List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText
public abstract String asText();
From source
private static String ProcessPolicyDocument(String policyDoc) { String strRoleToAssume = null; try {/* www . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ String policyDocClean = URLDecoder.decode(policyDoc, "UTF-8"); logger.debug("Clean Policy Document: " + policyDocClean); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(policyDocClean); JsonNode statement = rootNode.path("Statement"); logger.debug("Statement node: " + statement.toString()); JsonNode resource = null; if (statement.isArray()) { logger.debug("Statement is array"); for (int i = 0; i < statement.size(); i++) { String action = statement.get(i).path("Action").textValue(); if (action != null && action.equals("sts:AssumeRole")) { resource = statement.get(i).path("Resource"); logger.debug("Resource node: " + resource.toString()); break; } } } else { logger.debug("Statement is NOT array"); if (statement.get("Action").textValue().equals("sts:AssumeRole")) { resource = statement.path("Resource"); logger.debug("Resource node: " + resource.toString()); } } if (resource != null) { if (resource.isArray()) { //if we're handling a policy with an array of AssumeRole attributes ArrayList<String> lstRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final JsonNode node : resource) { lstRoles.add(node.asText()); } strRoleToAssume = SelectRole(lstRoles); } else { strRoleToAssume = resource.textValue(); logger.debug("Role to assume: " + roleToAssume); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { } return strRoleToAssume; }
From source
private DefaultMutableTreeNode makeJtree(String name, JsonNode node) { //instance of default mutable tree node with the root name of that object DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(name); //iterator that stores the fields of the JSON documents in the collection. Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> iterator = node.fields(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { //the iterator returns the next entry Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; //the entry will be added to the tree node and formatted as key:value treeNode.add(makeJtree(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue(), entry.getValue())); }//from w w w .ja va 2 s. c o m //if an array is found within an object if (node.isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < node.size(); i++) { //create a child and get the information JsonNode child = node.get(i); //the isValueNode returns valid String representation of the container value, if the node is a value node else null if (child.isValueNode()) treeNode.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(child.asText())); else treeNode.add(makeJtree(String.format("Node %d", i), child)); } } return treeNode; }
From source
@Override public String getException(String response) { String exception = null;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m JsonNode responseJsonNode = null; try { response = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(response); response = response.replaceAll("\n", "\\n"); responseJsonNode = JSONUtil.readTree(response); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } JsonNode errorJsonNode = responseJsonNode.get("error"); if (errorJsonNode == null) { JsonNode exceptionJsonNode = responseJsonNode.get("exception"); if (exceptionJsonNode == null) { return ""; } exception = exceptionJsonNode.asText(); if (exception.startsWith("No JSON web service action")) { return "NoSuchJSONWebServiceException"; } } if (exception == null) { JsonNode typeJsonNode = null; JsonNode rootCauseJsonNode = responseJsonNode.get("rootCause"); if (rootCauseJsonNode != null) { typeJsonNode = rootCauseJsonNode.get("type"); } else { typeJsonNode = errorJsonNode.get("type"); } exception = typeJsonNode.asText(); } if (exception.equals("java.lang.RuntimeException")) { JsonNode messageJsonNode = null; if (errorJsonNode != null) { messageJsonNode = errorJsonNode.get("message"); } else { messageJsonNode = responseJsonNode.get("message"); } String message = messageJsonNode.asText(); if (message.startsWith("No JSON web service action")) { return "NoSuchJSONWebServiceException"; } } return exception; }
