List of usage examples for Sets newTreeSet
public static <E> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
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public ContainerResult apply(final String contextName) { final BlobStoreContext<?, ?> context = contexts.get(contextName); final String host = context.getEndPoint().getHost(); try {// w w w . j a v a 2s .c om ResourceMetadata md = Iterables.getLast(Sets .newTreeSet(Iterables.filter(context.getBlobStore().list(), new Predicate<ResourceMetadata>() { public boolean apply(ResourceMetadata input) { return input.getType() == ResourceType.CONTAINER; } }))); return new BuildContainerResult(host, context, contextName).apply(md); } catch (Exception e) { ContainerResult result = new ContainerResult(contextName, host, null, e.getMessage()); logger.error(e, "Error listing service %s", contextName); return result; } }
From source
@Override public Job addInputPaths(HadoopDruidIndexerConfig config, Job job) throws IOException { // This PathSpec breaks so many abstractions that we might as break some more Preconditions.checkState(config.getGranularitySpec() instanceof UniformGranularitySpec, StringUtils.format("Cannot use %s without %s", GranularUnprocessedPathSpec.class.getSimpleName(), UniformGranularitySpec.class.getSimpleName())); final Path betaInput = new Path(getInputPath()); final FileSystem fs = betaInput.getFileSystem(job.getConfiguration()); final Granularity segmentGranularity = config.getGranularitySpec().getSegmentGranularity(); Map<Long, Long> inputModifiedTimes = new TreeMap<>(Ordering.natural().reverse()); for (FileStatus status : FSSpideringIterator.spiderIterable(fs, betaInput)) { final DateTime key = segmentGranularity.toDate(status.getPath().toString()); final Long currVal = inputModifiedTimes.get(key.getMillis()); final long mTime = status.getModificationTime(); inputModifiedTimes.put(key.getMillis(), currVal == null ? mTime : Math.max(currVal, mTime)); }/*from ww w .j av a2 s .c o m*/ Set<Interval> bucketsToRun = Sets.newTreeSet(Comparators.intervals()); for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : inputModifiedTimes.entrySet()) { DateTime timeBucket = DateTimes.utc(entry.getKey()); long mTime = entry.getValue(); String bucketOutput = StringUtils.format("%s/%s", config.getSchema().getIOConfig().getSegmentOutputPath(), segmentGranularity.toPath(timeBucket)); for (FileStatus fileStatus : FSSpideringIterator.spiderIterable(fs, new Path(bucketOutput))) { if (fileStatus.getModificationTime() > mTime) { bucketsToRun.add(new Interval(timeBucket, segmentGranularity.increment(timeBucket))); break; } } if (bucketsToRun.size() >= maxBuckets) { break; } } config.setGranularitySpec( new UniformGranularitySpec(segmentGranularity, config.getGranularitySpec().getQueryGranularity(), config.getGranularitySpec().isRollup(), Lists.newArrayList(bucketsToRun) )); return super.addInputPaths(config, job); }
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public void setArrayDesigns(Set<String> arrayDesigns) { this.arrayDesigns = Sets.newTreeSet(arrayDesigns); }
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public String getAdminLibraryWarning() { List<String> warnings = Lists.newArrayList(); Library library = getLibrary();/*w ww . j av a 2 s .co m*/ if (library.getScreeningStatus() != LibraryScreeningStatus.ALLOWED) { // TODO: do not show warning if Screen.getLibrariesPermitted() contains this library warnings.add("Library status is " + library.getScreeningStatus().getValue()); } Predicate<Plate> plateStatusIsOtherThanAvailable = new Predicate<Plate>() { @Override public boolean apply(Plate p) { return p.getStatus() != PlateStatus.AVAILABLE; } }; Set<Plate> invalidPlates = Sets.newTreeSet(Iterables.filter(_plates, plateStatusIsOtherThanAvailable)); if (!invalidPlates.isEmpty()) { Set<PlateStatus> invalidStatuses = Sets.newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(invalidPlates, Plate.ToStatus)); warnings.add("Plate(s) have invalid status(es): " + Joiner.on(", ").join(invalidStatuses)); } return Joiner.on(". ").join(warnings); }
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protected Set<CurriculumEntry> getCurriculumEntries() { if (curriculumEntries == null) { RegistrationConclusionBean conclusionBean = new RegistrationConclusionBean(this.registration); final Set<ICurriculumEntry> curricularYearEntries = Sets .newHashSet(conclusionBean.getCurriculumForConclusion().getCurriculumEntries()); curriculumEntries = Sets.newTreeSet(new Comparator<CurriculumEntry>() { @Override// w w w .j a va2s . co m public int compare(final CurriculumEntry left, final CurriculumEntry right) { final String leftContent = left.getName().getContent(locale) != null ? left.getName().getContent(locale) : left.getName().getContent(); final String rightContent = right.getName().getContent(locale) != null ? right.getName().getContent(locale) : right.getName().getContent(); return leftContent.compareTo(rightContent); } }); curriculumEntries .addAll(CurriculumEntry.transform(registration, curricularYearEntries, remarksDataProvider)); } return curriculumEntries; }
