List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText
public abstract String asText();
From source
@With({ UserCredentialWrapFilter.class, ConnectToDBFilter.class }) public static Result storeFile() throws Throwable { MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); if (body == null) return badRequest( "missing data: is the body multipart/form-data? Check if it contains boundaries too! "); //FilePart file = body.getFile(FILE_FIELD_NAME); List<FilePart> files = body.getFiles(); FilePart file = null;/* w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ if (!files.isEmpty()) file = files.get(0); String ret = ""; if (file != null) { Map<String, String[]> data = body.asFormUrlEncoded(); String[] datas = data.get(DATA_FIELD_NAME); String[] acl = data.get(ACL_FIELD_NAME); /*extract attachedData */ String dataJson = null; if (datas != null && datas.length > 0) { dataJson = datas[0]; } else dataJson = "{}"; /*extract acl*/ /*the acl json must have the following format: * { * "read" : { * "users":[], * "roles":[] * } * "update" : ....... * } */ String aclJsonString = null; if (acl != null && datas.length > 0) { aclJsonString = acl[0]; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode aclJson = null; try { aclJson = mapper.readTree(aclJsonString); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { return status(CustomHttpCode.ACL_JSON_FIELD_MALFORMED.getBbCode(), "The 'acl' field is malformed"); } /*check if the roles and users are valid*/ Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = aclJson.fields(); while (it.hasNext()) { //check for permission read/update/delete/all Entry<String, JsonNode> next =; if (!PermissionsHelper.permissionsFromString.containsKey(next.getKey())) { return status(CustomHttpCode.ACL_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN.getBbCode(), "The key '" + next.getKey() + "' is invalid. Valid ones are 'read','update','delete','all'"); } //check for users/roles Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> it2 = next.getValue().fields(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> next2 =; if (!next2.getKey().equals("users") && !next2.getKey().equals("roles")) { return status(CustomHttpCode.ACL_USER_OR_ROLE_KEY_UNKNOWN.getBbCode(), "The key '" + next2.getKey() + "' is invalid. Valid ones are 'users' or 'roles'"); } //check for the existance of users/roles JsonNode arrNode = next2.getValue(); if (arrNode.isArray()) { for (final JsonNode objNode : arrNode) { //checks the existance users and/or roles if (next2.getKey().equals("users") && !UserService.exists(objNode.asText())) return status(CustomHttpCode.ACL_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getBbCode(), "The user " + objNode.asText() + " does not exists"); if (next2.getKey().equals("roles") && !RoleService.exists(objNode.asText())) return status(CustomHttpCode.ACL_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getBbCode(), "The role " + objNode.asText() + " does not exists"); } } else return status(CustomHttpCode.JSON_VALUE_MUST_BE_ARRAY.getBbCode(), "The '" + next2.getKey() + "' value must be an array"); } } } else aclJsonString = "{}"; fileContent = file.getFile(); String fileName = file.getFilename(); /*String contentType = file.getContentType(); if (contentType==null || contentType.isEmpty() || contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/octet-stream")){ //try to guess the content type InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileContent)); contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(is); if (contentType==null || contentType.isEmpty()) contentType="application/octet-stream"; }*/ InputStream is = new FileInputStream(fileContent); /* extract file metadata and content */ try { BodyContentHandler contenthandler = new BodyContentHandler(); //DefaultHandler contenthandler = new DefaultHandler(); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); metadata.set(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, fileName); Parser parser = new AutoDetectParser(); parser.parse(is, contenthandler, metadata, new ParseContext()); String contentType = metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(contentType)) contentType = "application/octet-stream"; HashMap<String, Object> extractedMetaData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String key : metadata.names()) { try { if (metadata.isMultiValued(key)) { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug(key + ": "); for (String value : metadata.getValues(key)) { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug(" " + value); } extractedMetaData.put(key.replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_").trim(), Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(key))); } else { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug(key + ": " + metadata.get(key)); extractedMetaData.put(key.replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_").trim(), metadata.get(key)); } } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.warn("Unable to extract metadata for file " + fileName + ", key " + key); } } if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("................................."); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug(new JSONObject(extractedMetaData).toString()); is.close(); is = new FileInputStream(fileContent); ODocument doc = FileService.createFile(fileName, dataJson, aclJsonString, contentType, fileContent.length(), is, extractedMetaData, contenthandler.toString()); ret = prepareResponseToJson(doc); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new Exception("Error parsing acl field. HINTS: is it a valid JSON string?", e); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new Exception("Error parsing uploaded file", e); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } } else { return badRequest("missing the file data in the body payload"); } return created(ret); }