From source
@Override public void checkConstraint(ConstraintValidator validator, FieldTreeNode fieldMetadata, Path fieldMetadataPath, FieldConstraint constraint, Path valuePath, JsonDoc doc, JsonNode fieldValue) { Number value = ((MinMaxConstraint) constraint).getValue(); String type = ((MinMaxConstraint) constraint).getType(); int cmp = cmp(fieldValue, value); // cmp==0: fieldValue=value // cmp <0: fieldValue<value // cmp >0: fieldValue>value if (MinMaxConstraint.MIN.equals(type)) { if (cmp < 0) { validator.addDocError(Error.get(CrudConstants.ERR_VALUE_TOO_SMALL, fieldValue.asText())); }/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om*/ } else { if (cmp > 0) { validator.addDocError(Error.get(CrudConstants.ERR_VALUE_TOO_LARGE, fieldValue.asText())); } } }
From source
public void checkManifestJson(JsonNode json) { JsonNode context = json.get("@context"); assertNotNull("Could not find @context", context); assertTrue("@context SHOULD be an array", context.isArray()); assertTrue("@context SHOULD include a context", context.size() > 0); JsonNode lastContext = context.get(context.size() - 1); assertEquals("@context SHOULD include as last item", "", lastContext.asText()); assertEquals("/", json.get("id").asText()); JsonNode manifest = json.get("manifest"); if (manifest.isValueNode()) { assertEquals("manifest SHOULD be literal value \"manifest.json\" or list", "manifest.json", manifest.asText());/*w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ } else { assertTrue("manifest is neither literal or list", manifest.isArray()); boolean found = false; for (JsonNode n : manifest) { found = n.asText().equals("manifest.json"); if (found) { break; } } ; assertTrue("Could not find 'manifest.json' in 'manifest' list: " + manifest, found); } assertEquals("2013-03-05T17:29:03Z", json.get("createdOn").asText()); JsonNode createdBy = json.get("createdBy"); assertNotNull("Could not find createdBy", createdBy); assertEquals("", createdBy.get("uri").asText()); assertEquals("", createdBy.get("orcid").asText()); assertEquals("Alice W. Land", createdBy.get("name").asText()); JsonNode history = json.get("history"); if (history.isValueNode()) { assertEquals("evolution.ttl", history.asText()); } else { assertEquals("evolution.ttl", history.get(0).asText()); } JsonNode aggregates = json.get("aggregates"); assertTrue("aggregates not a list", aggregates.isArray()); JsonNode soup = aggregates.get(0); if (soup.isValueNode()) { assertEquals("/folder/soup.jpeg", soup.asText()); } else { assertEquals("/folder/soup.jpeg", soup.get("uri").asText()); } JsonNode blog = aggregates.get(1); if (blog.isValueNode()) { assertEquals("", blog.asText()); } else { assertEquals("", blog.get("uri").asText()); } JsonNode readme = aggregates.get(2); assertEquals("/README.txt", readme.get("uri").asText()); assertEquals("text/plain", readme.get("mediatype").asText()); assertEquals("2013-02-12T19:37:32.939Z", readme.get("createdOn").asText()); JsonNode readmeCreatedBy = readme.get("createdBy"); assertEquals("", readmeCreatedBy.get("uri").asText()); assertEquals("Bob Builder", readmeCreatedBy.get("name").asText()); JsonNode comments = aggregates.get(3); assertEquals("", comments.get("uri").asText()); JsonNode bundledAs = comments.get("bundledAs"); assertEquals("urn:uuid:a0cf8616-bee4-4a71-b21e-c60e6499a644", bundledAs.get("uri").asText()); assertEquals("/folder/", bundledAs.get("folder").asText()); assertEquals("external.txt", bundledAs.get("filename").asText()); JsonNode annotations = json.get("annotations"); assertTrue("annotations MUST be a list", annotations.isArray()); JsonNode ann0 = annotations.get(0); assertEquals("urn:uuid:d67466b4-3aeb-4855-8203-90febe71abdf", ann0.get("uri").asText()); assertEquals("/folder/soup.jpeg", ann0.get("about").asText()); assertEquals("annotations/soup-properties.ttl", ann0.get("content").asText()); JsonNode ann1 = annotations.get(1); assertNull(ann1.get("annotation")); assertEquals("urn:uuid:a0cf8616-bee4-4a71-b21e-c60e6499a644", ann1.get("about").asText()); assertEquals("", ann1.get("content").asText()); JsonNode ann2 = annotations.get(2); assertNull(ann2.get("annotation")); JsonNode about = ann2.get("about"); assertTrue("about was not a list", about.isArray()); assertEquals("/", about.get(0).asText()); assertEquals("urn:uuid:d67466b4-3aeb-4855-8203-90febe71abdf", about.get(1).asText()); assertEquals("annotations/a-meta-annotation-in-this-ro.txt", ann2.get("content").asText()); }
From source
private void mergeEmbeddedJmxTransConfiguration(@Nonnull JsonNode configurationRootNode, @Nonnull EmbeddedJmxTrans embeddedJmxTrans) { for (JsonNode queryNode : configurationRootNode.path("queries")) { String objectName = queryNode.path("objectName").asText(); Query query = new Query(objectName); embeddedJmxTrans.addQuery(query); JsonNode resultAliasNode = queryNode.path("resultAlias"); if (resultAliasNode.isMissingNode()) { } else if (resultAliasNode.isValueNode()) { query.setResultAlias(resultAliasNode.asText()); } else {/* w w w .java 2 s . c o m*/ logger.warn("Ignore invalid node {}", resultAliasNode); } JsonNode attributesNode = queryNode.path("attributes"); if (attributesNode.isMissingNode()) { } else if (attributesNode.isArray()) { Iterator<JsonNode> itAttributeNode = attributesNode.elements(); while (itAttributeNode.hasNext()) { JsonNode attributeNode =; parseQueryAttributeNode(query, attributeNode); } } else { logger.warn("Ignore invalid node {}", resultAliasNode); } JsonNode attributeNode = queryNode.path("attribute"); parseQueryAttributeNode(query, attributeNode); List<OutputWriter> outputWriters = parseOutputWritersNode(queryNode); query.getOutputWriters().addAll(outputWriters); logger.trace("Add {}", query); } List<OutputWriter> outputWriters = parseOutputWritersNode(configurationRootNode); embeddedJmxTrans.getOutputWriters().addAll(outputWriters); logger.trace("Add global output writers: {}", outputWriters); JsonNode queryIntervalInSecondsNode = configurationRootNode.path("queryIntervalInSeconds"); if (!queryIntervalInSecondsNode.isMissingNode()) { embeddedJmxTrans.setQueryIntervalInSeconds(queryIntervalInSecondsNode.asInt()); } JsonNode exportBatchSizeNode = configurationRootNode.path("exportBatchSize"); if (!exportBatchSizeNode.isMissingNode()) { embeddedJmxTrans.setExportBatchSize(exportBatchSizeNode.asInt()); } JsonNode numQueryThreadsNode = configurationRootNode.path("numQueryThreads"); if (!numQueryThreadsNode.isMissingNode()) { embeddedJmxTrans.setNumQueryThreads(numQueryThreadsNode.asInt()); } JsonNode exportIntervalInSecondsNode = configurationRootNode.path("exportIntervalInSeconds"); if (!exportIntervalInSecondsNode.isMissingNode()) { embeddedJmxTrans.setExportIntervalInSeconds(exportIntervalInSecondsNode.asInt()); } JsonNode numExportThreadsNode = configurationRootNode.path("numExportThreads"); if (!numExportThreadsNode.isMissingNode()) { embeddedJmxTrans.setNumExportThreads(numExportThreadsNode.asInt()); }"Loaded {}", embeddedJmxTrans); }
From source
@Test public void testSerializeMoProperties() throws Exception { PolicyClassInfo pci = null;/*from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ PolicyObjectInstance poi = null; boolean prop2Found = false, prop3Found = false, prop4Found = false, prop5Found = false, prop6Found = false, prop7Found = false; /* * Construct the PolicyObjectInfo object by * running it through the deserializer */ testMo = constructClass1Mo(); poi = lib.deserializeMoProperties(testMo, testMit); pci = testMit.getClass(TEST_CLASS_1_NAME); lib.serializeMoProperties(pci, poi, testMo, testMit); List<Property> props = testMo.getProperties(); assertTrue(props.size() == 2); for (Property prop : props) { if (prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_2_NAME)) { assertTrue(prop.getData().asText().equals(TEST_DATA_2_STRING)); prop2Found = true; } if (prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_3_NAME)) { assertTrue(prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_3_NAME)); assertTrue(prop.getData().has(MitLib.REFERENCE_SUBJECT)); JsonNode jn = prop.getData().findValue(MitLib.REFERENCE_SUBJECT); assertTrue(jn.asText().equals(TEST_CLASS_3_NAME)); assertTrue(prop.getData().has(MitLib.REFERENCE_URI)); jn = prop.getData().findValue(MitLib.REFERENCE_URI); assertTrue(jn.asText().equals("/" + TEST_CLASS_3_NAME)); prop3Found = true; } } assertTrue(prop2Found); assertTrue(prop3Found); testMo = constructClass2Mo(); poi = lib.deserializeMoProperties(testMo, testMit); pci = testMit.getClass(TEST_CLASS_2_NAME); lib.serializeMoProperties(pci, poi, testMo, testMit); props = testMo.getProperties(); assertTrue(props.size() == 2); for (Property prop : props) { if (prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_4_NAME)) { assertTrue(prop.getData().asText().equals(TEST_DATA_4_STRING)); prop4Found = true; } if (prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_5_NAME)) { assertTrue(prop.getData().asText().equals(TEST_ENUM_VAL_2_NAME)); prop5Found = true; } } assertTrue(prop4Found); assertTrue(prop5Found); testMo = constructClass3Mo(); poi = lib.deserializeMoProperties(testMo, testMit); pci = testMit.getClass(TEST_CLASS_3_NAME); lib.serializeMoProperties(pci, poi, testMo, testMit); props = testMo.getProperties(); assertTrue(props.size() == 2); for (Property prop : props) { if (prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_6_NAME)) { assertTrue(prop.getData().asText().equals(TEST_DATA_6_STRING)); prop6Found = true; } if (prop.getName().equals(TEST_PROP_7_NAME)) { assertTrue(prop.getData().asText().equals(TEST_DATA_7_STRING)); prop7Found = true; } } assertTrue(prop6Found); assertTrue(prop7Found); }
From source
private void processJsonNode(ObjectMapper mapper, JsonNode node) { JsonNode eventTypeNode = node.get("eventType"); if (eventTypeNode == null) { System.err.println(format("{0}: Invalid message, missing eventType", discoveryName)); return;/*w w w .j av a 2s .co m*/ } switch (eventTypeNode.asText()) { case "error": try { PluggableDiscoveryMessage msg = mapper.treeToValue(node, PluggableDiscoveryMessage.class); debug("error: " + msg.getMessage()); if (msg.getMessage().contains("START_SYNC")) { startPolling(); } } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; case "list": JsonNode portsNode = node.get("ports"); if (portsNode == null) { System.err.println(format("{0}: Invalid message, missing ports list", discoveryName)); return; } if (!portsNode.isArray()) { System.err.println(format("{0}: Invalid message, ports list should be an array", discoveryName)); return; } synchronized (portList) { portList.clear(); } portsNode.forEach(portNode -> { BoardPort port = mapJsonNodeToBoardPort(mapper, node); if (port != null) { addOrUpdate(port); } }); return; // Messages for SYNC updates case "add": BoardPort addedPort = mapJsonNodeToBoardPort(mapper, node); if (addedPort != null) { addOrUpdate(addedPort); } return; case "remove": BoardPort removedPort = mapJsonNodeToBoardPort(mapper, node); if (removedPort != null) { remove(removedPort); } return; default: debug("Invalid event: " + eventTypeNode.asText()); return; } }
From source
private List<Object> nodeToList(JsonNode node) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(node.size()); for (int i = 0; i < node.size(); i++) { JsonNode item = node.get(i); if (item.isObject()) { list.add(convert(item));/* w ww .j ava 2s . c o m*/ } else if (item.isArray()) { list.add(nodeToList(item)); } else if (item.isNull()) { list.add(null); } else if (item.isBoolean()) { list.add(item.booleanValue()); } else if (item.isNumber()) { list.add(item.numberValue()); } else { list.add(item.asText()); } } return list; }