List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText
public abstract String asText();
From source
private static void toAttribute(CapReqBuilder builder, JsonNode attrNode) throws IllegalArgumentException { String name = getRequiredValueField(attrNode, "name").asText(); Object value;/*from w w w. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ JsonNode valueNode = getRequiredValueField(attrNode, "value"); JsonNode typeNode = attrNode.get("type"); AttributeType type = AttributeType.DEFAULT; if (typeNode != null) { String typeName = typeNode.asText(); type = AttributeType.parseTypeName(typeName); } if (valueNode.isFloatingPointNumber()) { if (typeNode == null || type.equals(AttributeType.DOUBLE)) value = valueNode.asDouble(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException(String .format("JSON type for value is floating point, does not match declared type '%s'", type)); } else if (valueNode.isIntegralNumber()) { if (typeNode == null || type.equals(AttributeType.LONG)) value = valueNode.asLong(); else if (type.equals(AttributeType.DOUBLE)) value = valueNode.asDouble(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("JSON type for value is integral, does not match declared type '%s'", type)); } else if (valueNode.isTextual()) { String valueStr = valueNode.asText(); value = type.parseString(valueStr); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON value node is not a recognised type"); } builder.addAttribute(name, value); }
From source
public static String readValueAsString(JsonNode json, String atPath) { JsonNode node = readJsonValue(json, atPath); return node == null ? null : node.asText(); }
From source
private static JsonNode storageCommand(JsonNode command, JsonCallback callback) throws CommandException { JsonNode moduleId = command.get(ScriptCommand.ID); if (moduleId == null || !moduleId.isTextual()) { throw new CommandParsingException(command, "error parsing module id"); }//from w w w. j ava 2 s. c o m String id = moduleId.asText(); JsonNode params = command.get(ScriptCommand.PARAMS); if (params == null || !params.isObject()) { throw new CommandParsingException(command, "error parsing params"); } JsonNode actionNode = params.get("action"); if (actionNode == null || !actionNode.isTextual()) { throw new CommandParsingException(command, "error parsing action"); } String action = actionNode.asText(); ODocument result; if ("get".equals(action)) { try { result = ScriptingService.getStore(id); } catch (ScriptException e) { //should never happen throw new CommandExecutionException(command, "script does not exists"); } } else if ("set".equals(action)) { JsonNode args = params.get("args"); if (args == null) { args = NullNode.getInstance(); } if (!args.isObject() && !args.isNull()) { throw new CommandExecutionException(command, "Stored values should be objects or null"); } try { result = ScriptingService.resetStore(id, args); } catch (ScriptException e) { throw new CommandExecutionException(command, "script does not exists"); } } else if ("swap".equals(action)) { if (callback == null) throw new CommandExecutionException(command, "missing function callback"); try { result = ScriptingService.swap(id, callback); } catch (ScriptException e) { throw new CommandExecutionException(command, ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e), e); } } else if ("trade".equals(action)) { if (callback == null) throw new CommandExecutionException(command, "missing function callback"); try { result =, callback); } catch (ScriptException e) { throw new CommandExecutionException(command, ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e), e); } } else { throw new CommandParsingException(command, "unknown action: " + action); } if (result == null) { return NullNode.getInstance(); } else { String s = result.toJSON(); try { ObjectNode jsonNode = (ObjectNode) Json.mapper().readTree(s); jsonNode.remove("@version"); jsonNode.remove("@type"); return jsonNode; } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommandExecutionException(command, "error converting result", e); } } }
From source
private static DateTime parseDate(JsonNode value) throws ActivitySerializerException { try {/* w ww.j ava2 s. c o m*/ return FACEBOOK_FORMAT.parseDateTime(value.asText()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActivitySerializerException("Unable to parse date " + value.asText()); } }
From source
