Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText.


public abstract String asText();

Source Link


From source file:io.gravitee.definition.jackson.datatype.services.healthcheck.deser.RequestDeserializer.java

public Request deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
    JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp);

    Request request = new Request();

    JsonNode uriNode = node.get("uri");
    if (uriNode != null) {
    } else {/*  w w w.j a v  a2 s  .  co  m*/
        throw ctxt.mappingException("[healthcheck] URI is required");

    final JsonNode methodNode = node.get("method");
    if (methodNode != null) {
    } else {
        throw ctxt.mappingException("[healthcheck] Method is required");

    JsonNode bodyNode = node.get("body");
    if (bodyNode != null) {

    JsonNode headersNode = node.get("headers");
    if (headersNode != null) {
        List<HttpHeader> headers = new ArrayList<>();
        headersNode.elements().forEachRemaining(headerNode -> {
            HttpHeader header = new HttpHeader();


    return request;

From source file:org.ocsoft.olivia.models.contents.config.JsonObject.java

public String getAsString(String key) {
    JsonNode value = root.get(key);
    return value.asText();

From source file:lumbermill.internal.influxdb.InfluxDBClient.java

 * Creates  Points based on the event and config
 *///from ww w . j  a va 2s  .  com
private static Observable<Point> buildPoint(MapWrap config, StringTemplate measurementTemplate,
        JsonEvent jsonEvent) {

    final MapWrap fieldsConfig = MapWrap.of(config.getObject("fields"));
    final List<String> excludeTags = config.getObject("excludeTags", DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_TAGS);

    // One field is required, otherwise the point will not be created
    boolean addedAtLeastOneField = false;
    Optional<String> measurementOptional = measurementTemplate.format(jsonEvent);
    if (!measurementOptional.isPresent()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Failed to extract measurement using {}, not points will be created",
        return Observable.empty();
    Point.Builder pointBuilder = Point.measurement(measurementOptional.get());

    for (Object entry1 : fieldsConfig.toMap().entrySet()) {
        Map.Entry<String, String> entry = (Map.Entry) entry1;
        StringTemplate fieldName = StringTemplate.compile(entry.getKey());
        String valueField = entry.getValue();

        JsonNode node = jsonEvent.unsafe().get(valueField);
        if (node == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Failed to extract any field for {}", valueField);

        Optional<String> formattedFieldNameOptional = fieldName.format(jsonEvent);
        if (!formattedFieldNameOptional.isPresent()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Failed to extract any field for {}", fieldName.original());

        addedAtLeastOneField = true;

        if (node.isNumber()) {
            pointBuilder.addField(formattedFieldNameOptional.get(), node.asDouble());
        } else if (node.isBoolean()) {
            pointBuilder.addField(formattedFieldNameOptional.get(), node.asBoolean());
        } else {
            pointBuilder.addField(formattedFieldNameOptional.get(), node.asText());

    Iterator<String> stringIterator = jsonEvent.unsafe().fieldNames();
    while (stringIterator.hasNext()) {
        String next = stringIterator.next();
        if (!excludeTags.contains(next)) {
            pointBuilder.tag(next, jsonEvent.valueAsString(next));

    Optional<String> timeField = config.exists("time") ? Optional.of(config.asString("time"))
            : Optional.empty();
    TimeUnit precision = config.getObject("precision", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    // Override @timestamp with a ISO_8601 String or a numerical value
    if (timeField.isPresent() && jsonEvent.has(config.asString("time"))) {

        if (jsonEvent.unsafe().get(timeField.get()).isTextual()) {
                    .parse(jsonEvent.valueAsString("@timestamp"), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME)
                    .toInstant().toEpochMilli(), precision);
        } else {
            pointBuilder.time(jsonEvent.asLong(timeField.get()), precision);
    } else {
        // If not overriden, check if timestamp exists and use that
        if (jsonEvent.has("@timestamp")) {
                    .parse(jsonEvent.valueAsString("@timestamp"), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME)
                    .toInstant().toEpochMilli(), precision);

    if (!addedAtLeastOneField) {
        LOGGER.debug("Could not create a point since no fields where added");
        return Observable.empty();

    Point point = pointBuilder.build();
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.trace("Point to be stored {}", point.toString());
    return Observable.just(point);

