List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText
public abstract String asText();
From source
/** * Constructs a media object from a music file name, and stores it in the {@link MusicMap}. * * @param music The music file to turn into media * * @return The name of the song that was just stored */// ww w. j ava 2s . com private String hydrateMusic(JsonNode music) { if (music == null) { return null; } String musicName = music.asText(); MusicMap musicMap = MusicMap.INSTANCE; if (musicMap.containsKey(musicName)) { return musicName; } //ogg is not supported List<String> types = Arrays.asList(".mp3", ".wav"); Optional<String> musicFileName = .map(type -> Paths.get(gameRoot, "data", "music", music.asText() + type)).map(Path::toString) .map(File::new).filter(File::exists).map(File::toURI).map(URI::toString).findFirst(); if (!musicFileName.isPresent()) { LOG.warning(String.format("Music %s not found.", musicFileName)); return musicName; } Media media = new Media(musicFileName.get()); musicMap.put(musicName, media); return musicName; }
From source
/** * Given a node containing state modifying commands that need to be executed, constructs a Consumer * that applies all of those changes in sequence. * * @param commands The commands to execute at the end of the event, if null then returns * {@link UniversalEvent#NO_CHANGES}// w w w .j ava 2s . c o m * * @return The consumer that executes all of the commands when given a {@link GameState} */ private Consumer<TextResolver> hydrateCommands(JsonNode commands) { if (commands == null) { return UniversalEvent.NO_CHANGES; } List<Consumer<TextResolver>> hydratedCommands = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonNode command : commands) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(TextParser.FUNCTION_REGEX).matcher(command.asText()); if (!matcher.matches()) { String msg = String.format("%s is not a valid function expression.", command.asText()); LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } String functionName =; List<String> functionArgs =",")) .map(String::trim).collect(Collectors.toList()); hydratedCommands.add(CollectionUtils.getValue(stateCommands, functionName).apply(functionArgs)); } return gameState -> -> command.accept(gameState)); }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w ww . j av a2 m*/ */ @Override public void onExecute(StreamMessage message) { String jsonStr = message.getBody().toString(); JsonNode rootJson; try { // JsonNode??? rootJson = this.mapper.readTree(jsonStr); } catch (IOException ex) { String logFormat = "Recived message is not valid. Skip message. : Message={0}"; logger.warn(MessageFormat.format(logFormat, jsonStr), ex); return; } // JsonNode????? JsonNode valueJson = rootJson.get(this.targetKey); if (valueJson == null) { String logFormat = "Target Value is not exist. : TargetKey={0}, Message={1}"; logger.warn(MessageFormat.format(logFormat, this.targetKey, jsonStr)); return; } StreamMessage sendMessage = new StreamMessage(); sendMessage.setBody(valueJson.asText()); emitWithOnlyAnchor(sendMessage); }
From source
private String getReplacementForValue(final JsonNode node) { Matcher m = ENV_PATTERN.matcher(node.asText()); if (!m.matches()) { return null; }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c om*/ String environmentVariable =; String defaultValue =; String replacement = ""; if (environmentProvider.getenv(environmentVariable) != null) { replacement = environmentProvider.getenv(environmentVariable); } else if (defaultValue != null) { replacement = defaultValue; } return replacement; }
From source
private String getAuthorOverride(JsonNode command) throws CommandParsingException { JsonNode node = command.get(ScriptCommand.PARAMS).get(AUTHOR); if (node != null && !node.isTextual()) { throw new CommandParsingException(command, "author must be a string"); } else if (node != null) { return node.asText(); }//from w ww. j av a 2s.c o m return null; }
From source
private Object getStandardParamValue(JsonNode body, String paramName) { if (!StandardParameters.isStandardParamName(paramName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("paramName"); } else if (StandardParameters.USER_IP.equals(paramName)) { return servletRequest.getRemoteAddr(); } else if (StandardParameters.PRETTY_PRINT.equals(paramName)) { return StandardParameters.shouldPrettyPrint(servletRequest); }/*from ww w .jav a m*/ JsonNode value = body.get(paramName); if (value == null && StandardParameters.ALT.equals(paramName)) { return "json"; } return value != null ? value.asText() : null; }
From source
private void parseJsonFromPubmed(final JsonNode pubmedResultRoot, final JsonNode pubmedEntries, final NCBIGeneVO ncbiGeneVO) throws JsonProcessingException { if (pubmedResultRoot.isArray()) { ncbiGeneVO.setPubNumber(pubmedResultRoot.size()); for (final JsonNode objNode : pubmedResultRoot) { if (ncbiGeneVO.getPubmedReferences().size() >= NUMBER_OF_PUBLICATIONS) { break; }/*ww w . jav a 2*/ JsonNode jsonNode = pubmedEntries.path(RESULT_PATH).get("" + objNode.asText()); NCBISummaryVO pubmedReference = mapper.treeToValue(jsonNode, NCBISummaryVO.class); pubmedReference.setLink(String.format(NCBI_PUBMED_URL, pubmedReference.getUid())); // take first author if (pubmedReference.getAuthors() != null) { pubmedReference.setMultipleAuthors(pubmedReference.getAuthors().size() > 1); NCBISummaryVO.NCBIAuthor ncbiAuthor = pubmedReference.getAuthors().get(0); pubmedReference.setAuthor(ncbiAuthor); pubmedReference.setAuthors(null); } ncbiGeneVO.getPubmedReferences().add(pubmedReference); } } }
