeLayout.getServiceNames()); expandedServices.addAll(services); return new NodeLayout(nodeLayout.hardwareType, nodeLayout.imageType, expandedServices); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof NodeLayout)) { return false; } NodeLayout other = (NodeLayout) o; return Objects.equal(hardwareType, other.hardwareType) && Objects.equal(imageType, other.imageType) && Objects.equal(services,; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(services, hardwareType, imageType); } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("hardwareType", hardwareType).add("imageType", imageType) .add("services", services).toString(); } }