From source
public static List<ExternalConfigurationModel> buildFromConfig(String configFilePath) throws Exception { List<ExternalConfigurationModel> response = new ArrayList<>(); // reference the config file as a full path File configFile = new File(configFilePath); if (!configFile.exists()) { // try to load the file from the classpath InputStream classpathConfig = ExternalConfigurationModel.class.getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(configFilePath); if (classpathConfig != null && classpathConfig.available() > 0) { configFile = new File(ExternalConfigurationModel.class .getResource((configFilePath.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + configFilePath).toURI());"Loaded Configuration %s from Classpath", configFilePath)); } else {// w w w . java 2 s .c o m if (configFilePath.startsWith("s3://")) { AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()); TransferManager tm = new TransferManager(s3Client); // parse the config path to get the bucket name and prefix final String s3ProtoRegex = "s3:\\/\\/"; String bucket = configFilePath.replaceAll(s3ProtoRegex, "").split("/")[0]; String prefix = configFilePath.replaceAll(String.format("%s%s\\/", s3ProtoRegex, bucket), ""); // download the file using TransferManager configFile = File.createTempFile(configFilePath, null); Download download =, prefix, configFile); download.waitForCompletion(); // shut down the transfer manager tm.shutdownNow();"Loaded Configuration from Amazon S3 %s/%s to %s", bucket, prefix, configFile.getAbsolutePath())); } else { // load the file from external URL try { configFile = File.createTempFile(configFilePath, null); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(configFilePath), configFile, 1000, 1000);"Loaded Configuration from %s to %s", configFilePath, configFile.getAbsolutePath())); } catch (IOException e) { // handle the timeouts and so on with a generalised // config // file not found handler later } } } } else {"Loaded Configuration from Filesystem %s", configFilePath)); } // if we haven't been able to load a config file, then bail if (configFile == null || !configFile.exists()) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( String.format("Unable to Load Config File from %s", configFilePath)); } JsonNode document = StreamAggregatorUtils.asJsonNode(configFile); ExternalConfigurationModel config = null; Iterator<JsonNode> i = document.elements(); while (i.hasNext()) { config = new ExternalConfigurationModel(); JsonNode section =; // set generic properties config.setNamespace(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "namespace")); config.setDateFormat(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dateFormat")); addTimeHorizons(section, config); setAggregatorType(section, config); // set the label items JsonNode labelItems = StreamAggregatorUtils.readJsonValue(section, "labelItems"); if (labelItems != null && labelItems.size() > 0) { Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = labelItems.elements(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode n =; config.addLabelItems(n.asText()); } } config.setLabelAttributeAlias(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "labelAttributeAlias")); config.setDateItem(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dateItem")); config.setDateAttributeAlias(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dateAttributeAlias")); JsonNode summaryItems = StreamAggregatorUtils.readJsonValue(section, "summaryItems"); if (summaryItems != null && summaryItems.size() > 0) { Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = summaryItems.elements(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode n =; config.addSummaryItem(n.asText()); } } config.setTableName(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "tableName")); String readIO = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "readIOPS"); if (readIO != null) config.setReadIOPs(Long.parseLong(readIO)); String writeIO = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "writeIOPS"); if (writeIO != null) config.setWriteIOPs(Long.parseLong(writeIO)); // configure tolerance of data extraction problems String failOnDataExtraction = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "failOnDataExtraction"); if (failOnDataExtraction != null) config.setFailOnDataExtraction(Boolean.parseBoolean(failOnDataExtraction)); // configure whether metrics should be emitted String emitMetrics = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "emitMetrics"); String metricsEmitterClassname = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "metricsEmitterClass"); if (emitMetrics != null || metricsEmitterClassname != null) { if (metricsEmitterClassname != null) { config.setMetricsEmitter((Class<IMetricsEmitter>) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .loadClass(metricsEmitterClassname)); } else { config.setEmitMetrics(Boolean.parseBoolean(emitMetrics)); } } // configure the data store class String dataStoreClass = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "IDataStore"); if (dataStoreClass != null) { Class<IDataStore> dataStore = (Class<IDataStore>) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .loadClass(dataStoreClass); config.setDataStore(dataStore); } // get the data extractor configuration, so we know what other json // elements to retrieve from the configuration document String useExtractor = null; try { useExtractor = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dataExtractor"); config.setDataExtractor(DataExtractor.valueOf(useExtractor)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( String.format("Unable to configure aggregator with Data Extractor %s", useExtractor)); } switch (config.getDataExtractor()) { case CSV: configureStringCommon(section, config); configureCsv(section, config); break; case JSON: configureStringCommon(section, config); break; case OBJECT: configureObject(section, config); break; case REGEX: configureRegex(section, config); } response.add(config); } return response; }
