List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText
public abstract String asText();
From source
protected void mapAsgToElb(JsonNode elbs, String asgArn, String region) { long updateTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (JsonNode e : elbs) { String elbName = e.asText(); String elbArn = String.format("arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:%s:%s:loadbalancer/%s", region, getAccountId(), elbName); String cypher = "match (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{elbArn}}), (y:AwsAsg {aws_arn:{asgArn}}) " + "merge (y)-[r:ATTACHED_TO]-(x) set r.updateTs={updateTs}"; getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "elbArn", elbArn, "asgArn", asgArn, "updateTs", updateTs); }//from ww w . j a v a 2s . c o m deleteObsoleteRelationships("AwsElb", "ATTACHED_TO", asgArn, updateTs); }
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/** * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps. * <p>/*w ww . ja v a 2 s .co m*/ * This rule maps format values to Java types: * <ul> * <li>"format":"date-time" => {@link java.util.Date} * <li>"format":"date" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"time" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"utc-millisec" => <code>long</code> * <li>"format":"regex" => {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} * <li>"format":"color" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"style" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"phone" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"uri" => {@link} * <li>"format":"email" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"ip-address" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"ipv6" => {@link String} * <li>"format":"host-name" => {@link String} * <li>other (unrecognised format) => baseType * </ul> * * @param nodeName * the name of the node to which this format is applied * @param node * the format node * @param baseType * the type which which is being formatted e.g. for * <code>{ "type" : "string", "format" : "uri" }</code> the * baseType would be java.lang.String * @return the Java type that is appropriate for the format value */ @Override public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JType baseType, Schema schema) { if (node.asText().equals("date-time")) { return baseType.owner().ref(Date.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("date")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("time")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("utc-millisec")) { return unboxIfNecessary(baseType.owner().ref(Long.class), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig()); } else if (node.asText().equals("regex")) { return baseType.owner().ref(Pattern.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("color")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("style")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("phone")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("uri")) { return baseType.owner().ref(URI.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("email")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("ip-address")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("ipv6")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else if (node.asText().equals("host-name")) { return baseType.owner().ref(String.class); } else { return baseType; } }
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/** * Converts the json array node to a String * //from w ww . j a va2 s .c om * @param jsonArrayNode * the json array node to convert * @return a string corresponding to the json array node */ private String convertToString(JsonNode jsonArrayNode) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = jsonArrayNode.iterator(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode jsonNode = (JsonNode); strBuilder.append(jsonNode.asText()); if (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { strBuilder.append(ARRAY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); } } return strBuilder.toString(); }
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@Override public Object deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { TreeNode treeNode = jp.readValueAsTree(); JsonNode oid = ((JsonNode) treeNode).get(MONGO_QUERY_OID); if (fieldIsObjectId) { if (oid != null) { return new ObjectId(oid.asText()); } else {// www . j a va 2 s . co m return new ObjectId(((JsonNode) treeNode).asText()); } } else { if (oid != null) { return oid.asText(); } else { return ((JsonNode) treeNode).asText(); } } }
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public String[] getFileSet(JsonNode parent) { String[] includes = new String[parent.size()]; Iterator<JsonNode> includesIt = parent.iterator(); int j = 0;/*from w w w .j a va 2 s .c o m*/ while (includesIt.hasNext()) { JsonNode item =; includes[j] = item.asText(); j++; } return includes; }
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@Override public Thing deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();//from w w w . jav a 2s . co m JsonNode node = null; node = oc.readTree(jp); JsonNode keyNode = node.get("key"); String key = null; if (keyNode != null) { key = keyNode.asText(); } JsonNode typeNode = node.get("type"); String type = null; if (typeNode != null) { type = typeNode.asText(); } String id = null; JsonNode idNode = node.get("id"); if (idNode != null) { id = idNode.asText(); } Thing t = new Thing(); t.setKey(key); t.setId(id); t.setThingType(type); JsonNode valueNode = node.get("value"); if (valueNode != null) { Object p = objectMapper.treeToValue(valueNode, tr.getTypeClass(type)); t.setValue(p); } return t; }
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/** * An approximation of how much space will a JsonNode take in memory. Does not take jvm optimizations * or architecture into account. Useful only to compare JsonNodes with each other. * * @param node// w w w .j a va 2 s . com * @return */ public static int size(JsonNode node) { if (node == null) { return 0; } int size = 0; if (node instanceof ArrayNode) { for (Iterator<JsonNode> elements = ((ArrayNode) node).elements(); elements.hasNext();) { size += size(; } } else if (node instanceof ObjectNode) { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = ((ObjectNode) node).fields(); fields.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; size += field.getKey().length(); size += size(field.getValue()); } } else if (node instanceof NumericNode) { size += 4; } else { size += node.asText().length(); } return size; }
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@Test public void shouldEncryptWithSerializerAnnotation() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, JsonProcessingException, IOException { SerAnnotatedWithEncrypted toEncrypt = new SerAnnotatedWithEncrypted().withValue("some value"); ObjectNode encrypted = mapper.readValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(toEncrypt), ObjectNode.class); EncryptedJson result = mapper.convertValue(encrypted.get("value"), EncryptedJson.class); JsonNode roundTrip = service.decryptAs(result, "UTF-8", JsonNode.class); assertThat(roundTrip.asText(), equalTo("c29tZSB2YWx1ZQ==")); }
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public void configure(JsonNode config) throws Exception { JsonNode type = config.path("type"); if (type.isMissingNode() || "SimpleTestCase".equals(type.asText())) { readQueries(config, "k"); //legacy readQueries(config, "q"); if (queries.size() == 0) throw new Exception("missing q parameter for simple test case"); if (!config.has("test") && !config.has("conditions")) throw new Exception("missing conditions for simple test case"); readConditions(config, "test"); //legacy readConditions(config, "conditions"); } else/*from w w w . ja*/ throw new Exception("trying to configure on different test type"); }
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@Test public void shouldEncryptString() throws IOException { WithEncrypted toEncrypt = new WithEncrypted().withStringValue("some value"); ObjectNode encrypted = mapper.readValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(toEncrypt), ObjectNode.class); assertThat("has nested value","/stringValue/value").isNull(), equalTo(false)); assertThat("nested value is encrypted","/stringValue/value").asText(), not(containsString("some value"))); EncryptedJson result = mapper.convertValue(encrypted.get("stringValue"), EncryptedJson.class); JsonNode roundTrip = service.decryptAs(result, "UTF-8", JsonNode.class); assertThat(roundTrip.asText(), equalTo("some value")); }