static AutoCompleteProperties fromJSON(String autoCompleteJSON) { Boolean activateAfterLetters = null; String activateAfterOthers = null; Integer activationDelay = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(autoCompleteJSON)) { try {// w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode rootNode = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(autoCompleteJSON); JsonNode node = rootNode.get("activateAfterLetters"); if (node != null) { activateAfterLetters = node.asBoolean(); } node = rootNode.get("activateAfterOthers"); if (node != null) { activateAfterOthers = node.asText(); } node = rootNode.get("activationDelay"); if (node != null) { activationDelay = node.asInt(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return new AutoCompleteProperties(activateAfterLetters, activateAfterOthers, activationDelay); }
From source
public static QueryParams getParamsFromJson(JsonNode node) { if (node == null) { return QueryParams.getInstance(); }//from ww w. jav a 2s . c o m Map<String, String[]> query = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> nodes = node.fields(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> next =; String k = next.getKey(); JsonNode val = next.getValue(); if (val.isArray()) { String[] ary = new String[val.size()]; int idx = 0; for (JsonNode n : val) { String s = n == null ? null : n.asText(); ary[idx++] = s; } query.put(k, ary); } else { String[] o = { val.asText() }; query.put(k, o); } } return getParamsFromQueryString(query); }
From source
/** Converts a JSON node to Java objects ({@link List}, {@link Map}, * {@link String}, {@link Integer}, {@link Double}, {@link Boolean}. */ static Object wrapper(JsonNode node) { switch (node.asToken()) { case START_OBJECT: return map((ObjectNode) node); case START_ARRAY: return array((ArrayNode) node); case VALUE_STRING: return node.asText(); case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: return node.asInt(); case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: return node.asDouble(); case VALUE_TRUE: return Boolean.TRUE; case VALUE_FALSE: return Boolean.FALSE; case VALUE_NULL: return null; default:/* w ww .ja va 2 s . c om*/ throw new AssertionError("unexpected: " + node + ": " + node.asToken()); } }
From source
/** * Returns the sourceIds and the bucket IDs associated with the community. * @param communityId//from w ww. ja v a 2s.c o m * @return * @throws ExecutionException * @throws InterruptedException protected Tuple2<Set<String>, Set<String>> loadSourcesAndBucketIdsByCommunityId(String communityId) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Set<String> sourceIds = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> bucketIds = new HashSet<String>(); ObjectId objecId = new ObjectId(communityId); Cursor<JsonNode> cursor = getSourceDb().getObjectsBySpec(CrudUtils.anyOf().when("communityIds", objecId)).get(); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = cursor.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JsonNode source =; String sourceId = source.get("_id").asText(); sourceIds.add(sourceId); JsonNode extracType = source.get("extractType"); if(extracType!=null && "V2DataBucket".equalsIgnoreCase(extracType.asText())){ JsonNode bucketId = source.get("key"); if(bucketId !=null){ // TODO HACK , according to Alex, buckets have a semicolon as last id character to facilitate some string conversion bucketIds.add(bucketId.asText()+";"); } } // bucket id } return new Tuple2<Set<String>, Set<String>>(sourceIds,bucketIds); } */ protected static String extractField(JsonNode node, String field) { String value = ""; if (node != null) { JsonNode fieldNode = node.get(field); if (fieldNode != null) { value = fieldNode.asText(); } } return value; }
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public static Long convertToLong(JsonNode node) throws Exception { if (node.isNumber()) { return node.asLong(); } else if (node.isTextual()) { return convertToLong(node.asText()); } else if (node.isNull()) { return null; } else {// ww w . j a v a 2 s. com throw new Exception("Node: " + node + " cannot be converted to Long"); } }
From source
public static Double convertToDouble(JsonNode node) throws Exception { if (node.isNumber()) { return node.asDouble(); } else if (node.isTextual()) { return convertToDouble(node.asText()); } else {//w w w . j av a 2 s. c om throw new Exception("Node: " + node + " cannot be converted to Double"); } }