From source
private static String[] splitDimensions(JsonNode node) { String val = node.asText(); String[] parts = StringUtils.split(val, 'x'); if (parts.length != 2) { return null; }// w w w.j a va 2 s. c o m return parts; }
From source
@Nonnull private static RestSObject getSObject(JsonNode rawNode) throws IOException { ObjectNode jsonNode = asObjectNode(rawNode); ObjectNode attributes = getObjectNode(jsonNode, ATTRIBUTES_KEY); String type = getString(attributes, "type"); JsonNode idNode = jsonNode.get(ID_KEY); RestSObjectImpl sObject;/*from w ww .java2 s.c o m*/ if (isNull(idNode)) { sObject = RestSObjectImpl.getNew(type); } else { if (!idNode.isTextual()) { throw new ResponseParseException("Id node <" + idNode + "> wasn't textual"); } sObject = RestSObjectImpl.getNewWithId(type, new Id(idNode.textValue())); } jsonNode.remove(ID_KEY); jsonNode.remove(ATTRIBUTES_KEY); Iterator<String> fieldNames = jsonNode.fieldNames(); while (fieldNames.hasNext()) { String fieldName =; JsonNode fieldValueNode = jsonNode.get(fieldName); if (fieldValueNode.isNull()) { // null node is a value node so handle it first sObject.setField(fieldName, null); continue; } else if (fieldValueNode.isValueNode()) { sObject.setField(fieldName, fieldValueNode.asText()); continue; } else if (fieldValueNode.isObject()) { // it could either be a subquery or a sub object at this point. if (fieldValueNode.path("attributes").isObject()) { sObject.setRelationshipSubObject(fieldName, getSObject(fieldValueNode)); } else if (fieldValueNode.path("records").isArray()) { sObject.setRelationshipQueryResult(fieldName, getQueryResult(fieldValueNode)); } else { throw new ResponseParseException("Could not understand field value node: " + fieldValueNode); } continue; } throw new ResponseParseException("Unknown node type <" + fieldValueNode + ">"); } return sObject; }
From source
public static JsonNode callJsonSync(JsonNode req) throws Exception { JsonNode url = req.get("url"); JsonNode method = req.get("method"); JsonNode timeout = req.get("timeout"); if (url == null || url instanceof NullNode) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing URL to call"); if (method == null || method instanceof NullNode) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing method to use when calling the URL"); return callJsonSync(url.asText(), method.asText(), mapJson(req.get("params")), mapJson(req.get("headers")), req.get("body"), (timeout != null && timeout.isNumber()) ? timeout.asInt() : null); }
From source
private static String getAltTextFromContentItem(JsonNode contentItemNode) { JsonNode title = contentItemNode.path("title"); if (isTruthy(title)) { return title.asText(); }//from w w w. j av a2 s . com JsonNode body = contentItemNode.path("body"); if (isTruthy(body)) { String text = PluginUtils.removeTags(body.asText()); if (text.length() > 0) { return text; } } JsonNode filename = contentItemNode.path("filename"); if (isTruthy(filename)) { return filename.asText(); } return ""; }
From source
private static Object convertValue(JsonNode node) { if (node instanceof BigIntegerNode) { return node.bigIntegerValue(); } else if (node instanceof BooleanNode) { return new Boolean(node.asBoolean()); } else if (node instanceof DecimalNode) { return node.decimalValue(); } else if (node instanceof DoubleNode || node instanceof FloatNode) { return node.asDouble(); } else if (node instanceof IntNode || node instanceof LongNode || node instanceof ShortNode) { return node.asLong(); }/*from w w w . jav a 2s .c om*/ return node.asText(); }
From source
public static String getToken(final Response loginResponse) { try {//from w w w. j a va 2s.c o m final String responseBody = loginResponse.readEntity(String.class); if (responseBody == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract token - response body is not available"); return null; } final ObjectNode json = MAPPER.readValue(responseBody, ObjectNode.class); if (json == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract token - response JSON is not available"); return null; } final JsonNode loginNode = json.get(MEDIAWIKI_API_LOGIN); if (loginNode == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract token - '{}' node is not available in response JSON '{}'", MEDIAWIKI_API_LOGIN, responseBody); return null; } final JsonNode tokenNode = loginNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_API_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); if (tokenNode == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract token - '{}' node is not available in response JSON '{}'", MEDIAWIKI_API_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, responseBody); return null; } return tokenNode.asText(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error( "cannot extract token - an error occurred while trying to extract the token from the response body", e); return null; } }
From source
public static String getEditToken(final Response editTokenResponse) { try {//from ww w .j a v a 2 s .com final String responseBody = editTokenResponse.readEntity(String.class); if (responseBody == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract edit token - response body is not available"); return null; } final ObjectNode json = MAPPER.readValue(responseBody, ObjectNode.class); if (json == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract edit token - response JSON is not available"); return null; } final JsonNode queryNode = json.get(MEDIAWIKI_API_QUERY); if (queryNode == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract edit token - '{}' node is not available in response JSON '{}'", MEDIAWIKI_API_QUERY, responseBody); return null; } final JsonNode tokensNode = queryNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_API_TOKENS_IDENTIFIER); if (tokensNode == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract edit token - '{}' node is not available in response JSON '{}'", MEDIAWIKI_API_TOKENS_IDENTIFIER, responseBody); return null; } final JsonNode csrfTokenNode = tokensNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_API_CSRFTOKEN_IDENTIFIER); if (csrfTokenNode == null) { LOG.error("cannot extract edit token - '{}' node is not available in response JSON '{}'", MEDIAWIKI_API_CSRFTOKEN_IDENTIFIER, responseBody); return null; } return csrfTokenNode.asText(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error( "cannot extract edit token - an error occurred while trying to extract the edit token from the response body", e); return null; } }