From source file:com.orasi.sandbox.TestXMLDataProvider.java

@Test(dataProvider = "xmlDataDiningNode")
public void testXMLDiningNode(JsonNode node) {
    JsonNode nlist = node.path("diningList");
    Iterator<String> i1 = new IteratorMap<JsonNode, String>(nlist.iterator()) {
        @Override// ww  w .  ja  v a2  s  .c  om
        public String apply(JsonNode o) {
            return o.asText();

    List<String> l1 = Lists.newArrayList(i1);
    List<String> l2 = Lists.newArrayList(DINING_LIST);

    Assert.assertFalse(Collections.disjoint(l1, l2));
    Assert.assertEquals(node.path("diningInfo").path("partySize").asInt(), 1);

From source file:com.turn.shapeshifter.transformers.DateTimeTransformer.java

 * @param node a date formatted using ISO 8601
 *//*from w ww  .ja  v  a2 s . co m*/
public Object parse(JsonNode node) {
    String nodeValue = node.asText();
    return new Long(ISO_8601.parseMillis(nodeValue));

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.validator.EnumCheckerTest.java

 * If the name on the Constraint is null, then an error should be created.
 *//*from ww  w  .j  av a  2 s .  c om*/
public void testCheckConstraint_NullName() {
    ConstraintValidator validator = mock(ConstraintValidator.class);

    EnumConstraint constraint = new EnumConstraint();

    JsonNode fieldValue = mock(JsonNode.class);
    when(fieldValue.asText()).thenReturn("String value");

    new EnumChecker().checkConstraint(validator, null, null, constraint, null, null, fieldValue);

    verify(validator, times(1)).addDocError(any(Error.class));

From source file:com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.rules.TitleRule.java

 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>//from www . jav  a  2s .c  o  m
 * When a title node is found and applied with this rule, the value of the
 * title is added as a JavaDoc comment. This rule is typically applied to
 * the generated field, generated getter and generated setter for the
 * property.
 * <p>
 * Note that the title is always inserted at the top of the JavaDoc comment.
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the property to which this title applies
 * @param node
 *            the "title" schema node
 * @param generatableType
 *            comment-able code generation construct, usually a field or
 *            method, which should have this title applied
 * @return the JavaDoc comment created to contain the title
public JDocComment apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JDocCommentable generatableType, Schema schema) {
    JDocComment javadoc = generatableType.javadoc();

    javadoc.add(0, node.asText() + "\n<p>\n");

    return javadoc;

From source file:org.apache.usergrid.activityfeed.ActivityEntity.java

@JsonIgnore/*from  ww w  .j  a v a 2s  .co  m*/
public String getDisplayName() {
    if (actor != null) {
        JsonNode displayName = actor.get("displayName");
        if (displayName != null) {
            return displayName.asText();
    return null;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.validator.EnumCheckerTest.java

 * If the fieldValue's text value is not in the returned Enum's values, then an error should
 * be created./*from   w  w w .  j av  a 2s  .c  o  m*/
public void testCheckConstraint_WithEnum_ButFieldValueNotInSet() {
    final String name = "Fake Name";

    Enum e = new Enum("Fake Enum");

    ConstraintValidator validator = mock(ConstraintValidator.class);
    mockEnum(validator, e);

    EnumConstraint constraint = new EnumConstraint();

    JsonNode fieldValue = mock(JsonNode.class);

    new EnumChecker().checkConstraint(validator, null, null, constraint, null, null, fieldValue);

    verify(validator, times(1)).addDocError(any(Error.class));

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.validator.EnumCheckerTest.java

 * If the fieldValue's text value is in the returned Enum's values, then an error should
 * not be created./*from   w ww.ja  va 2  s.  com*/
public void testCheckConstraint_WithEnum_FieldValueIsInSet() {
    final String name = "Fake Name";

    Enum e = new Enum(name);
    e.setValues(new HashSet<EnumValue>(Arrays.asList(new EnumValue(name, null))));

    ConstraintValidator validator = mock(ConstraintValidator.class);
    mockEnum(validator, e);

    EnumConstraint constraint = new EnumConstraint();

    JsonNode fieldValue = mock(JsonNode.class);

    new EnumChecker().checkConstraint(validator, null, null, constraint, null, null, fieldValue);

    verify(validator, never()).addDocError(any(Error.class));