Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 1&1 Internet AG, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.analyzer; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.classes.ClassDependency; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.FeedbackArcSet; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.GraphDotUtils; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.GraphStringUtils; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.InstabilityVertexEvaluator; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.WeightedEdge; import net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.WeightedEdgeComparator; import; import; import; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedGraph; /** * Outputs the results of a {@link ComponentAnalysis} to a string. * * @author chschmitz */ public final class ComponentAnalyzer { private File classDir; private String filterPrefix; private boolean shorten; private boolean writeDotFiles; private int cycleCount; private int packageDepth; private boolean showClassDeps; /** * @param classDir source of our class files * @param filterPrefix class name filter prefix * @param shorten whether to shorten the class names * @param writeDotFiles iff true, .dot files will be written * @param packageDepth prefix depth to which packages are aggregated */ public ComponentAnalyzer(File classDir, String filterPrefix, boolean shorten, boolean writeDotFiles, int packageDepth, boolean showClassDeps) { this.classDir = classDir; this.filterPrefix = filterPrefix; this.shorten = shorten; this.writeDotFiles = writeDotFiles; this.packageDepth = packageDepth; this.showClassDeps = showClassDeps; } /** * Perform the actual analysis. * * @return human-readable output of the analysis results * @throws IOException if parsing the classes fails */ public String analyze() throws IOException { ComponentAnalysis analysis = new ComponentAnalysis(classDir, filterPrefix, packageDepth); if (!analysis.hasNonTrivialComponents()) { return ("No package cycles."); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); printCycles(analysis.getStrongComponents(), builder); return builder.toString(); } private void printCycles(Collection<DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge>> components, StringBuilder builder) throws IOException { cycleCount = 0; for (DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component : components) { if (component.getVertices().size() > 1) { printCycle(component, builder); writeCycleGraph(component); cycleCount++; } } } private void printCycle(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component, StringBuilder builder) { builder.append(String.format("=== Cycle / strongly connected component (%d packages, %d dependencies)", component.getVertexCount(), component.getEdgeCount())); builder.append("\n"); printPackages(component, builder); printDependencies(component, builder); printFeedbackArcs(component, builder); } private void writeCycleGraph(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component) throws IOException { if (!writeDotFiles) { return; } File dotFile = new File(classDir.getParent(), "graph-" + cycleCount + ".dot"); String dotString = GraphDotUtils.toDot(component, shorten); Files.write(dotString, dotFile, Charsets.UTF_8); } private void printFeedbackArcs(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component, StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("\n= Cycle-breaking dependencies\n"); for (WeightedEdge dependency : FeedbackArcSet.feedbackArcs(component, new InstabilityVertexEvaluator<String>())) { builder.append(GraphStringUtils.edgeToString(dependency, component, shorten)); builder.append("\n"); } } private void printDependencies(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component, StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("\n= Dependencies\n"); TreeSet<WeightedEdge> sortedEdges = Sets.newTreeSet(new WeightedEdgeComparator(component)); sortedEdges.addAll(component.getEdges()); for (WeightedEdge dependency : sortedEdges) { builder.append(GraphStringUtils.edgeToString(dependency, component, shorten)); builder.append("\n"); if (showClassDeps) { printClassDependencies(builder, dependency); } } } private void printClassDependencies(StringBuilder builder, WeightedEdge dependency) { SortedSet<String> depsStrs = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (ClassDependency classDependency : dependency.getDependencies()) { depsStrs.add(GraphStringUtils.dependencyToString(classDependency, shorten)); } for (String depsStr : depsStrs) { builder.append("\t["); builder.append(depsStr); builder.append("]\n"); } } private void printPackages(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component, StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("\n= Packages\n"); for (String pkg : Sets.newTreeSet(component.getVertices())) { builder.append(GraphStringUtils.vertexToString(pkg, shorten)); builder.append("\n"); } } }