Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet.


public static <E> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator) 

Source Link


Creates a mutable, empty TreeSet instance with the given comparator.


From source file:edu.harvard.med.iccbl.screensaver.ui.users.UserAgreementUpdater.java

public UISelectOneBean<ScreensaverUserRole> getNewDataSharingLevel() {
    if (_dataSharingLevel == null) {
        SortedSet<ScreensaverUserRole> candidateDslRoles = Sets
        // At ICCB-L, the RNAi DSL 2 role is not an option, so we hide it at the UI level; we maintain it in our model for consistency with the SM DSL roles
        // TODO: refactor to share this logic with similar code in UserViewer.getNewUserRole()
        if (getApplicationProperties().isFacility(IccblScreensaverConstants.FACILITY_KEY)) {
        }/*from w  ww .j  a  v  a  2 s  .c o  m*/

        _dataSharingLevel = new UISelectOneBean<ScreensaverUserRole>(candidateDslRoles, DataSharingLevelMapper
                .getPrimaryDataSharingLevelRoleForUser(getScreenType(), _userViewer.getScreeningRoomUser()),
                false) {
            protected String makeLabel(ScreensaverUserRole t) {
                return t.getDisplayableRoleName();
    return _dataSharingLevel;

From source file:org.openqa.selenium.android.intents.IntentReceiver.java

private Set<String> getActiveKeys(Bundle extras) {
    Set<String> keys = extras.keySet();
    // Remove this from the key set as it is only used to detect parcels
    return Sets.newTreeSet(keys); // keeps the keys sorted.

From source file:kr.co.vcnc.haeinsa.HaeinsaPut.java

 * Creates an empty set if one doesn't exist for the given column family or
 * else it returns the associated set of KeyValue objects.
 * @param family column family/*from ww  w  .  j a  v a 2 s.  c o  m*/
 * @return a set of KeyValue objects, returns an empty set if one doesn't
 * exist.
private NavigableSet<HaeinsaKeyValue> getKeyValueSet(byte[] family) {
    NavigableSet<HaeinsaKeyValue> set = familyMap.get(family);
    if (set == null) {
        set = Sets.newTreeSet(HaeinsaKeyValue.COMPARATOR);
    return set;

From source file:com.clarkparsia.versioning.ui.HistoryList.java

private void addHistory(Revision head) {
    Set<Ref> revisions = Sets.newTreeSet(NEWEST_FIRST);
    Queue<Revision> pending = Lists.newLinkedList();
    pending.add(head);//from ww w . ja v a2 s.c om
    while (!pending.isEmpty()) {
        Revision rev = pending.remove();
        if (showBranches) {

    for (Ref rev : revisions) {

From source file:com.spotify.apollo.request.RequestRunnableImpl.java

private void matchAndRun(BiConsumer<OngoingRequest, RuleMatch<Endpoint>> matchContinuation) {
    final Request request = ongoingRequest.request();
    final Optional<RuleMatch<Endpoint>> match;

    try {//from   w  ww  .j ava 2 s  . co  m
        match = applicationRouter.match(request);
    } catch (InvalidUriException e) {
        LOG.warn("bad uri {} {} {}", request.method(), request.uri(), BAD_REQUEST, e);

    if (!match.isPresent()) {
        Collection<String> methods = applicationRouter.getMethodsForValidRules(request);
        if (methods.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.warn("not found {} {} {}", request.method(), request.uri(), NOT_FOUND);
        } else {
            StatusType statusCode;
            if ("OPTIONS".equals(request.method())) {
                statusCode = NO_CONTENT;
            } else {
                statusCode = METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
                LOG.warn("wrong method {} {} {}", request.method(), request.uri(), statusCode);
            methods = Sets.newTreeSet(methods);
                    Joiner.on(", ").join(methods)));

    matchContinuation.accept(ongoingRequest, match.get());

From source file:org.jclouds.codegen.ec2.queryapi.parser.AmazonEC2QueryAPIValidator.java

protected AmazonEC2QueryAPIValidator validateDataType(DataType dataType) {
    checkState(dataType.getSee().size() >= 1, "see should have at least one entry");
    Set<String> fieldNames = Sets
            .newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(dataType.getContents(), new Function<Content, String>() {
                public String apply(Content field) {
                    return field.getName();
                }//from  w ww  . j  a va2s  .  c  o m
            Sets.difference(fieldNames, expectedFieldNamesForDataTypeName.get(dataType.getType())).size() == 0,
            String.format("%1$s hasn't the correct fields.  has [%2$s] should have [%3$s]", dataType.getType(),
                    fieldNames, expectedFieldNamesForDataTypeName.get(dataType.getType())));
    return this;

From source file:org.kuali.rice.xml.ingest.RiceConfigUtils.java

public static void override(Properties oldProps, Properties newProps) {
    SortedSet<String> commonKeys = Sets
            .newTreeSet(Sets.intersection(newProps.stringPropertyNames(), oldProps.stringPropertyNames()));
    if (commonKeys.size() == 0) {
        return;/*from w ww. ja va2  s.c o  m*/
    logger.debug("{} keys in common", commonKeys.size());
    for (String commonKey : commonKeys) {
        String oldValue = oldProps.getProperty(commonKey);
        String newValue = newProps.getProperty(commonKey);
        if (!newValue.equals(oldValue)) {
            Object[] args = { commonKey, toLogMsg(commonKey, oldValue), toLogMsg(commonKey, newValue) };
            logger.info("Overriding - [{}]=[{}]->[{}]", args);
            oldProps.setProperty(commonKey, newValue);

From source file:edu.washington.cs.cupid.internal.CapabilityRegistry.java

public synchronized SortedSet<ICapability> getCapabilitiesForOutput(final TypeToken<?> outputType) {
    SortedSet<ICapability> result = Sets.newTreeSet(CapabilityUtil.COMPARE_NAME);

    for (ICapability capability : capabilities) {
        for (ICapability.IOutput<?> output : capability.getOutputs()) {
            if (TypeManager.isJavaCompatible(outputType, output.getType())) {
                result.add(capability);/*from   w w w.j av  a2s. co  m*/
    return result;

From source file:de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.stat.distribution.histogram.Histograms.java

public static <T> SortedSet<T> collectElementsInRange(Bucket<T> bucket, Map<T, Long> mostFrequent,
        Operator<T> operator) {/*  w  w w.java2s  .c o m*/
    SortedSet<T> elemsInRange = Sets.newTreeSet(operator);
    for (T elem : mostFrequent.keySet()) {
        if (isInBucket(bucket, elem, operator)) {
    return elemsInRange;

From source file:org.fenixedu.learning.domain.degree.components.DegreeClassesComponent.java

private SortedMap<Integer, Set<SchoolClass>> classesByCurricularYear(Degree degree,
        ExecutionSemester semester) {/*  w  w  w.ja  va  2 s.c o  m*/
    DegreeCurricularPlan plan = DegreeCurricularPlanServices.getMostRecentDegreeCurricularPlan(degree,
    Predicate<SchoolClass> predicate = schoolClass -> schoolClass.getExecutionDegree()
            .getDegreeCurricularPlan() == plan;
    return semester.getSchoolClassesSet().stream().filter(predicate)
            .collect(groupingBy(SchoolClass::getAnoCurricular, TreeMap::new,
                    toCollection(() -> Sets.newTreeSet(COMPARATOR_BY_NAME))));