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public NavigableSet<NamespaceDescriptor> list() throws IOException { NavigableSet<NamespaceDescriptor> ret = Sets .newTreeSet(NamespaceDescriptor.NAMESPACE_DESCRIPTOR_COMPARATOR); for (NamespaceDescriptor ns : cache.values()) { ret.add(ns);/*from w w w. j ava2 s . c om*/ } return ret; }
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public SortedSet<T> getLowerBounds() { SortedSet<T> lBounds = Sets.newTreeSet(getOperator()); for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfBuckets(); i++) { lBounds.add(getLowerBoundAt(i)); }/*from ww w. j ava2 s .c om*/ return lBounds; }
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/** * Generates stub files for all found IpcCommands in the classpath. * * {@inheritDoc}/*from w ww.j a va 2*/ */ @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { final File targetDirectory = new File(project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory(), "ipcstub"); // check configurations and aggregate all required packages final Set<String> allPackages = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Generator generator : generators) { generator.check(); allPackages.addAll(generator.getPackages()); }"Searching for IpcCommands in:"); for (String pkg : allPackages) {" " + pkg); } // search for IpcCommands in all required packages final Set<Class<? extends IpcCommand>> foundClasses = Sets.newTreeSet(Reflection.orderByName()); Iterables.addAll(foundClasses, generateCommandList(allPackages));"Found " + foundClasses.size() + " IpcCommands; generating stubs..."); // filter classes and let the generators do their work for (Generator generator : generators) { final Set<Class<? extends IpcCommand>> filteredClasses = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (Class<? extends IpcCommand> foundClass : foundClasses) { for (String requiredPackage : generator.getPackages()) { if (foundClass.getName().startsWith(requiredPackage + ".")) { filteredClasses.add(foundClass); break; } } } // whats the target directory? final File stubTargetDirectory = new File(targetDirectory, generator.getName()); // now call the generator generator.generate(log, filteredClasses, stubTargetDirectory); } }
From source
@GET @Path("/datasources") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)// ww w. j av a 2 s .c o m public Response getDatabaseDataSources(@QueryParam("full") final String full, @QueryParam("includeDisabled") final String includeDisabled, @Context final HttpServletRequest req) { final Collection<ImmutableDruidDataSource> druidDataSources = metadataSegmentManager.getInventory(); final Set<String> dataSourceNamesPreAuth; if (includeDisabled != null) { dataSourceNamesPreAuth = Sets.newTreeSet(metadataSegmentManager.getAllDatasourceNames()); } else { dataSourceNamesPreAuth = Sets .newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(druidDataSources, ImmutableDruidDataSource::getName)); } final Set<String> dataSourceNamesPostAuth = Sets.newTreeSet(); Function<String, Iterable<ResourceAction>> raGenerator = datasourceName -> { return Collections.singletonList(AuthorizationUtils.DATASOURCE_READ_RA_GENERATOR.apply(datasourceName)); }; Iterables.addAll(dataSourceNamesPostAuth, AuthorizationUtils.filterAuthorizedResources(req, dataSourceNamesPreAuth, raGenerator, authorizerMapper)); // Cannot do both includeDisabled and full, let includeDisabled take priority // Always use dataSourceNamesPostAuth to determine the set of returned dataSources if (full != null && includeDisabled == null) { return Response.ok().entity(Collections2.filter(druidDataSources, dataSource -> dataSourceNamesPostAuth.contains(dataSource.getName()))).build(); } else { return Response.ok().entity(dataSourceNamesPostAuth).build(); } }
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public static RevTreeImpl createLeafTree(ObjectId id, long size, Collection<Node> features, Collection<Node> trees) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(id);/*from w ww. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ Preconditions.checkNotNull(features); ImmutableList<Node> featuresList = ImmutableList.of(); ImmutableList<Node> treesList = ImmutableList.of(); if (!features.isEmpty()) { TreeSet<Node> featureSet = Sets.newTreeSet(new NodeStorageOrder()); featureSet.addAll(features); featuresList = ImmutableList.copyOf(featureSet); } if (!trees.isEmpty()) { TreeSet<Node> treeSet = Sets.newTreeSet(new NodeStorageOrder()); treeSet.addAll(trees); treesList = ImmutableList.copyOf(treeSet); } return createLeafTree(id, size, featuresList, treesList); }