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@Test public void testLongAsString() throws Exception { NamedSchema schema = NamedSchema.of(Union.getDescriptor(), "Union").surfaceLongsAsStrings() .useSchema("union_value", "Union").useSchema("union_repeated", "Union"); Union union = Union.newBuilder().setInt64Value(1234567890L).addInt64Repeated(1234567L).build(); SchemaRegistry registry = new SchemaRegistry(); registry.register(schema);//w w w . j av a 2s . c om JsonNode result = schema.getSerializer().serialize(union, registry); Assert.assertTrue(result.isObject()); Assert.assertEquals(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, result.get("int64Value").asToken()); Assert.assertEquals("1234567890", result.get("int64Value").asText()); JsonNode arrayItem = result.get("int64Repeated").get(0); Assert.assertEquals(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, arrayItem.asToken()); Assert.assertEquals("1234567", arrayItem.asText()); }
From source
/** * Reads the url and queues the data//w w w . j av a 2s . c o m * * @param feedUrl * rss feed url * @return set of all article urls that were read from the feed * @throws IOException * when it cannot connect to the url or the url is malformed * @throws FeedException * when it cannot reed the feed. */ @VisibleForTesting protected Set<String> queueFeedEntries(URL feedUrl) throws IOException, FeedException { Set<String> batch = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); URLConnection connection = feedUrl.openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(this.timeOut); connection.setConnectTimeout(this.timeOut); SyndFeedInput input = new SyndFeedInput(); SyndFeed feed = InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); for (Object entryObj : feed.getEntries()) { SyndEntry entry = (SyndEntry) entryObj; ObjectNode nodeEntry = this.serializer.deserialize(entry); nodeEntry.put(RSS_KEY, this.feedDetails.getUrl()); String entryId = determineId(nodeEntry); batch.add(entryId); Datum datum = new Datum(nodeEntry, entryId,; try { JsonNode published = nodeEntry.get(DATE_KEY); if (published != null) { try { DateTime date = RFC3339Utils.parseToUTC(published.asText()); if (date.isAfter(this.publishedSince) && (!seenBefore(entryId, this.feedDetails.getUrl()))) { this.dataQueue.put(datum); LOGGER.debug("Added entry, {}, to provider queue.", entryId); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.trace( "Failed to parse date from object node, attempting to add node to queue by default."); if (!seenBefore(entryId, this.feedDetails.getUrl())) { this.dataQueue.put(datum); LOGGER.debug("Added entry, {}, to provider queue.", entryId); } } } else { LOGGER.debug("No published date present, attempting to add node to queue by default."); if (!seenBefore(entryId, this.feedDetails.getUrl())) { this.dataQueue.put(datum); LOGGER.debug("Added entry, {}, to provider queue.", entryId); } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOGGER.error("Interupted Exception."); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } return batch; }
From source
@Override protected DbPreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(HttpRestHandler handler, RestArgument arguments, RestArgument result, Object body) throws HttpIncorrectRequestException, HttpInvalidAuthenticationException { ObjectNode arg = arguments.getUriArgs().deepCopy(); arg.setAll(arguments.getBody());/*from w w w. j a va2s.c o m*/ int limit = arg.path(; boolean orderBySpecialId = arg.path(; JsonNode node = arg.path(; String startid = null; if (!node.isMissingNode()) { startid = node.asText(); } if (startid == null || startid.isEmpty()) { startid = null; } node = arg.path(; String stopid = null; if (!node.isMissingNode()) { stopid = node.asText(); } if (stopid == null || stopid.isEmpty()) { stopid = null; } String rule = arg.path(; if (rule == null || rule.isEmpty()) { rule = null; } String req = arg.path(; if (req == null || req.isEmpty()) { req = null; } String owner = arg.path(; if (owner == null || owner.isEmpty()) { owner = null; } boolean pending = arg.path(; boolean transfer = arg.path(; boolean error = arg.path(; boolean done = arg.path(; boolean all = arg.path(; Timestamp start = null; node = arg.path(; if (!node.isMissingNode()) { long val = node.asLong(); if (val == 0) { DateTime received = DateTime.parse(node.asText()); val = received.getMillis(); } start = new Timestamp(val); } Timestamp stop = null; node = arg.path(; if (!node.isMissingNode()) { long val = node.asLong(); if (val == 0) { DateTime received = DateTime.parse(node.asText()); val = received.getMillis(); } stop = new Timestamp(val); } try { return DbTaskRunner.getFilterPrepareStatement(handler.getDbSession(), limit, orderBySpecialId, startid, stopid, start, stop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all, owner); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { throw new HttpIncorrectRequestException("Issue while reading from database", e); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { throw new HttpIncorrectRequestException("Issue while reading from database", e); } }