From source
public static Result send(String username) throws Exception { if (BaasBoxLogger.isTraceEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.trace("Method Start"); Http.RequestBody body = request().body(); JsonNode bodyJson = body.asJson(); //{"message":"Text"} if (BaasBoxLogger.isTraceEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.trace("send bodyJson: " + bodyJson); if (bodyJson == null) return status(CustomHttpCode.JSON_PAYLOAD_NULL.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.JSON_PAYLOAD_NULL.getDescription()); JsonNode messageNode = bodyJson.findValue("message"); if (messageNode == null) return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_MESSAGE_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_MESSAGE_INVALID.getDescription()); if (!messageNode.isTextual()) return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_MESSAGE_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_MESSAGE_INVALID.getDescription()); String message = messageNode.asText(); List<String> usernames = new ArrayList<String>(); usernames.add(username);//from w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m JsonNode pushProfilesNodes = bodyJson.get("profiles"); List<Integer> pushProfiles = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (!(pushProfilesNodes == null)) { if (!(pushProfilesNodes.isArray())) return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_PROFILE_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_PROFILE_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); for (JsonNode pushProfileNode : pushProfilesNodes) { pushProfiles.add(pushProfileNode.asInt()); } } else { pushProfiles.add(1); } boolean[] withError = new boolean[6]; PushService ps = new PushService(); try { if (ps.validate(pushProfiles)) withError = ps.send(message, usernames, pushProfiles, bodyJson, withError); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error("Username not found " + username, e); return notFound("Username not found"); } catch (SqlInjectionException e) { return badRequest("the supplied name appears invalid (Sql Injection Attack detected)"); } catch (PushNotInitializedException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_CONFIG_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_CONFIG_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushProfileDisabledException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_PROFILE_DISABLED.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_PROFILE_DISABLED.getDescription()); } catch (PushProfileInvalidException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_PROFILE_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_PROFILE_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_HOST_UNREACHABLE.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_HOST_UNREACHABLE.getDescription()); } catch (InvalidRequestException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_INVALID_REQUEST.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_INVALID_REQUEST.getDescription()); } catch (PushSoundKeyFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_SOUND_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_SOUND_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushBadgeFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_BADGE_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_BADGE_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushActionLocalizedKeyFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_ACTION_LOCALIZED_KEY_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_ACTION_LOCALIZED_KEY_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushLocalizedKeyFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_LOCALIZED_KEY_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_LOCALIZED_ARGUMENTS_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushLocalizedArgumentsFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_LOCALIZED_ARGUMENTS_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_LOCALIZED_ARGUMENTS_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushCollapseKeyFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_COLLAPSE_KEY_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_COLLAPSE_KEY_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushTimeToLiveFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_TIME_TO_LIVE_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_TIME_TO_LIVE_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushContentAvailableFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_CONTENT_AVAILABLE_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_CONTENT_AVAILABLE_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } catch (PushCategoryFormatException e) { BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_CATEGORY_FORMAT_INVALID.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_CATEGORY_FORMAT_INVALID.getDescription()); } if (BaasBoxLogger.isTraceEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.trace("Method End"); for (int i = 0; i < withError.length; i++) { if (withError[i] == true) return status(CustomHttpCode.PUSH_SENT_WITH_ERROR.getBbCode(), CustomHttpCode.PUSH_SENT_WITH_ERROR.getDescription()); } return ok(); }